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随着全球气候变暖,世界范围内都越来越关注环保问题.《制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准》 (GB3544-2008)已于2011年7月1日起实施,该标准要求现有制浆造纸企业执行水污染物排放限值“CODCr上限80~100 mg/L,BOD5上限20 mg/L”.山东太阳纸业股份有限公司针对其特殊的地理位置(位于南水北调东线的天然水道之一的南四湖畔),实施科技创业,环保为先的发展指导理念,始终把环保当作生命工程来抓,废水处理能力在国内同行业处于领先水平,并超过欧盟的治理水平,文章介绍了太阳纸业公司节水治污的策略与经验.  相似文献   

<正> 呈圆形颗粒、能自由流动、不会起尘、颗粒尺寸一致、能与多种配料兼容、具有优良的稳定性——这就是本文介绍的新式果香型香精的特性。  相似文献   

Some cows are able to achieve relatively high milk yields during extended lactations beyond 305 d in milk, and farmers may be able to use this potential by selecting the most suitable cows for an extended lactation. However, the decision to postpone insemination has to rely on information available in early lactation. The main objectives of this study were, therefore, to assess the association between the information available in early lactation and the relative milk production of cows on extended lactation, and to investigate if this information can be used to differentiate time of first insemination between cows. Data came from 4 Danish private herds practicing extended lactation in which some cows are selected to have a delayed time of planned first insemination. Average herd size varied from 93 to 157 cows, and milk yield varied from 7,842 to 12,315 kg of energy-corrected milk (ECM) per cow per year across herds. The analysis was based on 422 completed extended lactations (427 ± 87 d), and each lactation was assigned to 1 of 3 (low, medium, and high) milk performance groups (MPG) within parity group within herd based on a standardized lactation yield. For cows in the high MPG, peak ECM yield, and ECM yield at dry off were significantly greater, the relative reduction in milk yield between 60 and 305 d in milk was significantly smaller, and a smaller proportion had a body condition score (scale: 1–5) at dry off of 3.5 or greater compared with cows in low MPG. Previous lactation days in milk at peak ECM yield and ECM yield at dry off were higher, the relative reduction in milk yield between 60 and 305 d in milk was smaller, and the number of inseminations per conception was higher for multiparous cows in high MPG compared with low. Current lactation ECM yield at second and third milk recording were greater for cows in high MPG compared with low. A principal component analysis indicated that variables related to fertility, diseases, and milk yield explained most of the total variation between primiparous cows, whereas variables related to milk yield, fertility, and days in milk at peak yield were the most dominating for multiparous cows. Our study indicated that milk yields in previous lactation and at second and third milk recording correlate well with milk production potential, and therefore, may be promising indicators when selecting the most suitable cows for extended lactation.  相似文献   

Meat quality can be affected by stress, exhaustion, feed composition, and other physical and environmental conditions. These stressors can alter the pH in postmortem muscle, leading to high pH and low-quality dark cutting (DC) beef, resulting in considerable economic loss. Moreover, the dark cutting prediction may equally provide a measure for animal welfare since it is directly related to animal stress. There are two needs to advance on-site detection of dark cutters: (1) a clear indication that biomarker (signature compounds) levels in cattle correlate with stress and DC outcome; and (2) measuring these biomarkers rapidly and accurately on-farm or the abattoir, depending on the objectives. This critical review assesses which small molecules and proteins have been identified as potential biomarkers of stress and dark cutting in cattle. We discuss the potential of promising small molecule biomarkers, including catecholamine/cortisol metabolites, lactate, succinate, inosine, glucose, and β-hydroxybutyrate, and we identify a clear research gap for proteomic biomarker discovery in live cattle. We also explore the potential of chemical-sensing and biosensing technologies, including direct electrochemical detection improved through nanotechnology (e.g., carbon and gold nanostructures), surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics, and commercial hand-held devices for small molecule detection. No current strategy exists to rapidly detect predictive meat quality biomarkers due to the need to further validate biomarkers and the fact that different biosensor types are needed to optimally detect different molecules. Nonetheless, several biomarker/biosensor combinations reported herein show excellent potential to enable the measurement of DC potential in live cattle.  相似文献   

详细介绍了CNG型高效锭带的结构、特性及其上机方法、易出问题及应对措施等,通过与其它种类锭带性能及成纱质量进行对比试验,指出CNG型高效锭带具有抗静电、耐磨、耐油、节能、接头方便等优点,可提高成纱质量,降低生产成本,改善生产环境,是纺织厂高速锭子传动的最佳选择.  相似文献   

空间中的正负与家具所产生的正负空间关系,就像容器一样,若改变角度(放置、视点),其所产生的变化将给我们带来不同的审视结果。本文试图以这样的一种方式来理解家具与人的关系。  相似文献   

Although the dairy cow plays an integral role in the ecology of sound food production, its welfare, as well as economic efficiencies and soundness of food production under modern industrial-scale systems of management, are questioned. Major areas of welfare concern are identified and reforms and ethical guidelines suggested.  相似文献   

Most producers are as humane in their thinking and care of animals as are those people involved in the many activist organizations springing up around the United States. That there are no major problems of animal welfare with the dairy cow posed by changes of systems has been suggested. However, veal producers have been criticized for their production practices. The major areas to be resolved between animal welfare advocates and commercial veal producers is the matter of individual pens versus group systems that permit general freedom of movement. Recent developments of dairy cattle management that have improved the comfort and well-being of dairy cattle include raising of calves in individual pens or hutches; exercise prior to calving; change of flooring (grooving of concrete, use of dirt exercise lots, elimination of slats); use of free stalls rather than loose housing; use of materials to keep cows dry, clean, out of the mud, cool, and free from flies and pests; and elimination of stray voltage. Design of a system for animal welfare is only part of the solution. The most important factor in determining stress in the herd is the behavior, attitude, and consistency of the caretaker.  相似文献   

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