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完达山乳品有限公司在国内乳品行为一直充满起伏、矛盾和神秘感的企业,时而大踏步前进,广告声势浩大,时而低调徘徊,似乎突然蒸发,而其市场的拓展也是波澜不惊,份额也是和大企业相比相差悬殊,和小企业相比,实力却相对雄厚,  相似文献   

中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝先后到太原、大同,他进工厂、下矿井,就经济社会发展和群众生活问题进行调查研究,在山西考察时指出,巩固和发展当前经济企稳回升的好形势,必须统一认识,坚定信心,狠抓落实,保持宏观经济政策的连续性和稳定性,推进结构调整,培育新的经济增长点,提高经济增长质量和效益,保障和改善民生,实现经济平稳较快发展。中华人民共和国工信部发布《关于遏制钢铁行业产量过快增长的紧急通报》,采取相关措施来遏制钢铁行业产量的过快增长。  相似文献   

FESPA进一步增加其国际会员,在2008年挪威奥斯陆全会上,菲律宾协会(SIDGAP)成为协作会员。 SIDGAP成立于1995年,目前由31家印刷厂和11家制造商和供应商组成,总部设在马尼拉。SIDGAP代表会员从事大量活动,其服务包括组织和协助会员联络,向工厂发送教育资料,召开会员会议,定期发行出版物和新闻公报,使会员及时了解最新的网印和数码印刷的技术和进展。  相似文献   

废纸的再生利用与脱墨技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于海英 《西南造纸》2004,33(5):44-47
纸和纸板作为承印材料,包装材料,以及各行各业的用材,得到广泛的应用。据资料统计显示,1997年,我国纸和纸板产量为2744万t,位居世界第三,仅在美国和日本之后。2000年,我国纸和纸板的消费总量约为3400万t.至2010年,我国纸和纸板消费总量将达到5000万t以上,造纸纤维的供应将是一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

柳宇宁 《中国宝石》2006,15(3):82-85
黄金作为一种特殊的商品,有着与其他商品截然不同的特性,这种特性来源于黄金自身的物理属性和历史上曾经担任的货币职能,现在,黄金集商品和金融属性于一身,既有装饰和工业用途,又有保值和增值的功能,正因为如此,在进行黄金供求关系分析的时候,  相似文献   

智能体育应用在近年来得到广泛关注和应用,但在实践中面临着一些困境。本论文旨在探讨智能体育应用的实践困境,并提出相应的推进策略。首先,我们将讨论技术限制方面的问题,包括数据准确性和可靠性问题以及传感器和设备的局限性;其次,我们将探讨隐私和安全问题,涉及个人信息保护和数据安全以及滥用风险;最后,我们将研究用户接受度和使用障碍,包括技术的复杂性和学习曲线,以及用户的隐私顾虑和抵触情绪。为了推进智能体育应用的发展,我们提出了以下策略:技术创新与发展,包括数据采集与处理技术的改进以及传感器和设备的功能增强和精确度提升;法律和政策支持,涉及制定相关隐私保护法规和建立数据共享和安全标准;用户教育与参与,包括提供简化的用户界面和操作流程以及加强用户隐私保护的宣传和意识培养;体育产业与学术界合作,建立智能体育应用的标准和规范,并进行实践案例和效果评估研究。通过采取这些策略,我们可以克服智能体育应用的困境,推动其更好地发展。  相似文献   

河南县地处青海省东南,素有青海南大门之称,东邻甘肃省的夏河和碌曲县,南接玛曲县,北连泽库县、玛沁和同德县,平均海拔在3600米以上,广阔草场草高而密,营养丰富,堪称亚洲一流,而且由于气候寒冷,不利于病原菌滋生、繁殖和蔓延,又远离大城市和工业污染源,空气、水、土壤等均纯净优良,被联合国教科文组织称为亚洲尚未遭受污染的“四大洁净区之一”。  相似文献   

小麦专用粉和品质改良剂的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了小麦专用粉和改良剂的开发现状,指出优质小麦是前提,专用粉是基础,改良剂是必要手段。三者之间相互依赖,缺一不可。加强理论研究,制定更加科学和实用性强的标准,在实践中,灵活应用现有标准,综合评价和指导面制品的加工和生产。  相似文献   

该厂在剑南春及其系列产品创名牌和发展名牌产品的过程中,深刻体会到:高科技投入是生产企业创造名牌产品的基础,是创造产品独特风格和完美质量的保证。因而在名牌产品的生产和发展上,始终以高科技投入为基础,不断充实科研力量,加强科学研究,依靠科技进步,严格科学管理,有效地增加产品的技术投入和技术含量,确保和促进产品质量的稳定与提高,永保名酒的质量和风格。文章内容翔实,值得一读(王轩)  相似文献   

家用电器行业和照明电器行业是轻工业的重要行业。到目前为止,国家发布的家用电器和照明电器的标准共有457个,采用国际标准的有285个,等同采用国际标准的有196个,采标率达62%。采标中安全标准172个,产品标准90个,方法标准117个,能耗标准7个,管理标准2个。通过采用国际标准,缩短了我国与世界发达国家在生产、设计和管理等领域的差异,对产品质量的提高,安全认证工作的顺利开展,产品的出口创汇和规范市场,起到了技术支撑和技术保护作用,为我国赶超世界先进水平打下了良好的基础。与此同时,家用电器行业和…  相似文献   

赛络纺纱钢领、钢丝圈的选配实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈玉峰 《纺织器材》2010,37(6):27-29
为了提高赛络纺纱成纱质量,减少细纱断头,从钢领、钢丝圈的种类,卷绕过程中对纺纱的影响及其运动配合等诸多因素出发,论述了钢领、钢丝圈的选配原则,重点阐述了赛络纺纱钢丝圈运动形态的变化及钢领、钢丝圈的选配要求,通过纯棉、非棉纤维纺纱的选配实践,指出赛络纺纱线毛羽少,结构紧密,应根据纺纱纤维性能和纺纱特点,以纱线通道通畅降毛羽、运行平稳少断头、散热良好延长使用寿命为原则对钢领、钢丝圈进行选配。  相似文献   

The content and the bioaccessibility of Se, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe were determined in unaged and aged meat (14days) from the Psoas major (PM), Gluteus medius (GM) and Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles of Hereford (H) and Braford breed (B) steers fed pasture. Furthermore, the content of heme-Fe was determined in the same muscles. The H had a lower content of Cu and a higher content of Fe. Also, H had more heme-Fe than B. The bioaccessibility in unaged meat for Se, Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe ranged between 75 and 91%, 30 and 45%, 40 and 68%, 55 and 95%, and 60 and 70%, respectively. After aging, the bioaccessibility for the same minerals ranged between 58 and 80%, 30 and 48%, 40 and 58%, 75 and 95%, and 59 and 70%, respectively. Aging affected negatively the Se content and its bioaccessibility, in the two breeds. Also, the heme-Fe content was negatively affected by aging in all muscles and breeds.  相似文献   

Capacity building in food and nutrition involves more than formal training and individual development. Such a process is long term and continues, requiring lasting mentorship, coaching and leadership development, including individual commitment to continued self-development. It expands to include the development of knowledge and skills of an individual within his/her organizational or institutional arrangements, and requires buy-in and support from his/her institution or organization, as well as other funding bodies involved in agriculture and health. It needs to be supported by government and be part of the regional and international agenda for agriculture and health.  相似文献   

Maximum mature larval, cocoon and shell weight were observed during winter season followed by spring and autumn seasons of both white and brick red eri cocoons. Cocoon weight and shell weight were found about 40 and 5%, respectively, as compared to mature larval weight. Degumming loss was estimated at about 10% for white eri and 12% for brick red eri cocoons. Weight of silk fibres varies significantly between layers and decreasing trend was noted from outer to inner layers. Similar trend was observed for single fibre denier and it differs significantly between places (ecoraces), seasons and layers of cocoons. Ascending trend for single fibre tenacity was found from floss to pelade layers of both white and brick red eri silk cocoons and significant influence was observed for places, seasons as well as layers whereas no impact was noted in case of single fibre breaking elongation. Regression equations between weight of degummed cocoon fibres, single fibre denier and single fibre tenacity and to its corresponding values for different places (ecoraces), seasons and cocoon layers were established and estimated R2 and ‘t’ values confirmed the significance of these regression equations.  相似文献   

The presence of tetrahydro-beta-carbolines and beta-carbolines was studied in raw, cooked and smoked fish and meat. 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid (THCA) usually was the major beta-carboline found, whereas 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid (MTCA) appeared in smoked and 'well done' cooked samples. THCA was detected in raw fish (nd-2.52 micrograms/g), cooked fish (nd-6.43 micrograms/g), cooked meats (nd-0.036 microgram/g), smoked fish (0.19-0.67 microgram/g) and smoked meats (0.02-1.1 micrograms/g). Smoked and cooked samples contained higher amounts of THCA and MTCA than raw products. Deep cooking of fish and meat increased both THCA and MTCA, and this was accompanied by the formation of more beta-carbolines, norharman and harman. The tetrahydro-beta-carbolines THCA and MTCA were chemical precursors of the co-mutagens norharman and harman during cooking. These and previous results confirm that foods are an important source of beta-carbolines in humans.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere are critical periods during pregnancy and early life when child's neurodevelopment can be altered, where different factors including hormones, stress, genetics, and diet have an important role. Novel studies are indicating that also gut microbiota and maternal obesity can influence child's neurodevelopment.Scope and approachThis review summarises the current concepts related to microbiota-gut-brain axis, including microbiota modulation of the eating behaviour, child's cognitive function and brain structure, microbiota analysis techniques and neurodevelopment assessment in children. Further, we propose and present knowledge about potential mechanisms of action and ways to intervene for disease prevention and treatments, opening up an exciting area with important medical and industrial applications.Key findings and conclusionsThis novel and fast developing research area is indicating that gut microbiota in association with body weight might have an important impact on foetal and child neurodevelopment. However, the exact mechanisms are not known and further research in the field is warranted. Within the MyNewGut Project we aim to analyse the impact of microbiota in association with body weight on cognitive and behaviour development in children. We will study the phylogeny and function of the gut microbial communities in overweight, obese and gestational diabetes pregnancies and in their progeny, in association with infants and children's cognitive and behavioural outcomes. As well, the impact of gut microbiome on brain structure and function during childhood will be evaluated. Results from this study will shed light on the impact of maternal and offspring gut microbiome and body weight on child's neurodevelopment, brain structure and function, and will suggest potential mechanisms for intervention.  相似文献   

中国纺织服装企业传统的纺织加工模式已经不能适应目前成本的快速上涨,智能化、信息化、网络化的纺织加工必将替代传统纺织加工,这是我国纺织印染行业未来发展的必然趋势。文中主要介绍无缝内衣织造和染色智能化、信息化、网络化工厂的设计布局及管理,主要设计布局了织造车间智能化配送、中控系统,染色车间主要设计了自动进出产品的智能染色和烘干设备,设计布局了产品自动配送和传送、染料和助剂的自动称量和输送系统,为无缝内衣织造和染色工厂实现智能化信息化提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Swan JE  Boles JA 《Meat science》2006,72(1):25-33
Patties and sausage batters were made from trimmed brisket, chuck, striploin, hindshank, silverside, thick flank and rib trim from grass-fed Friesian cows. Functionality of each meat cut was determined from cook yield and true stress and strain of cooked sausage batters and cook yield, dimensional changes and peak force of cooked patties. Colour of raw and cooked slices from the meat cuts and cooked batters was evaluated using a colorimeter and a consumer panel. Composition of raw meat from all cuts was similar; chuck and rib trim had higher pH values and were more red than meat from other cuts. Cooked batters from striploin, chuck and hindshank had higher stress and strain values than gels from other cuts. Patties made from thick flank and striploin were the softest and had the highest cook yield. Batters and patties made from meat with higher salt soluble protein content retained more water and fat on cooking, were more cohesive and had higher bind strengths. Manufacturers can use functionality characteristics to select meat for specific products.  相似文献   

Dark and ordinary muscle from sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) and mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) were characterized. Lipid and myoglobin contents were higher in dark muscle than in ordinary muscle of both species, and higher contents of both constituents were found in sardine muscle than mackerel muscle. The extractable myoglobin contents in sardine dark and ordinary muscle were 14.27 and 2.18 mg/g, while mackerel dark and ordinary muscle contained 4.88 and 1.37 mg myoglobin/g sample, respectively. Alkali-soluble protein and stroma contents were greater in dark muscle than ordinary muscle. Mackerel muscle comprised a higher content of non-protein nitrogenous compounds than sardine muscle. The effect of washing conditions on the myoglobin extractability was investigated. A large amount of myoglobin was removed in the first washing cycle and only a small amount was removed in the second washing cycle. The highest removal of myoglobin from sardine (32.10–46.55%) and from mackerel muscle (103.20–313.66%) was achieved when the mince was washed with 0.2% NaCl and 0.5% NaCl, respectively. Washing media showed the marked effect on the color, expressible drip and textural properties of sardine and mackerel mince gels. The breaking force of directly heated and kamaboko gels from both sardine and mackerel mince washed with NaCl solution was higher than that of unwashed mince and water washed mince. However, no difference in deformation was observed. Washing also resulted in increased whiteness and lowered expressible moisture. In general, sardine surimi showed the superior gel-forming ability and whiteness to mackerel surimi.  相似文献   

为摸清川渝地区市售包装榨菜、泡菜的亚硝酸盐含量,科学认识市售包装榨菜、泡菜的安全性,该研究通过随机取样,共采集市售包装榨菜22份、市售包装泡菜23份及其他常见食品(肉制品、速冻鱼类、水果罐头、新鲜果蔬及隔夜饭菜)30份,通过亚硝酸盐含量测定及对比分析评价了川渝地区市售包装泡菜、榨菜的亚硝酸盐污染情况及食用安全性。结果表明,川渝地区市售包装泡菜、榨菜样品的亚硝酸盐含量在0.16~4.42 mg/kg,与其他常见食品相比其亚硝酸盐含量处于中低水平。考虑摄入量后,经由泡菜、榨菜进入人体的亚硝酸盐剂量仅为0.2~10 μg/(kg·d),符合相关国际标准。  相似文献   

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