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以我国城镇化面临的紧迫问题为出发点,从区域规划、土地整理和利用、空间监控等角度进行了全面研究;建立了一整套评价城镇化质量、城市用地集约化水平等的指标体系和方法;为我国城镇化健康发展和区域规划技术水平的提高,发挥了积极作用的区域规划与城市土地节约利用关键技术研究项目,是国家  相似文献   

当前,我国城镇化进程正处于快速转型阶段,能否科学理性地对待城镇化问题中动态性、多样性和复杂性将直接决定着我国未来的城乡发展格局。2006年,《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》首次将城镇化作为重点研究领域,从而标志着我国的城镇化研究正式进入国家战略层面。"十一五"国家科技支撑计划"城镇化与村镇建设动态监测关键技术"项目,通过21家国内科研单位长达5年时间的共同努力已通过验收进入应用推广阶段。该项目在基础数据采集、信息系统优化、城乡综合预警、政策调控支撑方面做出了关键性突破,填补了城镇化科技支撑方面的国家空白。  相似文献   

日前,国家"十二五"科技支撑计划"东北严寒地区建筑节能关键技术研究与示范"项目启动会在沈阳建筑大学召开。该项目是科技部"十二五"首批启动项目,是贯彻落实《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006年~2020年)》"城镇化与城市发展"领域的"建筑节能与绿色建筑"优先主题,是  相似文献   

中央城镇化工作会议的召开以及《国家新型城镇化规划》的出台为城市规划建设领域提出了新的探索方向和发展要求,而全面提升城镇建设水平更是成为了城镇化的核心任务之一.面对这样的形式,作为交叉学科的城市设计将会发挥更大作用,成为推动城镇建设水平提升的重要技术支撑.城市设计自身的技术特征决定了其在我国规划建设实践中的特殊价值和重大意义,而从我国的城市设计发展历程和近年趋势来看,城市设计的作用也愈发凸显,尤其是在重大事件推动、灾后重建援助以及城市建设日常管理等方面发挥了极为重要的作用.总的来看,我国城镇建设水平方面的不足很大程度源于观念、制度的滞后以及相应技术手段的缺失.因此,我们希望从城市设计的视角对如何提高城镇建设水平提出建议,进一步推动我国新型城镇化的健康发展.  相似文献   

黄添 《新建筑》1993,(2):10-12
探讨改革开放以来我国城市规划在理论与实践方面的变化、特征、发展趋势,并从理论探索角度提出了要树立区域发展与区域规划、城市发展战略与空间经济规律、城市环境生态、城市规划与城市设计相结合、城市规划产业化等五个方面的新观念,以及城市规划研究的新课题。  相似文献   

正1、立项背景"十一五"以来,我国绿色建筑工作取得明显成效。"建筑节能与绿色建筑"是《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)》"城镇化与城市发展"重点领域中的优先主题之一;而且,我国《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》第九章第一节明确提出"建筑业要推广绿色建筑、绿色施工"。绿色建筑不仅受到了更高层面的关注和要求,也面临着更大规模的社会推广和市场发展。绿色建筑评价工作既是绿色建筑性能的衡量尺度,也是绿色  相似文献   

中国建筑设计研究院作为大型科技型企业,对行业科技发展有哪些促进与带动作用?如何推动建筑业可持续发展?在探索社会主义新农村模式中,如何构建研究与开发平台,为村镇建设服务?记者就此采访了中国建筑设计研究院院长张文成。记者:中国建筑设计研究院作为大型科技型企业,对行业科技发展有哪些促进与带动作用?张文成:我院积极参加了科技部组织的《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020年)》的战略研究,《国家中长期科学技术发展规划技术经济政策研究》,参加《国家中长期科学技术规划纲要》城镇化与城市发展领域部分的编写工作。我院多…  相似文献   

<正> 区域规划与城市土地节约利用关键技术研究 "十一五"国家科技支撑重点项目"区域规划与城市土地节约利用关键技术研究"不久通过专家中期评估。该项目由中国城镇化发展速度与质量的评价和预测研究、城镇体系规划监测关键技术研究、城市群空间发展的关键技术研究、城市土地节约利用关键技术研究、城市土地利用评价与空间监控预警系统关键技术研究、城市旧区土地节约利用关键技术研究、城市废弃工矿区土地再利用技术研究、  相似文献   

为促进我国城镇化健康发展,围绕我国在区域与城市规划、城市土地开发利用和城市空间监控等领域面临的突出问题,瞄准国际前沿,结合我国实际和潜在需求,科技部决定启动“十一五”科技支撑计划重点项目《区域规划与城市土地节约利用关键技术研究》。本项目研究的总体目标是总结和把握我国城镇化和城市发展的规律与趋势,建立一整套更加科学完善的区域与城市规划方法和技术手段;分析我国土地利用的现状,整  相似文献   

霍兵 《城乡建设》2016,(4):11-12
建立国家空间规划体系,编制适应我国新型城镇化要求的全国空间规划,推动新型城镇化的发展,必须制订和完善相关立法,使我国新型城镇化走上法制轨道. 第一,明确国家空间规划的法律体系和法律地位. 立法的主要目的是理顺国土空间规划与主体功能区划、全国城镇体系规划、国土规划、区域规划以及与城市规划和各行业规划法律关系.应以此法作为城乡规划的基本法,配合土地、建筑等相关的法律,形成我国空间规划的完整的法律体系.  相似文献   

The 2007 institution of a regulatory framework established ways to overcome deficits in Brazil's sanitation services, including economic efficiency. This study analyzes the performance of regulatory authorities in promoting the efficiency of water and sewage service providers in Brazil. The study was developed in three stages: analysis of efficiency with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for 2006 and 2011; assessment of productivity using the Malmquist Index (MI); and document analysis of regulatory standards. Among the results, significant inefficiencies were detected and the mean for pure technical efficiency was higher among unregulated providers both for 2006 and in 2011. The MI showed gains in productivity from 2006 to 2011. The decomposed analysis of the index indicated a shift in the efficiency frontier to a higher level, but with a decrease in the providers' pure efficiency. From the analysis of the regulatory activity, we identified regulators that had not issued regulatory standards related to the promotion of allocative or productive efficiency. Analysis of the results shows that the regulatory performance has not ensured that providers achieve better performance.  相似文献   

Ferris JA  Lehman JT 《Water research》2007,41(12):2551-2562
Spring development of diatoms in Ford Lake, Michigan, USA was markedly different in 2004 from 2005 and 2006. In 2004, diatom biovolume surpassed 15 mm(3)l(-1) but in 2005 and 2006 maximum biovolume was less than 5 mm(3)l(-1). Soluble reactive silica (SRSi) in 2004 fell below 5 microM whereas in 2005 and 2006, SRSi remained above 30 microM. Taxonomic composition was similar among years and consisted mainly of Asterionella, Cyclotella, Fragilaria, Aulacoseira, and Synedra. Bioassay experiments in 2005 demonstrated that P rather than Si was the element most limiting biomass development. However, P supply rate did not account for the differences among years. Model simulations of Si uptake, washout rates, and sinking implicated hydrologic differences among years as the cause of differential success by diatom populations in April of each year. Bioassay experiments performed after overturn demonstrated that diatoms could grow well in unamended lake water, but they did not flourish in the lake; model simulations implicated sinking losses as the reason. In summer 2006, we performed a selective withdrawal of hypolimnetic water from the outlet dam and weakened density stratification. An Aulacoseira bloom resulted in early to mid-August, depleting SRSi to less than 30 microM. The lake, which had been acting as a P source, changed to a P sink during the bloom, and cyanobacteria did not develop as they had in all previous years. Stoichiometric calculations indicate that the net SRSi uptake and the net DP uptake during the induced bloom were consistent with diatom production.  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between cardiovascular mortality and traffic-related air pollutants (NO2, CO, PM10, and six volatile organic compounds (VOCs), propane, iso-butane, propylene, benzene, meta-, para-, and ortho-xylenes) was investigated. The concentrations of NO2, PM10 and CO from 1993 to 2006 were measured at a fixed-site air monitoring station, and VOC data from 2003 to 2006 were obtained from a photochemical assessment monitoring site in an urban area in central Taiwan. Outcome variables were data on mortality due to cardiovascular diseases (ICD-9-CM 410-411, 414, 430-437) from 1993 to 2006. Cardiovascular mortality averaged 1.5 cases, ranging between 0 and 9 cases per day. Daily air pollution levels ranged from 0.5 to 80.5 ppb for NO2 and from 0.1 to 3.8 ppm for CO. From the subset of data from 2003 to 2006, daily average values ranged from 0.6 to 17.5 ppb for propane, 0.3 to 6.7 ppb for iso-butane, 0.3 to 6.7 ppb for propylene, 0.2 to 3.8 ppb for benzene, 0.3 to 26.0 ppb for m,p-xylene, and 0.02 to 7.6 ppb for o-xylene. Poisson generalized additive model was used to estimate the effects of elevated air pollutant levels on daily mortality, adjusting for meteorological conditions and temporal trends. Single-pollutant model showed that cardiovascular mortality was significantly associated with NO2 lagged 2 days, and with propane, iso-butane, and benzene lagged 0 day. The relative risk for an interquartile range increase in air pollutant levels was 1.053 for NO2, 1.064 for propane, 1.055 for iso-butane, and 1.055 for benzene. In conclusion, daily cardiovascular mortality showed association with data on acute exposure to traffic air pollutants in Taichung, which is an important factor to consider in studying cardiovascular mortality in urban environments.  相似文献   

In this study the Italian and Spanish national regulations related to the transposition of Directive 2002/91/EC on energy efficiency in buildings are compared. Three typical buildings were selected for the comparison: a semidetached house, an independent house and an apartment. These buildings were located in different climatic zones of each country and simulated with different orientations. The energy standards in Italy, Decree 192/05, valid for years 2006, 2008 and 2010, and in Spain, the Código Técnico de Edificación, were also compared with the German standard called Passivhaus. The contribution to total energy demand of winter and summer energy demands was evaluated, along with a statistical distribution of the consumptions for the various climatic zones and orientations. The increase in the energy consumption limitations in Italy over the years was also analysed. The results show that the least restrictive Italian regulation, i.e. the one valid for the year 2006, is more restrictive than the Spanish regulation.  相似文献   

The study examined the applicability of the Combined Drought Index (CDI), Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and IHACRES (identification of unit hydrographs and component flows from rainfall, evaporation and streamflow data) model in characterizing extreme weather events in relation to streamflow variations of the River Malaba. The results showed that the extreme weather events return period had reduced from 4–10 to 1–3 years over the catchment. The CDI was a better predictor of drought events (2005–2006) than the SPI, which was better for flood events (2006, 1997 and 2008) in the catchment. The performance of the IHACRES model with a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.89 comparatively corresponded with the results obtained from the SPI and CDI drought indices especially during recorded events of severe drought (2005) and flood (1997). These results coincided with the La-Nina events that were recorded over the catchment and Uganda at large.  相似文献   

哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院成立于1958年,是持有建筑工程设计、市政工程设计等多项国家甲级资质的大型勘察设计机构,是中国勘察设计协会常务理事单位。在2005~2006年民用建筑设计市场排行榜中位列全国第8名,被亚洲建筑师协会评选为BCI ASIA2006年中国十大建筑设计公司之一,在本地区重大项目设计市场竞争中处于优势地位。全院现有员工总数300余人,60%拥有硕士研究生以上学历,国家注册的建筑师、工程师、咨询师120名,是一支设计人才与技术高度集中的精英团队。院总部机构设在哈尔滨市,下设创作研究院、建筑设计院、市政设计院、环艺设计…  相似文献   

Local economic development (LED) in South Africa has grown in significance since the 1994 democratic transition. This article examines the evolution of LED policy from 1995–2006 and specifically focuses upon the implications of the 2006 National Framework document. The 2006 LED Framework document is important as it represents the first national guidelines issued for LED in South Africa. The paper critically argues that a set of severe challenges faces LED in South African small towns and that LED policy needs to recognize these challenges and take on a specific focus on the needs of small towns.  相似文献   

BP公司遗址公园   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新落成的滨海遗址公园占地2.5万平方米.位于威弗敦(Waverton)半岛。这是北悉尼的滨水地区中第一个被改造成公园的工业场地。早在1997年.新南威尔士州政府就决定将威弗敦一带的三处滨水工业场地改建成公园.否决了将这些地块出售并开发成住宅的提议。于是,BP澳洲子公司的这块被污染的场地在经过改造后,变成一个后工业风格的现代公园。  相似文献   

仇铭华 《施工技术》2007,36(2):30-33
在2006年3~8月期间,对加拿大多伦多地区20多个高层建筑施工工地进行了跟踪考察,文内着重介绍该地区高层建筑结构及其施工技术,模架的主要类型、特点及其安全防护措施。  相似文献   

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