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周烽;李晓斌;张力;王建峰;李虹杰;吴欣怡;周婷 《化学试剂》2024,(11):105-113
在我国“碳达峰、碳中和”工作开展的背景下,简要介绍了温室气体的定义、类型及危害。介绍了基于光谱学原理对主要温室气体(二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮)的监测方法,如非分散红外吸收光谱法、傅里叶变换红外光谱法、可调谐半导体吸收光谱法、光腔衰荡法、离轴积分腔法,并系统阐述了不同技术方法的原理、特点以及应用研究情况。最后对相关国产仪器的研究情况、目前监测存在的问题进行了总结和展望。 相似文献
将温室气体CO2以碳酸盐(如CaCO3、MgCO3)的固体形式永久储存起来,即CO2矿物碳酸化固定,是减少大气中CO2含量,解除温室效应的一种全新方法。从温室气体CO2矿物碳酸化固定所需的原料、化学及热力学、反应动力学机理等方面,分析了此种方法的特点,同时评述了CO2矿物碳酸化固定的6种典型工艺路线,以及国外有关温室气体CO2矿物碳酸化固定的研究热点。最后指出以工业固体废弃物为原料的间接工艺路线是温室气体CO2矿物碳酸化固定的具有较好应用前景的技术途径。 相似文献
利用淀粉厂废水生产单细胞蛋白的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究以淀粉厂废水处理池中的活性污泥作为原材料,经筛选得到一株细菌B-2,并获得了细菌B-2利用淀粉厂废水生产单细胞蛋白的最佳培养条件,即在废水中分别添加0.1%的尿素和磷酸二氢钠,pH值为5.5,最佳接种量为20%,最适集菌时间为11h。在此条件下所得单细胞蛋白的湿重、干重分别为1174.7mg/100mL、218.9mg/100mL,且废水处理后的COD值可达到784.8mg/mL,COD值去除率达到86.5%,处理后的废水达到国家废水排放三级标准(1000mg/mL),可以直接排放。 相似文献
本文概述了利用纤维质原料生产单细胞蛋白的发展概况及生产工艺,对其市场情况和经济效益进行了分析,并提出了发展建议。 相似文献
The significance of agricultural sources of greenhouse gases 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
John M. Duxbury 《Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems》1994,38(2):151-163
The impact of development of land for agriculture and agricultural production practices on emissions of greenhouse gases is reviewed and evaluated within the context of anthropogenic radiative forcing of climate. Combined, these activities are estimated to contribute about 25%, 65%, and 90% of total anthropogenic emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O, respectively. Agriculture is also a significant contributor to global emissions of NH3, CO, and NO. Over the last 150 y, cumulative emissions of CO2 associated with land clearing for agriculture are comparable to those from combustion of fossil fuel, but the latter is the major source of CO2 at present and is projected to become more dominant in the future. Ruminant animals, rice paddies, and biomass burning are principal agricultural sources of CH4, and oxidation of CH4 by aerobic soils has been reduced by perturbations to natural N cycles. Agricultural sources of N2O have probably been substantially underestimated due to incomplete analysis of increased N flows in the environment, especially via NH3 volatilization from animal manures, leaching of NO
, and increased use of biological N fixation.The contribution of agriculture to radiative forcing of climate is analyzed using data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)(base case) and cases where the global warming potential of CH4, and agricultural emissions of N2O are doubled. With these scenarios, agriculture, including land clearing, is estimated to contribute between 28–33% of the radiative forcing created over the next 100yr by 1990 anthropogenic emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O. Analyses of the sources of agriculturally generated radiative climate forcing show that 80% is associated with tropical agriculture and that two-thirds comes from non-soil sources of greenhouse gases. The importance of agriculture to radiative forcing created by different countries varies widely and is illustrated by comparisons between the USA, India, and Brazil. Some caveats to these analyses include inadequate evaluations of the net greenhouse effects of agroecosystems, uncertainties in global fluxes of greenhouse gases, and incomplete understanding of tropospheric chemical processes.Extension of the analytical approach to projected future emissions of greenhouse gases (IPCC moderate growth scenario) indicates that agriculture will become a less important source of radiative forcing in the future. Technological approaches to mitigation of agricultural sources of greenhouse gases will probably focus on CH4 and N2O because emissions of CO2 are essentially associated with the socio-political issue of tropical deforestation. Available technologies include dietary supplements to reduce CH4 production by ruminant animals and various means of improving fertilizer N management to reduce N2O emissions. Increased storage of C in soil organic matter is not considered to be viable because of slow accretion rates and misconceptions about losses of soil organic matter from agricultural soils. 相似文献
Technical and policy aspects of strategies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Agricultural activities greatly contribute to the global net flux of CH4, N2O and CO2 from the terrestrial biosphere into the atmosphere. For CH4 and N2O, the net contribution is in the order of 40%. Because of this relatively large contribution, there is an urgent need for
the implementation of effective strategies to decrease the net flux of CH4, N2O and CO2 from agriculture. The objectives of this paper are to review the various measures that have been proposed so far and to discuss
the constraints and challenges. A large number of suggestions for decreasing emissions of CH4, N2O and CO2 from agriculture can be found in literature. Common to most of these abatement measures is that the suggested potentials
to decrease the emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O from agriculture are large. Common to most of the measures is also the `single gas' and `source-oriented' approach. In most
papers it has been implicitly assumed that farmers are able and willing to implement the proposed measures. So far, none of
the measures has been consciously implemented and tested at farm scale. The major challenge of policy makers is to formulate
effective and efficient policies and measures, using the potentials of the abatement measures proposed so far, and in an international
setting with still highly uncertain cause–effect relationships. Major constraints for policy makers follow from the complexities
and possible feed back and side effects of abatement measures, from the many stakeholders involved, often with contrasting
views, and from the unfamiliarity of farmers with the problem of climate change. Because of the many complexities and interactions
involved, policy makers should follow two tracks. Priority should be given to chain-oriented measures, i.e. measures that
aim at an increased carbon, nitrogen and water use efficiencies in the whole food chain, above source-oriented measures, i.e.
measures that aim at decreased emission from specific sources. Chain-oriented measures should fit in with other environmental
policies that aim at increasing resource use efficiency, to be effective and efficient.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献