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Comparison of fatty acid composition of domestic and imported margarines and frying fats in Bulgaria
Ilko Marekov Roumyana Tarandjiiska Svetlana Panayotova Nelly Nikolova 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2002,104(7):410-418
A total of 82 dietary fats sold on the Bulgarian market in the period 1995—2000 were analyzed. The samples included 68 table margarines (50 of which were imported), 10 frying fats (6 imported) and 4 salad dressings (all imported). A validated analytical method, thin‐layer chromatography‐AgNO3‐densitometry, was used. It enabled direct determination of all fatty acid groups, differing by degree of unsaturation and double bonds geometry. Low levels of trans fatty acids (TFA) down to 0.1% of the total for mono trans‐trienoic (Tcct) and mono trans‐dienoic (Dct), and down to 0.2% for trans‐monoenoic (Mt) were quantitated, with an error under 3% and a standard deviation of 0.1—1.5. The total content of TFA in table margarines varied from 0 to 26.9% with a mean value of 8.6 ± 7.2% for imported and 1.6 ± 3.4% for Bulgarian samples. Saturated fatty acids (SFA) content varied from 11.5 to 45.7%, with a mean value of 25.4 ± 5.7% for imported and 26.9 ± 5.2% for Bulgarian margarines. A general trend of lower levels of TFA and SFA in imported margarines was observed over the studied period. Additionally, the content of individual saturated fatty acids was determined by gasliquid chromatography in 37 of all studied samples. 相似文献
Pierluigi Delmonte 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2023,100(6):493-497
To date no single gas chromatographic method can simultaneously measure all fatty acids (FA), including trans-FA (TFA), that are contained in dairy products, partially hydrogenated oils (PHO), and refined vegetable oils. Using 100% poly(biscyanopropyl siloxane) capillary columns, ruminant and dairy fats are preferentially analyzed by applying temperature programs that separate short chain FA, but not trans-18:3 from 20:1. Refined vegetable oils and PHO are preferentially analyzed by applying isothermal elutions that provide quantification of all 18 carbon TFA including trans-18:3 FA, but not of all short chain FA. In this short communication, we propose a temperature program method capable of simultaneously measuring short chain FA and all 18 carbon TFA including trans-18:3 by applying a negative temperature gradient after the elution of trans-18:1. A simplified version of the method is also described for equipment not able to perform negative temperature gradients. 相似文献
Ram Chandra Reddy Jala Zheng Guo Thomas Bjerring Xuebing Xu 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2010,112(12):1375-1383
A multi‐stage temperature‐programmed fractionating crystallization process was carried out to examine the effects of the presence of stearic acid (SA), oleic acid (OA), and linoleic acid (LA) on the separation of elaidic acid (EA). The results showed that the efficiency of fractionating crystallization of EA depended largely on the crystallization temperature, initial concentration of EA and presence of SA. The content of SA plays very important role for the fractionating performance. It was a characteristic observation that only when SA <2%, substantial crystallization of EA (>50% in stepwise crystal fractions) were obtained regardless of the initial concentration of SA. In general, SA induced crystallization of EA in earlier stage but delayed further crystallization of EA in later stage; the crystallization of EA was independent from co‐existing OA and LA. After reduction of EA content in solution to certain extent (7–10%, at ?20°C), further reduction of EA content requires much lower crystallization temperatures (40°C, ~5%) with significant loss of OA, indicating the limitation of the method. Instead, SA content could be easily reduced down to low concentration (~0.5%, at ?20°C). Practical applications: Presently, development of methodologies for the removal of trans‐fatty acids (TFA) from partially hydrogenated soybean oil (PHSO) is of high commercial interest. One of the strategies is to selectively release TFAs as free fatty acids from PHSO enzymatically. However, all commercially available enzymes are far away from qualified to selectively release TFAs, where there are always substantial non‐trans FAs hydrolyzed simultaneously. Therefore, developing post‐processing technology is requisite in order to recover those non‐trans fatty acids. Thus, this model system was designed based on FA composition characteristic of PHSO, which aimed to acquire some basic data and experience that lack in available literatures, so as to serve designing efficient practical process for removing trans‐fatty acid moieties from PHSO. The results from this work may be of general value to achieve a better understanding of fractionating crystallization behaviors of different FAs, relationship with individual molecular feature and property, and their interference effects, which might contribute to the design of practically feasible protocol to remove TFAs from PHSO and recover non‐trans FAs at the same time. 相似文献
Mehmet etin Ayhan Yldrm A. Metin ahin 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2003,105(11):683-687
The fatty acid composition and total trans fatty acid content in 10 margarines produced in Turkey were determined by capillary gas chromatography and Fourier transform‐infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR) spectroscopy. The fatty acid composition ranged as follows: saturated fatty acids, C16:0 (palmitic) 11.3 to 31.8% and C18:0 (stearic) 5.7 to 8.7%, monounsaturated fatty acids, C18:1 (oleic) 21.8 to 35.7% and C18:1 trans isomers 0.4 to 27.4%, polyunsaturated fatty acid, C18:2 linoleic acid 5.2 to 40.2%. Some positional isomers of C18:1 as cis‐11‐octadecenoic acid varied from 0.7 to 4.6% and cis‐13 trace to 2.4%. The total trans fatty acid contents were between 0.9 and 32.0% when measured with capillary gas chromatography and between 0 and 30.2% with FT‐IR spectroscopy. Some of the margarines analyzed contained trace amount of trans fatty acids which could not be detected by FT‐IR spectroscopy. 相似文献
Rianne M. Weggemans Mike Rudrum Elke A. Trautwein 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2004,106(6):390-397
Several studies have reported a positive association between intake of trans fatty acids and risk of heart disease. It has been suggested that trans fatty acids from ruminant sources are less detrimental than trans fatty acids from industrial sources. Legislation or advice on limiting trans fatty acids has, in some instances, been restricted to trans fatty acids from industrial sources. However, comparisons of ruminant and industrial trans fatty acids have been based on few studies using relative intake data (e.g. quintiles of intakes). Therefore, we have reviewed data describing the associations between absolute intake (g eaten per day) of ruminant and industrial trans fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease, and examined the associations graphically. Where direct comparison is possible, there are no differences in risk of coronary heart disease between total, ruminant and industrial trans fatty acids for intakes up to 2.5 g/d. At higher intakes (more than 3 g/d) total and industrial trans fatty acids are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease but there is insufficient data available on ruminant trans fatty acids at this level of intake. The scarce data do not support discrimination between ruminant and industrial trans fatty acids in dietary recommendations or legislation. 相似文献
Sakina Khatoon Sunki Reddy Yella Reddy 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2005,107(11):786-791
Speciality plastic fats with no trans fatty acids suitable for use in bakery and as vanaspati are prepared by interesterification of blends of palm hard fraction (PSt) with mahua and mango fats at various proportions. It was found that the interesterified samples did not show significant differences in solid fat content (SFC) after 0.5 or 1 h reaction time. The blends containing PSt/mahua (1:1) showed three distinct endotherms, indicating a heterogeneity of triacylglycerols (TG), the proportions of which altered after interesterification. The SFC also showed improved plasticity after interesterification. Similar results were observed with other blends of PSt/mahua (1:2). These changes in melting behavior are due to alterations in TG composition, as the trisaturated‐type TG were reduced and the low‐melting TG increased after interesterification. The blends containing PSt/mango (1:1) showed improvement in plasticity after interesterification, whereas those containing PSt/mango (2:1) were hard and showed high solid contents at higher temperature and hence may not be suitable for bakery or as vanaspati. The blends with palm and mahua oils were softer and may be suitable for margarine‐type products. The results showed that the blends of PSt/mahua (1:1, 1:2) and PSt/mango (1:1) after interesterification for 1 h at 80 °C showed an SFC similar to those of commercial hydrogenated bakery shortenings and vanaspati. Hence, they could be used in these applications in place of hydrogenated fats as they are free from trans acids, which are reported to be risk factors involved in coronary heart disease. For softer consistency like margarine applications, the blends containing palm oil and mahua oil are suitable. 相似文献
Two gas chromatography (GC) procedures were compared for routine analysis of trans fatty acids (TFA) of vegetable margarines, one direct with a 100-m high-polarity column and the other using argentation thin-layer
chromatography and GC. There was no difference (P>0.05) in the total trans 18∶1 percentage of margarines with a medium level of TFA (∼18%) made using either of the procedures. Both methods offer good
repeatability for determination of total trans 18∶1 percentage. The recoveries of total trans isomers of 18∶1 were not influenced (P>0.1) by the method used. Fatty acid composition of 12 Spanish margarines was determined by the direct GC method. The total
contents of trans isomers of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids ranged from 0.15 to 20.21, from 0.24 to 0.99, and from 0 to 0.47%, respectively,
and the mean values were 8.18, 0.49, and 0.21%. The mean values for the ratios [cis-polyunsaturated/(saturated +TFA)] and [(cis-polyunsaturated + cis-monounsaturated)/(saturated +TFA)] were 1.25±0.39 and 1.92±0.43, respectively. Taking into account the annual per capita
consumption of vegetable margarine, the mean fat content of the margarines (63.5%), and the mean total TFA content (8.87%),
the daily per capita consumption of TFA from vegetable margarines by Spaniards was estimated at about 0.2 g/person/d. 相似文献
Sebastiano Banni Billy W. Day Rhobert W. Evans Francesco P. Corongiu Benito Lombardi 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1994,71(12):1321-1325
A commercially available partially hydrogenated fat was analyzed for fatty acids containing conjugated dienes. The fatty acids
were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and analyzed with a photodiode array detector and an atmospheric-pressure
ionization mass spectrometer. Conventional and second-derivative ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the peaks eluting from the HPLC
were recorded with the photodiode array detector, and peaks displaying second-derivative UV spectra characteristic of the
conjugated diene chromophore were analyzed by mass spectrometry. The UV and mass spectra of the fatty acids with conjugated
dienes, present in the partially hydrogenated fat, were identical to those of reference preparations of linoleic acid isomers
with conjugated dienes. The results obtained emphasize that care must be exercised in the interpretation of clinical and experimental
data concerning the detection of conjugated dienes in tissues or body fluids of humans and experimental animals. The conjugated
dienes may not reflect an ongoing process of lipid peroxidation, but may be of dietary origin. 相似文献
Dietz Precht Jürgen Voigt Hans Hagemeister Wilhelm Kanitz 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2001,103(12):783-792
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a diet supplemented with rumenprotected linoleic acids (C18:2) on the composition of milk fat and the energy balance of dairy cattle during the first 15 wk of lactation. The 32 Holstein‐Friesian cows were allotted in two treatment groups; in the experimental group one‐third of the starch (relative to the control group) was substituted with protected fat on an energy basis. Milk samples from all cows were collected weekly from week 2 to 15 postpartum (p.p.). To analyze the milk fat composition milk samples from 16 cows in each group were collected from week 6 and 7 as well as from week 13 and 14 p.p. and were mixed together, respectively. Triglyceride analysis demonstrated an extensive use of depot fat in both cow groups at the beginning of the lactation period. However, calculated energy balance, triglyceride composition and back fat thickness showed that the usual deficit of energy intake in early lactation was significantly shortened in the experimental group by three weeks. In comparison with the control group the content of the saturated fatty acids (FAs) C12, C14 and C16 in the experimental group decreased by 17.3% at 6 to 7 wk and by 19.2% at 13 to 14 wk. The stearic acid content of milk fat was increased by 25.9% at 6 to 7 wk and by 27.7% at 13 to 14 wk in the experimental group. The content of cis Δ9 oleic acid was increased by 21.6% at 6 to 7 and by 30.3% at 13 to 14 wk, while the C18:2 FA content was doubled as compared with the control group. Thus besides the increase of the trans‐C18:1 FA (TFA) content the nutritional value of fats could be improved using the experimental fat supplement. The TFA content still remained within the range of variation of natural milk fats. Additionally the experimental fat intake led to a number of desired effects; an increase in the content of conjugated linoleic acids (cis Δ9, transΔ11) by 55.9% (6 to 7 wk) and by 97.1% (13 to 14 wk p.p.), respectively, and a decrease in the cholesterol level. Further, the butyric acid content increased relatively by more than 20%. The addition of this fat resulted simultaneously in a changed triglyceride composition with increased C50, C52 and C54 contents. Thus a markedly improved spreadability of the resulting butter might be expected. 相似文献
Sequential Feeding of Lipid Supplement Enriches Beef Adipose Tissues with 18:3n-3 Biohydrogenation Intermediates

P. Vahmani J. L. Aalhus D. C. Rolland T. A. McAllister N. Prieto H. C. Block S. D. Proctor L. L. Guan M. E. R. Dugan 《Lipids》2017,52(7):641-649
The present study was designed to determine if feeding steers extruded flaxseed and hay (25 and 75%; DM basis) together as a total mixed ration (TMR), or sequentially (non-TMR) would result in different enrichments of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and their biohydrogenation intermediates (BHI) in beef adipose tissues [subcutaneous (SC) vs perirenal (PR) fat]. Forty-eight Angus cross steers (325 ± 16 kg) were stratified by weight to six pens, and pens were randomized to either TMR or non-TMR and fed ad libitum for an average of 242 days. The concentrations of α-linolenic acid increased by 18 mol% in both SC and PR in non-TMR steers compared to TMR steers (P < 0.01). trans 18:1 isomers were more concentrated in PR than SC (14.4 vs 9.5 mol%; P < 0.01) and increased by 10 mol% in both fat depots for non-TMR (P < 0.01). Other BHI including non-methylene-interrupted 18:2 (atypical dienes), conjugated linoleic acids and conjugated linolenic acids (CLnA) were affected by diet × tissue interactions (P < 0.01). The CLnA and CLA contents were higher in both fat depots when feeding the non-TMR, but the effect of diet was more pronounced in PR than in SC (P < 0.01). Atypical dienes were highest in PR from non-TMR and lowest in TMR fed steers (4.3 and 3.6 mol%) with SC contents being intermediate. The sequential feeding of lipid supplement can thus profoundly affect the enrichment of PUFA and their BHI in beef fat and their differentially enrichment is also fat depot dependant. 相似文献
Nor Aini Idris Leny deMan T. S. Tang C. L. Chong 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1996,73(8):995-1001
Seven samples of domestic and imported Malaysian tub margarines were analyzed for their fatty acid and triglyceride (carbon
number) composition, solid fat content, dropping and softening points, crystallization temperature, polymorphic form, color,
and textural attributes. Domestic margarines were formulated from palm oil or palm olein and palm kernel oil with a liquid
oil but no hydrogenated oils. Two imported products contained hydrogenated palm oil product, which resulted in a high level
of β′ crystals, whereas the domestic nonhydrogenated products contained more β than β′ crystals. Crystal habit was related
to the fatty acid and triglyceride composition of the high-melting glycerides. Domestic products were firmer in texture, probably
because they were formulated to be sold in a tropical climate. 相似文献
Molecular Mechanisms for the Modulation of Selected Inflammatory Markers by Dietary Rice Bran Oil in Rats Fed Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Fat

Industrially produced partially hydrogenated vegetable fat (PHVF) contains trans fatty acids (TFA) mostly comprising elaidic acid (EA, 18:1?9t). Though, the harmful effects of TFA on health have been repeatedly publicized, the fat containing TFA have been continued to be used as a cooking medium in many regions of the world. The adverse effects of PHVF on oxidative stress and inflammatory markers and the possible ameliorative action of rice bran oil (RBO) on these markers were evaluated. Weaning rats were fed a AIN‐93 purified diet supplemented with the following lipids: groundnut oil (GNO, 10 wt%), PHVF (10 wt%), RBO (10 wt%), PHVF blended with RBO at 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 wt% levels. The final concentration of the lipids in the diet was maintained at 10 wt%. Rats were fed these diets for 60 days. They were sacrificed and analyzed for oxidative stress and inflammatory markers. The rats fed PHVF showed lower levels of lipid peroxidation and hepatic antioxidant enzymes. The rats fed PHVF‐containing diets showed enhanced levels of interleukin‐1β, C‐reactive proteins and also showed enhanced levels of paw inflammation when injected with carrageenan as compared to rats given GNO, RBO or PHVF blended with incremental amounts of RBO. The macrophages from rats fed diet containing PHVF showed up‐regulation in the expressions of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2), nuclear factor‐κB p65, toll like receptor (TLR)‐2, TLR‐4 and down‐regulation in the expressions of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPAR)γ, adiponectin receptor (AdipoR)‐1 and AdipoR‐2 when compared to rats fed diet containing GNO, RBO and PHVF blended with RBO. It was concluded that dietary PHVF enhance pro‐inflammatory markers which can be reduced by judiciously blending PHVF with RBO. 相似文献
Jeroen Maes David Houlton Werner Himmelsbach Wim De Greyt 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2007,109(12):1174-1179
In this study, lab‐scale hydrogenation of sunflower oil was conducted at 190 °C and 2 bar using two different catalyst types at varying concentrations and two different agitator designs (surface gassing and hollow shaft) at varying power inputs. At identical power input and reaction conditions, the reaction rate with the hollow‐shaft agitator was 1.68 times higher than with surface gassing agitation. The catalyst concentration had to exceed a certain feedstock‐dependent threshold value of 25 ppm Ni in order to start the reaction. At low catalyst concentration, the reaction rate increased proportionally with increasing catalyst concentration. When hydrogen consumption became higher than the available mass transfer provided by the agitation system, the reaction time became less dependent on the catalyst concentration. For the hollow‐shaft agitator, this situation was observed at a reaction rate of 3.7 ΔIV/min, where trans formation was at its maximum with more than 40% trans fatty acids in partially hydrogenated sunflower oil with IV 65. The region in which hydrogen mass transfer did not limit the reaction rate could be extended by more efficient agitation design or increased agitation power. In this way, productivity can be increased and trans formation can be controlled in a better way when compared to hydrogenation with a less efficient agitator. 相似文献
Svein A. Mjs Sonnich Meier Otto Grahl‐Nielsen 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2006,108(4):315-322
Acid‐catalysed methylation is frequently applied for the preparation of fatty acid methyl esters used for gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acids. A series of artefacts were observed in hydrochloric acid‐catalysed direct methylation of herring (Clupea harengus L.) muscle. The artefacts were identified as trans isomers of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid, and their levels increased with reaction time. The isomers were not found after methylation of a lipid extract of the herring muscle, even after extreme reaction times. In general, the trans isomers are only observed after methylation of certain marine tissues, indicating catalytic activity in these samples. Based on these results, it is recommended that direct methylation procedures are thoroughly validated with each matrix type analysed, and that reaction times should not be longer than necessary to complete the methylation. 相似文献
Karola R. Glser Martin R. L. Scheeder Caspar Wenk 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2000,102(11):684-686
The effect of dietary C18:1 trans fatty acids on back fat composition in pigs was investigated with special emphasis on conjugated linoleic acids (CLA). A total of 12 × 4 siblings of Large White and Swiss Landrace breed were housed in groups and fattened from 22 to 103 kg live weight. Pigs were fed a control diet (barley, wheat, soybean meal) or experimental diets which consisted of the control diet with a 5% replacement of olein or stearin fractions of pork fat, or partially hydrogenated fat. The hydrogenated fat was rich in C18:1 trans fatty acids but contained only negligible amounts of CLA. In contrast olein and stearin fractions contained far less C18:1 trans fatty acids but some CLA. In the control diet no C18:1 trans fatty acids and only traces of CLA were detected. The partially hydrogenated fat led to the highest CLA content in back fat (0.44%). Intermediate amounts of CLA were measured in pigs fed the fractionated pork fat (0.22/0.23%). In pigs fed the control diet, also small amounts of CLA were detected. The results indicate that CLA may be produced by endogenous Δ9‐desaturation out of dietary trans vaccenic acid in pigs. 相似文献
Milford A. Hanna Yusuf Ali S. L. Cuppett Danian Zheng 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1996,73(6):759-763
Methyl tallowate was prepared from edible beef tallow via transesterification, and was blended with ethanol and/or No.2 diesel
fuel in different ratios. Crystallization characteristics of methyl tallowate and its blends were studied at temperatures
ranging from 22 to −16°C. Blending ethanol with methyl tallowate reduced crystal formation at all temperatures. As the temperature
of the blends was reduced from 22 to 0°C, there was no effect on crystal formation of saturated vs. unsaturated fatty acids.
Below 0°C, the saturated fatty acids crystallized at a much faster rate than the unsaturated fatty acids. 相似文献
Bijay Krishna De Muzammil Hakimji Avnish Patel Deepan Sharma Himanshu Desai Trivendra Kumar 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2007,109(1):32-37
Milk fat stearins and oleins were blended with high‐ and low‐melting natural fats to produce plastic fats, vanaspati substitute and confectionery fats. Margarines of improved nutritional value were also formulated. Fractionation was carried out using acetone, hexane, and isopropyl alcohol. The yield (wt‐%) of high‐melting stearin (HMS) from acetone and IPA was 13.0 ± 0.2 to 13.3 ± 0.1 after crystallization for 24 h at 20 °C. The melting point of the products was 49.0 ± 0.5 to 49.8 ± 0.6 °C. However, in hexane the yield of HMS was 12.2 ± 0.2% at 10 °C. The olein fractions were further fractionated at 10 °C from acetone and IPA, and at 0 °C from hexane, to obtain superoleins and low‐melting stearins (LMS). HMS fractions were blended with rice bran oil and cottonseed oil at the ratio 70 : 30 (wt/wt), and the superoleins were blended with sal fat and palm stearin at the ratios 40 : 60, 30 : 70 and 20 : 80 (wt/wt). The blends were interesterified (product melting point: 22.7 ± 0.04 to 39.3 ± 0.10 °C) chemically and enzymatically to prepare margarine. The penetration values (in 0.1 mm) of these margarines were noted to be 112 ± 1.52 to 145 ± 0.00. 相似文献
Marcel S. F. Lie Ken Jie C. C. Lam Mohammed Khysar Pasha Kamen L. Stefenov I. Marekov 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1996,73(8):1011-1017
The triacylglycerol fraction of three samples of margarine, namely “Flora” (Holland), “Kaliakra” (Bulgaria), and “Corona”
(Holland), were studied by13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. By examining the various carbon chemical shifts of the saturated and unsaturated
carbon nuclei, “Flora” margarine was shown to contain a mixture of hydrogenated and unhydrogenated vegetable oils. This technique
allowed all major acyl groups (saturated, oleate, linoleate, and linolenate) and minor acyl components [different positional
isomers of long-chain (E)- and (Z)-monoenoic moieties, arising as by-products during catalytic hydrogenation] to be identified. The amount of each fatty acid
present in the margarine was also estimated from the relative intensities of the corresponding signals. “Kaliakra” margarine
consisted of a blend of unhydrogenated natural fats and oils that contained saturated fatty acids, oleate, and linoleate.
There were no signs in the spectrum of “Kaliakra” of any (E)-isomers, nor signals associated with positional unsaturated acyl groups (other than oleate and linoleate). The sample of
“Corona” margarine consisted of a mixture of hydrogenated and unhydrogenated vegetable oils and butter (1.3%). The presence
of butter in this sample was identified by the characteristic carbon shifts of the C-1 to C-4 carbon atoms of butyrate. The
distribution of the fatty acids on the glycerol “backbone” also was estimated by this technique. 相似文献