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罗帆 《水泥》2020,(3):20-23
试验分析表明:我国石灰石易磨性Wi具有北高南低的地理分布特征,且易磨性好的矿种不多,大部分居于难磨和较难磨的水平.因此,尽量利用采矿废渣和优化配料方案,使生料Wi低于石灰石Wi,至少可节省粉磨电耗5%~18%以上.文中给出各省区石灰石/生料的最大、最小和平均Wi等数据对比,同时对辅助原料影响生料Wi的三种状态进行剖析并提出建议.  相似文献   

罗帆 《水泥》2012,(3):20
试验分析表明:我国石灰石易磨性Wi具有北高南低的地理分布特征,且易磨性好的矿种不多,大部分居于难磨和较难磨的水平。因此,尽量利用采矿废渣和优化配料方案,使生料Wi低于石灰石Wi,至少可节省粉磨电耗5%~18%以上。文中给出各省区石灰石/生料的最大、最小和平均Wi等数据对比,同时对辅助原料影响生料Wi的三种状态进行剖析并提出建议。  相似文献   

针对国外提出的“哈氏可磨性转换为邦德易磨性”的方法,通过实测和计算对比,证明其转换值不具有实测值的真实性,且随原料品类不同差距很大。文中根据40多例原料实测试验和反求论证,建立了新的转换指数,以此计算的邦德易磨性,较之国外公式更接近于实测值。  相似文献   

粉煤灰作为建材领域重要原材料,已经被广泛应用,但是由于粉煤灰本身原料特点,国际上还没有专门评价粉煤灰易磨性的试验方法。本文在分析和试验的基础上,探讨了4种粉煤灰易磨性试验方法,其中粉磨功试验法主要通过控制80 μm筛筛余来表征物料的易磨性,与生产实践偏移较大;Zeisel法不适于粉煤灰试验;粉磨时间法(T600)通过粉磨时间、产品比表面积来考察粉煤灰易磨性,该方法简单、劳动强度低,适用性强;立磨试验法与工业化实践吻合性好,但只适用于TRM型立磨的粉煤灰粉磨设备选型。  相似文献   

罗帆 《中国水泥》2003,(3):37-40
1前言原料易磨性是水泥厂设计和改造中确定磨机产量和电耗的重要参数。水泥原料的品种多,影响易磨性的因素复杂,但同类原料都有一个基本共性。如:石灰石、铁矿石、砂岩、粘土、煤等许多矿山原料的易磨性主要由矿床地质成因和地形地貌所决定,属先天形成,故每种原料的易磨性在一个地理区域内存在较大的相似性;而水泥生料、熟料,以及矿渣、钢渣、炉渣、粉煤灰等人工合成材料或工业副产品,则与其配料种类、配比、生产工艺和设备等外部条件有关。因此,按不同的影响因素即可归纳出水泥原料的区域特征。本文依据大量实测数据,以省区为统…  相似文献   

罗帆 《水泥》1995,(12):11-15
水泥原料易磨性试验及其方法的讨论罗帆合肥水泥研究设计院(230051)1粉磨功指数与水泥原料的易磨性以邦德(Bond)粉磨功指数表征的物料易磨性,已广泛用于我国水泥生产和设计。按邦德原理确定的物料粉磨功指数Wi为:式中:Wi──物料由粒度F粉磨至P所...  相似文献   

HR厂为2000t/d新型干法回转窑,2002年底投产,原采用石灰石、页岩、砂岩和硫酸渣4组分配料,石灰石氧化钙含量基本在54%以上,品位较高,杂质含量较少,结构致密,易烧性反而不好,加之页岩和砂岩结晶硅含量较多,生料易烧性较差,熟料质量一直不理想;加之几个石灰石矿均毗邻风景区,出于保护环境的原因近年来开采量被严格限制,为了改善生料的易烧性并打破石灰石供应的瓶颈,厂部决定采用邻近价格较低但氧化镁含量较高的黑石灰石进行部分替代。考虑到过高的氧化镁可能会对窑的煅烧和熟料质量产生较大影响,决定先组织试生产,并特地选择在窑系统中修后进行,以避免干扰。  相似文献   

2008年2月底,新疆A厂在1600t/d新型干法窑上实现了电石渣100%代替石灰石煅烧水泥熟料。该生产线采用两级预热器带管道式分解炉、(1)3.6m×56m回转窑及篦式冷却机。由于水泥熟料的粉磨涉及到水泥生产能耗和水泥性能两个重要的问题,因此,研究该工艺煅烧的水泥熟料的易磨性十分必要。本文针对该生产线的水泥熟料进行了易磨性的研究,主要探讨100%电石渣作为钙质原料对水泥熟料易磨性的影响。  相似文献   

<正>邦德理论及其易磨性试验方法产生于20世纪50年代,当时水泥行业像辊压机这类新设备新工艺尚未出现,所以其应用仅限于传统球磨机。现在随着挤压粉磨的普及,如何用邦德易磨性计算产量和电耗,一直多有探讨。2013年,笔者通过反求论证,提出辊压机、立磨、小段磨等系统的产量计算公式[1]。文章发表后,收到了很多应用反馈,基本证实其应用的可行性。根据这些生产和原料的试验数据积累,本文针对HFCG辊压机近20年来的应用,以较大的时间跨度,从不同规格(120-36~200-180)、不同工艺  相似文献   

The proportion of off-colored seed is a primary quality-rating factor that influences the market grade of soybean,Glycine max L. Merrill. Off-colors, attributed to biological agents such as fungi and viruses, are visual characteristics that arbitrarily result in lower grade ratings when soybeans show more than ten percent discoloration. These damaged seeds may be further classified under current United States Department of Agriculture, Federal Grain Inspection Service standards as: moldy, weathered, bicolored, mottled, or other colors. Presently, all types of fungal damage and virus symptoms are evaluated equally in the application of discount schedules at grain-elevators. However, recent information shows that superficial discoloration caused by some biological agents does not lower grain quality. Indeed, methods are available to distinguish those symptoms that actually reduce seed quality from those that are more cosmetic in nature. This communication provides guidance on fungi that are involved most often in seed damage or discoloration. The following organisms are listed in descending order of importance:Phomopsis longicolla, Alternaria, Nematospora coryli, Fusarium graminearum, Colletotrichum, andCercospora kikuchii. Discoloration caused byPeronospora manchurica (downy mildew) and the soybean mosaic virus have limited effect on seed quality. Discoloration caused by each of these agents may be identified by recognizable characteristics. Therefore, knowledge of the relative impact of these organisms on seed quality should be practiced in the application of soybean grading standards and discount schedules.  相似文献   

The grindability of a material is the only factor used to determine the required size of a grinding machine. Although, Bond's grindabilty test is widely used to the estimate power required of an industrial grinding mill. Recently, kinetic model has been mostly used to the design of grinding circuits.In this study, the relationship between the Bond's grindability (Gbg) and breakage parameters (Si, aT, γ and β) were examined. The validity of the obtained relationship parameters of Si, aT, γ and β has been confirmed with correlation coefficients of 0.96, 0.92, 0.90 and 0.78, respectively, through a regression analysis of samples of limestone.  相似文献   

我国生物柴油技术的发展急需生物柴油标准的建立。本文分析了国内外生物柴油标准发展现状,讨论了国内现有生物柴油企业标准。建立了一系列生物柴油质量测试方法,测试了国内典型的3种工业生物柴油样品及原生植物油、柴油及20%生物柴油样品。在对测试结果和国际主要生物柴油标准进行对比和分析的基础上,对我国生物柴油标准的制定提出了建议。  相似文献   

Choosing appropriate methods and standards for assaying tannin   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Tannins are chemically diverse polyphenolics that have multiple biological activities. Attempts to establish the ecological significance of tannins have been hindered by the complexities of tannin analysis. A multitude of analytical procedures for tannins has been described, but it is difficult for the nonspecialist to select appropriate methods. We have classified the most common procedures for determining tannin as either chemical assays, appropriate for determining the amount and the chemical nature of the tannin in a sample, or as protein-binding assays, suitable for determining the potential biological activity of the tannin in a sample. We have recommended procedures that are particularly reliable and straightforward for general use. We have also considered the problems encountered in selecting appropriate standards for tannin analysis and have recommended standards that are readily available.  相似文献   

赵劲松 《聚氯乙烯》2001,(4):42-43,51
对国家标准中PVC-U排水管拉伸屈服强度、冲击强度及PVC-U给水管液压强度的规定进行了讨论,并介绍了实际应用中的重庆顾地公司企业标准,指出修改以上规定是符合实际应用的。  相似文献   

Analyzing biodiesel: standards and other methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biodiesel occupies a prominent position among the alternatives to conventional petrodiesel fuel owing to various technical and economic factors. It is obtained by reacting the parent vegetable oil or fat with an alcohol )transesterification) in the presence of a catalyst to give the corresponding monoalkyl esters, which are defined as biodiesel. Because of the nature of the starting material, the production process, and subsequent handling, various factors can influence biodiesel fuel quality. Fuel quality issues are commonly reflected in the contaminants or other minor components of biodiesel. This work categorizes both the restricted species in biodiesel and the physical properties prescribed by the standards, and details the standard reference methods to determine them as well as other procedures. Other aspects of biodiesel analysis, including production monitoring and assessing biodiesel/petrodiesel blends, are also addressed. The types of analyses include chromatographic, spectroscopic, physical properties-based, and wet chemical methods. The justifications for specifications in standards are also addressed.  相似文献   

目的建立注射用重组葡激酶(staphylokinase,SAK)-水蛭素(hirudin,HV)融合蛋白(SFH)的质控方法和质量标准。方法采用纤维蛋白平板溶圈(fibrin agarose plate assay,FAPA)法测定SFH的溶栓比活性,纤维蛋白凝块溶解法测定SFH的抗凝比活性;还原型SDS-PAGE测定SFH的相对分子质量;非还原SDS-PAGE和反相高效液相色谱(reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography,RP-HPLC)测定SFH的纯度;胰酶裂解后采用RP-HPLC法分析SFH的肽图;其他各项指标的检测按《中国药典》三部(2010版)规定进行。结果用建立的方法对SFH原液和成品进行检定,各项指标均符合《人用重组DNA制品质量控制技术指导原则》和《中国药典》三部(2010版)的要求。结论建立的质控方法和质量标准能够保证产品安全、有效、质量可控,可用于注射用SFH产品的常规检定。  相似文献   

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