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钟春  潘阳 《江西能源》2009,(2):38-40
通过建立热管的简化热阻模型,采用数值计算的方法模拟了热管的动态蓄冰。模拟结果与实验结果吻合。同时,对热管冷凝段和蒸发段的长度比为1:2和1:4两种形式进行了数值模拟比较。结果表明,1:4的布置形式更优。  相似文献   

刘秋新  丁照球  高春雪 《节能》2006,25(3):9-11
分时蓄冷方式主要是充分利用低谷电来制冰蓄冷,而在高峰时,以融冰供冷不开制冷机来满足空调负荷要求,真正起到在电网中削峰填谷的作用。分时蓄冷方法在融冰循环运行时,流量变化幅度大,情况特殊,因此需要系统有应对策略。  相似文献   

本文分析了汽车空调采用冰蓄冷技术的优点:降低油耗并且可以满足制冷负荷增大时的舒适性,并对其与汽车运行工况的匹配控制作了探讨。  相似文献   

本文分析了汽车空调采用冰蓄冷技术的优点:降低油耗并且可以满足制冷负荷增大时的舒适性,并对其与汽车运行工况的匹配控制作了探讨。  相似文献   

研究了用于通信基站的被动散热系统,该系统包含热管和蓄冷环节.通过构建数学模型并求解,获得了主要传热参数对散热性能的影响.模拟结果表明:可实现基站内气温波动的幅度(2℃)远小于环境温度波动的幅度(当20℃时),具有较大的抗环境温度干扰能力;蓄冷水量的增加能够提高系统的热惯性,但不能改变最终系统平衡温度;水箱面积的增大可降低系统各环节的平衡温度,同时会减弱系统的抗环境干扰能力;在特定工况下作为热管工作冷源的蓄冷水温可维持低干环境空气波蜂温度运行,但其削峰效果并不明显.  相似文献   

无吸液芯碳钢-水径向热管的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先对径向热管的启动性能进行研究,并测定热管的启动温度,其次在不同工况下,进行了径向热管传热性能实验,采集了热管壁各测温点的温度数据,最后对实验中的数据做了处理.  相似文献   

阐述重力热管蒸汽发生器的工作原理、工艺流程,热管蒸汽发生系统在南钢130m2烧结环冷机上的应用及产生的经济效益.  相似文献   

曾德范  周东一 《节能》2009,28(5):19-21
对蓄冷节能技术在冷库中的应用进行了方案的可行性探讨,并通过实例进行了经济性分析。结果表明:蓄冷节能技术在冷库中的应用是可行的,但必然增加初投资,蓄冷系统投资额的增加能在3年左右通过运行电费的节省加以回收。  相似文献   

热管技术的研究进展及其工程应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了热管的工作原理,详细综述了国内外热管技术理论研究和应用研究的进展与现状,指出热管技术研究的重心已经从理论研究转移到应用研究,热管的应用已经由航天转向地面、由工业转向民用.在工程中,以热管式真空管太阳能集热器、热管空气预热器、热管式电子冷却器等热管式装置的应用最为普遍.  相似文献   

生物质成型燃料研究现状及进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文讨论了发展生物质成型燃料的意义,详细介绍了国内外生物质成型燃料的发展历程及现状,介绍了一些目前采用的新技术和存在的问题.最后对生物质成型燃料的未来进行了展望,指出生物质成型燃料在节能及环保方面将大有作为.  相似文献   

文中论述了热管在冰蓄冷中应用的原理与特点,扩展了热管的应用范围,分析了热管式蓄冰系统的动态特性,建立了相应的物理模型,该模型可为热管式蓄冰系统的设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Heat transfer in metal hydride bed significantly affects the performance of metal hydride reactors (MHRs). Enhancing heat transfer within the reaction bed improves the hydriding rate. This study presents performance analysis in terms of storage capacity and time of three different cylindrical MHR configurations using storage media LaNi5: a) reactor cooled with natural convection, b) reactor with a heat pipe on the central axis, c) reactor with finned heat pipe. This study shows the impact of using heat pipes and fins for enhancing heat transfer in MHRs at varying hydrogen supply pressures (2–15 bar). At any absorption temperature, hydrogen absorption rate and hydrogen storage capacity increase with the supply pressure. Results show that using a heat pipe improves hydrogen absorption rate. It was found that finned heat pipe has a significant effect on the hydrogen charge time, which reduced by approximately 75% at 10 bar hydrogen supply pressure.  相似文献   

The performance of a normal micro gravitational heat pipe was investigated using the analytical and numerical models previously developed. An innovative structure of the heat pipe, i.e. the micro gravitational heat pipe with artery, was then proposed in an attempt to overcome some of the drawbacks of the normal pipe. The thermal behaviour of the new type of heat pipe was simulated, and this was compared with that of a normal micro heat pipe. A performance estimation of both pipes was carried out based on the simulation results. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a continuous ice making method which could be used to provide an ice storage system using off-peak electricity during nighttime. The critical condition for an ice blockage to occur in the cooling tube has been examined in terms of the concentration of water-propylene glycol solution and thermo-hydraulic operating parameters. The results obtained show that nondimensional correlation equations for the critical condition have been derived as a function of thermo-hydraulic parameters in the laminar and the turbulent flow regions. The equations can be used to predict whether an ice making system is operating in a continuous ice making condition or is in the ice blocking phase. © 1998 Scripta Technica. Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(1): 74–83, 1998  相似文献   

This paper presents a conduction based model for solving the phase change heat transfer problem around a vertical cylinder submersed in the phase change medium. The energy equation is coupled to the flow problem by an energy balance. The system of equations is solved numerically by using the average control volume technique and the ADI approach. The results show the effects of the variation of the Biot number, Stefan number, the inlet fluid temperature and the ratio of the outer to the inner tube radius on the solidified mass fraction, NTU, effectiveness and the time for complete solidification. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This report deals with heat transfer in the melting process of crushed ice filling an ice/water heat storage container. The volumetric heat transfer rate and melting end-times are measured for the cases when rectangular-type, small-stone-type, and particle-type ice in the container are melted using circulating warm water. The melting end-time is shortest for small-stone-type ice and longest for particle-type ice. The volumetric heat transfer rate is greater for small-stone-type ice and rectangular-type ice than for particle-type ice. The flow rate of the circulating warm water fed into the tank from an inlet pipe has a major effect on the heat transfer rate. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 28(7): 583–596, 1999  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新型半开式自调节重力热管,解决了开式重力热管存在的密封液倒灌和液位失温问题。可广泛应用于电站锅炉排烟及高温工业废气的余热回收,具有较高的可靠性和显著的节能效果。  相似文献   

The concept of a solar energy heat pipe latent heat storage system is presented. In order to assure large charging and discharging rates, finned heat pipes are used to transfer heat to and from the phase-change material (paraffin in this case). The evolution of the solid - liquid interface is studied by considering the radial heat transfer (due to the heat pipe wall) and the angular one (due to the fin). Two mathematical models, corresponding to exponential, respectively polynomial functions describing the fin temperature profile are presented and the results are compared. The two models allow the evaluation of the discharge time of the storage unit for a certain number of fins for a single heat pipe. When the discharge time has a fixed value, the methods presented in the paper allow to conclude whether the number of fins is sufficiently large to assure the complete solidification of the phase-change material.  相似文献   

A simplified model predicting the heat transfer performance of a heat sink base with a high thermal conductivity was developed. Numerical analysis was performed using the commercial software FLUENT. The investigation indicates that for heat sink bases with a high effective thermal conductivity, such as the base embedded with a typical heat pipe, the entire heat sink can be modeled as a flat plate with a uniform temperature and an effective convection heat transfer coefficient. This simplified model can be used to determine the heat transfer performance of a heat sink embedded with a typical heat pipe or vapor chamber.  相似文献   

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