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Blood noise reduction in intravascular ultrasound imaging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Scattering from red blood cells (blood noise) increases significantly as the ultrasound frequency is increased above 10 MHz. This reduces the contrast between the vessel wall and the lumen in intravascular ultrasound imaging which makes it difficult to localize the vessel wall and plaque. A blood noise filter based on beam tilting and digital lateral low pass filtering is described. Beam tilting introduces a Doppler shift from blood which results in a frequency separation of the vessel wall signal and the blood noise. The performance of the filter is investigated by simulations and by in vitro experiments. The filter is found to be effective for blood velocities exceeding approximately 50 cm s-1 at a 20 MHz ultrasound frequency with a beam tilt angle of 10 degrees and a frame rate of 15 f.p.s. By increasing the system frequency to 40 MHz, increase the beam tilt angle to 15 degrees and reduce the frame rate to 10 f.p.s., the filter is effective for blood velocities below 10 cm s-1  相似文献   

Motion compensation for intravascular ultrasound palpography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rupture of vulnerable plaques in coronary arteries is the major cause of acute coronary syndromes. Most vulnerable plaques consist of a thin fibrous cap covering an atheromous core. These plaques can be identified using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) palpography, which measures radial strain by cross-correlating RF signals at different intraluminal pressures. Multiple strain images (i.e., partial palpograms) are averaged per heart cycle to produce a more robust compounded palpogram. However, catheter motion due to cardiac activity causes misalignment of the RF signals and thus of the partial palpograms, resulting in less valid strain estimates. To compensate for in-plane catheter rotation and translation, we devised four methods based on block matching. The global rotation block matching (GRBM) and contour mapping (CMAP) methods measure catheter rotation, and local block matching (LBM) and catheter rotation and translation (CRT) estimate displacements of local tissue regions. These methods were applied to nine in vivo pullback acquisitions, made with a 20 MHz phased-array transducer. We found that all these methods significantly increase the number of valid strain estimates in the partial and compounded palpograms (P < 0.008). The best method, LBM, attained an average increase of 17% and 15%, respectively. Implementation of this method should improve the information coming from IVUS palpography, leading to better vulnerable plaque detection.  相似文献   

A recent study has shown the feasibility of tissue harmonic imaging (THI) using an intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) transducer. This correspondence describes the design, fabrication, and characterization of a THI-optimized piezoelectric transducer with oval aperture of 0.75 mm by 1 mm. The transducer operated at 20 MHz and 40 MHz, and was comprised of a single piezoelectric layer with additional passive layers. The Krimholtz-Leedom-Matthaei (KLM) model was used to iteratively find optimal material properties of the different layers. The transducer characterization showed -6 dB fractional bandwidths of 30% and 25%, and two-way insertion losses of -20 dB and -36 dB, respectively.  相似文献   

Previously, we presented a method of real-time arterial color flow imaging using an intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging system, where real-time RF A-scans were processed with an FIR (finite-impulse response) filter bank to estimate relative blood speed. Although qualitative flow measurements are clinically valuable, realizing the full potential of blood flow imaging requires quantitative flow speed and volume measurements in real time. Unfortunately, the rate of RF echo-to-echo decorrelation is not directly related to scatterer speed in a side-looking IVUS system because the elevational extent of the imaging slice varies with range. Consequently, flow imaging methods using any type of decorrelation processing to estimate blood speed without accounting for spatial variation of the radiation pattern will have estimation errors that prohibit accurate comparison of speed estimates from different depths. The FIR filter bank approach measures the rate of change of the ultrasound signal by estimating the slow-time spectrum of RF echoes. A filter bank of M bandpass filters is applied in parallel to estimate M components of the slow-time DFT (discrete Fourier transform). The relationship between the slow-time spectrum, aperture diffraction pattern, and scatterer speed is derived for a simplified target. Because the ultimate goal of this work is to make quantitative speed measurements, we present a method to map slow time spectral characteristics to a quantitative estimate. Results of the speed estimator are shown for a simulated circumferential catheter array insonifying blood moving uniformly past the array (i.e., plug flow) and blood moving with a parabolic profile (i.e., laminar flow)  相似文献   

We report simulation results on phase retrieval from single-shot Fresnel zone irradiance data. It is shown that a simplistic Gerchberg–Saxton (GS) type iterative approach fails to produce accurate phase recovery for this case. An image sparsity enhancement step added to the GS iteration is however seen to show excellent phase recovery. Discussion of sampling considerations is presented as this is an important point for achieving numerically accurate phase reconstructions. The implications of the simulation results for building a compact lens-less phase microscopy system are also described.  相似文献   

In this paper, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) images acquired with a 64-element array transducer using a multistatic acquisition scheme are presented. The images are reconstructed from a collection of pulse-echo measurements using a synthetic aperture array imaging technique. The main limitations of IVUS imaging are a poor lateral resolution and elevated grating lobes caused by the imaging geometry. We propose a Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT), which uses a limited number of A-scan signals. The focusing process, which is performed in the Fourier domain, requires far less computation time than conventional delay-and-sum methods. Two different reconstruction kernel functions have been derived and are compared for the processing of experimental data  相似文献   

We have developed a dual-modality biomedical imaging probe utilizing intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). It consists of an OCT probe, a miniature ultrasonic transducer and a fixed mirror. The mirror was mounted at the head of the hybrid probe 45° relative to the light and the ultrasound beams to change their propagation directions. The probe was designed to be able to cover a larger area in blood vessel by IVUS and then visualize a specific point at a much finer image resolution using OCT. To demonstrate both its feasibility and potential clinical applications, we used this ultrasound-guide OCT probe to image a rabbit aorta in vitro. The results offer convincing evidence that the complementary natures of these two modalities may yield beneficial results that could not have otherwise been obtained.  相似文献   

Deterministic phase retrieval is reinterpreted in terms of phase-space optics. A novel derivation of the transport-of-intensity equation is presented based on the Wigner distribution function and the ambiguity function. The phase retrieval problem is formulated as estimating the local first-order moment of the Wigner function from intensity information. A comparison with phase-space tomography suggests a generalization of deterministic phase retrieval that provides larger flexibility for signal recovery. In addition, one particular numerical implementation of generalized deterministic phase retrieval is presented. Simulated intensity data are used to validate the method.  相似文献   

This report presents a generalized projection method for recovering the phase of a finite support, two-dimensional signal from knowledge of its magnitude in the spatial position and Fresnel transform domains. We establish the uniqueness of sampled monochromatic scalar field phase given Fresnel transform magnitude and finite region of support constraints for complex signals. We derive an optimally relaxed version of the algorithm resulting in a significant reduction in the number of iterations needed to obtain useful results. An advantage of using the Fresnel transform (as opposed to Fourier) for measurement is that the shift-invariance of the transform operator implies retention of object location information in the transformed image magnitude. As a practical application in the context of ultrasound beam measurement we discuss the determination of small optical phase shifts from near field optical intensity distributions. Experimental data are used to reconstruct the phase shape of an optical field immediately after propagating through a wide bandwidth ultrasonic pulse. The phase of each point on the optical wavefront is proportional to the ray sum of pressure through the ultrasound pulse (assuming low ultrasonic intensity). An entire pressure field was reconstructed in three dimensions and compared with a calibrated hydrophone measurement. The comparison is excellent, demonstrating that the phase retrieval is quantitative.  相似文献   

The phase-retrieval problem, fundamental in applied physics and engineering, addresses the question of how to determine the phase of a complex-valued function from modulus data and additional a priori information. Recently we identified two important methods for phase retrieval, namely, Fienup's basic input-output and hybrid input-output (HIO) algorithms, with classical convex projection methods and suggested that further connections between convex optimization and phase retrieval should be explored. Following up on this work, we introduce a new projection-based method, termed the hybrid projection-reflection (HPR) algorithm, for solving phase-retrieval problems featuring nonnegativity constraints in the object domain. Motivated by properties of the HPR algorithm for convex constraints, we recommend an error measure studied by Fienup more than 20 years ago. This error measure, which has received little attention in the literature, lends itself to an easily implementable stopping criterion. In numerical experiments we found the HPR algorithm to be a competitive alternative to the HIO algorithm and the stopping criterion to be reliable and robust.  相似文献   

Diversity selection for phase-diverse phase retrieval   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wavefront-sensing performance is assessed for focus-diverse phase retrieval as the aberration spatial frequency and the diversity defocus are varied. The analysis includes analytical predictions for optimal diversity values corresponding to the recovery of a dominant spatial-frequency component in the pupil. The calculation is shown to be consistent with the Cramér-Rao lower bound by considering a sensitivity analysis of the point-spread function to the spatial frequency being estimated. A maximum value of diversity defocus is also calculated, beyond which wavefront-sensing performance decreases as diversity defocus is increased. The results are shown to be consistent with the Talbot imaging phenomena, explaining multiple periodic regions of maximum and minimum contrast as a function of aberration spatial frequency and defocus. Wavefront-sensing performance for an iterative-transform phase-retrieval algorithm is also considered as diversity defocus and aberration spatial frequency are varied.  相似文献   

[Pb(Mg(1/3)Nb(2/3))O(3)](0.63)[PbTiO(3)](0.37) (PMN-PT) free-standing film of comparable piezoelectric properties to bulk material with thickness of 30 μm has been fabricated using a modified precursor coating approach. At 1 kHz, the dielectric permittivity and loss were 4364 and 0.033, respectively. The remnant polarization and coercive field were 28 μC/cm(2) and 18.43 kV/cm. The electromechanical coupling coefficient k(t) was measured to be 0.55, which was close to that of bulk PMN-PT single-crystal material. Based on this film, high-frequency (82 MHz) miniature ultrasonic transducers were fabricated with 65% bandwidth and 23 dB insertion loss. Axial and lateral resolutions were determined to be as high as 35 and 176 μm. In vitro intravascular imaging on healthy rabbit aorta was performed using the thin film transducers. In comparison with a 35-MHz IVUS transducer, the 80-MHz transducer showed superior resolution and contrast with satisfactory penetration depth. The imaging results suggest that PMN-PT free-standing thin film technology is a feasible and efficient way to fabricate very-high-frequency ultrasonic transducers.  相似文献   

P Bao  G Situ  G Pedrini  W Osten 《Applied optics》2012,51(22):5486-5494
A phase retrieval method for microscopy using multiple illumination wavelengths is proposed. A fast algorithm suitable for calculations with high numerical aperture is used for the iterative retrieval of the object wavefront. The advantages and limitations of the technique are systematically analyzed and demonstrated by both simulation and experimental results.  相似文献   

The present study characterizes the mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) cryogel in order to show its utility for intravascular elastography. PVA cryogel becomes harder with an increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles, and Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are measured for seven samples. Mechanical tests were performed on cylindrical samples with a pressure column and on a hollow cylinder with the calculation of an intravascular elastogram. An image of the Young's modulus was obtained from the elastogram using cylinder geometry properties. Results show the mechanical similitude of PVA cryogel with the biological tissues present in arteries. A good agreement between Young's modulus obtained from pressure column and from elastogram was also observed.  相似文献   

Ng TW  Chua AS 《Applied optics》2012,51(3):378-384
Important nuances of a process or processes in action can be obtained from the phase retrieval of diffraction patterns for analysis of transient events. A significant limitation associated with the iterative approach is that predictive input functions are needed and can result in situations of nonconvergence. In dealing with a transient event recorded as a series of Fourier magnitude patterns, such a hit-and-miss characteristic, on the surface, appears computationally daunting. We report and demonstrate a strategy here that effectively minimizes this by using a prior retrieved frame as the predictive function for the current retrieval process.  相似文献   

We propose a wrapped statistics-based approach for phase estimation from noisy reconstructed interference fringes in digital holographic interferometry. The state space model required here is formed by Taylor series expansion of the phase function as state model and the wrapped dynamical system as measurement model. Prediction of the state using Kalman filter is straightforward since the state model is linear. However, the non-linearity issue induced due to the wrapping of the measurements is handled by changing the innovation correction step, which accounts for the probability of wrappings. Through the simulation and experimental study, we have shown that the proposed approach is robust to both, noise in fringe pattern as well as the dynamic range of the phase pattern, simultaneously. Moreover, it outperforms when compared with the other state-of-the-art phase retrieval approaches.  相似文献   

We present an on-shot focal-spot characterization technique based on a phase-retrieval scheme that retrieves near-field phase from multiplane focal-spot measurements in an experimental target chamber. The technique is easy to implement inside a target chamber and is demonstrated in a multiterawatt laser system. It is also found that phase retrieval can quantitatively detect residual angular dispersion coming from the pulse compressor misalignment.  相似文献   

An integrated compliant balloon ultrasound catheter was developed to allow greater deformations in strain imaging with intravascular ultrasound. A 64-element circumferential array was placed inside a compliant silicone balloon catheter to capture real-time, phase-sensitive radio frequency (RF) data during deformation experiments. Strains over 40% could be applied to normal arterial wall tissue with intracatheter pressures as low as 200 kPa (2 atm). Strain images of a hard-soft rubber phantom, thrombus, and fibrotic plaque were produced using the integrated balloon ultrasound catheter. Results show that this catheter can apply large deformations at low pressures and image various vascular pathologies ex vivo. Potentially, it can serve as a multifunctional, intravascular therapeutic device to guide angioplasty and stent deployment.  相似文献   

李霞  陈益良  苏敏 《声学技术》2024,43(1):142-146
血管内超声(Intravascular Ultrasound,IVUS)成像技术可以精确评估血管腔口径、血管壁形态和其他相关血流和血管特性,在冠状动脉疾病的诊断、治疗指导和治疗后的评估中发挥着重要作用。文章设计并制备了一种用于血管内超声成像的高频超声换能器,并对换能器的电学和声学性能进行测试和表征。结果表明,所制备IVUS换能器的中心频率为38.9 MHz,-6 dB相对带宽为56.6%,在谐振频率42.3 MHz处的电阻抗为22.6Ω,在反谐振频率48.2MHz处的电阻抗为56.5Ω,有效机电耦合系数为0.48。使用该换能器进行线仿体成像实验的结果显示,换能器的纵向分辨率为54μm,横向分辨率为209μm。最后,将文中制备的超声换能器与国外同类型换能器进行比较,结果表明,该换能器的性能良好,能够满足血管内超声临床检测需求,未来有望能够突破技术瓶颈,实现国产替代。  相似文献   

I propose the use of a simple real space constraint for iterative phase retrieval intended for diffractive imaging. The proposed constraint is a single parameter equal to the number of nonzero pixels in the image. This greatly simplifies the procedure to determine the constraint. A series of algorithms using this constraint can be easily deduced from existing algorithms, such as hybrid-input-output and difference map algorithms. The high efficiency of these algorithms is largely preserved, as confirmed by numerical studies. A concept widely used in control system theory, proportional-integral-derivative control, is shown to increase the execution speed of the proposed constraint significantly.  相似文献   

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