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Crystallographic analysis of facets using electron backscatter diffraction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Applications of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), also known as backscatter Kikuchi diffraction in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) are first and foremost microtexture and grain boundary misorientation analysis on a single polished section in the specimen. A more subtle and revealing approach to analysis of these data is to use EBSD to probe the orientations of planar surfaces, i.e. facets, which bound crystals. These surfaces include: • grain or phase boundaries • fractures • cracks It is of great interest to know the crystallography of such facets since it provides a key to understanding the physical properties of them.
As far as investigation methodology is concerned, surfaces or facets associated with polycrystals are of two types: exposed or unexposed. Exposed facets, such as a fracture surface, can be viewed directly in the SEM, whereas unexposed facets, such as a grain boundary, are usually revealed as an etched trace on a polished surface. Photogrammetric methods can be used to obtain the positional orientation of an exposed facet, and the crystallographic orientation is obtained either directly from the surface or by indirect sectioning. Calibrated sectioning is required to obtain the equivalent parameters for an internal surface. The present paper compares the methods for obtaining and interpreting the crystallography of facets, with illustrations from several materials.  相似文献   

The application of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) to fracture studies has provided a new method for investigating the crystallography of fracture surfaces. The crystallographic indices of cleavage planes can be measured both directly from the fracture surface and indirectly from metallographic sections perpendicular to the plane of the adjoining fracture surfaces. The results of direct individual cleavage facet plane orientation measurements are presented for carbon–manganese (C–Mn) and low‐alloy Mn–Mo–Ni (similar to ASTM A553 type‐B). Pressure vessel steel weld metals, obtained from fracture surfaces of Charpy impact test specimens fractured at various test temperatures and for an ultra‐low carbon steel (Fe–0.002C–0.058P) fractured at –196 °C by impact. In addition to the direct measurement from the fracture surface, cleavage facet orientation measurements for the ultra‐low carbon steel were complemented by the results obtained from the metallographic sections. Fractographic observations revealed that cleavage fracture is accommodated by a microvoid coalescence fracture micromechanism, which was induced by decohesion of second phase particles (inclusions). The correlation between the direct and indirect methodologies shows that the cleavage facet planes are dominated by the {001} plane orientations, and indicated that even when information concerning the full five degrees of freedom is inaccessible, the cleavage facet plane could still be determined. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of direct orientation measurements from the fracture surface and indirectly by a destructive sectioning technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Two powder alloys from the β phase region of compositions Co28.5Ni36.5Al35 and Co35Ni30Al35 were ball milled for 80 h in a high energy ball mill. The formation of amorphous structure was observed after 40 h of milling and further milling did not change their structure. The analytical and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM, HREM) examination of powder structure showed that nanoparticles of  L10 phase of size of about 5 nm were present within the amorphous matrix. The vacuum hot pressing of the milled powders under pressure of 400 MPa at 700°C for 12 min resulted in the formation of compacts with density of about 70% of the theoretical one. The additional heat treatment at 1300°C for 6 h followed by water quenching, led to significant improvement of density and induced the martensitic transformation manifested by a broad heat effect. The characteristic temperatures of the transformation were determined using DSC measurements, which revealed only small differences within the examined alloys compositions. TEM structure studies of heat-treated alloys allowed to identify the structure of an ordered β (B2) phase and L10 martrensite.  相似文献   

Electron backscatter diffraction was used to examine the recrystallization behaviour of warm, clock‐rolled uranium. A new uranium preparation method was developed, resulting in acceptable specimen surface finishes nearly every time, even for as‐rolled specimens. Recrystallized fractions were differentiated from unrecrystallized fractions using differences in the grain average misorientation, a measure of the internal level of misorientation within a grain. This new approach better estimates the recrystallized fraction than hardness measurements, and has the advantage over standard metallographic techniques of providing texture information.  相似文献   

In the very high cycle fatigue regime, internal crack initiation can occur in Ti‐6Al‐4V because of the formation of facets, which are α grains that have fractured in a transcrystalline and planar manner. Because this crack initiation phase occupies most of the fatigue life, it is essential to understand which mechanisms lead to facet formation. Fatigue tests have been performed on drawn and heat‐treated Ti‐6Al‐4V wires, and the facets at internal crack initiation sites have been analysed in detail in terms of their appearance, their spatial orientation and their crystallographic orientation. The facets were not smooth, but showed surface markings at the nanoscale. In nearly all cases, these markings followed a linear pattern. One anomalous facet, in a sample with the largest grain size, contained a fan‐shaped pattern. The facets were at relatively steep angles, mostly between 50° and 70°. Cross‐sections of the fracture surfaces have been made by focused ion beam milling and were used to measure the crystallographic orientation of facets by electron backscatter diffraction. Most facet planes coincided with a prismatic lattice plane, and the linear markings were parallel to the prismatic slip direction, which is a strong indication that prismatic slip and slip band formation led to crack initiation. However, the anomalous facet had a near‐basal orientation, which points to a possible cleavage mechanism. The cross‐sections also exposed secondary cracks, which had formed on prismatic lattice planes, and in some cases early stage facet formation and short crack growth phenomena. The latter observations show that facets can extend through more than one grain, and that there is crack coalescence between facets. The fact that drawn wires have a specific crystallographic texture has led to a different facet formation behaviour compared to what has been suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

The misorientation relative to the average orientation of a grain and the point-to-point relative misorientation along a line across a moderately cold deformed grain, calculated from an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) dataset, are analysed in detail by visualizing both the misorientation angle and the misorientation axis. The significance of monitoring the misorientation axis is illustrated by an example of a grain subdivided into a misorientation band structure. A new technique to visualize the subdivision structure by assigning colours to misorientations in such a way that the contrast is maximized within a grain is introduced and discussed. Furthermore, some methods for grain boundary reconstruction from EBSD datasets are compared with the map of the confidence index in order to provide a validation of the accuracy of these methods.  相似文献   

Fretting fatigue is an adhesive wear damage caused by tangential micromotion under normal force at contact areas. It is observed along the contact points of hip implants and bone plates. Surface-modified biomedical titanium alloys offer better resistance against fretting damage. PVD TiN coatings and plasma nitriding have proved effective in minimizing friction and delaying the failure of materials. In the present study, attempt has been made to explain the fretting fatigue failure mechanism sequence of PVD TiN-coated and plasma-nitrided Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–4V couple through friction measurement and microscopic examination.  相似文献   

High resolution EBSD directly compares electron backscattering patterns (EBSPs), generated in a scanning electron microscope, to measure relative strain and rotation to a precision of ~ 10(-4) in strain and 10(-4)rad (0.006 °) in rotation. However the measurement of absolute strain and rotation requires reference EBSPs of known strain and orientation (or a far field region of known strain). Recent suggestions of using simulated EBSPs with known strain show much promise. However precise measurement of the experimental geometry (pattern centre) is required. Common uncertainties of 0.5% in pattern centre result in uncertainty of ~ 10(-3) in strain state. Aberrations in the compact lenses used for EBSP capture can also result in image shifts that correspond to strains/rotations of ± 10(-3) between experimental and simulated EBSPs. Simulated EBSPs can be generated using dynamical or kinematic models (or a combination of the two). The choice in simulation model has a significant effect on the measured shifts, particularly at zone axis and high structure factor bands, due to large intensity variations, and for simple kinematic simulations can result in the measurement of rogue shifts and thus erroneous strain measurements. Calibrant samples of known strain provide a method of measuring the experimental geometry but imprecise stage movement combined with the high depth of field in the SEM could also result in uncertainties in strain of ~ 10(-3).  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to report on recent experimental developments that have succeeded in combining electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) with stereo-photogrammetry, compared with two other methods for study of fracture surfaces, namely visual fractography analysis in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and EBSD directly from facets. These approaches will be illustrated with data relating to the cleavage plane orientation analysis in a ferritic and C-Mn steel. It is demonstrated that the combined use of EBSD and stereo-photogrammetry represents a significant advance in the methodology for facet crystallography analysis. The results of point counting from fractograph characterization determined that the proportions of intergranular fracture in C-Mn and ferritic steels were 10.4% and 9.4%, respectively. The crystallographic orientation was determined directly from the fracture surface of a ferritic steel sample and produced an orientation distribution with a clear trend towards the {001} plane. A stereo-photogrammetry technique was validated using the known geometry of a Vickers hardness indent. The technique was then successfully employed to measure the macroscopic orientation of individual cleavage facets in the same reference frame as the EBSD measurements. Correlating the results of these measurements indicated that the actual crystallographic orientation of every cleavage facet identified in the steel specimens is {001}.  相似文献   

A method for automatically aligning consecutive data sets of large, two‐dimensional multi‐tile electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) scans with high accuracy was developed. The method involved first locating grain and phase boundaries within search regions containing overlapping data in adjacent scan tiles, and subsequently using cross‐correlation algorithms to determine the relative position of the individual scan tiles which maximizes the fraction of overlapping boundaries. Savitzky‐Golay filtering in two dimensions was used to estimate the background, which was then subtracted from the cross‐correlation to enhance the peak signal in samples with a high density of interfaces. The technique was demonstrated on data sets with a range of interface densities. The equations were implemented as enhancements to a recently published open source code for stitching of multi‐tile EBSD data sets.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the relative contributions of atomic number (Z) and density (ρ) to the degradation of the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) pattern quality for nanoparticles < 500 nm in diameter. This was accomplished by minimizing the diffuse scattering from the conventional thick mounting substrate through the design of a sample holder that can accommodate particles mounted on thin‐film TEM substrates. With this design, the contributions of incoherently scattered electrons that result in the diffuse background are minimized. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons were made of the EBSD pattern quality obtained from Al2O3 particles approximately 200 nm in diameter mounted on both thick‐ and thin‐film C substrates. For the quantitative comparison we developed a ‘quality’ factor for EBSD patterns that is based on the ratio of two Hough transforms derived from a given EBSD pattern image. The calculated quality factor is directly proportional to the signal‐to‐noise ratio for the EBSD pattern. In addition to the comparison of the thick and thin mounting substrates, we also estimated the effects of Z and ρ by comparing the EBSD pattern quality from the Al2O3 particles mounted on thin‐film substrates with the quality of patterns obtained from Fe–Co nanoparticles approximately 120 nm in diameter. The results indicate that the increased background generated in EBSD patterns by the electrons escaping through the bottom of the small particles is the dominant reason for the poor EBSD pattern quality from nanoparticles < 500 nm in size. This was supported by the fact that we were able to obtain usable EBSD patterns from Al2O3 particles as small as 130 nm using the thin‐film mounting method.  相似文献   

Orientation mapping using automated electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is now a common technique for characterizing microstructures. Improvements in software and hardware have resulted in high‐speed mapping capabilities above 80 000 points h?1. For ‘routine’ microstructural analyses of materials such as steel and aluminium (e.g. texture and grain size measurements and high angle boundary characterization), high‐speed orientation mapping is an ideal approach with minimal penalty on the final statistics. However, for the accurate analysis of very low angle boundaries and for routine analyses of more difficult materials (e.g. most rock samples), we advocate a more patient approach to orientation mapping with an emphasis on data accuracy and reliability. It is important that the objectives of any EBSD analysis are carefully considered before starting – in this way the maximum potential of an EBSD system can be achieved.  相似文献   

This comment on the paper "Bragg's Law diffraction simulations for electron backscatter diffraction analysis" by Kacher et al. explains the limitations in determining elastic strains using synthetic EBSD patterns.  相似文献   

On the example of electrodeposited nickel films, it is shown that unique information on twins with dimensions on the nanoscale can be obtained by suitable combination of ion channelling imaging and electron backscatter diffraction analysis, whereas both (routine) single techniques cannot meet the requirements for analysis of these films. High‐resolution electron backscatter diffraction is inadequate for full characterization of nanotwins, but image quality maps obtained from electron backscatter diffraction at least yield a qualitative estimation of the location and number of nanotwins. Complementing this information with ion channelling imaging provides more representative insights into the microstructure, because it supplements the quantitative investigation of the number and width of twin lamellae with additional crystallographic orientation analysis provided by EBSD. To this end, two methods for adjusting EBSD data based on ion channelling images are proposed. Thorough selection of the complementary techniques opens future perspectives for the investigation of other challenging samples with nanoscale features in the microstructure.  相似文献   

The errors associated with calculating misorientation axes from electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data have been assessed experimentally. EBSD measurements were made on the same grains after imposed rotations of 2°, 5°, 7°, 10°, 12°, 17°, 27° and 180° around the normal to the specimen surface. The misorientation magnitudes and the misorientation axes associated with the imposed rotations have been calculated from the EBSD data. Individual measurements of misorientation axes are precise for misorientation magnitudes greater than ≈ 20°. The errors must be appreciated when assessing misorientation data at lower misorientation magnitudes and particularly at magnitudes less than 5°. Where misorientation axes can be characterized by the distribution of axes from a number of individual measurements, current EBSD techniques are satisfactory, for data sets of 30 measurements, as long as misorientation magnitudes are 10° or more. With larger data sets it may be possible to extend this approach to smaller misorientation magnitudes. For characterization of individual misorientations less than 5°, new EBSD techniques need to be developed.  相似文献   

A set of dynamically simulated electron backscatter patterns (EBSPs) for α-Ti crystals progressively rotated by 1° steps were analysed using cross-correlation to determine image shifts from which strains and rotations were calculated. At larger rotations the cross-correlation fails in certain regions of the EBSP where large shifts are generated. These incorrect shifts prevent standard least square error procedures from obtaining a valid solution for the strain and rotation, where the applied rotation exceeds ∼8°. Using a robust iterative fitting routine reliable strains and rotations can be obtained for applied rotations of up to and including ∼11° even though some image shifts are measured incorrectly. Finally, high resolution electron backscatter diffraction has been used to analyse the residual elastic strain, lattice rotations and density of stored geometrically necessary dislocations in a sample of copper deformed to 10% total strain. The robust iterative fitting analysis allows reliable analysis of a larger proportion of the map, the difference being most obviously beneficial in regions where significant lattice rotations have been generated.  相似文献   

Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) techniques are used to determine the crystallography of individual metal grains. This paper examines the variability in the orientation of measurements obtained by EBSD. Although precision and statistics of orientation have been explored in the literature, little attention has been paid to formal statistical inference for quantifying variation in orientation measurements. Our intention is to study precision by developing statistical analyses for quantifying multiple sources of orientation variation, given repeat scans of a metal sample. Three sources of variability are simultaneously explored: variation in repeat measurements at a fixed location, variation among locations within a grain, and grain-to-grain variation. Bayes statistical methods will be applied to a hierarchical model with the uniform-axis-random-spin (UARS) components of Bingham et al. [1] to quantify these sources of variation. Repeat scans of a Inconel 600 specimen will be used to provide an illustrating example of how the statistical methods can be used to arrive at precision estimates.  相似文献   

Study on recrystallization of deformed metal is important for practical industrial applications. Most of studies about recrystallization behavior focused on the migration of the high‐angle grain boundaries, resulting in lack of information of the kinetics of the low angle grain boundary migration. In this study, we focused on the migration of the low angle grain boundaries during recrystallization process. Pure nickel deformed by shot peening which induced plastic deformation at the surface was investigated. The surface of the specimen was prepared by mechanical polishing using diamond slurry and colloidal silica down to 0.02 μm. Sequential heat treatment under a moderate annealing temperature facilitates to observe the migration of low angle grain boundaries. The threshold energy for low angle boundary migration during recrystallization as a function of misorientation angle was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy techniques. A combination of electron channeling contrast imaging and electron backscatter diffraction was used to measure the average dislocation density and a quantitative estimation of the stored energy near the boundary. It was observed that the migration of the low angle grain boundaries during recrystallization was strongly affected by both the stored energy of the deformed matrix and the misorientation angle of the boundary. Through the combination of electron channeling contrast imaging and electron backscatter diffraction, the threshold stored energy for the migration of the low angle grain boundaries was estimated as a function of the boundary misorientation.  相似文献   

The fatigue of copper single crystals, orientated for single slip, has been studied using electron channelling contrast imaging in a scanning electron microscope. With the incident beam set at the Bragg condition, changes in the backscattered electron intensity occur as the beam is scanned over dislocations that cause a local tilting of the diffraction planes. This technique allows the evolution of dislocation structures over large areas to be followed through different stages of the fatigue life. Furthermore, it enables direct imaging of dislocation configurations at crack tips. The technique is compared with transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction in its application to fatigue studies.  相似文献   

The demands for reliability and precision of crystal orientation data obtained through automatic analysis of electron backscattering patterns (EBSPs) in the SEM result in similar demands on the quality of the band position data which is provided by an image analysis procedure. This paper describes a new image processing procedure which is capable of providing accurate measurements of the location and width of typically 10–15 bands in digitized EBSPs of average quality. The new procedure is based on the Hough transform (HT) for line detection, and employs a special backmapping technique for generating two simplified HTs which separately focus on bright and dark lines in the images. A coordinated search for peaks in the two HTs leads to precise estimates of both the position and the width of bands in the patterns. A visual evaluation of the data produced by the new procedure shows that it performs significantly better than the conventional procedure with regard to both reliability and precision. Additionally, the measured band width data are fairly precise and can be used for obtaining a more robust and reliable indexing of the bands. Finally, the computational costs of the new procedure are smaller than for the conventional procedure.  相似文献   

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