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A video segmentation algorithm that takes advantage of using a background subtraction (BS) model with low learning rate (LLR) or a BS model with high learning rate (HLR) depending on the video scene dynamics is presented in this paper. These BS models are based on a neural network architecture, the self-organized map (SOM), and the algorithm is termed temporal modular self-adaptive SOM, TMSA_SOM. Depending on the type of scenario, the TMSA_SOM automatically classifies and processes each video into one of four different specialized modules based on an initial sequence analysis. This approach is convenient because unlike state-of-the-art (SoA) models, our proposed model solves different situations that may occur in the video scene (severe dynamic background, initial frames with dynamic objects, static background, stationary objects, etc.) with a specialized module. Furthermore, TMSA_SOM automatically identifies whether the scene has drastically changed (e.g., stationary objects of interest become dynamic or drastic illumination changes have occurred) and automatically detects when the scene has become stable again and uses this information to update the background model in a fast way. The proposed model was validated with three different video databases: Change Detection, BMC, and Wallflower. Findings showed a very competitive performance considering metrics commonly used in the literature to compare SoA models. TMSA_SOM also achieved the best results on two perceptual metrics, Ssim and D-Score, and obtained the best performance on the global quality measure, FSD (based on F-Measure, Ssim, and D-Score), demonstrating its robustness with different and complicated non-controlled scenarios. TMSA_SOM was also compared against SoA neural network approaches obtaining the best average performance on Re, Pr, and F-Measure.  相似文献   

To solve structural optimization problems, it is necessary to integrate a structural analysis package and an optimization package. Since most structural analysis packages suffer from closeness of system, it is very difficult to integrate it with an optimization package. To overcome the difficulty, we propose a possible alternative, DAMDO, which integrate Design, Analysis, Modeling, Definition, and Optimization phases into an integration environment as follows. (1) Design first generate many possible structural design alternatives. Each design alternative consists of many design variables X. (2) Analysis employ the structural analysis software to analyze all structural design alternatives to obtain their internal forces and displacements. They are the response variables Y. (3) Modeling employ artificial neural networks to build model Y = f(X) to obtain the relationship functions between the design variables X and the response variables Y. (4) Definition employ the design variables X and the response variables Y to define the objective function and constraint functions. (5) Optimization employ the optimization software to solve the optimization problem consisting of the objective function and the constraint functions to produce the optimum design variables X*. Optimization of truss structures was used to validate the DAMDO approach. The empirical results show that the truss optimization problems can be solved by the DAMDO approach, which employ neural networks to integrate the structural analysis package and optimization package without requiring direct integration of the two packages. This approach is promising in many engineering optimization domains which need to couple an analysis package and an optimization one to obtain the optimum solutions.  相似文献   

Text representation is an essential task in transforming the input from text into features that can be later used for further Text Mining and Information Retrieval tasks. The commonly used text representation model is Bags-of-Words (BOW) and the N-gram model. Nevertheless, some known issues of these models, which are inaccurate semantic representation of text and high dimensionality of word size combination, should be investigated. A pattern-based model named Frequent Adjacent Sequential Pattern (FASP) is introduced to represent the text using a set of sequence adjacent words that are frequently used across the document collection. The purpose of this study is to discover the similarity of textual pattern between documents that can be later converted to a set of rules to describe the main news event. The FASP is based on the Pattern-Growth’s divide-and-conquer strategy where the main difference between FASP and the prior technique is in the Pattern Generation phase. This approach is tested against the BOW and N-gram text representation model using Malay and English language news dataset with different term weightings in the Vector Space Model (VSM). The findings demonstrate that the FASP model has a promising performance in finding similarities between documents with the average vector size reduction of 34% against the BOW and 77% against the N-gram model using the Malay dataset. Results using the English dataset is also consistent, indicating that the FASP approach is also language independent.  相似文献   

Given a simple undirected graph G = (V, E) and an integer k < |V|, the Sparsest k-Subgraph problem asks for a set of k vertices which induces the minimum number of edges. As a generalization of the classical independent set problem, Sparsest k-Subgraph is ????-hard and even not approximable unless ?????? in general graphs. Thus, we investigate Sparsest k-Subgraph in graph classes where independent set is polynomial-time solvable, such as subclasses of perfect graphs. Our two main results are the ????-hardness of Sparsest k-Subgraph on chordal graphs, and a greedy 2-approximation algorithm. Finally, we also show how to derive a P T A S for Sparsest k-Subgraph on proper interval graphs.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans has been an essential model organism in the fields of developmental biology, neuroscience, and aging. However, these areas have been limited by our ability to visualize and track individual C. elegans worms, especially at the subcellular scale, over the course of their lifetime. Here we present a microfluidic device to culture individual C. elegans in parallel throughout post-embryonic development. The device allows for periodic mechanical immobilization of the worm, enabling 3D imaging at subcellular precision. The immobilization is sufficient to enable fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) measurements on organelles and other substructures within the same specific cells throughout larval development, without the use of chemical anesthetics. Using this device, we measure FRAP recovery of two nucleolar proteins in specific intestinal cells within the same worms during larval development. We show that these proteins exhibit different fluorescence recovery as the worm grows, suggesting differential protein interactions during development. We anticipate that this device will help expand the possible uses of C. elegans as a model organism, enabling its use in addressing fundamental questions at the subcellular scale.  相似文献   

Accelerating Turing machines have attracted much attention in the last decade or so. They have been described as “the work-horse of hypercomputation” (Potgieter and Rosinger 2010: 853). But do they really compute beyond the “Turing limit”—e.g., compute the halting function? We argue that the answer depends on what you mean by an accelerating Turing machine, on what you mean by computation, and even on what you mean by a Turing machine. We show first that in the current literature the term “accelerating Turing machine” is used to refer to two very different species of accelerating machine, which we call end-stage-in and end-stage-out machines, respectively. We argue that end-stage-in accelerating machines are not Turing machines at all. We then present two differing conceptions of computation, the internal and the external, and introduce the notion of an epistemic embedding of a computation. We argue that no accelerating Turing machine computes the halting function in the internal sense. Finally, we distinguish between two very different conceptions of the Turing machine, the purist conception and the realist conception; and we argue that Turing himself was no subscriber to the purist conception. We conclude that under the realist conception, but not under the purist conception, an accelerating Turing machine is able to compute the halting function in the external sense. We adopt a relatively informal approach throughout, since we take the key issues to be philosophical rather than mathematical.  相似文献   

The advancement of World Wide Web has revolutionized the way the manufacturers can do business. The manufacturers can collect customer preferences for products and product features from their sales and other product-related Web sites to enter and sustain in the global market. For example, the manufactures can make intelligent use of these customer preference data to decide on which products should be selected for targeted marketing. However, the selected products must attract as many customers as possible to increase the possibility of selling more than their respective competitors. This paper addresses this kind of product selection problem. That is, given a database of existing products P from the competitors, a set of company’s own products Q, a dataset C of customer preferences and a positive integer k, we want to find k-most promising products (k-MPP) from Q with maximum expected number of total customers for targeted marketing. We model k-MPP query and propose an algorithmic framework for processing such query and its variants. Our framework utilizes grid-based data partitioning scheme and parallel computing techniques to realize k-MPP query. The effectiveness and efficiency of the framework are demonstrated by conducting extensive experiments with real and synthetic datasets.  相似文献   

Value-based requirements engineering: exploring innovative e-commerce ideas   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Innovative e-commerce ideas are characterised by commercial products yet unknown to the market, enabled by information technology such as the Internet and technologies on top of it. How to develop such products is hardly known. We propose an interdisciplinary approach, e 3 -value, to explore an innovative e-commerce idea with the aim of understanding such an idea thoroughly and evaluating it for potential profitability. Our methodology exploits a requirements engineering way of working, but employs concepts and terminology from business science, marketing and axiology. It shows how to model business requirements and improve business–IT alignment, in sophisticated multi-actor value constellations that are common in electronic commerce. In addition to the e 3 -value approach methodology, we also present the action research-based development of our methodology, by using one of the longitudinal projects we carried out in the field of online news article provisioning.  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance degradation of Gaussian probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (GPLDA) speaker verification system, when only short-utterance data is used for speaker verification system development. Subsequently, a number of techniques, including utterance partitioning and source-normalised weighted linear discriminant analysis (SN-WLDA) projections are introduced to improve the speaker verification performance in such conditions. Experimental studies have found that when short utterance data is available for speaker verification development, GPLDA system overall achieves best performance with a lower number of universal background model (UBM) components. As a lower number of UBM components significantly reduces the computational complexity of speaker verification system, that is a useful observation. In limited session data conditions, we propose a simple utterance-partitioning technique, which when applied to the LDA-projected GPLDA system shows over 8% relative improvement on EER values over baseline system on NIST 2008 truncated 10–10 s conditions. We conjecture that this improvement arises from the apparent increase in the number of sessions arising from our partitioning technique and this helps to better model the GPLDA parameters. Further, partitioning SN-WLDA-projected GPLDA shows over 16% and 6% relative improvement on EER values over LDA-projected GPLDA systems respectively on NIST 2008 truncated 10–10 s interview-interview, and NIST 2010 truncated 10–10 s interview-interview and telephone-telephone conditions.  相似文献   

Design of rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular (CFT) columns has been a big concern owing to their complex constraint mechanism. Generally, most existing methods are based on simplified mechanical model with limited experimental data, which is not reliable under many conditions, e.g., columns using high strength materials. Artificial neural network (ANN) models have shown the effectiveness to solve complex problems in many areas of civil engineering in recent years. In this paper, ANN models were employed to predict the axial bearing capacity of rectangular CFT columns based on the experimental data. 305 experimental data from articles were collected, and 275 experimental samples were chosen to train the ANN models while 30 experimental samples were used for testing. Based on the comparison among different models, artificial neural network model1 (ANN1) and artificial neural network model2 (ANN2) with a 20-neuron hidden layer were chosen as the fit prediction models. ANN1 has five inputs: the length (D) and width (B) of cross section, the thickness of steel (t), the yield strength of steel (f y), the cylinder strength of concrete (fc). ANN2 has ten inputs: D, B, t, f y, fc, the length to width ratio (D/B), the length to thickness ratio (D/t), the width to thickness ratio (B/t), restraint coefficient (ξ), the steel ratio (α). The axial bearing capacity is the output data for both models.The outputs from ANN1 and ANN2 were verified and compared with those from EC4, ACI, GJB4142 and AISC360-10. The results show that the implemented models have good prediction and generalization capacity. Parametric study was conducted using ANN1 and ANN2 which indicates that effect law of basic parameters of columns on the axial bearing capacity of rectangular CFT columns differs from design codes.The results also provide convincing design reference to rectangular CFT columns.  相似文献   

We say that an s-subset of codewords of a code X is (s, l)-bad if X contains l other codewords such that the conjunction of these l words is covered by the disjunction of the words of the s-subset. Otherwise, an s-subset of codewords of X is said to be (s, l)-bad. A binary code X is called a disjunctive (s, l) cover-free (CF) code if X does not contain (s, l)-bad subsets. We consider a probabilistic generalization of (s, l) CF codes: we say that a binary code is an (s, l) almost cover-free (ACF) code if almost all s-subsets of its codewords are (s, l)-good. The most interesting result is the proof of a lower and an upper bound for the capacity of (s, l) ACF codes; the ratio of these bounds tends as s→∞ to the limit value log2 e/(le).  相似文献   

A three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic model of conductive radiating plasma, underlying the Euler (in the cylindrical coordinates r-φ-z) program code FLUX-3D, developed at the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, is presented. Finite-difference methods for solving the equations of the model on a stationary regular spatial grid are described. Results of numerical 3D simulation of a multi-wire Z-pinch in conditions of the Shot-51 experiment on electrophysical facility Z (USA) in the full (2π) azimuth angle are presented. The computation geometry has been approximated to the real experimental configuration, in which the electromagnetic energy was supplied to the chamber by a vacuum coaxial transmission line. In the numerical simulation, the dynamics of the acceleration of plasma ablated from tungsten wires as a function of the number of wires in the initial cylindrical assembly was studied. In addition, results of 3D calculations of the current implosion of multi-wire Z-pinch for two kinds of artificial perturbations on the plasma ablation intensity are presented. The reasons of the difference in the soft X-ray radiation pulses generated in these cases are discussed.  相似文献   

Cellular Learning Automata (CLAs) are hybrid models obtained from combination of Cellular Automata (CAs) and Learning Automata (LAs). These models can be either open or closed. In closed CLAs, the states of neighboring cells of each cell called local environment affect on the action selection process of the LA of that cell whereas in open CLAs, each cell, in addition to its local environment has an exclusive environment which is observed by the cell only and the global environment which can be observed by all the cells in CLA. In dynamic models of CLAs, one of their aspects such as structure, local rule or neighborhood radius may change during the evolution of the CLA. CLAs can also be classified as synchronous CLAs or asynchronous CLAs. In a synchronous CLA, all LAs in different cells are activated synchronously whereas in an asynchronous CLA, the LAs in different cells are activated asynchronously. In this paper, a new closed asynchronous dynamic model of CLA whose structure and the number of LAs in each cell may vary with time has been introduced. To show the potential of the proposed model, a landmark clustering algorithm for solving topology mismatch problem in unstructured peer-to-peer networks has been proposed. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, computer simulations have been conducted and then the results are compared with the results obtained for two existing algorithms for solving topology mismatch problem. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm is superior to the existing algorithms with respect to communication delay and average round-trip time between peers within clusters.  相似文献   

A new approach using the Beltrami representation of a shape for topology-preserving image segmentation is proposed in this paper. Using the proposed model, the target object can be segmented from the input image by a region of user-prescribed topology. Given a target image I, a template image J is constructed and then deformed with respect to the Beltrami representation. The deformation on J is designed such that the topology of the segmented region is preserved as which the object is interior in J. The topology-preserving property of the deformation is guaranteed by imposing only one constraint on the Beltrami representation, which is easy to be handled. Introducing the Beltrami representation also allows large deformations on the topological prior J, so that it can be a very simple image, such as an image of disks, torus, disjoint disks. Hence, prior shape information of I is unnecessary for the proposed model. Additionally, the proposed model can be easily incorporated with selective segmentation, in which landmark constraints can be imposed interactively to meet any practical need (e.g., medical imaging). High accuracy and stability of the proposed model to deal with different segmentation tasks are validated by numerical experiments on both artificial and real images.  相似文献   

A degree-constrained graph orientation of an undirected graph G is an assignment of a direction to each edge in G such that the outdegree of every vertex in the resulting directed graph satisfies a specified lower and/or upper bound. Such graph orientations have been studied for a long time and various characterizations of their existence are known. In this paper, we consider four related optimization problems introduced in reference (Asahiro et al. LNCS 7422, 332–343 (2012)): For any fixed non-negative integer W, the problems MAX W-LIGHT, MIN W-LIGHT, MAX W-HEAVY, and MIN W-HEAVY take as input an undirected graph G and ask for an orientation of G that maximizes or minimizes the number of vertices with outdegree at most W or at least W. As shown in Asahiro et al. LNCS 7422, 332–343 (2012)).  相似文献   

Environmental sustainability is a common requirement on the development of various real-world systems, especially on road transportation systems. Motorized vehicles generate a large amount of harmful emissions, which have adverse effects to the environment and human health. Environmental sustainability requires more promotions of ‘go-green’ transportation modes such as public transit and bicycle to realize the increasing travel demands while keeping the environmental expenses low. In this paper, we make use of recent advances in discrete choice modeling to develop equivalent mathematical programming formulations for the combined modal split and traffic assignment (CMSTA) problem that explicitly considers mode and route similarities under congested networks. Specifically, a nested logit model is adopted to model the modal split problem by accounting for mode similarity among the available modes, and a cross-nested logit model is used to account for route overlapping in the traffic assignment problem. This new CMSTA model has the potential to enhance the behavioral modeling of travelers’ mode shift between private motorized mode and ‘go-green’ modes as well as their mode-specific route choices, and to assist in quantitatively evaluating the effectiveness of different ‘go-green’ promotion policies.  相似文献   

We present a new method for clausal theorem proving, named SGGS from semantically-guided goal-sensitive reasoning. SGGS generalizes to first-order logic the conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) procedure for propositional satisfiability. Starting from an initial interpretation, used for semantic guidance, SGGS employs a sequence of constrained clauses to represent a candidate model, instance generation to extend it, resolution and other inferences to explain and solve conflicts, amending the model. We prove that SGGS is refutationally complete and model complete in the limit, regardless of initial interpretation. SGGS is also goal sensitive, if the initial interpretation is properly chosen, and proof confluent, because it repairs the current model without undoing steps by backtracking. Thus, SGGS is a complete first-order method that is simultaneously model-based à la CDCL, semantically-guided, goal-sensitive, and proof confluent.  相似文献   

The question of the contemporary relevance of Heidegger’s reflections on technology to today’s advanced technology is here explored with reference to the notion of “entanglement” towards a review of Heidegger’s understanding of technology and media, including the entertainment industry and modern digital life. Heidegger’s reflections on Gelassenheit have been connected with the aesthetics of the tea ceremony, disputing the material aesthetics of porcelain versus plastic. Here by approaching the art of wabi-sabi as the art of Verfallenheit, I argue that Gelassenheit may be understood in these terms.  相似文献   

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