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在实验室搭建的有机玻璃料仓下料平台上,分别以自由流动粉体玻璃微珠和黏附性粉体煤粉和聚氯乙烯为实验介质,针对无改流体(No-In)、封闭改流体(Con-In)和开放改流体(Ucon-In)三种情况所形成的不同流道结构,开展了粉体料仓下料及其流率建模研究,定量分析了改流体对粉体下料流率的促进作用,对比给出了玻璃微珠、煤粉和聚氯乙烯在不同流道结构料仓内的下料特性。研究表明,改流体的引入有利于提高料仓下料流率,Con-In促进流动效果最明显,对于流动性弱的煤粉,下料流率提升幅度达到最大的58%。基于剪切摩擦区的概念,提出流率校正因子F对最小能量理论方程进行了修正,将理想的料仓下料模型拓展至实际下料过程。进一步,对于Con-In,根据流道结构特征结合对粉体的受力分析,修正了模型中的锥角项;对于Ucon-In,基于粉体下料流动竞争机制,提出分阶段下料模式并关联了内层和夹层的下料流率,最终建立了复杂流道结构料仓的下料流率预测模型。该模型综合考虑了粉体物性、下料流型和流道结构的影响,可有效预测自由流动粉体和黏附性粉体流经传统料仓(No-In)和改流体料仓(包括Con-In和Ucon-In)的粉体下料流...  相似文献   

赵伟  陆海峰  郭晓镭  龚欣 《化工学报》2015,66(2):512-521
借助计算颗粒流体力学(CPFD)的数值模拟方法,研究了细颗粒玻璃微珠在不同结构料仓内的下料特性,获得了料仓出口直径和半锥角对颗粒下料流动的影响。在实验室可视化下料平台开展了验证实验,模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好。模拟结果表明:下料流率与料仓出口直径2.5次方呈正比;料仓半锥角增大,下料流型从质量流过渡至漏斗流。CPFD模拟给出了料仓下料过程的细节信息,并获得了料仓结构对颗粒流动形态转变的临界面相对高度的影响。  相似文献   

基于整体流型的粉体料仓设计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了各种料仓流型,分析了影响料仓流型的因素,并应用到整体流料仓设计,在料斗形式、曲线、材料的选择以及改流体的设置上,作了详细的分析比较。  相似文献   

于清江 《广东化工》2021,(13):183-184
某公司建有一套以还原钛粉料中杂质铁与稀硫酸反应的装置,还原钛粉料加入到带正压反应槽进行反应,运行过程中出现了下料管堵塞、气体倒串、腐蚀等一系列问题,影响装置的平稳运行,并且还存在一定安全隐患.本文通过对现有装置存在的问题进行深入分析,提出了相应的优化方案,并将优化方案应用于扩建工程中,实施效果达到预期.  相似文献   

在自行设计的有机玻璃补气料仓系统上对宽筛分粒煤下料特性进行了实验研究,结果表明,料仓出口直径、粒煤粒径和外水分对宽筛分粒煤在补气料仓中的下料特性有显著影响.宽筛分粒煤的下料流率随料仓出口直径的增大而增加,但增加量随着补气量的增加而减小.增加宽筛分粒煤的平均粒径使料仓出口有效尺寸减小,导致物料下料流率减小.增加宽筛分粒煤...  相似文献   

细颗粒粉体下料时受气固流体力学作用在料仓出口附近形成逆压力梯度,使得粉体下料流率实验值远低于理论预测值。而且该压力梯度力直接测量较困难,对模型修正和发展提出了挑战。以玻璃微珠、流化催化裂化(FCC)催化剂颗粒、褐煤和聚氯乙烯(PVC)颗粒为实验材料,首先开展粉体静力学与动力学测试,借助休止角(AOR)、豪斯纳比(HR)和卡尔流动指数(CFI)多个粉体流动性判据综合分析不同粉体的流动特性;在分析粉体料仓出口附近气固流动特征的基础上,结合Jenike流动与不流动判据,将作用在细颗粒粉体上的逆压力梯度力引入到拱应力平衡方程;进一步,提出了利用迭代算法获得逆压力梯度力的方法,实现了对逆压力梯度力与粉体料仓下料流率的预测。建立的粉体下料流率模型考虑了气固流体动力学作用对粉体下料流动的影响,有效改善了传统模型对细粉体流率预测偏高的问题,模型预测偏差从60%以上降低至±20%。  相似文献   

粉体料仓下料不畅的原因及解决方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李诚 《化工设备与管道》2002,39(3):24-25,39
本文从主观设计和客观生产因素两方面全方位分析了卸料口堵塞的原因,并有针对性的提出了防止料仓卸料口堵塞的方法。  相似文献   

粉体床层中的气泡行为是工业过程中重要的研究对象。文中以玻璃微珠为实验介质,基于粉体流变仪对粉体流变特性的定量化表征,利用二维单孔鼓泡床层对比研究了不同粉体床层中的气泡运动特性。采用圆形度对气泡形状进行描述,参考水中气泡圆形度预测模型建立了偏差在±20%以内的气泡圆形度预测模型,体现了粉体床层鼓泡过程中的拟流体属性。实验结果表明:粉体流变特性的差异对床层中的气泡行为具有显著影响,当粉体单位通气能增加约29倍时,平均气泡面积降低约25%,速度降低约18%,圆形度增加约36%。研究结果对于粉体床层中复杂的气泡行为研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

正0前言粉体料仓是建材生产的重要设备,用于储存粉体物料、均化物料性能及平衡工艺物流等,是粉体工艺过程中各种单元操作之间必不可少的设备。粉体料仓卸空率是指排出物料的量与其仓容量的比值。该指标衡量的是粉体料仓的有效容积和残料量的变化关系,是粉体料仓主要技术性能指标之一,是粉体料仓价值在使用功能上的体现。1关于粉体料仓卸空率的认识对于卸空率的看法,应该是一个衡量粉体料仓是否具有先进性的指标,而不仅作为一个日常使用  相似文献   

通过流化床中微元的传热分析 ,建立数学模型 ,得出浅层流化床中颗粒冷却的计算公式。将其应用于尿素颗粒的流化冷却 ,计算结果与实测非常接近。  相似文献   

陆海峰  郭晓镭  陶顺龙  龚欣  鲁军 《化工学报》2014,65(9):3383-3388
煤粉料仓下料是气流床粉煤气化工艺中粉体供料单元的重要组成部分,其安全稳定运行具有重大的经济意义。在煤粉循环供料系统上,研究了以空气和CO2为载气的气力输送供料对料仓内煤粉重力下料和通气下料的影响。研究表明,料仓内粉体的堆积或流化状态对后续粉体的流动行为影响明显。对于重力下料,CO2供料后的重力下料过程中煤粉床层空隙率较高,下料流率较大;对于通气下料,空气供料后煤粉难以被CO2气体流化,从而对应较低的下料流率。  相似文献   

刘义伦  刘思琪  赵先琼  刘驰  张喆 《化工学报》2018,69(4):1469-1475
采用三维离散单元法,研究了偏心楔形喂料斗中不同粒径颗粒卸料过程的流场分布,建立了适用于偏心楔形喂料斗的整体流系数模型,分析了料斗卸料流型以及卸料流型与卸料质量流率的相关性,并通过实验验证了离散元模型的可靠性。结果表明:偏心楔形喂料斗内颗粒流场分布以靠近喂料管口区域为高速区,并呈辐射状朝远离垂直壁面端的料斗上部低速区过渡,高速区颗粒流场的整体一致性好,低速区颗粒流场呈局部涡流状;颗粒粒径增大,颗粒整体流动性变差,高速区域范围减小,低速区域范围增大,过渡区域变模糊;当颗粒粒径不大于10 mm时,整体流系数与颗粒粒径呈线性负相关,卸料质量流率与整体流系数呈线性正相关。  相似文献   

The effects of particle properties, especially the surface roughness and particle type, on the gravity discharge rate and flow behavior of fine dry powders from a conical hopper are studied in detail. The van der Waals force is considered to dominate the discharge of small particles, while the empty annulus effect dominates the discharge of large particles. To predict the van der Waals force between two rough spherical particles, a model based on Rumpf theory is adopted. The effect of surface roughness can be reflected by Bond number Bog which is correlated with discharge rate. By modifying the powder bed porosity and Beverloo constant, the discharge rates of fine dry powders can be well predicted by an empirical correlation. Finally, not only the ratio of hopper outlet size to particle size D0/dp but also the Bond number Bog is found to be an important indicator to determine the powder flowability. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 427–436, 2018  相似文献   

This study employs the discrete element method (DEM) to investigate the impact of the widths of lognormal particle size distributions (PSDs) with the same mean particle diameter on hopper discharge behaviors, namely, discharge rate, particle velocities, and size‐segregation. Results reveal that (i) the hopper discharge rate decreases as PSD width increases; (ii) the mean discharge rates are constant with time, but the fluctuations increase as the PSD width increases; (iii) the overall size‐segregation increases with PSD width; (iv) the overall mean particle diameters of the narrower PSDs do not exceed the initial mean of 5 mm, whereas that of wider ones do; (v) the relationship between PSD width and particle velocities is non‐monotonic with no consistent trends; and (vi) no direct correlation exists between particle velocity and size‐segregation. The results here provide valuable insights on the behavior of the prevalent polydisperse mixtures in hoppers. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 1174–1190, 2018  相似文献   

Fine powders were found to be fluidized in a rotating drum by internal cycling gas by the drum rotation. It is essentially a fluidized bed without requiring any external fluidizing gas. Such a rotating drum can be regarded as a new gasless fluidized bed for fine powders in contrast to a traditional fluidized bed, possibly leading to a considerable amount of energy savings. In addition, the fluidization quality of fine powders was found to be further improved with the assistance of drum rotation because of the shearing movement among particles that eliminates channeling and cracks and possibly also breaks agglomerates. Five regimes were identified in the rotating drum including slipping, avalanching-sliding, aerated, fluidization and re-compacted regimes. It was also found that drum wall friction plays an important role to fluidize fine powders because the friction carries particles to the freeboard, leading to gas cycling that fluidizes the powders. As well, three types of specially designed baffles were utilized to promote powder fluidization in rotating drums. These baffles effectively bring an early onset of all the regimes in rotating drums by reducing powder-wall slipping, carrying particles and bringing additional gas to the powders.  相似文献   

电容层析成像技术在线测量气固流化床空隙率的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于电容层析成像技术,提出了一种在线测量气固流化床空隙率的新方法。建立了相应的12电极电容层析成像气固流化床空隙率测量系统,可同时实现气固 流化床空隙率分布的在线显示和整体空隙率测量。选择加权反投影算法进行图像重建以保证空隙率分布显示的实时性和有效性。采用Tikhonov正则化原理和ART算法相结合的组合型新图像重建算法来实现整体空隙率的测量。Tikhonov正则化原理用于克服图像重建过程中的不适定问题,ART算法用于提高最终重建图像的质量。研究表明以上提出的空隙率测量新方法是有效的。空隙率分布在线测量的速度可达25幅/秒以上,整体空隙率测量的最大误差可小于5%。  相似文献   

内构件对矩形移动床床内颗粒流动影响的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文基于理论分析的结果,指出矩形移动床床深尺度是渐缩下料段对其上床层临界影响高度的关键因素,以此为指导思想,以海砂和小米两种物料为考察对象,通过内构件的设置实现了降低影响区域的床深尺度,从而大幅度降低临界影响高度的目的,同时指出理论关联式可较好地预测试验现象。  相似文献   


Discharge experiments of two cohesive carbonaceous fuel powders (anthracite coal and petroleum coke) were carried out in a top discharge blow tank experimental system with design pressure up to 6.4?MPa. The effects of powder properties (particle size and powder category) on the discharge characteristics (including solid discharge rate, solids loading ratio, and discharge stability) from the top discharge blow tank at high pressure were investigated. Meanwhile, shear tests with a ShearTrac II shear tester were performed to investigate the flowability of these two cohesive powders. The results indicate that there exists a near-linear relationship between major consolidation stress and flow function (FF). As particle size decreases, the values of FF decrease and powder flowability becomes worse. However, as particle size decreases, the particle suspension velocity decreases correspondingly, and the gas permeability becomes worse and gas maintain ability becomes better, which contribute to higher solid discharge rate and better discharge stability, whereas solids loading ratio may have opposite variation tendency. Compared to petroleum coke with similar particle size, anthracite coal has better flowability and can obtain higher solid discharge rate and solids loading ratio, as well as better discharge stability. During the discharge processes of petroleum coke, it was found that as the number of discharge experiment increases, the discharge stability decreases correspondingly. After petroleum coke being discharged continuously for 4–6 times, the discharge process could not start again, adhesion phenomena of petroleum coke to the wall of conveying pipelines could be observed.  相似文献   

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