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以外圆车削实验为依据,建立加工过程中刀具振动的非线性动力学模型,并采用数值分析方法,研究切削力中的动态分量对切削颤振的影响.结果表明,随速度变化的切削力分量对颤振幅值影响较小,而且会在短时间内被系统内的结构阻尼所衰减.而与加速度成非线性关系的切削力分量对颤振的影响却很显著,而且加速度系数有临界值存在,当超过这个临界值后,颤振的理论幅度将急剧增大.  相似文献   

磁流变减振器原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这里分析了一种磁流变减振器的原理,用粘度模型描述了磁流变液随外加磁场变化的流变特性,得到的阻尼力方程为这种减振器的设计提供了理论基础。研究结果表明:随着外加磁场的增加,磁流变液的表观粘度增加,减振器产生的阻尼力增大。  相似文献   

本文分析了无限尼动力吸振器吸振的频率特性以及无阻尼动力吸振器多数的选择。模型试验结果与理论分析结果吻合。  相似文献   

A flexible shaft with an overhung disc supported by the squeeze-film damper is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The system is simplified as a three-mass system based on a transfer matrix calculation. Governing equations for both models with and without retainer spring are derived. A fast integration method is used to obtain vibration responses. Both concentric and eccentric responses at the damper are examined. Different imbalances and different supply pressures are supplied to see their influence on the vibration of the system. It is found that for the system with retainer spring, positions of the resonance move between two extremes, one of which is the case with no damping in the system and the other with “full damping” where the SFD is locked-out and the system behaves exactly like one without a retainer spring. Therefore, improvements can be obtained by using a centralizing retainer spring and an accompanying SFD as resonance peaks can be moved to lower frequencies and/or such peaks can be kept down to reasonable limits. Nonlinear subharmonic and superharmonic responses are also found.  相似文献   

针对国内数控铣削加工工艺参数选择存在的问题,基于动态铣削力建模和颤振稳定域分析计算,以MATLAB为开发工具,实现了铣削加工颤振稳定域仿真算法.通过模态锤击实验获得的频响函数,仿真出了整个加工系统的颤振稳定域图形,为进行铣削加工切削参数选择和优化提供了理论依据.验证实验证实了仿真算法的有效性和准确性,仿真方法在工厂得到了实际应用并取得了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   

The building structure is modeled as a linear single-degree-of-freedom system, and an active mass damper (AMD) is also adopted as the control device in order to reduce the structural response due to the external random load. In addition, suppose that the input acceleration of earthquake can be modeled as the product of nonstationary envelope function and narrow-band stationary random process with Kanai-Tajimi spectrum. In order to obtain the nonstationary stochastic response of control system due to the narrow-band nonstationary random process, in consideration of exchanging the active control mode for the passive one, considerable efforts are generally required in the analytical formulation. This paper, therefore, proposes an analytical technique to acquire the response covariance matrix by utilizing the state transition matrix method in state space. The proposed technique is evaluated by comparing the analytical results with those from numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Free vibration analysis of a resilient impact damper   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The free vibration of a vibratory system equipped with a resilient impact damper is studied. A simple model of impact damper is constructed using spring, mass and viscous damper. The important feature to be carried out in the analysis of this model is that the deformation of an impact damper during the collision with and the main mass can be formulated; therefore, the contact time is taken into consideration. This feature is important for a resilient rather than a rigid impact damper when the noise issue is concerned. The investigation showed that the effective reduction of the vibration response depends not on the number of impacts but primarily on the type of collision that the impact mass collides with the main mass face-to-face. Results also show that the clearance of an effective impact damper should be smaller than twice of the initial displacement of the main mass of the vibration system if the system is stimulated by an initial displacement only. Finally, an example of application of an impact damper on a cantilever beam is demonstrated.  相似文献   

沈楠 《机械》2011,38(11):29-32
采用半主动隔振系统可以有效衰减低频振动,降低振动物体的振动幅值.半主动减振器是半主动悬挂系统中的核心部件.根据流体力学理论和多体力学理论,按照半主动减振器的本构关系,建立了半主动减振器的仿真模型.通过数值仿真的方法研究了半主动减振器的出力特性,给出了半主动减振器的耗能曲线,并分析了影响半主动减振器性能的主要影响因素及其...  相似文献   

徐兴文  郑堤  胡利永  詹建明 《机电工程》2013,(10):1188-1191
针对旋转式磁流变液阻尼的磁滞性问题以及由于磁滞性而造成的旋转式磁流变液阻尼器输出力矩不稳定的问题,设计了一种差动式阻尼器,不仅可以使输出的力矩可控性更好,而且有效地克服了磁滞现象的影响.在通过理论计算得到磁流变液差动阻尼器输出力矩模型的基础上,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件对磁流变液差动阻尼器进行了磁场分析,得到了磁流变液的磁感强度与磁流变液差动阻尼器线圈中的控制电流之间的关系,结合数值分析软件得到了磁流变液差动阻尼器的输出力矩与线圈中的控制电流之间的关系.研究结果表明,通过控制磁流变液差动阻尼器的控制电流可以实时调整差动阻尼器的输出力矩大小及方向,对磁流变液阻尼器作为精确控制的力矩控制元件奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

一种碟簧减振器的动态特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用理论分析与试验相结合的方法,对碟簧减振器的静刚度特性进行了深入研究,确定了描述碟簧减振器负荷一位移关系的三次函数表达式。通过碟簧减振器动态特性试验,获取了系统的阻尼系数,并建立单向约束条件下碟簧减振系统的动力学方程,为研究碟簧减振器减振性能奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

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