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介绍了以湿法氧化,稀硝酸循环多级吸收及碱液吸收的组合工艺回收处理肝泰乐生产尾气中NOx的技术原理,工艺过程及设计结果。  相似文献   

钛白粉煅烧转窑尾气的高湿、高硫、高酸露点的特性使得转窑尾气余热利用过程中换热器寿命不理想。在总结已有尾气余热利用方式存在问题的基础上,提出了一种长寿命、易维护的套管式热管余热利用装置,该装置由彼此分离的换热套管通过弯头、法兰连接成为整体,尾气垂直横掠双层套管段,与高硫、高湿的尾气通过相变介质的相变完成热量由尾气向取热介质的转移,产生钛白粉生产工艺所急需的蒸汽,双层管的相变换热套管对比单层管的重力热管换热器寿命明显延长;连接换热套管的单层管弯头不与高湿、高硫尾气换热,大大减轻了尾气对单层管的腐蚀。换热器应用在3.6 m×58 m的钛白粉煅烧窑上,每年可以产生0.9 MPa的水蒸气1.12万t,为企业带来可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

纳米二氧化钛的气相合成   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
综述了TiCl4氢氧焰水解法、TiCl4气相氧化法、钛醇盐气相氧化法、钛醇盐气相水解法和钛醇盐气相热解法合成纳米二氧化钛的技术进展。气相法合成纳米二氧化钛的研究热点是工艺参数、反应物的混合方式、添加剂、外加电场和反应器型式对纳米二氧化钛的微结构和性能的影响,用计算流体力学、反应动力学与气相颗粒形成模型相结合来模拟过程和改进反应器设计也是一个令人关注的研究领域。TiCl4气相氧化法由于其具有经济、环保和生产工艺的柔性等优点而最具竞争力。控制纳米二氧化钛粒子的形态、粒径分布、比表面积和晶型组成以及防止反应器壁二氧化钛结疤是气相法规模化生产纳米二氧化钛需重点解决的问题。  相似文献   

总结了盐酸尾气处理工艺技术改造的运行情况,比较了几种盐酸尾气处理装置的投资及治理效果.  相似文献   

二氧化钛是一种廉价的半导体材料,具有较好的光催化性能,在环境治理、抗菌杀菌以及太阳能电池方面具有重要作用。本文以钛酸四丁酯为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了二氧化钛粉体,并且探讨了煅烧温度对二氧化钛粉体粒径、晶型的影响。通过粒度分析、XRD分析、扫描电镜分析研究了二氧化钛粒径随煅烧温度的变化规律。同时探讨了掺杂过渡金属离子V5+和稀土金属离子Ce3+对TiO2材料光吸收效率的影响。  相似文献   

毕胜 《中国涂料》2010,25(4):40-44
从我国钛白产能和产量、原材料、钛白产品的市场状况以及进出口情况进行了阐述,表明2009年中国钛白工业已全面复苏。并叙述了钛白产品和产业结构调整现状及行业动态,对产业发展及市场进行了分析。  相似文献   

研究了3 种四丙氟橡胶( 100 S、VTR - 8802 和TP - 2) 在不同温度、二氧化碳含量和硫化氢含量条件下的耐高温高压硫化氢老化的性能。结果表明,100 S 在硫化氢环境中具有较好的耐高温性能,100 S 和VTR 8802 在二氧化碳含量较高的硫化氢环境中具有较好的耐老化性能,VTR 8802 的耐高含量 硫化氢的性能较好,而TP - 2 在本研究测试条件下的耐硫化氢老化性能较差。  相似文献   

Post combustion carbon dioxide capture raises tremendous chemical engineering challenges. For the first generation of industrial installations, gas liquid absorption in chemical solvents is classically considered to be the best available technology. Two major bottlenecks have however to be solved in order to achieve technico-economical targets: decrease the energy requirement of the process (e.g. through novel solvents or heat integration approaches) and decrease the size of the installation (through process intensification).  相似文献   

对大庆化工研究中心实验用500 h后卸除的自制催化剂的组分、强度、结构和积炭量进行了分析表征。结果表明,该催化剂在500 h实验过程中组分保持较好,催化剂没有积炭,XRD显示催化剂结构基本没有发生变化。  相似文献   

两段氨吸法回收硫酸尾气SO2副产固体亚硫酸铵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍两段氨吸法回收硫酸尾气SO2副产固体亚硫酸铵的生产原理,工艺指标的控制方法以及设备和工艺流程.装置运行可靠,各项技术经济指标较优.SO2总吸收率达97%以上,每年少向大气排放SO22 080 t左右,排空尾气中ψ(SO2)0.03%以下.副产固体亚硫酸铵,每年可创综合经济效益158.7万元.  相似文献   

吴雨龙  周超 《无机盐工业》2011,43(11):43-45
接触法硫铁矿制酸工艺排出的尾气中二氧化硫一般为0.2%~0.5%(体积分数,下同),酸雾一般为0.004%~0.008%,目前中国普遍采用一转一吸或两转两吸流程来吸收硫酸尾气,可使二氧化硫含量降至0.01%~0.1%。但随着硫酸产能的增大或企业扩产,二氧化硫排放总量仍然大大超过环保部门的控制要求。结合武汉中东化工有限公司硫酸车间的实际生产情况,总结了采取三段氨吸法处理硫酸尾气的技术改造。  相似文献   

龚家竹 《无机盐工业》2020,52(10):55-63
简述了钛白粉生产市场、现有商业生产工艺技术。回顾了中国钛白粉行业60 a来的起步、发展、壮大历程,发展成世界产销量第一的钛白粉生产大国所取得的成绩和市场占有率。提出了在绿色可持续发展化学(GSC)的时代背景下,围绕全资源与全能源利用、减少废副排放的发展方向,以及未来全球钛白粉生产技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Post-combustion carbon capture (PCC) from fossil fuel power plants by reactive absorption can substantially contribute to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2. To test new solvents for this purpose small pilot plants are used. The present paper describes results of comprehensive studies of the standard PCC solvent MEA (0.3 g/g monoethanolamine in water) in a pilot plant in which the closed cycle of absorption/desorption process is continuously operated (column diameters: 0.125 m, absorber/desorber packing height: 4.25/2.55 m, packing type: Sulzer BX 500, flue gas flow: 30-110 kg/h, CO2 partial pressure: 35-135 mbar). The data establish a base line for comparisons with new solvents tested in the pilot plant and can be used for a validation of models of the PCC process with MEA. The ratio of the solvent to the flue gas mass flow is systematically varied at constant CO2 removal rate, and CO2 partial pressure in the flue gas. Optimal operating points are determined. In the present study the structured packing Sulzer BX 500 is used. The experiments with the removal rate variation are carried out so that the results can directly be compared to those from a previous study in the same plant that was carried out using Sulzer Mellapak 250.Y. A strategy for identifying the influence of absorption kinetics on the results is proposed, which is based on a variation of the gas load at a constant L/G ratio and provides valuable insight on the transferability of pilot plant results.  相似文献   

介绍了7-15(Ⅱ)型氯气输送钛风机应用于离子膜烧碱氯处理的工艺及节能减排的效果.提出了钛风机的安装和操作要点.  相似文献   

中国钛白粉“十一五”现状和“十二五”发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统总结了中国钛白粉"十一五"发展现状、存在的问题。结合中国钛白粉行业实际情况,在未来5年,基于对中国钛白粉产品需求将继续增长的预测,从提高工艺技术水平,加强装置的大型化、集中化、规模化建设,开发新产品,进行深加工,钛白粉生产向西部资源基地转移,要稳定钛铁矿资源的开发和供应,钛白粉生产向清洁化转变等方面出发,提出了中国钛白粉行业"十二五"发展建议。  相似文献   

In this project, immobilized titanium dioxide photocatalysis was utilized as a post-treatment technology for the destruction of model organic contaminants found in wastewater streams produced on-board during space exploration. Phenol, a known human carcinogen, and creatinine, a human metabolite found in urine, were the compounds tested in this study. Phenol and creatinine have cyclic structures consisting of six and five member rings, respectively. In addition, creatinine is a methyl guanidine derivative, with almost 40% (w/w) nitrogen. The degradation and carbon mineralization efficiencies of the target contaminants were investigated at different initial concentrations. Their photocatalytic degradation appears to follow pseudo-first-order reaction with phenol giving higher organic carbon reduction rates than creatinine. The presence and position of the functional groups of creatinine (amine, imine and peptide bond) are primarily responsible for the significantly slower mineralization. The degradation of creatinine was also tested at different pHo values. Statistical analysis showed that there is an effect of pH on the treatment of creatinine. Besides the carbon mineralization, the extent of nitrogen mineralization and the mass balance of nitrogen were conducted for three pH values (pHo 3.0, 6.2 and 11.0). Overall, the transformation of nitrogen was low, and the total maximum conversion (<20%) occurred at basic conditions.  相似文献   

由于药芯焊丝CO2气体保护单面焊双面成形具有一定难度,因此其工艺参数的选择对焊接质量起到较大的影响。本文就通过焊接工艺评定,确定了焊接工艺规范,从而提高了焊接质量,降低了产品成本。从而证明所选用焊接方法和焊接工艺是合理的,各项技术性能检验结果均满足要求。  相似文献   

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