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侧风作用下桥上通行车辆容易遭受行车安全问题。通过节段模型风洞试验,测试了主梁行车道位置上方一定高度范围内风场分布特性。基于车辆气动力和力矩等效的方法,采用等效风速和比例系数来考虑桥面气动绕流对车辆气动力特性的影响。在风-汽车-桥耦合振动研究的基础上,采用无量纲的侧倾和侧滑安全因子评价车辆的行车安全性,分析了风速和车速对不同类型车辆行车安全性的影响。结果表明:车辆的行车安全性随着风速和车速的增大而逐渐降低;桥面风场等效气动效应会降低集装箱车和旅行巴士的行车安全性,集装箱车RSF和SSF最大相对误差分别高达28.0%和184.3%。  相似文献   

MTMD控制下随机结构的动力可靠度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
考虑到实际工程结构的不确定性,基于遗传优化的神经网络响应面法,进行了MTMD控制下随机结构的动力可靠度分析,并对TMD及MTMD控制下结构的动力可靠度进行对比。该方法不仅具有传统神经网络响应面法的特性,而且引进了遗传算法的全局随机搜索的优点,可以精确地逼近随机结构的功能函数表达式,有效地减少用JC法求解可靠度指标的迭代次数,节省时间。算例分析表明了本文方法的有效性和准确性,对于随机结构,MTMD比TMD能更好地提高结构的动力可靠度。  相似文献   

运用列车脱轨能量随机分析理论分析了金温线武义江桥列车走行性。计算结果表明尽管该桥横向振幅超过《检规》行车安全限值,但列车走行安全性、平稳性与舒适性有保障,在现行行车条件下,不需要对该桥采取加固或限速措施。对比超限桥梁横向振幅与《检规》行车安全限值可知,现有的桥梁横向振幅行车安全限值过于严格。基于列车脱轨能量随机分析理论,提出了铁路桥梁行车安全指标分析方法。具体内容为:确定桥梁跨中横向振幅作为梁墩系统行车安全判别参数,计算找出保证列车安全、平稳及舒适运行的临界梁墩系统,计算出临界梁墩系统跨中横向振幅作为桥梁行车安全限值。算出了金温线武义江32 m 预应力混凝土T形梁桥横向振幅行车安全限值为L/6200,研究成果已被金温铁路公司采纳。  相似文献   

郭薇薇  夏禾  张田 《工程力学》2015,32(8):112-119
基于风-车-桥系统动力分析模型,分析了风屏障对车桥系统气动效应及桥上高速行驶车辆运行安全性的影响。以新建兰新铁路百里风区跨度16 m简支槽形梁为工程背景,通过风洞试验测试了有、无风屏障时车辆、桥梁的三分力系数,然后对强侧风作用下车辆通过桥梁时的动力响应进行了数值模拟,综合分析得到了保证列车在桥上运行安全的风速-车速阈值曲线。结果表明,对未设置风屏障的桥梁,当风速超过15 m/s即应限速行驶;而设置风屏障后,桥上车辆的运行安全性指标得到了极大地改善,即使风速达到40 m/s,列车仍可以260 km/h的速度安全运行。  相似文献   

本文建立了具有6个自由度重载列车的车辆振动分析模型和重载铁路桥梁的梁段单元模型,通过轮轨接触处的位移协调条件与轮轨相互作用力的平衡关系建立了重载车辆-桥梁系统耦合运动方程,采用迭代求解,编制了重载铁路车-桥耦合振动分析程序。对影响重载铁路简支梁桥的跨中挠度的各种因素进行了分析,分析结果表明:列车的轴重、速度、加速度、减速度及轨道不平顺对重载铁路桥梁的跨中挠度和竖向加速度有着重要影响。  相似文献   

带限位TMD的抗风动力可靠度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
摘要:针对实际高层高耸结构在设置TMD控制装置时,存在空间位置有限、TMD行程受限的问题,进行了带限位TMD的抗风动力可靠度研究。首先,采用虚拟激励法计算复杂高耸结构—TMD体系在脉动风荷载下的随机风振响应;然后,基于随机振动的首次超越破坏准则,研究TMD装置在容许行程范围内不同重现期风荷载下的动力可靠度。并以国内在建的第一高塔-广州新电视塔为工程算例,验证了该研究在实际设计中所具有的重大工程意义。  相似文献   

李永乐  董世赋  臧瑜  强士中 《工程力学》2012,29(12):114-120
将风、车、桥三者作为一个交互作用、协调工作的耦合动力系统,基于风-车-桥系统空间耦合分析模型,以一大跨度公轨两用悬索桥为例,采用自主研发的桥梁结构分析软件BANSYS(Bridge Analysis System)分析了风荷载作用下桥梁和车辆的动力响应,讨论了风速、车速及轨道交通布置方式等因素的影响;同时,基于合理的列车运行安全性和舒适性评价指标,对列车通过该桥时的走行安全性与舒适性进行了分析,得出了该悬索桥的抗风行车准则:当风速小于20m/s时,车速可达设计车速80km/h;当风速介于20m/s和25m/s之间时,车速不能大于60km/h;当风速大于25m/s时,应封闭轨道交通。  相似文献   

研究强侧风作用下三种典型汽车在斜拉桥桥面行驶时的临界风速和车速。分析汽车运动方程的随动坐标特性和桥梁的侧向抖振对汽车相对桥面侧偏的影响,得到侧偏位移及速率的计算式,在以往基础上,研究了考虑车辆侧偏和驾驶员行为的风-车-桥空间耦合振动系统,完善了仿真分析程序的功能。以某斜拉桥为实例,分析三种典型车辆在桥面行使的临界风速。分析结果表明:采用控制重心还是前轮侧滑的驾驶员模型不显著影响桥面汽车临界风速的大小;不同类型汽车的事故原因可能不同,对于箱式货车,侧滑事故起控制作用,对于桑塔纳和一汽佳宝,车速高时,侧倾事故起控制作用,低车速时,侧滑事故起控制作用。  相似文献   

铁路桥梁在地震作用下考虑行车安全的可靠度问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢楠  陈英俊 《工程力学》2002,19(5):36-40
本文提出了地震作用下列车正常行驶极限状态的概念,研究与之相应的最优可靠度问题。为了求出设计基准期内与最小总费用对应的可靠度(最优可靠度),提出了一种简化方法,优化时采用了遗传算法和枚举法;用更新过程来描述损伤-修复过程,损伤指标用构件塑性铰处的最大曲率和极限曲率的比表示;以脱轨系数为依据判断列车能否正常行驶,采用响应面法求解失效概率。通过一算例求出了最优失效概率和相应的设计。  相似文献   

李永乐  赵凯  陈宁  廖海黎 《工程力学》2012,29(5):206-212
强风不仅是长大桥梁设计的控制性因素,而且直接影响到桥上车辆的运行安全。将自然风、公路车辆、桥梁作为一个统一的相互作用系统,在风-汽车-桥梁系统耦合振动分析的基础上,针对车辆侧倾事故和侧滑事故的评判准则,采用概率统计方法提高了风致车辆事故分析的可靠性。结合工程实例对强风作用下桥梁的动力响应和车辆的运行安全性进行了分析。计算得到了给定的车速条件下厢式货车的侧倾临界风速及干、湿、雪、冰四种路况情况下的侧滑临界风速,提出了适用于交通安全策略管理的强风天气条件下桥上车辆限速标准。  相似文献   

Current hours-of-service (HOS) regulations prescribe limits to commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers’ operating hours. By using naturalistic-data-collection, researchers were able to assess activities performed in the 14-h workday and the relationship between safety-critical events (SCEs) and driving hours, work hours, and breaks. The data used in the analyses were collected in the Naturalistic Truck Driving Study and included 97 drivers and about 735,000 miles of continuous driving data. An assessment of the drivers’ workday determined that, on average, drivers spent 66% of their shift driving, 23% in non-driving work, and 11% resting. Analyses evaluating the relationship between driving hours (i.e., driving only) and SCE risk found a time-on-task effect across hours, with no significant difference in safety outcomes between 11th driving hour and driving hours 8, 9 or 10. Analyses on work hours (i.e., driving in addition to non-driving work) found that risk of being involved in an SCE generally increased as work hours increased. This suggests that time-on-task effects may not be related to driving hours alone, but implies an interaction between driving hours and work hours: if a driver begins the day with several hours of non-driving work, followed by driving that goes deep into the 14-h workday, SCE risk was found to increase. Breaks from driving were found to be beneficial in reducing SCEs (during 1-h window after a break) and were effective in counteracting the negative effects of time-on-task.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for evaluating in-vehicle secondary task driving safety. There are five in-vehicle distracter tasks: tuning the radio to a local station, touching the touch-screen telephone menu to a certain song, talking with laboratory assistant, answering a telephone via Bluetooth headset, and finding the navigation system from Ipad4 computer. Forty young drivers completed the driving experiment on a driving simulator. Measures of fixations, saccades, and blinks are collected and analyzed. Based on the measures of driver eye movements which have significant difference between the baseline and secondary task driving conditions, the evaluation index system is built. The Analytic Network Process (ANP) theory is applied for determining the importance weight of the evaluation index in a fuzzy environment. On the basis of the importance weight of the evaluation index, Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE) method is utilized to evaluate the secondary task driving safety. Results show that driving with secondary tasks greatly distracts the driver's attention from road and the evaluation model built in this study could estimate driving safety effectively under different driving conditions.  相似文献   

对大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥进行三维正交地震动多点激励下的平稳随机响应分析.建立了跨径308m中承式钢管混凝土拱桥的精细有限元模型,采用多维多点平稳随机地震响应分析方法,数值仿真了该拱桥在一维P波、一维SH波、一维SV波多点激励下的地震响应以及考虑互谱的三维多点激励地震响应,研究了三维地震动、行波效应和部分相干效应对拱肋内力的影响.数值分析结果表明:考虑地震动的空间效应对拱肋内力有很大改变,地震动的行波效应对拱肋内力的影响比部分相干效应的影响更大,三维地震作用比单维地震作用的拱肋内力有较大增幅.对大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥,必须进行多维多点地震激励的响应分析,否则有可能严重低估结构的地震设计内力.  相似文献   

Over 2000 aggressive driving behaviors were observed over a total of 72 h at six different sites. The behaviors selected for observation were those that are commonly included in "aggressive driving" lists, and they consisted of honking, cutting across one or more lanes in front of other vehicles, and passing on the shoulders. In addition, an exposure sample of 7200 drivers were also observed at the same times and places. Relative risks (RRs) and odds ratios (ODs) were calculated to show the relative likelihood that different drivers under different conditions will commit aggressive behaviors. The rate of aggressive actions observed in this study decreased from the most frequent behavior of cutting across a single lane, through honking, and to the least frequent behaviors of cutting across multiple lanes and passing on the shoulders. Relative to their proportion in the driving population, men were more likely than women to commit aggressive actions, and the differences increased as the severity of the action increased. Drivers who were 45 years old or older were less likely to drive aggressively than younger ones. The presence of passengers was associated with a slight but consistent reduction in aggressive driving of all types; especially honking at other drivers. There was a strong linear association between congestion and the frequency of aggressive behaviors, but it was due to the number of drivers on the road. However, when the value of time was high (as in rush hours), the likelihood of aggressive driving--after adjusting for the number of drivers on the road--was higher than when the value of time was low (during the non-rush weekday or weekend hours). The results have implications for driver behavior modifications and for environmental design.  相似文献   

徐曼  曾滨  乔宏  许庆  郭薇薇  夏禾 《工程力学》2021,11(10):83-89, 133
几何非线性是大跨度桥梁结构的主要非线性影响因素之一,对桥梁结构及桥上列车行车安全性的影响不容忽视。该文以世界首座跨度超1 km的公铁两用斜拉桥——沪苏通长江大桥为工程背景,基于桥址区复杂风场实测,采用谱表示法提取实际风场特征,模拟全桥三维风速场,建立了考虑复杂非线性空间特性的风荷载模型,考虑垂度效应、梁柱效应和大位移效应等几何非线性因素,建立了桥梁非线性计算子模型,采用全过程迭代法计算考虑非线性因素的风-车-桥耦合振动响应,并给出行车安全性分析。结果表明:考虑非线性因素工况下,桥梁与车辆的动力响应均有一定程度的增大,且车辆动力响应的低频成分显著增加;大位移效应对结构响应影响较大,梁柱效应影响较小;忽略非线性因素影响,可能导致响应分析偏小,评估偏不安全;当车速为200 km/h,瞬时风速超过35 m/s,或当瞬时风速为30 m/s,车速超过210 km/h时,车辆轮重减载率指标超出安全阈值,行车安全性受到威胁。沪苏通大桥的非线性风-车-桥耦合振动分析具有重要的科学研究意义,并对保障桥梁结构和列车运行安全具有重要的工程指导作用。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionGenerally ,weshouldchooseparthavinggoodperformanceandhighreliabilitytoincreasesystemreliabilityinmechanicalsystemdesign .Thebetterperformanceandthehigherreliabilityaparthas ,themoreproductioncostitneeds,whichmeansthatthehigherreliabilityame…  相似文献   

以新疆赛吾迭格尔悬索桥为工程背景,研究非线性抖振响应的时频特性。提出了Fourier变换识别桥梁抖振响应的频谱的失真问题,从信号分析的角度寻找失真的原因,从结构动力学角度探讨响应非平稳性的导因。为解决这个问题,引入Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT变换)分析响应的边际谱。并分析HHT变换中经验模态分量的时频,从风工程角度探讨经验模态分量的物理意义。分析结果表明,大跨桥梁的颤抖振响应具有一定的非平稳性,HHT变换识别抖振响应的频谱时比Fourier变换精度更高。  相似文献   

Engineering structures react to exceptionally high forces caused by, for example, extreme winds, sea waves, earthquakes, avalanches, etc. in a non‐linear way, before they finally collapse. Mostly these environmental loadings cause dynamic excitations which are adequately modeled by the so‐called stochastic processes. To identify subsets of the excitation, which may trigger failure, methods based on power inputs of the stochastic excitation will be exploited. This procedure is based on the simple consideration that any excitation that maximizes the energy input into the system has the potential to adversely affect the integrity of the structure. This method considers the velocity of the displacement field of the structure and the energy dissipation induced by viscous damping, friction and hysteresis. For an efficient reliability estimation, the n‐dimensional standard normal space S[0]∈??n, in which the stochastic excitation is modeled, is split into two disjunct subspaces S[1]∈??m and S[2]∈??n?m. The subset S[1]∈??m represents the space of important directions, which is identified by a procedure based on an approximation of the gradient of the energy input. Directional sampling in the subspace S[1] and direct Monte Carlo sampling in the subspace S[2] are combined to established an efficient estimator for the structural reliability. The proposed methodology is generally applicable to finite element models with strong non‐conservative non‐linearities. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the system reliability of a manufacturing system with reworking actions, where the system reliability is an essential indicator to determine whether the manufacturing system is capable or not. Based on the path concept, we transformed the manufacturing system into a stochastic-flow network in which the capacity of each machine is stochastic (i.e., multistate) due to failure, partial failure, and maintenance. In such a manufacturing network, the input flow (raw materials/WIP; work-in-process) processed by each machine might be defective and thus the output flow (WIP/products) would be less than the input amount. To analyze the different sources processed by the manufacturing network, we decomposed the network into one general processing path and several reworking paths by a graphical technique. Subsequently, an algorithm for the manufacturing network was proposed to generate the lower boundary vector which allows sufficient products to satisfy the demand. In terms of such a vector, the system reliability can be derived easily.  相似文献   

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