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Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - The aging of an Al-Mg-Si alloy with a high silicon excess and reinforced with ceramic particles was characterized between 373 K and... 相似文献
A. A. Hussein 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1982,13(5):847-853
The mechanical behavior of dual-phase Cu-Al alloys was investigated and properties were correlated to the relevant parameters:
martensite volume fraction, martensite strength, and dual-phase morphology. The yield strength is markedly influenced by all
parameters, being an increasing function of both martensite fraction and strength. With respect to component phases it is
established that such function does not follow the law of mixtures. On the other hand, ultimate tensile strength exhibits
linear dependence on volume fraction of martensite. On comparing theory with experiment, good agreement was established between
true uniform strains calculated according to Mileiko's theory of composites and experimental results. High ductility levels
are reachable over a rather broad range of martensite volume fraction. Depending on quench temperature, enhancement of ductility
occursvia stress-induced phase transformation of martensite to fcc structure. Macrohardness measurements carried out on dual-phase
structures showed linear dependence on martensite volume fraction. The data indicate that macrohardness could be predictedvia linear combination of microhardness of component phases and their volume fractions. Strengthening of dual-phase alloys could
be achieved, at practically no loss of ductility, by means of short time annealing. Moreover, remarkable strengthening is
attainablevia combinations of cold work and annealing while maintaining useful levels of ductility. 相似文献
The kinetics of ε-Cu particles dissolution in the matrix during welding of a copper-precipitation strengthening steel was determined by a combination of GleebleTM physical simulation, TEM examination and hardness measurement. The ε-Cu particles underwent a coarsening and part dissolution and then complete dissolution reaction as the peak temperature increased from 750 to 1 000 ℃, which resulted ir the decrease in the number density of ε-Cu particles and hardness in the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The results can be used to understand the evolution of this transformation and a softening behavior of the HAZ during welding of this type of steel. 相似文献
In this paper we will apply the theoretical framework developed in Part I to various metal forming processes. These numerical simulations are exposed showing the capability of the formulation to simulate finite anisothermal deformation of solids and thermal field evolution due to viscoplastic and frictional heating. 相似文献
M. Dehmas E. Aeby-Gautier P. Archambault M. Serrière 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2013,44(2):1059-1073
The transformation of primary eutectic Al6(Mn,Fe) intermetallics into α-Al(Mn,Fe)Si and the precipitation of dispersoids were studied in the commercial in the form of 3003 series cast aluminum alloys, mainly under isothermal conditions between 673 K and 873 K (400 °C and 600 °C). After solidification, both the solid solution and the primary eutectic intermetallics were far from equilibrium. During further heat treatment, the precipitation of fine dispersoids and eutectoid transformation of the primary eutectic particles occurred simultaneously. Having characterized these evolutions under industrial homogenization conditions, the evolution of the microstructure (in terms of its nature, and the quantity, size, and chemical composition of the phases) was characterized during isothermal heat treatment, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations, quantitative image analysis, and transmission electron microscopy–energy-dispersive spectroscopy (TEM-EDS). The experimental results are analyzed, and changes in chemical composition are discussed and compared with the calculated equilibrium compositions. It is shown that (1) the chemical composition of eutectic intermetallics evolves and tends toward an equilibrium composition; (2) during precipitation, the chemical composition of dispersoids is constant, and close to the expected equilibrium composition when the initial mean composition of the solidification cell is taken into account; (3) after the formation of dispersoids, the quantity of α-Al(Mn,Fe)Si formed from the initial eutectic intermetallics increased, with the kinetics being controlled by long-range manganese diffusion; and (4) the latter evolution is associated with the dissolution of dispersoids located close to eutectic intermetallics and contributes to the formation of a dispersoid-free zone (DFZ). 相似文献
Noémie Ott Shravan K. Kairy Yuanming Yan Nick Birbilis 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2017,48(1):51-56
The grain boundary microstructure of Al-Cu-Li alloy AA2050 was investigated for different isothermal aging times to rationalize intergranular corrosion (IGC) characteristics. In the underaged condition, the dominant grain boundary precipitates are fine T1 (Al2CuLi). Extended aging revealed that grain boundaries were decorated by large T1 precipitates and S′ phase (Al2CuMg), with S′ growth not dimensionally constrained. Such a transition in the precipitate type at grain boundaries is a unique feature of the Al-Cu-Li system. 相似文献
基于大型有限元模拟软件MSC.Marc建立了连续铸轧过程的热-力耦合模型,应用材料流变本构模型和辊/板界面接触热导模型,对铝合金的连续铸轧过程进行了二维的直接热-力耦合数值模拟,分析了连续铸轧过程中辊套及板坯的温度场、应力场的分布规律,研究了不同的铸轧工艺下的板坯温度场、应力场变化的规律。研究发现:在铸轧过程中,辊套的温度分布、应力分布均存在所谓的"集肤效应",板坯在铸轧区内的应力场与板坯物性因素、几何因素及温度、铸轧工艺等有密切的联系,仿真的结果与大量的工业现象相符,在一定程度上可以为实际生产提供技术指导。 相似文献
Zheng Baolong Lin Yaojun Zhou Yizhang Lavernia Enrique J. 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》2009,40(6):995-1004
The optimal processing parameters that are required to atomize amorphous Al were established on the basis of numerical simulations in part I of this study. In this part II, the characterization of cooling rate experienced by gas-atomized, Al-based amorphous powders was studied via experiments. An experimental investigation was implemented to validate the numerical predictions reported in part I of this study. The cooling rate experienced by the powders, for example, was experimentally determined on the basis of dendrite arm spacing correlations, and the results were compared with the numerical predictions. The experimental studies were completed using commercial Al 2024 as a baseline material and Al90Gd7Ni2Fe1 metallic glass (MG). The results showed that the cooling rate of droplets increases with decreasing particle size, with an increasing proportion of helium in the atomization gas and with increasing melt superheat. The experimental results reported in this article suggest good agreement between experiments and numerical simulations. 相似文献
The experiments from Part I with CaCl2-H2O solidification in a differentially heated, square cavity were simulated in two dimensions using a control volume technique in a fixed grid. The test conditions and physical properties of the fluid resulted in Prandtl and Rayleigh numbers in the range of 50 and 2.1 × 108, respectively, and the solidification was observed to be planar with dispersed solid particles. In the mathematical model, temperature-dependent viscosity and density functions were employed. To suppress velocities in the solid phase, various models were tested, and a high effective viscosity was found most appropriate. The results compare well with the experiments in terms of solid layer growth, horizontal and vertical velocities, heat transfer coefficients, and temperature distributions. Hydrodynamic boundary layers on the solidified front and on the hot vertical wall tend to be nonsymmetric, as well on the top and bottom adiabatic walls. The high viscosity value imposed on the two-phase zone affects the velocity profile close to the solid front and modifies the heat transfer rate. 相似文献
Ji-min Wang Yuan-yuan Zhou Shen Lan Tao Chen Jie Li Hong-jie Yan Jie-min Zhou Rui-jiao Tian Yan-wu Tu Wen-ke Li 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》2014,45(6):2194-2210
To achieve high heat efficiency, low pollutant emission and homogeneous melt temperature during thermal process of secondary aluminum, taking into account the features of aluminum alloying process, a CFD process model was developed and integrated with heat load and aluminum temperature control model. This paper presented numerical simulation of aluminum holding furnaces using the customized code based on FLUENT packages. Thermal behaviors of aluminum holding furnaces were investigated by probing into main physical fields such as flue gas temperature, velocity, and concentration, and combustion instability of aluminum holding process was represented by chaos theory. The results show that aluminum temperature uniform coefficient firstly decreases during heating phase, then increases and reduces alternately during holding phase, lastly rises during standing phase. Correlation dimension drops with fuel velocity. Maximal Lyapunov exponent reaches to a maximum when air–fuel ratio is close to 1. It would be a clear comprehension about each phase of aluminum holding furnaces to find new technology, retrofit furnace design, and optimize parameters combination. 相似文献
对铝合金5A06简体纵缝进行激光深熔焊接。建立了该条件下的焊接热源模型,热源模型由沿激光入射方向的旋转高斯体热源构成。使用该热源模型和ANSYS有限元分析软件对前述的试验进行了数值模拟。为制定和优化焊接工艺提供必要的参考。 相似文献
时效条件下2205双相不锈钢中的析出相分析及其对冲击性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究采用光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)和透射电镜(TEM)等试验技术,分别对2205双相不锈钢在700、750℃时效处理0.5、12、h后组织中的析出相进行分析。结果表明:在700℃时效处理的条件下,2205双相不锈钢的析出相主要是Cr2N和χ相;750℃时效处理的条件下,析出相主要由Cr2N、χ相以及σ相组成。结合室温冲击功的测量结果,随着时效时间的延长,该钢的冲击功明显降低;在相同时效时间条件下,与700℃时效处理相比,经750℃时效处理后的2205双相不锈钢冲击功较低,这主要是由于组织中σ相的析出造成的。 相似文献
Takeshi Saito Shinji Muraishi Calin D. Marioara Sigmund J. Andersen Jostein Røyset Randi Holmestad 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2013,44(9):4124-4135
Effects of low Cu additions (≤0.10 wt pct) and 10 pct predeformation before aging on precipitates’ microstructures and types in a 6060 Al-Mg-Si alloy have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was found that predeformation enhances precipitation kinetics and leads to formation of heterogeneous precipitate distributions along dislocation lines. These precipitates were often disordered. Cu additions caused finer microstructures, which resulted in the highest hardness of materials, in both the undeformed and the predeformed conditions. The introduced predeformation led to microstructure coarsening. This effect was less pronounced in the presence of Cu. The precipitate structure was studied in detail by high-resolution TEM and high angle annular dark-field scanning TEM (HAADF-STEM). The Cu additions did not alter the respective precipitation sequence in either the undeformed or the predeformed conditions, but caused a large fraction of β″ precipitates to be partially disordered in the undeformed conditions. Cu atomic columns were found in all the investigated precipitates, except for perfect β″. Although no unit cell was observed in the disordered precipitates, the presence of a periodicity having hexagonal symmetry along the precipitate length was inferred from the fast Fourier transforms (FFT) of HRTEM images, and sometimes directly observed in filtered HAADF-STEM images. 相似文献