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以2010年<安徽农业科学>所刊载的学术论文为研究对象,运用文献计量学方法,从载文、作者及引文3个方面进行了统计分析,从中总结一些特点和发展规律,为该刊的编辑和学科工作者进行信息交流提供参考.  相似文献   

作为冶金领域中权威的分析技术专业期刊,《冶金分析》的办刊宗旨是为广大冶金分析测试工作者搭建学术交流平台。《冶金分析》由中国钢研科技集团公司(钢铁研究总院)和中国金属学会合办,国际  相似文献   

基于CNKI的X射线荧光光谱研究文献计量学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
徐英岚 《冶金分析》2019,39(10):1-7
为客观掌握我国X射线荧光光谱(XRF)的研究进展,采用中国知网(CNKI)库内相关研究论文的年度分布、机构、基金、期刊来源等数据,结合Citespace的关键词分析方法,系统揭示了我国X射线荧光光谱的研究进展。结果表明:我国X射线荧光光谱研究处于快速发展阶段,每年论文发表数量呈指数增长;发表研究论文数量最多的是成都理工大学(69篇),总被引频次最高的机构是中国地质科学院国家地质实验测试中心(819次);目前X射线荧光光谱研究受到国家层面的基金支持力度不足;被引频次最高的论文第一作者是李国会(被引93次);发文量和论文被引率最高的期刊是《冶金分析》(300篇、占86.3%);总被引频次和篇均被引频次最高的期刊是《岩矿测试》(2541次、14.4次/篇);关键词分析结果表明,研究热点集中在样品制备、分析方法研究、检测应用;理论研究所占比例远远低于应用研究。所进行的研究对了解X射线荧光光谱的发展动态,推动相关研究工作的深化将产生重要的意义。  相似文献   

国内统一刊号:CN11-2030/TF国际标准刊号:ISSN 1000-7571国际CODEN:YEFEET邮发代号:82-157国外代号:1579M广告经营许可证号:京海工商广字第8024号作为冶金领域中权威的分析技术专业期刊,《冶金分析》的办刊宗旨是为广大冶金分析测试工作者搭建学术交流平台。《冶金分析》由中国钢研科技集团公司(钢铁研究总院)和中国金属学会合办,国际钢铁工业分析委员会(ICASI)支持。自1981年创刊以来,《冶金分析》以高度的创新精神和严谨的科学态度,动态反映冶金领域分析测试新技术、新方法、先进经验、报导研究成果,发表综述文章,并介绍国内外冶金分析动态等。适合于冶金、矿山、石油、化工、机械、地质、环保、商检等部门技术人员和大专院校师生参考。  相似文献   

以中国知网的中国学术期刊网络出版总库为数据来源,采用文献计量学的方法,对2004~2009年我国公开发表的鼠药中毒主题文献,从文献量、年代分布、期刊分布、机构分布、学科领域、研究内容等方面进行分析,以了解我国近六年鼠药中毒的研究,从文献分布特点和研究现状为相关学科研究者提供参考.  相似文献   

欢迎订阅欢迎投稿欢迎刊登广告国内统一刊号:CN11-2030/TF国际标准刊号:ISSN1000-7571国际CODEN:YEFEET邮发代号:82-157国外代号:1579M京海工商广字第8024号作为冶金领域中权威的分析技术专业期刊,《冶金分析》的办刊宗旨是为广大冶金分析测试工作者搭建学术交流平台。  相似文献   

冶金工业是我国工业生产中的重要组成部分,在我国经济发展过程中发挥着重要作用,并贯穿于我国社会发展的各个阶段,从建国初期的大炼钢铁到改革开放后的冶金工业园区的建立,都能看出我国经济发展对于钢铁冶金的依赖和重视。作为我国社会经济发展的重要产业,加强对新时期我国冶金工业的发展运行现状的分析,明确发展过程中的不足,对于促进我国冶金工业的进一步发展具有重要意义。同时,还应结合社会发展其实分析我国冶金工业在未来的发展态势,以此为基础开展工业生产,更有利于我国冶金工业的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

为了了解我国分析仪器的发展,推动冶金分析领域定量检测技术的进步,文章以北京分析测试学术报告会暨展览会(BCEIA)在国内的展示成果为依托,选择电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)、电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)等基础定量检测仪器为主要分析对象,归纳总结了这些仪器的发展过程、基本原理和主要结构。从分析检测人员的视角,讨论了该检测仪器的优势特点及应用效果;展望了定量分析检测技术的发展趋势;提出了以定量检测仪器为基础的新型高端科学仪器的发展前景。又以激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)、辉光放电质谱(GD-MS)、电子探针X射线显微分析仪(EPMA)等拓展联用检测仪器为例,介绍了设备的主要特点及应用,最终总结出LA-ICP-MS为固体样品中微量元素分析的常用技术,GD-MS技术是痕量元素分析的重要手段,EPMA技术因具有与其他仪器结合包容性高的优点,虽然在使用过程中存在一定的缺陷,但已成为通用的分析手段。而我国定量分析检测技术正朝着现场化、专用化及标准化的方向发展。  相似文献   

为了了解我国分析仪器的发展,推动冶金分析领域定量检测技术的进步,文章以北京分析测试学术报告会暨展览会(BCEIA)在国内的展示成果为依托,选择电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)、电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)等基础定量检测仪器为主要分析对象,归纳总结了这些仪器的发展过程、基本原理和主要结构。从分析检测人员的视角,讨论了该检测仪器的优势特点及应用效果;展望了定量分析检测技术的发展趋势;提出了以定量检测仪器为基础的新型高端科学仪器的发展前景。又以激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)、辉光放电质谱(GD-MS)、电子探针X射线显微分析仪(EPMA)等拓展联用检测仪器为例,介绍了设备的主要特点及应用,最终总结出LA-ICP-MS为固体样品中微量元素分析的常用技术,GD-MS技术是痕量元素分析的重要手段,EPMA技术因具有与其他仪器结合包容性高的优点,虽然在使用过程中存在一定的缺陷,但已成为通用的分析手段。而我国定量分析检测技术正朝着现场化、专用化及标准化的方向发展。  相似文献   

牛京考 《工程科学学报》2011,33(10):1177-1181
在论述铁矿石需求预测途径的基础上,选取影响我国铁矿石需求的8个基本因素,采用回归分析方法进行了铁矿石需求的单因素分析.单因素分析结果表明,选取的8个基本因素与铁矿石需求的相关度基本都大于0.9.对8个基本影响因素进行了主成分分析,最终降维为4个主成分.将主成分分析方法与回归分析方法相结合,建立了铁矿石的需求预测模型,并对我国2015年和2020年铁矿石的需求量进行了预测,分别为29.76亿t和26.68亿t.  相似文献   

A content analysis of research published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology (JCP) was conducted for Volumes 46 (1999) through 56 (2009). The analysis involved the placement of 514 articles in 15 substantive content categories. In addition, we identified the most frequently published authors, most frequent institutional affiliations, and several reported demographic characteristics. The principal areas of research activity in the JCP were multiculturalism and/or diversity, research on development and evaluation of tests and measures, personality and adjustment, outcome research, and interpersonal and/or social support and/or attachment, with these categories accounting for 57% of the articles published. Over 40% of the samples reported were college students, with a large number of samples including both genders and indicating the ethnic breakdown. This content analysis revealed that the JCP has remained consistent with its stated mission while incorporating changes in the field in its publications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Y. Sa  A. Kaya  T. Kutsal 《Hydrometallurgy》1998,50(3):297-314
The biosorption of two divalent metal ions—copper(II) and zinc—in single component and binary systems has been studied using Rhizopus arrhizus. The monocomponent equilibrium data have been analysed using the Langmuir, the Freundlich and the three parameter Redlich–Peterson isotherms. The non-competitive Freundlich isotherms have been found to have the highest regression correlation coefficients and the minimum average percentage errors between the predicted and the experimental values. The effects of the presence of Cu(II) and Zn ions together on the biosorption of Cu(II) and Zn ions have been investigated in terms of initial rates of biosorption and equilibrium isotherms. The competitive Freundlich model has also been demonstrated to provide the best correlation for the biosorption of the two metal ions on R. arrhizus.  相似文献   

P. E. Meehl and N. G. Waller (see record 2002-18342-001) proposed an innovative method for assessing path analysis models wherein they subjected a given model, along with a set of alternatives, to risky tests using selected elements of a sample correlation matrix. Although the authors find much common ground with the perspective underlying the Meehl-Waller approach, they suggest that there are aspects of the proposed procedure that require close examination and further development. These include the selection of only one subset of correlations to estimate parameters when multiple solutions are generally available, the fact that the risky tests may test only a subset of parameters rather than the full model of interest, and the potential for different results to be obtained from analysis of equivalent models. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although head rotations are frequent patterns in play behavior in many mammalian species and differ from head movements used in other contexts, they have not been quantitatively described and their function remains unclear. The head rotations occurring in the play behavior of free-ranging Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) were described from videotaped sequences. The authors tested 2 possible hypotheses about their function. Either the head rotations serve to create unexpected situations and should therefore occur in both solitary and social play and also be very variable, or they serve as play signals and should therefore occur only in social play and be ritualized. If head rotations have both functions, they should be less variable in social play. The data revealed that head rotations were very variable and were present both in solitary and social play. Furthermore, there was no difference in the variability between the head rotations present in the 2 types of play. The results do not support the function of head rotations as play signals but, rather, suggest that head rotations may serve to create unexpected situations in play. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Work place environment plays an important role in development diseases because of the time spend in and different toxic factors placed in it. The aim of study was to assess the ventilatory efficiency in individuals employed in Generating Plant (GP) in relation to the pollution of the work place and the tobacco smoking habit during 3 years. The study covered a group of 144 male individuals employed at GP. (age 39.3 +/- 8.7 yrs, period of employment 20.3 +/- 8.6 yrs, smokers 53.5%. Lung function tests consisted of VC, FVC, FEV1, FEV1%VC, PEF, FEF50 counted from flow-volume curve and TGV, Rt measured using pletysmographic method. All tests were performed using pletysmograph (Masterlab) "Jaeger" placed on the ambulance near to the work place. The measurements were taken in May 1993 and 1996. Results were compared to with normal values (acc. ECSC). The anamnesis was obtained from all workers in the form of questionnaire projected for this study. All measurements were done during work time (9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.). Mean values of the ventilation indices remained within the normal range but comparing results in smokers and non-smokers group significant differences in FEV1 and TGV were found. The symptoms of chronic bronchitis were present in 20.8% of persons. Spirometric criteria for the COPD diagnosis were found in 16 persons (11%). Only 5 persons (31%) were symptomatic. The mean decrease of FEV1 was 16.2 ml/yr, in the COPD group it was 82.5 ml/yr. The greater annual loss of FEV1 was found in the smokers and symptoms groups.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the link between unemployment and health. The negative health selection hypothesis, which proposes that poor health poses an unemployment risk, is tested using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). The statistical influence of health related variables on the duration of employment for a cohort of workers is estimated. Results from the Cox proportional hazards regression model show gender and nationality specific negative selection. In the event of a long or chronic illness female workers are at a higher risk of unemployment than male workers. Whereas chronic illness raises the probability of unemployment among foreign workers, there is no statistical evidence for this for German workers. The paper, thus, shows that health factors determining unemployment affect different types of workers in different ways. Consequently, results from aggregate studies may be misleading. A second result of the paper is that, irrespective of gender and nationality, there is strong evidence for lagged state dependence on previous spells of unemployment, i.e. individuals who had experienced unemployment previously were more at risk of renewed unemployment than those without such spells. These findings do not only confirm the selection hypothesis, but also illustrate how labour market risks are closely associated with attributes of social inequality and how this could result in the accumulation of risks for those who are socially or politically vulnerable in the labour market.  相似文献   

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