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对于混合工质R407C,在生产过程中其组分HFC32/HFC125/HFC1348浓度难以严格达到23%/25%/52%,并且由于试验装置的泄露,其组分的浓度也会有所偏差.针对上述问题,讨论了R407C各组分浓度误差小于5%时对压缩机性能实验-流量计法的影响,从而提高测试结果的精度.  相似文献   

对于混合工质R407C,在生产、储存、运输、分馏时其组分HFC-32/HFC-125/HFC-134a浓度难以严格达到23%/25%/52%。针对上述问题,本文讨论了R407C各组分浓度误差小于5%时对压缩机性能实验——流量计法的影响,从而提高测试结果的精度。  相似文献   

曾冬琪  林小闹 《制冷》2004,23(2):1-4
在分析比较非共沸混合制冷剂R407C替代R22时润滑油的替代的基础上,对新开发的压缩机耐磨性材料进行了试验研究,并对采用此R407C压缩机的房间空调器压缩机性能进行了实验研究,与同排气量的R22压缩机对比,获得了用此R407C压缩机时,房间空调器的热力性能与R22系统接近,证明采用新润滑油、新耐磨材料的R407C的压缩机性能良好,可在生产中推广使用.  相似文献   

露点法和中点法确定R407C压缩机性能测试工况点之比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文介绍了采用当中点和露点确定R4 0 7C压缩机性能测试工况点的方法 ,指出它们之间具有内在联系—结果可相互换算。同时对采用不同方法测得的压缩机制冷量和EER值进行了比较 ,结果表明采用露点法测得的制冷量和消耗功率通常比中点法低大约 5 % ,而计算出的EER相差不大。  相似文献   

谭周芳  南建忠 《制冷》1999,18(4):50-53
本文介绍了用同一台压缩机, 充灌四种不同比例的R32/R134a 混合工质与R22及R134a 的对比试验。通过测量制冷量、输入功率、能效比以及壳体温度等主要性能, 从理论上定性和定量地阐明了R32/R134a在空调器中替代R22 的可行性和优越性。  相似文献   

谢利昌  刘军 《制冷》2000,19(3):5-11
本文探讨了不相溶的烷基苯AB油在家用空调器替代R22的混合制冷剂R407C的应用特性,并介绍了R407C/AB油压缩机性能测试、压缩机耐久性试验、空调匹配试验、空调器模拟寿命试验等情况。  相似文献   

介绍了一种干式制冷剂量热器法全自动制冷压缩机测试试验台的工作原理及其在研制过程,试验台在设计中采用全自动控制,测控系统压敏电阻传感器,精度±0.15%;温度传感器采用一体化温度变送器温度敏感元件为Pt100铂电阻,精度为0.1℃;流量传感器采用速度式流量测量计;A/D转换及信号采集采用一块PCL-813数据采集卡,I/O采用PCL-726控制卡。  相似文献   

为了解决R32/R134a应用于变浓度热泵系统存在的排气温度过高问题,提出使用三元混合工质R407C用于该系统中.以R32/R134a和R407C作为工质在变浓度容量调节热泵系统中进行了吸气压力不变时的变浓度实验.实验结果表明,R407C在本系统中变浓度范围低于R32/R134a,但R407C的排气温度和耗功均低于R32/R134a,具有良好的变浓度调节潜力.  相似文献   

This paper presents new measurements of the viscosity of gaseous R407C (23 mass% HFC-32, 25 mass% HFC-125, 52 mass% HFC-143a) and R407E (25 mass% HFC-32, 15 mass% HFC-125, 60 mass% HFC-143a). The measurements were carried out with an oscillating-disk viscometer of the Maxwell type at temperatures from 298.15 to 423.15 K. The densities of these two fluid mixtures were calculated with the equation-of-state model in REFPROP. The viscosity at normal pressures was analyzed with the extended law of corresponding states developed by Kestin et al., and the scaling parameters needed in the analysis were obtained from our previous studies for the viscosity of the binary mixtures consisting of HFC-32, HFC-125, and HFC-134a. The modified Enskog theory developed by Vesovic and Wakeham (V-W method) was applied to predict the viscosity for the ternary gaseous HFC mixtures under pressure. As for the calculation of pseudo-radial distribution functions in mixtures, a method based on the equation of state for hard-sphere fluid mixtures proposed by Carnahan-Starling was applied. It was found that the V-W method can predict the viscosity of R407C and R407E without any additional parameters for the ternary mixture.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the measurement of the viscosity of R134a close to the saturation line in the vapor phase. The new measurements were carried out in a vibrating-wire viscometer specially constructed for the purpose, and the results have an accuracy of ±2%. In addition, the opportunity is taken to present a reevaluation of earlier measurements along the saturation line of the viscosity of R32 and R125. Improved equations of state for these fluids are now available and can be employed to generate improved values for the viscosity.  相似文献   

Thermal conductivity of R32 and its mixture with R134a   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The liquid thermal conductivity of R32 (CH2F2) and R134a (CF3CH2F) was measured in the range from 223 to 323 K and from 2 to 20 MPa by the transient hot-wire method. The thermal conductivity of the R32+R134a mixture was also measured in the same range by varying the mass fraction of R32. The measured data are analyzed to obtain a correlation in terms of temperature, pressure and composition of the mixture. The uncertainty of our measurements is estimated to be within ±2%.Paper presented at the Twelfth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 19–24, 1994, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A parametric crossover equation of state for pure fluids is adapted to binary mixtures. This equation incorporates scaling laws asymptotically close to the critical point and is transformed into a regular classical expansion far away from the critical point. An isomorphic generalization of the law of corresponding states is applied to the prediction of thermodynamic properties and the phase behavior of binary mixtures over a wide region around the locus of vapor-liquid critical points. A comparison is made with experimental data for pure R32, R 125 and R 134a, and for R32 + R 134a and R 125 + R32 binary mixtures. The equation of state yields a good representation of thermodynamic property data in the range of temperatures 0.8Tc(x) ≤ T ≤ 1.5Tc(x) and densities 0.35 ?c(x) ≤ ? ≤ 1.65?c(x).  相似文献   

简要回顾并总结了国内外关于变容量热泵系统的研究方向,在新型变浓度热泵试验台上进行了三元混合工质R23/R32/R134a变工况、变浓度等一系列的实验,并对实验结果进行了分析.结果表明:三元混合工质用于变浓度热泵系统时,单质工质之间互相弥补了各自的不足,发挥了各自的优势,在循环性能上以及容量调节方面都表现出很大的优越性;随着冬季室外温度的降低,混合工质在变浓度运行要比定浓度运行能够放缓制热量下降的节奏,表现出更节能的优点.  相似文献   

Thermal conductivities of zeotropic mixtures of R125 (CF3CHF2) and R134a (CF3CH2F) in the liquid phase are reported. Thermal conductivities have been measured by a transient hot-wire method with one bare platinum wire. Measurements have been carried out in the temperature range of 233 to 323 K and in the pressure range of 2 to 20 MPa. The dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature, pressure, and composition of the binary mixture is presented. Measured thermal conductivity data are correlated as a function of temperature, pressure, and overall composition of the mixture. The uncertainty of our measurements was estimated to be better than 2%.  相似文献   

对于R134a/R600a组成的混合制冷剂,当R134a的质量百分比在75%~95%之间时,可以形成一种近共沸混合物.本文介绍了这种近共沸混合制冷剂的性质,理论分析并实验验证了它作为R12的替代制冷剂的循环性能,并对它采用烷基苯或者矿物油作为润滑油时的制冷系统回油性能进行了实验研究.  相似文献   

A practical representation for the transport coefficients of pure refrigerants R32, R125, R134a, and R125+R32 mixtures is presented which is valid in the vapor–liquid critical region. The crossover expressions for the transport coefficients incorporate scaling laws near the critical point and are transformed to regular background values far away from the critical point. The regular background parts of the transport coefficients of pure refrigerants are obtained from independently fitting pure fluid data. For the calculation of the background contributions of the transport coefficients in binary mixtures, corresponding-states correlations are used. The transport property model is compared with thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity data for pure refrigerants, and with thermal conductivity data for R125+R32 mixtures. The average relative deviations between the calculated values of the thermal conductivity and experimental data are less than 4–5% at densities ρ0.1ρc and temperatures up to T=2Tc.  相似文献   

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