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MOF-based materials have been widely explored in electrochemical CO2 reduction reactions for the production of valuable chemicals. Understanding the reconstruction of those catalysts under working conditions is crucial for the identification of active sites and clarification of reaction mechanism. Herein, a series of six N coordinated Sn-based metal-organic frameworks (Sn-N6-MOFs) are newly developed for electrochemical CO2 reduction (CO2RR). 2% Sn-N6-MOF achieves the optimal catalytic performance with a formate Faradaic efficiency of ~85% and a current density of 23 mA·cm-2 at -1.23 V vs. RHE. In-situ Raman results combined with ex-situ 119Sn Mössbauer measurements reveal the structural reconstruction of Sn-N6-MOFs during CO2RR, generating tin nanoclusters as the real active sites for CO2 electroreduction to HCOOH. 相似文献
合理设计高效的电催化剂是二氧化碳电化学还原(CO2ER)为高附加值化学品和燃料的关键。本文利用水热-煅烧法制备了氮掺杂碳限域的花状SnS催化剂(SnS@NC)并研究了其电催化CO2的特性。基于超薄氮掺杂碳层的限域效应,SnS的层厚由原始的30nm缩减至20nm,电化学活性面积明显增强,同时氮掺杂碳层增强了对CO2的吸附和活化。SnS@NC催化CO2转化为甲酸的能力明显增强,在-1.3V(vs. RHE)的H型电解池中法拉第效率为81.2%,电流密度为29.5mA/cm2,本文为金属硫化物复合催化剂功能化提供了新策略。 相似文献
CO2作为一种潜在的碳资源,寻找一种有效的方法转移利用CO2一直是社会关注的焦点。水溶液中电化学方法转化固定CO2可在室温和常压下进行,通过选择不同电极和电极电势来改变产物、调控反应速率和选择性,因而具有潜在的优势。本文综述了水溶液中电化学还原CO2的发展现状,介绍了水溶液中电还原CO2的基本原理和电极上发生的主要反应;总结了水溶液中金属电极、气体扩散电极(GDEs)和复合电极等不同电极材料对CO2还原产物的种类、选择性以及电流效率的影响;讨论了温度、CO2分压等还原反应条件对反应速率和电流效率的影响。展望了水溶液中电还原CO2技术的发展前景,认为利用水基溶液中丰富的[H],增强CO2还原产物的燃料化程度,将在环境保护、资源利用和经济效益方面具有极大价值,符合绿色化学发展理念。 相似文献
通过电催化方法,在常温、常压下将CO2还原为高附加值化学品,是解决目前能源短缺和环境污染问题的理想选择之一。铜基材料是目前被证实的还原CO2生成烃类、醇类等高附加值产物的最有效非均相电催化剂,因此受到国内外研究者的广泛关注。综述了纳米Cu材料在电催化还原CO2领域的研究进展,重点阐述催化剂结构(晶界、表面结构与晶面、孔结构等)与性能关系,并讨论了测试条件如传质、局部pH对催化性能的影响,最后论述了该领域目前存在的问题和未来发展趋势。 相似文献
Electrochemical reduction of CO2 is a novel research field towards a CO2-neutral global economy and combating fast accelerating and disastrous climate changes while finding new solutions to store renewable energy in value-added chemicals and fuels. Ionic liquids (ILs), as medium and catalysts (or supporting part of catalysts) have been given wide attention in the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) due to their unique advantages in lowering overpotential and improving the product selectivity, as well as their designable and tunable properties. In this review, we have summarized the recent progress of CO2 electro-reduction in IL-based electrolytes to produce higher-value chemicals. We then have highlighted the unique enhancing effect of ILs on CO2RR as templates, precursors, and surface functional moieties of electrocatalytic materials. Finally, computational chemistry tools utilized to understand how the ILs facilitate the CO2RR or to propose the reaction mechanisms, generated intermediates and products have been discussed. 相似文献
近年来,随着有关铜基催化剂价态、晶面、微观形态等结构化因素对其催化性能影响的研究不断深入,铜基催化剂电化学还原CO2高选择性制备高附加值多碳(C2+)产物取得长足进展。本文系统综述了近五年来结构化铜基催化剂电化学还原CO2生成C2+产物的研究报道,并分析总结了铜基催化剂表面混合价态、高活性晶面和丰富晶界的存在,以及富含限域空间的形态学结构(纳米线阵列、纳米树突和纳米多孔结构等)的构建与其电化学还原CO2生成C2+产物的活性和选择性之间的构效关系。进一步提出了CO2电化学还原领域发展的新趋势,即充分发挥各个结构化因素的协同作用,原位制备具有混合价态和丰富晶界的纳米多孔结构铜基催化剂,并在流通池中高效还原CO2持续生成C2+产物。 相似文献
MnOx-Fe3O4 nanomaterials were fabricated by using the innovative scheme of pyrolyzing manganese-doped iron-based metal organic framework in inert atmosphere and exhibited extraordinary performance of NO reduction by CO (CO-SCR). Multi-technology characterizations were conducted to ascertain the properties of fabricated materials (e.g., TGA, XRD, SEM, FT-IR, XPS, BET, H2-TPR and O2-TPD). Moreover, the interaction between reactants and catalysts was ascertained by in situ FT-IR. Experimental results demonstrated that Mn was an ideal promoter for iron oxides, resulting in decrease of crystallite size, improve reducibility property, enhance the mobility and the amount of lattice O2- species, as well as strength the adsorption ability of active NO and CO to form multiple species (e.g., nitrate and carbonate). The unprecedented enhancement of CO-SCR activity over Mn-Fe nanomaterials follows the Eley-Rideal (E-R) and Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) reaction pathway. 相似文献
Understanding CO2 diffusion behavior in functional nanoporous materials is beneficial for improving the CO2 adsorption, separation, and conversion performances. However, it is a great challenge for studying the diffusion process in experiments. Herein, CO2 diffusion in 962 metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with open Cu sites was systematically investigated by theoretical methods in the combination of molecular dynamic simulations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. A specific force field was derived from DFT-D2 method combined with Grimme's dispersion-corrected (D2) density functional to well describe the interaction energies between Cu and CO2. It is observed that the suitable topology is conductive to CO2 diffusion, and 2D-MOFs are more flexible in tuning and balancing the CO2 adsorption and diffusion behaviors than 3D-MOFs. In addition, analysis of diffusive trajectories and the residence times on different positions indicate that CO2 diffusion is mainly along with the frameworks in these MOFs, jumping from one strong adsorption site to another. It is also influenced by the electrostatic interaction of the frameworks. Therefore, the obtained information may provide useful guidance for the rational design and synthesis of MOFs with enhanced CO2 diffusion performance for specific applications. 相似文献
电化学催化还原二氧化碳是一种有效的能源储存手段。探索具有高乙烯选择性和高产率的高效电催化剂是非常必要的,但仍然具有挑战性。通过对金属有机骨架(Cu-BTC)的简单碳化制备了多孔Cu-Cu2O/C催化剂,用于高效且选择性地电催化CO2还原为C2+产物。碳化的MOF表现出优异的还原CO2为C2+的性能,在电位为-1.3 V(vs RHE)时,C2+的最大法拉第效率(FE)为47.8%,其部分电流密度为4.33 mA·cm-2。研究表明,较低的碳化温度有助于保留Cu-MOF的形貌,抑制活性金属位点团聚,而多孔特性也能提升其电化学活性面积,进而提高其对CO2电化学还原为C2+产物的性能。 相似文献
Combining non-destructive, identical location—transmission electron microscopy (IL-TEM) with rotating disk electrode (RDE) measurements, the influence of different treatment procedures on the catalytic activity of carbon supported Pt nanoparticles is probed. IL-TEM shows that the treatment of the catalyst has only minor influence on its structure or the particle shape and size; in particular no treatment induced particle agglomeration is observed. At the same time, both CO stripping and CO bulk measurements are significantly influenced by the electrochemical treatment. In consistence with previous studies this can be explained by the removal of defects in the CO adlayer structure while cycling in CO saturated solution. In contrast, however, it is demonstrated that CO annealing has no impact on the oxygen reduction reaction in the mixed kinetic-diffusion control potential region. 相似文献
CO2电催化还原产合成气是通过CO2资源化利用实现碳中和的有效途径之一,但仍存在过电位高、选择性差、难以精准调控合成气组成比例等问题。本文综述了CO2电催化还原产合成气的催化剂研究进展,包括金属催化剂、金属配合物催化剂、金属氧化物及硫化物催化剂、金属单原子催化剂以及非金属催化剂等;进一步地,概述了H型电解池、连续流电解池、固体氧化物电解池以及膜反应器电解池等电化学反应池特征。在此基础上,总结了提升CO2电催化还原产合成气效率的有效策略,包括阳极反应耦合、双活性位催化剂结构设计以及催化剂多级形貌调控等。最后探讨了CO2电催化还原产合成气领域未来的发展方向:通过机器学习辅助催化剂设计筛选;结合多尺度模拟理解电化学界面过程;利用原位表征技术探究反应机理等。 相似文献
电化学催化还原二氧化碳是一种有效的能源储存手段。探索具有高乙烯选择性和高产率的高效电催化剂是非常必要的,但仍然具有挑战性。通过对金属有机骨架(Cu-BTC)的简单碳化制备了多孔Cu-Cu2O/C催化剂,用于高效且选择性地电催化CO2还原为C2+产物。碳化的MOF表现出优异的还原CO2为C2+的性能,在电位为-1.3 V(vs RHE)时,C2+的最大法拉第效率(FE)为47.8%,其部分电流密度为4.33 mA·cm-2。研究表明,较低的碳化温度有助于保留Cu-MOF的形貌,抑制活性金属位点团聚,而多孔特性也能提升其电化学活性面积,进而提高其对CO2电化学还原为C2+产物的性能。 相似文献
电催化还原CO2作为缓解能源危机和全球变暖的有效途径已成为催化领域的研究热点。然而,不同反应途径的氧化还原电位较为接近,使产物的选择性成为电催化还原CO2所需解决的主要问题。迄今为止,在水性电解质中可实现CO2选择性地转化为一氧化碳(CO)和甲酸(HCOOH)。本文简述了电催化还原CO2制CO的机理,包括CO2吸附过程、二电子转移过程和CO脱附过程。从贵金属的晶面设计、形貌调控和表面功能化对反应活性和产物选择性的影响,铁卟啉、钴酞菁和镍三嗪在还原CO2为CO反应中的电子转移途径,非金属碳基材料中杂原子和碳基质间的耦合效应等方面,重点介绍了近年来贵金属催化剂、过渡金属络合物催化剂和非金属碳基材料催化剂的研究进展,总结了各类催化剂的优缺点。指出在三类电催化还原CO2制CO的催化剂中,非金属碳材料具有较高的CO法拉第效率,尤其是非金属碳材料成本较低、制备简单、结构易调控,在电催化还原中具有潜在的应用优势,是有望实现商业化应用的新型催化剂的候选材料之一。 相似文献
Weixia Wang Yingwei Li Rongjun Zhang Dehua He Hongli Liu Shijun Liao 《Catalysis communications》2011,12(10):875-879
Co3O4 nanoparticles were prepared from cobalt nitrate that was accommodated in the pores of a metal-organic framework (MOF) ZIF-8 (Zn(MeIM)2, MeIM = 2-methylimidazole) by using a simple liquid-phase method. The ZIF-8 host was removed by pyrolysis under air and subsequently washing with an NH4Cl–NH3·H2O aqueous solution. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis shows that the obtained Co3O4 is composed of separate nanoparticles with a mean size of 18 nm. The Co3O4 nanoparticles exhibit excellent catalytic activity, cycling stability, and long-term stability in the low temperature CO oxidation. 相似文献
电催化还原CO2生成含碳产物技术,能有效解决CO2过量导致的温室效应及能源短缺问题。但是,电催化还原CO2会生成多种产物,因此,研究制备催化活性较好的高选择性催化剂是研究重点。本文简述了电催化还原CO2的基本原理、不同还原产物的形成途径、活性中间体、速控步及活性催化剂,分析了电催化还原CO2生成不同产物存在的问题。并且针对催化剂催化活性及催化反应过程中的这些问题,提出了提高催化剂催化活性的方法,总结了催化剂发展趋势,一般策略包括制造纳米结构材料、催化剂负载在高比表面积的载体上、杂原子掺杂、合金化、引入缺陷等,分析了这些方法通过改变电子传输等因素对催化剂活性及选择性的影响。 相似文献
Temperature-programmed reaction of methane and temperature-programmed reduction were performed over gadolinia-doped ceria
(GDC). It was found that CO2 formation can occur at very much lower temperature than CO formation. The surface lattice oxygen acts as the active site
for CH4 adsorption. This active site has a dynamic characteristic due to the mobility of the lattice oxygen. The rates of CO and
CO2 formations can be controlled by the supply rate of the lattice oxygen from the GDC bulk; this supply rate depends on the
mobility and the concentration of the bulk lattice oxygen. CO2 formation is associated with the existing surface lattice oxygen while CO formation depends on the oxygen species coming
from the bulk lattice during methane reaction. 相似文献
Catalytic hydrogenation performance of ZIF-8 carbide for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide
Shuai Fan Huiyuan Cheng Manman Feng Xuemei Wu Zihao Fan Dongwei Pan Gaohong He 《中国化学工程学报》2021,39(11):144-153
The conversion of CO2 electrocatalytic hydrogenation into energy-rich fuel is considered to be the most effective way to carbon recycle. Nitrogen-doping carbonized ZIF-8 is proposed as carrier of the earth-rich Sn catalyst to overcome the limit of electron transfer and CO2 adsorption capacity of Sn. Hierarchically porous structure of Sn doped carbonized ZIF-8 is controlled by hydrothermal and carbonization conditions, which induces much higher specific surface area than that of the commercial Sn nanoparticle (1003.174 vs. 7.410 m2·g-1). The shift of nitrogen peaks in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy spectra indicates interaction between ZIF-8 and Sn, which induces the shift of electron cloud from Sn to the chemical nitrogen to enhance conductivity and regulate electron transfer from catalyst to CO2. Lower mass transfer resistance and Warburg resistance are investigated through EIS, which significantly improves the catalytic activity for CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR). Onset potential of the reaction is reduced from -0.74 V to less than -0.54 V vs. RHE. The total Faraday efficiency of HCOOH and CO reaches 68.9% at -1.14 V vs. RHE, which is much higher than that of the commercial Sn (45.0%) and some other Sn-based catalyst reported in the literature. 相似文献
为了考察电解液组成(溶剂和支持电解质)对CO_2电还原效率的影响,以金属银为工作电极,在三电极电解槽中进行了恒电位电解及循环伏安扫描实验。结果表明:相比于二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)和甲醇,用乙腈作溶剂时产物CO法拉第效率最高;强酸作为阳极液支持电解质可以降低CO_2还原过电位并提高CO部分电流密度;离子液体作为阴极液支持电解质可以全面提高CO_2还原效率。研究不同离子液体的催化行为,发现离子液体中阳离子部分对CO部分电流密度的影响比阴离子的影响更明显,进一步证实了咪唑阳离子对还原CO_2起主要催化作用。 相似文献
稀土掺杂TiO2光催化还原CO2 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了稀土掺杂TiO2纳米光催化剂,并应用于光催化还原CO2/H2O体系中。通过XRD对光催化性能进行表征,研究稀土离子掺杂和焙烧温度对光催化性能的影响。结果表明,稀土La和Ce的加入可以抑制TiO2的晶相转变,提高光催化性能。催化剂800 ℃焙烧可达到最好的光催化活性,在反应时间7 h、CO2流量200 mL·min-1和反应液中NaOH与Na2SO3浓度均为0.10 mol·L-1条件下,甲醇产率高达315.49 μmol·g-1。并对稀土掺杂TiO2催化剂光催化还原CO2的机理进行了探究。 相似文献