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任天堂:Wii没有降价的计划;《Wii Fit》发售日正式公布;超重者禁止!Wii平衡板限制135公斤以下人士游戏。[第一段]  相似文献   

据悉,主持研发SR1E的索尼公司数码影像事业部部长吉川孝雄,近日到京,向媒体介绍了以SR1E为代表的索尼摄像机,及其背后所采用的高端技术,索尼HDR-SR1E是世界上第一款采用AVCHD高清格式的硬盘摄像机。由于采用先进技术,使得HDR-SR1E成为2006年摄像机新品中的明星。  相似文献   

显示器市场格局起波澜 AOC冠捷发布18款新品,Enjoy with LG!LG召开数码新品发布会,EIZO发布CG210专业液晶显示器,王者首推1999元的掌上电脑,中华网推出网上百万寻宝活动,……  相似文献   

据悉,美国消费电子协会(CEA)近日宣布微软和松下公司的两位重量级人物比尔·盖茨和坂本俊弘,将在2008国际消费电子展上发表主题演讲。由美国消费电子协会主办的2008国际消费电子展(The 2008 International CES)是世界上最大的消费技术贸易展.将于2008年1月7日至10日在美国内华达州的拉斯维加斯举行。2700家参展商将在2008国际消费电子展上首次发布他们的最新产品,涵盖30多个产品门类.包括最新的无线数字影像产品、移动电子产品、家庭影院以及音响等:  相似文献   

据悉,近日索尼中国专业系统集团在京举办了“Sony公司2006年新款投影机发布会”。会上,Sony公司推出了两款“BrigtEra”芯片数据投影机新品——VPL-FE0和VPL-FX40,  相似文献   

据悉.国内绘画板企业汉王科技举办的“汉王绘画板超过进口的——国内自主研发的专业级绘画板上市发布会暨捐赠仪式”在京召开。汉王“创艺”系列十款绘画板产品全线亮相.正式拉开汉王全面进军绘画板市场的序幕,会上汉王科技董事长刘迎建首先回顾了汉王绘画板多年自主研发路。他指出.多年来作为高端绘画板硬件关键技术的“无线无源压感技术“一直被国外厂商所垄断,汉王经过多年来持续的技术攻关和应用开发,终于成功突破技术壁垒,成为世界上掌握该项技术仅有的两家公司之一。此外汉王科技还向石景山区北京数字娱乐基地捐赠了数十套“创艺”系列绘画板用以支持文化创意产业人才培养。  相似文献   

爱国者速查录音笔引领革命创新新时代 4月8日,爱国者电子科技在京举办的媒体沟通会上,新一代录音笔产品——爱国者速查录音笔在媒体面前正式亮相。爱国者推出的这款速查录音笔摒弃了以往录音产品的传统思路,采用了创新的纸笔结合录音理念,通过与配套点阵纸的完美结合,不仅可以令记录真正做到一字不漏,更可以在录音结束后,通过写下的字迹快速引导放音。  相似文献   

据悉,第十七届北京国际广播电影电视设备展览会(BIRTV2008)顺利落下帷幕。索尼中国专业系统集团的口号是——“NDNA——高清传递辉煌”。索尼公司通过展示其广泛渗透有高清基因的产品和系统解决方案,使现场观众得以体验到索尼多样化的全方位的高清应用系统。在此届BIRTV展会上,索尼也通过一系列的活动,充分展示了其作为全球广电领域的领导厂商的风采,将高清应用拓展到更广泛的行业领域并使高清在国内获得进一步普及应用的决心和信心。  相似文献   

据悉,先锋Pioneer近日在京举行发布会.全球同步推出世界第一台蓝光播放机BD Combo.再次为行业树立了光存储发展进程中的里程碑,并清晰表明了先锋致力开拓中国市场.为中国用户提供全球领先影音享受的目标和决心。先锋BD Combo可以兼容包括BD ROM(SL-DL)、BD RE(SL/DL)和BD R(SL/DL)在内的所有蓝光格式.  相似文献   

自从去年年底SONY推出新一代HDV摄录一体机HVR—Z7C/S270C以来,备受业界好评.新媒体(CF卡)记录的HDV格式逐渐被业内广泛接受。应使用者的要求.SONY公司于近日开始提供HVR—MRC1的单独销售.型号为HVR-MRC1K。该机可以和现有的所有HDV/DVCAM摄录一体机配合使用.将HDV/DVCAM/DV的视频流记录在CF卡中.  相似文献   

The present study is part of a research programme that aims to develop and test a psychological model of end-users’ experience with news sites. An exploratory study of interaction experience with a news Web site was conducted. An online questionnaire was used to collect information on demographics, Internet-use and news-site use behaviour of users of a particular news site, and to recruit participants for a think-aloud study. The protocol analysis of screen-capture and audio recordings of participants, who used a news site while thinking aloud, yielded five categories of experience: impression, content, layout, information architecture and diversion. These categories are regarded as spontaneous, self-reported aspects of users’ experience with a news site. A set of interaction-experience questionnaires revealed significant differences between regular users and non-users of a news site. Correlation and regression analyses demonstrated support for Hassenzahl’s model of interaction experience. The study presents a first attempt to empirically investigate the aspects of interaction experience in relation to online news sites.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades there has been an exponential increase in the usage of the Internet, and social networking websites in particular. Social networking websites have gained popularity because they allow people to network on both a personal and professional level. The rise of testimonial videos about one’s experience with hardships has gained popularity as another way for people to connect with one another for support. The current study looks at men and women who utilized YouTube, a video posting website, to document their struggles with eating disorders (ED). Fifty videos were viewed and analyzed regarding content and viewer response. It was found that most posters actively sought treatment for their ED, yet sought out additional support on the Internet while also offering support for others. In addition, viewers responded with an overwhelmingly large number of supportive comments compared to negative comments (8:1).  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - The main financial markets of every country are stock exchange and consider as an imperative cause for the corporations to increase capital. The novelty of this...  相似文献   

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