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Preliminary measurement of particle reentrainment from 5 mm i.d. and 3 m long stainless steel tubes show two distinct regimes of concentration decay with time.

In the regime (t < few minutes) the concentration n(t) is proportional to t−a with a > 1 being a function of flow rate and particle size. The ST regime appears to correspond to particle release by shear flow in the region where F = (adhesion force)/(removal force) 1.

The concentration decay is described by the desorption model of Wen and Kasper, where n(t) is proportional to (1/t) exp (−t/T). The LT regime appears to include the release of relatively strongly adhering particles where F > 1 up to about F = 5 or 6 (Wen and Kasper, 1989) which is classically forbidden and explained only in the model Reeks et al. (1988).  相似文献   

The warm humidity resistance of more than thirty plastic formulations has been evaluated in a program which aged specimens for periods ranging from 10 months to 3 years. Both thermoset and thermoplastic products were included in this study. All of these materials can be used in high humidity at moderate temperatures for short periods of time except where water absorption lowers the glass transition temperature enough to cause distortion. Several of these commercial products exhibit good long term resistance to humidity at temperatures approaching 100°C. However, some are degraded by long term exposure to warm humidity. This hydrolysis effect can result in useful lifetimes which are considerably shorter than would be expected from projections which are based on conventional dry oven aging tests. This broad data base provides a basis for selecting plastics for use in warm, humid environments.  相似文献   

Short term isothermal aging of a neat epoxy resin and one ply epoxy-carbon fiber composite has been performed. The glass transition temperature, Tg of the neat epoxy resin aged at 204°C increased with aging time. The weight loss of the neat epoxy resin due to aging increased with aging temperature and aging time. The weight loss of the epoxy–carbon fiber composite during aging was slightly less than that of the neat resin. SEM microscopy showed the presence of voids and pores on the surface of the composite due to loss of low molecular weight volatiles. The amount and the size of the voids formed during aging increased with aging temperature and time.  相似文献   

For the future commercial applications of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in high power vacuum microwave amplifiers or compact X-ray tubes, we have attempted to fabricate engrafted CNT field emitters on a metallic substrate using both screen printing and chemical vapor deposition. Cobalt nano-grains are doped in the printed CNT paste and act as the catalyst for the engrafted growth of CNTs by the cold wall chemical vapor deposition. Stable cathode current (~ 30 mA) from a small area (~ 1.5 mm2) of engrafted CNT emitters was measured in a vacuum-sealed diode tube. High current density (> 1.6A/cm2) has also gotten in the vacuum sealed tube in which the emitters spread about 0.78 mm2 after an aging process that lasts more than 12 h in DC mode with the water cooling of the anode.  相似文献   

Short term flexural creep tests were conducted to investigate the creep behavior of wood-fiber polypropylene composites. Three experimental parameters were selected: the addition of a wetting agent, temperature, and wood-fiber concentration. All creep curves are presented in terms of relative creep as a percentage of instantaneous (initial) strain. The creep power law model was used to accurately fit the creep data. The addition of a wetting agent greatly reduced the creep at high stress, but had little effect at a lower stress level. The extent of relative creep increased with increasing temperature. It was found that the slope of the power law model was directly proportional to the temperature. The addition of wood-fibers into pure polymer greatly improved the creep resistance of the matrix polymer. The relative creep of the composites decreased with an increase in wood-fiber concentration. However, the composite showed relatively large creep compared with that of solid wood. It was found that both the time exponent and slope of the power law model were inversely related to wood-fiber concentration. The flexural modulus of the composites also had an inverse relationship with the time exponent.  相似文献   

The behaviour of polymeric solids in contact with different environments is considered. A thermodynamic viewpoint is adopted and worked out in terms of chemical reactions, physical processes and the interaction between the two. It is shown that chemical attack alone does not normally cause serious loss of physical properties, but that a combination of chemical and physical (or physico-chemical) interactions between polymer and environment can lead to rapid deterioration. An understanding of these processes, and their synergistic effects, is essential in designing against environmental failure.  相似文献   

关于选择烧碱生产工艺的问题,作者阐述了如下观点:离子膜法是电解法烧碱生产工艺的发展方向,金属阳极隔膜法最终将被离子膜法取代;但由于历史、投资、设备更新、经济效益、市场需求等方面的原因,国内金属阳极隔膜法和离子膜法电解工艺将在今后相当长的一段时期内共存.  相似文献   

Summary Short and long-term tensile tests have been done on injection-moulded poly-ether-etherketone (PEEK) in order to assess the effect of annealing on its mechanical behavior. In addition to the behavior reported before, namely increases in yield and drawing stress, the annealed specimens exhibit a distinct work hardening behavior in the beginning of the drawing phase at temperatures between 80°C and 160°C. Subsequent creep tests show that the annealing treatment also influences greatly the long-term static properties of PEEK with creep rates after annealing being considerably below those recorded on the standard injection.DSC thermograms of the samples annealed for more than 20 minutes exhibit similar curves as those reported before, two endothermic peaks: a major peak at 340°C and a minor one at 260°C which is 10 K higher than the annealing temperature.The experimental results support that a type of secondary crystallites grow in the material by the annealing treatment. The existance of those secondary crystallites enhances the mechanical properties of PEEK.  相似文献   

介绍了长期搁置碳钢管的化学清洗,以及在总Fe含量较高的水环境中的钝化预膜处理工艺。该工艺的实施取得了良好的化学清洗和钝化预膜效果,控制了碳钢管的腐蚀趋势;同时节约了用水、降低了清洗成本。  相似文献   

CFBC boilers firing high sulfur, low ash fuels can produce deposits consisting of almost pure CaSO4. Test work has shown that if sorbents or bed materials are sulfated for long times (several days or more), they develop compositions similar to those deposits. Sulfation increases with temperature from 650°;C to 900°C, and strength increases continuously in the temperature range of 650°C to 950°C. When sulfation occurs under conditions where CaCO3 is stable, the overall strength of the deposit increases but the degree of sulfation diminishes. Finally, this work suggests that pellet tests using crushed and calcined sorbents can give misleading information and should be used with caution to study the phenomena described here.  相似文献   

分布式并行算法在长周期原油混输调度中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
邹来禧  李初福  何小荣 《化工学报》2009,60(8):2003-2009
为了有效求解长周期原油混输调度问题,提出了基于事件树的分布式并行算法。该方法把原油混输调度问题分解为码头调度子问题和厂区调度子问题,采用基于事件树的建模方法,并根据两个子问题的求解顺序提出了原油混输调度问题的分布式并行算法。本方法采用主从式并行结构,主节点把求解码头调度子问题所需的原油质量要求信息发送到各从节点,然后各从节点把与质量要求信息对应的码头调度最优解返回给主节点,通过综合比较两个子问题的解,从而得出最优的调度方案。实例计算表明,该并行算法可以有效减少问题的求解时间,特别是对不同常减压对原油质量要求不同时的长周期调度(如4周)问题,采用串行算法在48 h内都无法得到可行解,而采用此算法用3台计算机可以在25 h内得到最优解。  相似文献   

唐纯  郜宪洪  石?  郑守新 《聚酯工业》2001,14(4):22-25
结合本装置已连续运行 90 0多天的实际经验 ,从技术创新和管理细化两个方面探讨了如何保证老装置的长周期运行  相似文献   

In the linear viscoelastic range the long term behavior of viscoelastic materials—such as polymers—can be described by using exponential series with a limited number of terms for the approximation of the relaxation modulus or of the creep compliance. This procedure can be extended to the nonlinear viscoelastic range by multiplying the linear parameters of the material by certain nonlinearity factors, which depend upon the level of the applied loading. Application of this method to stress relaxation data of several polymers has shown that nonlinearity factors can be approximated as linear functions of the applied constant strain. From creep tests, on the other hand, one can observe that the immediate strain response to the suddenly applied stress is linear elastic even in the nonlinear viscoelastic range of the investigated polymer. The computation of the linear viscoelastic material parameters as well as of the nonlinearity factors is conducted numerically by using least squares techniques. Good agreement between computed results and experimental data can be observed in the presented examples.  相似文献   

In the past two decades desalting technology has been selectively used to solve water shortage and water quality problems in the more arid regions of Israel.The multi-year experience gained in design, construction and operation with a variety of technologies for desalting of various brackish and seawater feeds will be of great value in coping with the severe problems of water shortage and water quality in Israel.The multi-year research and development program prepared by Mekorot Water Co., aimed to add 50 million m3 per year of desalted water at six sites in Israel using advanced reverse osmosis technology, will also contribute to further improving the economics of desalting saline water.  相似文献   

The effects of long term (8–14 wk) essential fatty acid (EFA)-deprived diets in rats are well documented. In the present study, we compared, in weanling rats, the effect of a short term (two wk) hydrogenated coconut oil, EFA-deprived, diet (D) with that of a corn oil, EFA-adequate, diet (A), using either sucrose (SU) or starch (ST) as carbohydrate. After two wk, rats fed the sucrose/hydrogenated coconut oil diet developed some characteristic features of EFA deprivation: slower growth rate, decreases in linoleic and arachidonic acid of plasma phospholipids and an increase in n−9 eicosatrienoic acid of plasma phospholipids. When rats ate the starch/hydrogenated coconut oil diet, there was a similar decrease in linoleic acid of plasma phospholipids, but only a small effect on growth rate and no change in the arachidonic acid content of plasma phospholipids. EFA deprivation and sucrose had opposite effects on plasma triglyceride (TG) levels: deprivation induced a decrease, whereas the sucrose induced an increase in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglycerides. The observed decrease in plasma triglyceride during EFA deporivation might result from an activation of lipoprotein lipase during the early stages of deprivation.  相似文献   

刘红军 《氯碱工业》2010,46(3):16-18
介绍电解槽长期停车期间的处理方案及离子膜的保护措施,指出电解槽长期停车后再开车过程中的注意事项,给出电解槽停车前后的各项数据对比。  相似文献   

Time-temperature equivalence was used to predict the long term engineering behavior of highly crystalline ethylene-butene copolymers. The long term behavior (greater than 1000 hrs.) was accurately predicted from tests of short duration (30 hrs.). This time-temperature principle was applied to stress-relaxation and creep at stresses, strains and temperatures normally encountered in engineering practices. It was also used to solve a design problem involving the creep deformation of metal plastic laminates. Long term tests were performed to confirm the predicted results. This technique was not applicable to rubber modified polystyrene because of an unexpected transition at 88°F.  相似文献   

Knowledge of pore water composition is crucial information in research of long-term stability of bentonite and is also crucial for any stability predictions based on geochemical modeling. This paper reports validation results of two frequently used extraction methods — centrifugation and leaching. Three types of bentonite materials were used in our study. The first one was the Czech raw bentonite from the Rokle deposit. The second type of bentonite was “Mock-Up-Cz”, which is a mixture of bentonite material from the Rokle deposit with finely ground quartz and graphite powder. The third type of material was the FEBEX bentonite obtained from the Cortijo de Archidona deposit. All the bentonite samples were placed into pressure vessels and interacted with natural water during a one-year experiment. Free water, obtained during these interactions, was used as a comparative pore water composition for both of the extraction methods. The high water content in saturated bentonite, reaching about 50 m%, allowed the use of both methods. Concentrations of Mg2 +, Ca2 +, K+ and Na+ in water were determined. Centrifugation could be generally considered as a more suitable method because of the smaller differences between free water composition and concentrations obtained from extracted pore water compared to the leaching method. However, actual differences will depend on the type of bentonite and on the composition of the water media. In some cases, the leaching method yields better results. Leaching usually leads to higher concentrations of alkali metals and lower concentrations of alkaline earth metals. This indicates that bentonite substrates are sensitive to the change of external conditions and quickly interact with the water media.  相似文献   

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