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Quantification of runoff is critical to estimate and control water pollution in urban regions, but variation in impervious area and land-use type can complicate the quantification of runoff. We quantified the streamflow contributions of subwatersheds and the historical changes in streamflow in a flood prone urbanizing watershed in US Midwest to guide the establishment of a future pollution-control plan. Streamflow data from five nested hydrological stations enabled accurate estimations of streamflow contribution from five subwatersheds with variable impervious areas (from 0.5% to 26.6%). We corrected the impact of Missouri river backwatering at the most downstream station by comparing its streamflow with an upstream station using double-mass analysis combined with Bernaola-Galvan Heuristic Segmentation approach. We also compared the streamflow of the urbanizing watershed with seven surrounding rural watersheds to estimate the cumulative impact of urbanization on the streamflow regime. The two most urbanized subwatersheds contributed >365 mm streamflow in 2012 with 657 mm precipitation, which was more than fourfold greater than the two least urbanized subwatersheds. Runoff occurred almost exclusively over the most urbanized subwatersheds during the dry period. The frequent floods occurred and the same amount of precipitation produced ~100 mm more streamflow in 2008–2014 than 1967–1980 in the urbanizing watershed; such phenomena did not occur in surrounding rural watersheds. Our approaches provide comprehensive information for planning on runoff control and pollutant reduction in urban watersheds.  相似文献   

This study concerns the development of a methodology using modern techniques of data generation (Modeling) and interpretation (GIS) to compute groundwater plausibly at regional scale, alternate to previously established norms. The approach is centered on quantitative estimation of two main parameters-input and output. GIS techniques along with soil vegetation model (CropSyst) have been demonstrated for the calculation of groundwater balance components. Using the developed methodology water resources of the Ludhiana district for the period between, 2000 and 2010 were estimated. The temporal changes in water balance components indicated that the major inputs to the hydrologic system are rainfall and canal water and the major out component are evapotranspiration (ET). Multi-annual (2000 to 2010) average of 719 mm rainfall, 88 mm canal water, 74 mm of groundwater inflow, with annual loss 974 mm as ET, caused 123 mm of net negative groundwater recharge in Ludhiana district. The annual computed rise/fall with the developed methodology closely matched the observed values.  相似文献   

Bangladesh has a large and growing population that will demand more food and place greater pressure on resources. Dry season irrigated Boro rice production is important for national food security. Dry season irrigation mainly uses groundwater, but the extent of its use is not well known. We assessed groundwater use and water productivity of Boro in the northwest region of Bangladesh using remote sensing based energy balance modelling, crop classification and secondary statistics. The energy balance modelling shows a large spatial variation in the actual evapotranspiration (ETa) from about 325 to 470 mm, with an overall spatial average of 365 mm during dry season. The estimated values of ETa correspond well with independent values from field and regional scale soil and water balance modelling results. From spatial estimates of ETa and effective rainfall, we computed regional net groundwater use for Boro production in 2009 as 2.4 km3. Groundwater is being used unsustainably in some areas, and a spatial time series (1990 to 2010) of pre- and post-monsoon groundwater depth changes in the northwest region of Bangladesh suggests that, with the current level of groundwater use, falling groundwater levels may pose a long term threat to the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in much of the region. Boro water productivity varies from 0.95 to 1.35 kg/m3, allowing the identification of high performing “bright” and low performing “hot” spots and the development of strategies to reduce crop yield/productivity gaps and ensure future food security.  相似文献   

Under the background of global warming, does the effect of the rising global surface temperature accelerate the hydrological cycle? To address this issue, we use the hydro-climatic data from five sub-basins in Poyang Lake basin in the southeast China over the past 50 years, to investigate the annual and seasonal trends of streamflow and the correlations between streamflow and climatic variables. The Theil–Sen Approach and the non-parametric Mann–Kendall test are applied to identify the trends in the annual and seasonal streamflow, precipitation and evapotranspiration series. It was found that annual and seasonal streamflow of all the stations had increasing trends except Lijiadu station in wet season. Only 37.5% hydro-stations in annual streamflow increased significantly, while most stations increased at 95% significance level in dry season. Trends in annual and seasonal precipitation during the whole period were generally not as significant as those in evapotranspiration. The correlations between streamflow and climate variables (precipitation and evapotranspiration) were detected by the Pearson’s test. The results showed that streamflow in the Poyang Lake basin are more sensitive to changes in precipitation than potential evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

Statistical Downscaling of River Runoff in a Semi Arid Catchment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Linear and non-linear statistical ‘downscaling’ study is applied to relate large-scale climate information from a general circulation model (GCM) to local-scale river flows in west Iran. This study aims to investigate and evaluate the more promising downscaling techniques, and provides a through inter comparison study using Karkheh catchment as an experimental site in a semi arid region for the years of 2040 to 2069. A hybrid conceptual hydrological model was used in conjunction with modeled outcomes from a General Circulation Model (GCM), HadCM3, along with two downscaling techniques, Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), to determine how future streamflow may change in a semi arid catchment. The results show that the choice of a downscaling algorithm having a significant impact on the streamflow estimations for a semi-arid catchment, which are mainly, influenced, respectively, by atmospheric precipitation and temperature projections. According to the SDSM and ANN projections, daily temperature will increase up to +0.58 0C (+3.90 %) and +0.48 0C (+3.48 %), and daily precipitation will decrease up to ?0.1 mm (?2.56 %) and ?0.4 mm (?2.82 %) respectively. Moreover streamflow changes corresponding to downscaled future projections presented a reduction in mean annual flow of ?3.7 m^3/s and ?9.47 m^3/s using SDSM and ANN outputs respectively. The results suggest a significant reduction of streamflow in both downscaling projections, particularly in winter. The discussion considers the performance of each statistical method for downscaling future flow at catchment scale as well as the relationship between atmospheric processes and flow variability and changes.  相似文献   

The Walla Walla Basin, in Eastern Oregon and Washington, USA, faces challenges in sustaining an agricultural water supply while maintaining sufficient flow in the Walla Walla River for endangered fish populations. Minimum summer river flow of 0.71 m3/s is required, forcing irrigators to substitute groundwater from a declining aquifer for lost surface water diversion. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) was initiated in 2004 attempting to restore groundwater levels and improve agricultural viability. The Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM) was used to compute surface and shallow groundwater conditions in the basin under water management scenarios with varying water use, MAR, and allowable minimum river flow. A mean increase of 1.5 m of groundwater elevation, or 1.5 % of total aquifer storage, was predicted over the model area when comparing maximum MAR and no MAR scenarios where minimum river flow was increased from current level. When comparing these scenarios a 53 % greater summer flow in springs was predicted with the use of MAR. Results indicate MAR can supplement irrigation supply while stabilizing groundwater levels and increasing summer streamflow. Potential increase in long-term groundwater storage is limited by the high transmissivity of the aquifer material. Increased MAR caused increased groundwater discharge through springs and stream beds, benefiting aquatic habitat rather than building long-term aquifer storage. Judicious siting of recharge basins may be a means of increasing the effectiveness of MAR in the basin.  相似文献   

Forested watersheds provide fresh water with best quality and forestry practices play important role on the water production in the watersheds. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of 18 % thinning, which was under the 20 % threshold value reported in the literature on water yield in a forested watershed. Two experimental watersheds with similar ecological conditions in the Belgrad Forest of Istanbul were studied. Following a 6-year calibration period from December 2005 to October 2011, a simple linear regression equation was developed between the monthly streamflows of two watersheds with a significantly high correlation coefficient (r = 0.95). After 18 % of standing volume was removed from one watershed and the other was left untreated as a control, the streamflow was monitored for 2 years starting in January 2012 in both watersheds. The change in the monthly runoff was estimated as the difference between measured and values calculated with the linear regression equation. Average monthly streamflows were about 19, 15 and 10 mm in the control and 21, 20, and 11 mm in the treatment watersheds for calibration, first and second post-treatment periods, respectively. Paired watershed analysis showed that monthly streamflow did not significantly increase in either watershed for the first or the second year after the harvest. The results revealed that thinning intensity had to be greater to increase water yield significantly in this forest ecosystem and the threshold value for a streamflow increase was greater than 18 % for this region.  相似文献   

The impact of urbanisation on catchment hydrological response was investigated by using a process-based coupled surface water–groundwater model (MODHMS). The modelling estimated likely changes in river discharge as a result of land-use change in the Southern River catchment in Western Australia, underlined by a highly transmissive aquifer, has permeable soils and a shallow watertable. A significant increase in total annual discharge was predicted as a result of urbanisation area with the runoff coefficient rising from 0.01 to more than 0.40. In contrast with urban areas elsewhere, these changes were mainly due to a shift in the subsurface water balance, leading to significant reduction in evaporative losses from the soil profile and shallow watertable after urbanisation (from nearly 80 % of infiltration to less than 20 %). The infiltration of roof and road runoff and establishment of subsurface drainage adopted in local construction practice leads to higher groundwater recharge rates and subsequently groundwater discharge to the urban drainage network. Urban density and groundwater abstraction for urban irrigation most strongly influence the urbanisation impact on catchment fluxes. The results shows that urban development leads to a production of ‘harvestable’ water; and depending on local needs, this water could be used for public and private water supply or to improve environmental flows.  相似文献   

Land use/land cover and climate change can significantly alter water cycle at local and regional scales. Xixian Watershed, an important agricultural area in the upper reach of the Huaihe River, has undergone a dramatic change of cultivation style, and consequently substantial land use change, during the past three decades. A marked increase in temperature was also observed. A significant monotonic increasing trend of annual temperature was observed, while annual rainfall did not change significantly. To better support decision making and policy analysis relevant to land management under climate change, it is important to separate and quantify the effect of each factor on water availability. We used the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a physically based distributed hydrologic model, to assess the impact of Land use and climate changes separately. The SWAT model was calibrated and validated for monthly streamflow. Nash-Sutcliff efficiency (NSE), percentage bias (PBIAS), and coefficient of determination (R 2) were 0.90, 6.3 %, and 0.91 for calibration period and 0.91, 6.9 %, and 0.911 for validation period, respectively. To assess the separate effect of land use and climate change, we simulated streamflow under four scenarios with different combinations of two-period climate data and land use maps. The joint effect of land use and climate change increased surface flow, evapotranspiration, and streamflow. Climate variability increased the surface water and stream-flow and decreased actual evapotranspiration; and land use change played a counteractive role. Climate variability played a dominant role in this watershed. The differentiated impacts of land-use/climate variabilities on hydrological processes revealed that the unapparent change in stream-flow is implicitly because the effects of climate variability on hydrological processes were offset by the effects of land use change.  相似文献   

The challenges posed by nonstationarity in predicting catchment water balance components motivated this study to test the stationary versus nonstationarity hypothesis and detect changes in the watershed response to land use land cover (LULC) alterations, and climate variability and change. The focus is on a two‐step procedure that includes model calibration of Soil and Water Assessment Tool using a sequential Bayesian uncertainty algorithm (i.e. sequential uncertainty fitting), followed by nonstationary assessment of water balance component using extreme value analysis over an Atlantic coastal plain watershed in the southeastern USA. Analysis suggests that the uncertainty of Soil and Water Assessment Tool model is statistically aligned with LULC alterations that increased the sensitivity of Manning's roughness coefficient, transmission loss and the resistance of the soil matrix to water flow. Changes in LULC along with variability in the magnitude, timing and frequency of precipitation diminished surface runoff and groundwater contribution to the river system whereas it increased evapotranspiration with a substantial decline in water storage capacity. Nonstationary assessment of water balance using extreme value analysis model further revealed a functional form of stationary behaviour (no trends) prior to LULC alteration while large amplification was detected during post‐changes. The results and findings presented in this paper confirm our hypothesis about a combined effect of climate and LULC changes on hydrological functions and that variation of these fingerprints elucidates the presence of nonstationarity in the watershed system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying recharge from agricultural areas is important to sustain long-term groundwater use, make intelligent groundwater allocation decisions, and develop on-farm water management strategies. The scarcity of data in many arid regions, especially in the Middle East, has necessitated the use of combined mathematical models and field observations to estimate groundwater recharge. This study was designed to assess the recharge contribution to groundwater from rainfall and irrigation return flow in the Mosian plain, west of Iran. The Inverse modeling approach and remote sensing technology (RS) were used to quantify the groundwater recharge. The recharge for steady–state conditions was estimated using the Recharge Package of MODFLOW. The land-use map for the research area was produced using remote sensing and satellite images technology. According to results, groundwater recharge from the rainfall and irrigation return flow was at the rate of 0.15 mm/day. The recharge to the groundwater from rainfall was about 0.08 mm/day (10.8 % of total rainfall). The average of groundwater recharge contribution in the study area was about 0.39 mm/day that include 15.2 % of the total water used in the irrigated fields. We can conclude that irrigation water is the most important resource of groundwater recharge in this area, consequently, it should be integrated into relevant hydrological models as the main source of groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

Forecasting of intermittent stream flow is necessary for water resource planning and management at catchment scale. Forecasting of extreme events and events outside the range of training data used for artificial neural network (ANN) model development has been a major bottleneck in their generalization capabilities till date. Despite of several studies using wavelet analysis in water resource modelling, no study has yet been conducted to explore capabilities of hybrid ANN modelling techniques for extreme events outside the training range. In this study a wavelet based ANN model (WANN) is proposed for intermittent streamflow forecasting and extreme event modelling. This study is carried out in a watershed in semi arid middle region of Gujarat, India. 6 years of hydro-climatic data are used in this study. 4 years of data are used for model training, 1 year for cross-validation and remaining 1 year data are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the WANN model. Two different approaches of data arrangement are considered in this study, in one approach testing data are within the range of training dataset, whereas in another approach testing data are outside the training dataset range. Performance of four different training algorithms and different types of wavelet functions are also evaluated for WANN model development. In this study it is found that WANN model performed significantly better than standard ANN models. It is observed in this study that different wavelet functions have different role in modelling complexities of normal and extreme events. WANN model simulated peak values very well and it shows that WANN model has the potential to be applied successfully for intermittent streamflow forecasting even for the data outside the training range and for extreme events.  相似文献   

南水北调工程向华北输水与地下水压采的实施,一定程度改变了海河平原供用水格局,影响了海河平原的地下水储量。准确监测地下水储量变化是水安全保障和地下水战略储备的基础。本研究以水资源公报数据为基准,比较了重力卫星(GRACE)不同的信号处理方法和相关产品,反演了2003—2020年海河流域总水储量及其平原区地下水储量变化,分析了海河流域2000—2019年供用水结构变化和水量平衡关系,量化了总水储量变化对流域蒸散发估算的影响。结果表明:GRACE JPL Mascons数据反演的海河平原地下水储量变化与水资源公报数据的决定系数最高;2003—2020年海河平原地下水储量总体分3阶段呈下降趋势,2003—2011年、2012—2015年和2016—2020年的下降速率分别约为-23.9±1.3亿m3/a、-75.5±5.3亿m3/a、-37.3±2.6亿m3/a;在不考虑海河流域年总水储量变化条件下估算的2003—2019年多年平均蒸散量(521 mm/a),与考虑年总水储量变化的多年平均蒸散量(530 mm/a)相差约10 m...  相似文献   

变化环境下的水文循环研究是当今水科学研究的热点之一,研究流域水文过程变化的响应机制,对未来流域水资源规划及管理具有重要的现实意义。以若尔盖流域为研究区域,基于Budyko假设理论,应用敏感性分析方法,对若尔盖流域径流变化进行归因分析,结果表明:若尔盖流域径流对降水、潜在蒸散发和流域特征参数的敏感性系数分别为0.645 1、-0.234 7和-182.205 0,即若尔盖流域降水每增加1mm将导致流域径流增加0.645 1mm,潜在蒸散发每增加1mm将导致流域径流减少0.234 7mm,流域特征参数每增加1将导致流域径流减少182.205 0mm;若尔盖流域逐年径流呈明显的下降趋势,与基准期(1960-1990年)相比,变化期(1991-2011年)径流量减少了56.23mm(20.48%),其主要影响因素为流域下垫面特征的变化,其贡献率可达93.46%,而气候变化的影响仅占5.57%。  相似文献   

In this study, the calibration and validation period with stable underlying surface conditions was determined by using a statistically significant change point of the annual streamflow in several catchments of the Wei River basin (WRB). The effects of climate changes and human activities on streamflow were estimated by using the sensitivity-based method and the dynamic water balance model, respectively. The contributions of climate effects and human activities effects on streamflow were also investigated. The results showed that almost all the catchments exhibited significant decreasing trend of streamflow in the early 1990s. The streamflow was more sensitive to changes in precipitation than changes in potential evapotranspiration (PET). Effects of climate due to changes in precipitation and PET are weak in Linjiacun, Weijiabao and Xianyang catchments, while it is strong in the catchments controlled by other hydrological stations, accounting for more than 40 % of streamflow reduction. Effects of human activities on streamflow in Linjiacun, Weijiabao, Xianyang and Zhangjiashan catchments accounted for more than 50 % of the streamflow reduction. The study provides scientific foundation to understand the causes of water resources scarcity and useful information for the planning and management of water resources in the ecological fragile arid area.  相似文献   

新型蒸渗仪及其在农田水文过程研究中的应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
一台用于测定农田蒸腾蒸发和地下水—土壤水转化的新型称重式蒸渗仪在中国科学院禹城试验站建造完成,并连续数年成功运行。新型蒸渗仪主要有以下特点:(1)蒸渗仪精度0.016mm,可同时准确测量蒸腾蒸发量和地下水对土壤水的补给量与入渗量;(2)蒸渗仪面积3.14m2,深度5m,充分允许农作物根系发育与吸水、土壤水和地下水水分转化、地下水位变化等过程的进行,可以较好的代表大田的情形;(3)蒸渗仪的供排水系统能够在蒸渗仪内模拟实际地下水位变化;(4)土柱重30~34Mg,包含非饱和与饱和土壤,土壤质地以粉沙和轻壤为主。自1998年10月至1999年6月冬小麦生长期蒸渗仪运行结果表明:在冬小麦生长期,当地下水在1.6~2.4m变动时地下水对土壤水的补给量约占总蒸腾蒸发量的16.6%.过多的灌溉量不仅削弱了地下水对土壤水的补给,而且多余的灌溉水下渗补给地下水。中子仪和负压计数据表明潜水对土壤的水分分布和土水势分布有很大影响。  相似文献   

From 1950s to 1980s, various observational studies around the globe found a significant decrease in surface solar radiation (SSR), which reversed in late 1980s for most of the countries including India. SSR observations at 12 stations located across India revealed that a much stronger dimming has reappeared during the last decade (2006–2015) after a brightening during 1996–2005. In the present study, effects of renewed solar dimming on actual evapotranspiration and runoff were analyzed using a semi-distributed hydrological model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in 24 river basins (ranging from 1260 to 40000 km2) located in peninsular India. For these river basins, calibration (2003–2009) and validation (2010–2014) were performed using the observed daily discharge data, obtained from water resources information system (WRIS) of India, with a 3 year warm up period (2000–2002). The sequential uncertainty domain parameter fitting algorithm (SUFI-2) of SWAT-CUP (calibration and uncertainty program) was used with modified Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (MNS) as the objective function to calibrate 13 model parameters, which can potentially affect streamflow. In nearly all the river basins, the p- and r-factor of 95 percentage prediction uncertainty (PPU) were more than 0.7 and less than 1, respectively. At daily timescale, MNS values were more than 0.5 in most of the river basins, reaching up to 0.66 and 0.71 during calibration and validation periods, respectively. Calibrated model was used to analyze the water balance of these river basins and different sets of experiments (with observed SSR trends) were performed to find SSR impacts on it. The model was simulated with and without the observed declines in SSR trends. The average change in SSR (in terms of evaporation equivalent) was −267.93 ± 100.92 mm/day/year (−5.62 ± 2.12%) with maximum reaching up to −417.12 mm/day/year (−8.99%). Due to this SSR change, actual evaporation was reduced resulting in 18.97 ± 9.78 mm/day/year (4.13 ± 2.50%) change in percolation. The percolation changes were higher for river basins having areas covered by forests and cropland/woodland, and having loam and sandy-clay soils. The increase in runoff generated was 6.90 ± 3.42 mm/day/year (2.14 ± 1.58%) with a maximum of 15.25 mm/day/year (7.56%) whereas corresponding increase in streamflow was found to be 9.93 ± 5.27 mm/day/year(4.21 ± 2.38%) with a maximum of 26.71 mm/day/year (11.86 %). The study reveals that the recent observed SSR changes are significant enough to have resulted in increased streamflow in the monsoon dominated tropical river basins of India.  相似文献   

The Piracicaba river basin is a subtropical watershed located in the southeastern region of Brazil. With an area of 12 400 km2, the basin is a typical example of new landscape resulting from development in tropical and sub-tropical regions: establishment of intensive industrial and agricultural processes were followed by significant population growth and water management. This scenario has led to significant increase in water demand and decrease in water quality. The main objective of this study is the detection of changes in the patterns of flow and precipitation in the basin, and its possible relation to man-induced changes. Statistical analyses were performed on records of precipitation, evapotranspiration and streamflow, from 1947 to 1991. Precipitation and evapotranspiration totals showed significant increasing trends for the entire basin. From eight streamflow gauge stations, half showed significant decreasing trend. The most probable cause of such trends is the export of water from the basin to the metropolitan region of São Paulo city.  相似文献   

Encouraging shallow groundwater use through water table management or controlled drainage in irrigated areas can relief crop water stress under water shortage condition. But substituting fresh irrigation water with saline groundwater may speed up salinity buildup in the crop root zone, and consequently increase water use for salt leaching. With a proposed analytical model, this paper presents a case study demonstrating the effect of encouraging shallow groundwater use through controlled drainage on salt and water management in a semi-arid irrigation area in northwestern China. Based on the average rainfall condition, the model assumes that salt accumulates in the crop root zone due to irrigation and shallow groundwater use; till the average soil salinity reaches the crop tolerance level, leaching irrigation is performed and the drainage outlet is lowered to discharge the salt-laden leaching water. For the relatively salt tolerant crop–cotton in the study area, the predicted leaching cycle was as long as 751 days using the fresh water (with salinity of 0.5 g/L) irrigation only; it was shortened to 268 days when the water table depth was controlled at 2 m and 23% of the crop water requirement was contributed from the saline groundwater (with salinity of 4.43 g/L). The predicted leaching cycle was 140 days when the water table depth was controlled at 1.5 m and groundwater contribution was 41% of the crop water requirement; it was shortened to 119 days when the water table depth was controlled at 1.2 m and the groundwater contribution was 67% of the crop water requirements. So the benefit from encouraged shallow groundwater use through controlled drainage is obtained at the expense of shortened leaching cycle; but the shallow groundwater use by crops consists of a significant portion of crop water requirements, and the leaching cycle remains long enough to provide a time window for scheduled leaching in the off season of irrigation. Weighing the pros and cons of the encouraged shallow groundwater use may help plan irrigation and drainage practices to achieve higher water use efficiency in saline agricultural areas.  相似文献   

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