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We study the properties of possible static, spherically symmetric configurations in k-essence theories with the Lagrangian functions of the form F(X), X?,α ?,α. A no-go theorem has been proved, claiming that a possible black-hole-like Killing horizon of finite radius cannot exist if the function F(X) is required to have a finite derivative dF/dX. Two exact solutions are obtained for special cases of kessence: one for F(X) = F 0 X 1/3, another for F(X) = F 0|X|1/2 ? 2Λ, where F 0 and Λ are constants. Both solutions contain horizons, are not asymptotically flat, and provide illustrations for the obtained nogo theorem. The first solution may be interpreted as describing a black hole in an asymptotically singular space-time, while in the second solution two horizons of infinite area are connected by a wormhole.  相似文献   

We say that an s-subset of codewords of a code X is (s, l)-bad if X contains l other codewords such that the conjunction of these l words is covered by the disjunction of the words of the s-subset. Otherwise, an s-subset of codewords of X is said to be (s, l)-bad. A binary code X is called a disjunctive (s, l) cover-free (CF) code if X does not contain (s, l)-bad subsets. We consider a probabilistic generalization of (s, l) CF codes: we say that a binary code is an (s, l) almost cover-free (ACF) code if almost all s-subsets of its codewords are (s, l)-good. The most interesting result is the proof of a lower and an upper bound for the capacity of (s, l) ACF codes; the ratio of these bounds tends as s→∞ to the limit value log2 e/(le).  相似文献   

Entanglement criteria for multipartite entangled states are obtained by matching witnesses to multipartite entangled states. The necessary and sufficient criterion of separability for three qubit X states is given as an example to illustrate the procedure of finding a criterion. The result is utilized to obtain the noise tolerance of W state. The necessary and sufficient criteria of three partite separability and full separability for four qubit noisy cluster states, three partite separability for four qubit noisy GHZ states are obtained.  相似文献   

The set of all primitive words Q over an alphabet X was first defined and studied by Shyr and Thierrin (Proceedings of the 1977 Inter. FCT-Conference, Poznan, Poland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 56. pp. 171–176 (1977)). It showed that for the case |X| ≥ 2, the set along with \({Q^{(i)} = \{f^i\,|\,f \in Q\}, i\geq 2}\) are all disjunctive. Since then these disjunctive sets are often be quoted. Following Shyr and Thierrin showed that the half sets \({Q_{ev} = \{f \in Q\,|\,|f| = {\rm even}\}}\) and Q od = Q \ Q ev of Q are disjunctive, Chien proved that each of the set \({Q_{p,r}= \{u\in Q\,|\,|u|\equiv r\,(mod\,p) \},\,0\leq r < p}\) is disjunctive, where p is a prime number. In this paper, we generalize this property to that all the languages \({Q_{n,r}= \{u\in Q\,|\,|u|\equiv r\,(mod\,n) \},\, 0\leq r < n}\) are disjunctive languages, where n is any positive integer. We proved that for any n ≥ 1, k ≥ 2, (Q n,0) k are all regular languages. Some algebraic properties related to the family of languages {Q n,r | n ≥ 2, 0 ≤ r < n } are investigated.  相似文献   

We propose an optical scheme to prepare large-scale maximally entangled W states by fusing arbitrary-size polarization entangled W states via polarization-dependent beam splitter. Because most of the currently existing fusion schemes are suffering from the qubit loss problem, that is the number of the output entangled qubits is smaller than the sum of numbers of the input entangled qubits, which will inevitably decrease the fusion efficiency and increase the number of fusion steps as well as the requirement of quantum memories, in our scheme, we design a effect fusion mechanism to generate \(W_{m+n}\) state from a n-qubit W state and a m-qubit W state without any qubit loss. As the nature of this fusion mechanism clearly increases the final size of the obtained W state, it is more efficient and feasible. In addition, our scheme can also generate \(W_{m+n+t-1}\) state by fusing a \(W_m\), a \(W_n\) and a \(W_t\) states. This is a great progress compared with the current scheme which has to lose at least two particles in the fusion of three W states. Moreover, it also can be generalized to the case of fusing k different W states, and all the fusion schemes proposed here can start from Bell state as well.  相似文献   

Systems of equations of the form X i =φ i (X 1,…,X n ) (1 i n) are considered, in which the unknowns are sets of natural numbers. Expressions φ i may contain the operations of union, intersection and elementwise addition \(S+T=\{m+n\mid m\in S\), nT}. A system with an EXPTIME-complete least solution is constructed in the paper through a complete arithmetization of EXPTIME-completeness. At the same time, it is established that least solutions of all such systems are in EXPTIME. The general membership problem for these equations is proved to be EXPTIME-complete. Among the consequences of the result is EXPTIME-completeness of the compressed membership problem for conjunctive grammars.  相似文献   

The problem of determining the maximum mutual information I(X; Y) and minimum entropy H(X, Y) of a pair of discrete random variables X and Y is considered under the condition that the probability distribution of X is fixed and the error probability Pr{Y ≠ X} takes a given value ε, 0 ≤ ε ≤ 1. Precise values for these quantities are found, which in several cases allows us to obtain explicit formulas for both the maximum information and minimum entropy in terms of the probability distribution of X and the parameter ε.  相似文献   

To solve structural optimization problems, it is necessary to integrate a structural analysis package and an optimization package. Since most structural analysis packages suffer from closeness of system, it is very difficult to integrate it with an optimization package. To overcome the difficulty, we propose a possible alternative, DAMDO, which integrate Design, Analysis, Modeling, Definition, and Optimization phases into an integration environment as follows. (1) Design first generate many possible structural design alternatives. Each design alternative consists of many design variables X. (2) Analysis employ the structural analysis software to analyze all structural design alternatives to obtain their internal forces and displacements. They are the response variables Y. (3) Modeling employ artificial neural networks to build model Y = f(X) to obtain the relationship functions between the design variables X and the response variables Y. (4) Definition employ the design variables X and the response variables Y to define the objective function and constraint functions. (5) Optimization employ the optimization software to solve the optimization problem consisting of the objective function and the constraint functions to produce the optimum design variables X*. Optimization of truss structures was used to validate the DAMDO approach. The empirical results show that the truss optimization problems can be solved by the DAMDO approach, which employ neural networks to integrate the structural analysis package and optimization package without requiring direct integration of the two packages. This approach is promising in many engineering optimization domains which need to couple an analysis package and an optimization one to obtain the optimum solutions.  相似文献   

Consideration was given to a specific family of bipartite graphs consisting of two disjoint subsets X and Y of vertices and characterized by that each vertex in X (Y) is connected to each of the remaining vertices in X (Y) by a unique path of length two passing through some vertex in Y (X). The prefix “quasi” reflects the fact that complete connection of the vertices is realized by paths of length two rather than by edges. The problem of constructing uniform minimal graphs with identical cardinalities of the subsets X and Y which is of practical interest for complex communication networks was discussed. It belongs to the class of combinatorial problems of construction of the so-called symmetrical block designs.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of determining the maximum and minimum of the Rényi divergence Dλ(P||Q) and Dλ(Q||P) for two probability distribution P and Q of discrete random variables X and Y provided that the probability distribution P and the parameter α of α-coupling between X and Y are fixed, i.e., provided that Pr{X = Y } = α.  相似文献   

Quantum-mechanical motion of a spin-half particle is examined in the axially symmetric fields of static naked singularities formed by a mass distribution with a quadrupole moment (q-metric). The analysis is performed by means of the method of effective potentials of the Dirac equation generalized to the case where radial and angular variables are not separated. If ?1 < q < qlim, |qlim| ? 1, where q is the quadrupolemoment in proper units, the naked singularities do not exclude the existence of stationary bound states of Dirac particles for a prolate mass distribution in the q-metric along the axial axis. For an oblate mass distribution, the naked singularities of the q-metric are separated from a Dirac particle by infinitely large repulsive barriers followed by a potential well which deepens while moving apart from the equator (from θ = θ min or θ = π ? θ min) toward the poles. The poles make an exception, and at 0 < q < q*, there are some points θ i for particle states with j ≥ 3/2.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding some sufficient conditions under which causal error-free filtering for a singular stationary stochastic process X = {X n} with a finite number of states from noisy observations is possible. For a rather general model of observations where the observable stationary process is absolutely regular with respect to the estimated process X, it is proved (using an information-theoretic approach) that under a natural additional condition, the causal error-free (with probability one) filtering is possible.  相似文献   

On conditional diagnosability and reliability of the BC networks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An n-dimensional bijective connection network (in brief, BC network), denoted by X n , is an n-regular graph with 2 n nodes and n2 n?1 edges. Hypercubes, crossed cubes, twisted cubes, and Möbius cubes all belong to the class of BC networks (Fan and He in Chin. J. Comput. 26(1):84–90, [2003]). We prove that the super connectivity of X n is 2n?2 for n≥3 and the conditional diagnosability of X n is 4n?7 for n≥5. As a corollary of this result, we obtain the super connectivity and conditional diagnosability of the hypercubes, twisted cubes, crossed cubes, and Möbius cubes.  相似文献   

An addition sequence problem is given a set of numbers X = {n 1, n 2, . . . , n m }, what is the minimal number of additions needed to compute all m numbers starting from 1? This problem is NP-complete. In this paper, we present a branch and bound algorithm to generate an addition sequence with a minimal number of elements for a set X by using a new strategy. Then we improve the generation by generalizing some results on addition chains (m = 1) to addition sequences and finding what we will call a presumed upper bound for each n j , 1 ≤ j ≤ m, in the search tree.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation problem for an unknown vector β ∈ Rp in a linear model Y = + σξ, where ξ ∈ Rn is a standard discrete white Gaussian noise and X is a known n × p matrix with np. It is assumed that p is large and X is an ill-conditioned matrix. To estimate β in this situation, we use a family of spectral regularizations of the maximum likelihood method βα(Y) = H α(X T X) β ?(Y), α ∈ R+, where β ?(Y) is the maximum likelihood estimate for β and {H α(·): R+ → [0, 1], α ∈ R+} is a given ordered family of functions indexed by a regularization parameter α. The final estimate for β is constructed as a convex combination (in α) of the estimates βα(Y) with weights chosen based on the observations Y. We present inequalities for large deviations of the norm of the prediction error of this method.  相似文献   

Tracking frequent items (also called heavy hitters) is one of the most fundamental queries in real-time data due to its wide applications, such as logistics monitoring, association rule based analysis, etc. Recently, with the growing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) and pervasive computing, a large amount of real-time data is usually collected from multiple sources in a distributed environment. Unfortunately, data collected from each source is often uncertain due to various factors: imprecise reading, data integration from multiple sources (or versions), transmission errors, etc. In addition, due to network delay and limited by the economic budget associated with large-scale data communication over a distributed network, an essential problem is to track the global frequent items from all distributed uncertain data sites with the minimum communication cost. In this paper, we focus on the problem of tracking distributed probabilistic frequent items (TDPF). Specifically, given k distributed sites S = {S 1, … , S k }, each of which is associated with an uncertain database \(\mathcal {D}_{i}\) of size n i , a centralized server (or called a coordinator) H, a minimum support ratio r, and a probabilistic threshold t, we are required to find a set of items with minimum communication cost, each item X of which satisfies P r(s u p(X) ≥ r × N) > t, where s u p(X) is a random variable to describe the support of X and \(N={\sum }_{i=1}^{k}n_{i}\). In order to reduce the communication cost, we propose a local threshold-based deterministic algorithm and a sketch-based sampling approximate algorithm, respectively. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms are verified with extensive experiments on both real and synthetic uncertain datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a proof of unconditional security for a semi-quantum key distribution protocol introduced in a previous work. This particular protocol demonstrated the possibility of using X basis states to contribute to the raw key of the two users (as opposed to using only direct measurement results) even though a semi-quantum participant cannot directly manipulate such states. In this work, we provide a complete proof of security by deriving a lower bound of the protocol’s key rate in the asymptotic scenario. Using this bound, we are able to find an error threshold value such that for all error rates less than this threshold, it is guaranteed that A and B may distill a secure secret key; for error rates larger than this threshold, A and B should abort. We demonstrate that this error threshold compares favorably to several fully quantum protocols. We also comment on some interesting observations about the behavior of this protocol under certain noise scenarios.  相似文献   

Recently, some authors considered the origin of a type-IV singular bounce in modified gravity and obtained the explicit form of F(R) which can produce this type of cosmology. In this paper, we show that during the contracting branch of type-IV bouncing cosmology, the sign of gravity changes, and antigravity emerges. In our model, M0 branes get together and shape a universe, an anti-universe, and a wormhole which connects them. As time passes, this wormhole is dissolved in the universes, F(R) gravity emerges, and the universe expands. When the brane universes become close to each other, the squared energy of their system becomes negative, and some tachyonic states are produced. To remove these states, universes are assumed to be compact, the sign of compacted gravity changes, and anti-F(R) gravity arises, which causes getting away of the universes from each other. In this theory, a Type-IV singularity occurs at t = t s , which is the time of producing tachyons between expansion and contraction branches.  相似文献   

Choosing the best location for starting a business or expanding an existing enterprize is an important issue. A number of location selection problems have been discussed in the literature. They often apply the Reverse Nearest Neighbor as the criterion for finding suitable locations. In this paper, we apply the Average Distance as the criterion and propose the so-called k-most suitable locations (k-MSL) selection problem. Given a positive integer k and three datasets: a set of customers, a set of existing facilities, and a set of potential locations. The k-MSL selection problem outputs k locations from the potential location set, such that the average distance between a customer and his nearest facility is minimized. In this paper, we formally define the k-MSL selection problem and show that it is NP-hard. We first propose a greedy algorithm which can quickly find an approximate result for users. Two exact algorithms are then proposed to find the optimal result. Several pruning rules are applied to increase computational efficiency. We evaluate the algorithms’ performance using both synthetic and real datasets. The results show that our algorithms are able to deal with the k-MSL selection problem efficiently.  相似文献   

The classical-input quantum-output (cq) wiretap channel is a communication model involving a classical sender X, a legitimate quantum receiver B, and a quantum eavesdropper E. The goal of a private communication protocol that uses such a channel is for the sender X to transmit a message in such a way that the legitimate receiver B can decode it reliably, while the eavesdropper E learns essentially nothing about which message was transmitted. The \(\varepsilon \)-one-shot private capacity of a cq wiretap channel is equal to the maximum number of bits that can be transmitted over the channel, such that the privacy error is no larger than \(\varepsilon \in (0,1)\). The present paper provides a lower bound on the \(\varepsilon \)-one-shot private classical capacity, by exploiting the recently developed techniques of Anshu, Devabathini, Jain, and Warsi, called position-based coding and convex splitting. The lower bound is equal to a difference of the hypothesis testing mutual information between X and B and the “alternate” smooth max-information between X and E. The one-shot lower bound then leads to a non-trivial lower bound on the second-order coding rate for private classical communication over a memoryless cq wiretap channel.  相似文献   

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