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The study of broken-triangles is becoming increasingly ambitious, by both solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) in polynomial time and reducing search space size through either value merging or variable elimination. Considerable progress has been made in extending this important concept, such as dual broken-triangle and weakly broken-triangle, in order to maximize the number of captured tractable CSP instances and/or the number of merged values. Specifically, m-wBTP allows us to merge more values than BTP. DBTP, ??-BTP, k-BTP, WBTP and m-wBTP permit us to capture more tractable instances than BTP. However, except BTP, none of these extensions allows variable elimination while preserving satisfiability. Moreover, k-BTP and m-wBTP define bigger tractable classes around BTP but both of them generally need a high level of consistency. Here, we introduce a new weaker form of BTP, called m-fBTP for flexible broken-triangle property, which will represent a compromise between most of these previous tractable properties based on BTP. m-fBTP allows us on the one hand to eliminate more variables than BTP while preserving satisfiability and on the other to define a new bigger tractable class for which arc consistency is a decision procedure. Likewise, m-fBTP permits to merge more values than BTP but fewer than m-wBTP. The binary CSP instances satisfying m-fBTP are solved by algorithms of the state-of-the-art like MAC and RFL in polynomial time. An open question is whether it is possible to compute, in polynomial time, the existence of some variable ordering for which a given instance satisfies m-fBTP.  相似文献   

对比学习"ISO17025"、"ISO15189",探讨对生物医学实验室的不同要求,学习和落实《条例》与GB19489、GB19781,以确保人员安全、环境安全、样品安全。  相似文献   

Hierarchical structure in the supervisory control of discrete-event systems is formalized in the automaton framework of P.J. Ramadge and W.M. Wonham (SIAM J. Cont. Optimiz., vol.25, no.1, p.206-30, 1987). The setup embodies a low-level real-world model controlled by an operator and a high-level abstract model virtually controlled by a manager. The two levels are connected by command and information channels. Concepts of hierarchical consistency are proposed, relating high-level behavior required by the manager to low-level behavior achievable by the operator. It is shown that consistency can be realized by appropriately refining the information sent up by the operator to the manager  相似文献   

The article addresses the problem of reasoning under time constraints with incomplete, vague, and uncertain information. It is based on the idea of Variable Precision Logic (VPL), introduced by Michalski and Winston, which deals with both the problem of reasoning with incomplete information subject to time constraints and the problem of reasoning efficiently with exceptions. It offers mechanisms for handling trade-offs between the precision of inferences and the computational efficiency of deriving them. As an extension of Censored Production Rules (CPRs) that exhibit variable precision in which certainty varies while specificity stays constant, a Hierarchical Censored Production Rules (HCPRs) system of Knowledge Representation proposed by Bharadwaj and Jain exhibits both variable certainty as well as variable specificity. Fuzzy Censored Production Rules (FCPRs) are obtained by augmenting ordinary fuzzy conditional statement: “if X is A then Y is B” (or A(x)B(y) for short) with an exception condition and are written in the form: “if X is A then Y is B unless Z is C” (or A(x) ⇒ B(y) ∥ C(z)). Such rules are employed in situations in which the fuzzy conditional statement “if X is A then Y is B” holds frequently and the exception condition “Z is C” holds rarely. Thus, using a rule of this type we are free to ignore the exception condition, when the resources needed to establish its presence are tight or there simply is no information available as to whether it holds or does not hold. Thus if … then part of the FCPR expresses important information while the unless part acts only as a switch that changes the polarity of “Y is B” to “Y is not B” when the assertion “Z is C” holds. Our aim is to show how an ordinary fuzzy production rule on suitable modifications and augmentation with relevant information becomes a Fuzzy Hierarchical Censored Production Rules (FHCPRs), which in turn enables to resolve many of the problems associated with usual fuzzy production rules system. Examples are given to demonstrate the behavior of the proposed schemes. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

在线判断烧结矿烧结点的图像识别法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据数字图像处理和神经网络理论提出了对烧结矿烧结终点在线判断的一种图像识别方法。以马钢第二烧结厂为研究背景,通过图像采集系统,从烧结机机尾摄取断面图像并进行处理,取得合理表征烧结终点的特征参数,构造改进的BP神经网络分类器,从而实现在线判断烧结矿烧结终点。  相似文献   

Coordinability of a multi-level decision-making system is one of the most fundamenta concepts in hierarchical systems theory. The definition of coordinability according to Mesarovic et al. is stated. By means of an example it is demonstrated that that definition may load to anomalous results, in that a decision-making system may be coordinable by that definition and yet intuitively seem uncoordinable. To remedy this situation a modified definition of coordinability is proposed.  相似文献   

In this work we consider preference relations that might not be total. Partial preferences may be helpful to represent those situations where, due to lack of information or vacillating desires, the decision maker would like to maintain different options “alive” and defer the final decision. In particular, we show that, when totality is relaxed, different axiomatizations of classical Decision Theory are no longer equivalent but form a hierarchy where some of them are more restrictive than others. We compare such axiomatizations with respect to theoretical aspects—such as their ability to propagate comparability/incomparability over lotteries and the induced topology—and to different preference elicitation methodologies that are applicable in concrete domains. We also provide a polynomial-time procedure based on the bipartite matching problem to determine whether one lottery is preferred to another.  相似文献   

Rare earth (RE) elements especially Yb, La and Ce have been frequently doped to Bi-Te alloys to improve thermoelectric performance. Three isothermal sections: Bi-Te-Yb at 573 K, Bi-Te-La and Bi-Te-Ce at 673 K were partly established by means of electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) and powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The determined maximum solubilities of RE elements in Bi-Te alloys are very small and that of Yb reached the maximum about 0.3 at% at 573 K. Both LaTe2 and CeTe2 can dissolve a large amount of Bi, about 10 and 13 at% at 673 K, respectively. No ternary compound has been confirmed.  相似文献   

Intelligent question-answering programs do more than retrieve raw data; they make deductive inferences in order to return all valid responses. They report logical inconsistencies, possibly at the data input phase. Similarly, more information is requested from the user if a question asked proves to be ambiguous. A question-answering system of the above type has been designed and implemented. Besides retrieving explicit and implicit temporal relations, the system discovers potentially causal relationships which also satisfy different time restrictions. Questions concerning a generalized concept of coexistence can also be answered. It is hoped that programs of a similar nature will become of much pragmatic use to researchers in physics, chemistry, biology, and so on, in evaluating complex, interrelated experimental data. Several additional applications for this type of program are mentioned, ranging from problems in criminology to air traffic control. The Associative Memory, Parallel Processing Language, AMPPL-II, was found rather satisfactory for the project. It is finally suggested that the system being described could serve as a component in a complex cognitive mechanism.The work reported here was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant GJ-658.This paper, in a less complete form, was presented at the Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, London, England, September 1971.Both authors worked on the design of the system. The first author (N.V.F.) suggested and elaborated the subject matter and was responsible for the writing of this paper. Many refinements and improvements are due to the second author (D.C.), who has also done all the programming. An enlarged version of this work, in the form of a Master's Project, will be submitted to the State University of New York at Buffalo in partial fulfilment of the requirements of David Chen's M.S. degree.  相似文献   

This paper presents necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of general interconnected dynamical systems. The results are expressed in terms of the graphs of the interconnection's subsystems. Conditions for robustness of stability for an interconnection with additive disturbances are also provided. Finally, the paper gives sufficient conditions for stability using conic sector conditions that generalize earlier conditions and that incorporate a recent nonlinear small gain idea  相似文献   

 Allowing for flexible queries enables database users to express preferences inside elementary conditions and priorities between conditions. The division is one of the algebraic operators defined in order to query regular databases. This operation aims at the selection of A-elements which are connected with (at least) a given subset of B-elements, e.g., the stores which ordered all the items supplied by a given manufacturer. It is mainly used in the framework of the relational model of data, although it makes sense in object-oriented databases as well. In the relational context, the division is a non-primitive operation which may be expressed in terms of other operations, namely projection, Cartesian product and set difference. When fuzzy predicates appear, this operator needs to be extended to fuzzy relations and this requires the replacement of the usual implication by a fuzzy one. This paper proposes two types of meaning of the extended division and it investigates the issue of the primitivity of the extended operation (i.e., if the division of fuzzy relations is expressible in terms of other operations). The final objective is to decide whether this operator is necessary or not for the purpose of flexible querying and to help the design of a query language supporting flexible queries, among which those conveying a division of fuzzy relations.  相似文献   

On the structuring of systems with fuzzy relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interpretive structural modeling for binary relations and fuzzy structural modeling for fuzzy relations restrict the relation defined on the system being modeled to be either transitive or fuzzy semitransitive. Also, no cycles are allowed in the formal sense. In this paper, we present a new generalized fuzzy structural modeling (GFSM) methodology which does not impose any such restriction on the relation defined on the system while allowing the inclusion of cycles of any order. Algorithms are presented for deriving a minimum-edge connection matrix, automatic detection of hierarchies and cycle condensation. Examples are presented to demonstrate the working of the GFSM algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the development of a hierarchical framework for the integrated planning and scheduling of a class of manufacturing systems. In this framework, dynamic optimization plays an important role in order to define control strategies that, by taking into account the dynamic nature of these systems, minimize customized cost functionals subject to state and control constraints. The proposed architecture is composed of a set of hierarchical levels where a two-way information flow, assuming the form of a state feedback control, is obtained through a receding horizon control scheme. The averaging effect of the receding horizon control scheme enables this deterministic approach to handle random and unexpected events at all levels of the hierarchy. At a given level, production targets to the subsystems immediately below are defined by solving appropriate optimal control problems. Efficient iterative algorithms based on optimality conditions are used to yield control strategies in the form of production rates for the various subsystems. At the lower level, this control strategy is further refined in such a way that all sequences of operations are fully specified. The minimum cost sensitivity information provided in the optimal control formulation supports a mechanism, based on the notion of a critical machine, which plays an important role in the exploitation of the available flexibility. Finally, an important point to note is that our approach is particularly suited to further integration of the production system into a larger supply chain management framework, which is well supported by recent developments in hybrid systems theory.  相似文献   

信息安全相关标准的分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了目前国际上流行的 CC、ISO17799/BS7799 和 SSE-CMM 标准的特点,并从背景、适用范围、框架结构、评估等级、侧重点和实践方式几个方面对它们进行了综合比较。  相似文献   

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