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杨火印 《中国陶瓷》2003,39(4):66-68
这次烧成中的最大问题是匣钵,因为“7501”瓷器的烧成温度定为1390~1400℃,而当时景德镇还没有能耐如此高温的匣钵。于是,所里一方面布置技术室耐火材料组进行攻关,另一方面安排卢明正师傅到景德镇匣钵厂定做高铝匣钵,此匣钵要在原配方中增加15%的氧化铝。匣钵厂按照我们的要求  相似文献   

一、匣钵的烧成温度匣钵的烧成温度取决于匣钵的材质,即决定于匣钵坯料的化学组成,严格来说,它应决定于结合剂的化学组成,因为熟料是预先在高于匣钵烧成温度下进行过煅烧的,它在匣钵坯料的烧成过程中,基本上自身不起反应,只仅仅是熟料颗粒的周围与结合剂发生反应。所以匣钵的烧成温度应取决于结合剂的烧结温度。匣钵只有在一定的温度下烧成,才能较好地生成所预期的反应物,从而获得性能稳定的产品。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了硅线石、堇青石复合材质匣钵的试验和使用情况。通过工业性试验和经济效益分析,论证了此种匣钵不受烧成气氛限制,能在1300℃以下广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

堇青石匣钵具有较好的热稳定性,适应成瓷温度在1380℃以下的日用瓷隧道窑烧成使用。这种匣钵在我国各瓷区正在得到广泛应用,而山东淄博瓷区使用最佳。其它瓷区往往达不到预期的效果。主要原因不外乎:匣钵  相似文献   

孙瑞波 《山东陶瓷》2007,30(2):35-35
骨质瓷二次烧成工艺也为提高产品的规整度拓宽了广阔的空间,因高温烧成时坯体无釉,不会粘连窑具和匣钵,这样便可以使产品随造型工艺的要求的部位都可以接触匣钵,也就是说可以利用不同的匣钵来控制不同产品造型的烧成方法得以实现。在正常生产的情况下,控制匣钵一般从功能上来讲  相似文献   

针对湖南某厂使用SiC匣钵装烧瓷器时产生大量的烟薰缺陷 ,探讨了SiC在复杂环境下的氧化机理 ,通过改进匣钵和涂料配方 ,提高了匣钵的抗氧化性能 ;通过优化烧成制度 ,改善了窑内的烧成气氛 ,因而有效地解决了制品的烟薰缺陷。  相似文献   

前言用于烧成大件瓷缸、瓷瓶、瓷雕等直径420~1200mm的匣钵,景德镇统称大件匣钵(表1) 大件匣钵,无论是传统的含堇青石的半硅质匣钵,还是六十年代的铝硅镁质匣钵,一直存在着使用寿命低(直径710~740mm大尺_8匣钵为例,只能使用3-5次。质优的铝硅镁质匣钵,沉底后带病作业,最多也只能使用8-10次),易沉底、开裂,严重影响了景德镇地区大件瓷器质量的提高和烧成技术的改进。  相似文献   

匣钵是日用陶瓷高温烧成过程中主要的,不可缺少的一种高温辅助材料制品。虽然由于燃料的不同而减少或不用匣钵(如用天然气进行明焰烧成就可只用棚板),但在我国要达到那一状况还要走十分漫长的路程。因此,目前以至今后相当长的时期内,我们仍将不得不采用匣钵来烧成日用陶瓷。日前,国内日用陶瓷生产中所使用的匣钵大多是粘土质、高铝质或少量的堇青石质、莫  相似文献   

在日用陶瓷生产过程中,尚未实现无匣烧成之前,匣体仍是一种不可缺少的辅助工具。就其匣钵的结构而言,它是一种多孔多相的非均质耐火材料。在多次反复交变热载荷的作业条件下使用,则要求其必须具备一定的机械强度、体积稳定性和热稳定性。匣钵的以上窑业性能除与原料、化学组成有关外,烧成工艺制度亦是一个重要关键。匣钵坯体的烧成过程伴随有交错复杂的物理变化和化学及固相反应。然而,我国专门生产匣钵(窑具)的工厂尚少,多数瓷厂均为自产自用。瓷厂以产瓷为主,所以在匣钵烧成制度方面不够严谨。  相似文献   

广东饶平新丰瓷二厂,以生产碟、盘出口瓷为主,隧道窑烧成温度偏高(1380~1430℃),匣钵使用寿命低。为提高碟类匣钵使用寿命,提高装窑容量,降低成本,该厂采取匣钵、棚板组合码窑,窑车两边码10(1/2)平盘匣钵,中间采用组合棚板。上、中、下三层,碟类仿型匣钵0.3~0.5cm厚,极大地提高了装窑容量,又提高了匣钵的使用寿命和瓷器质量,很有推广价值。因该厂使用外省的高铝质棚板,运输困难,待料,影响生产,另价格  相似文献   

本文利用SEM和EPA研究了粘土—熔融石英匣钵的微观结构随使用次数增加而产生的变化,分析了变化过程中匣钵内各相的受力状态及其对这种匣钵损坏的影响。要进一步改善这种匣钵的质量,应延缓骨料晶化及改变结合相组成。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜对某窑具厂制造的SiC质匣钵进行了显微结构分析,并通过与德国的SiC质匣钵比较。得出了匣钵开裂的原因是SiC颗粒被氧化变小,针状莫来石长大、粗化,玻璃相增多。由此提出了延缓开裂的办法。  相似文献   

A method for determining the average life of a sagger over the period of a year is given as an aid in determining costs. Inventories are taken at the beginning and at the end of the year, and a record is kept of the saggers made. The average number or saggers fired in a kiln is determined and from these figures the percentage loss of life of each sagger per fire is determined, as well as the number of fires per sagger.  相似文献   

This is a Fifth Progress Report giving the results obtained in a preliminary study of sagger bodies, which is a continuation of an extensive investigation of sagger clays for the purpose of determining the properties of clays and bodies best suited for sagger purposes. The report contains data on the modulus of elasticity, transverse breaking strength, plastic flow, thermal expansion, and resistance to failure due to heat shock of 55 sagger mixes representing 39 different bodies fired at either 1230°C or 1270°C. The 16 bodies prepared in duplicate were tested both after firing at 1230°C and 1270°C. All of these bodies were compounded with two clays whose properties are given in earlier progress reports, and a mixture of graded grog. The grog was graded into sizes so as to result in two types of bodies, those having (1) a coarse and open-grained structure and (2) a dense and fine-grained structure. The data on the fired bodies show that those containing the fine sizes of grog have the higher modulus of elasticity, transverse strength, and in the majority of cases, thermal expansion. Very little difference in total porosity of the two types of bodies is indicated although the rate of absorption shows large differences. The data obtained in this preliminary study indicate that those bodies having (1) a porosity of less than 25% (2) a low modulus of elasticity, (3) as high transverse strength as is compatible with the low modulus of elasticity, and (4) low thermal expansion below 250°C are the most desirable for sagger purposes.  相似文献   

A questionnaire sent to a number of clay mfgs. elicited the information: (1) better sagger cost system needed; carborundum and Na SiO are frequent constituents of the sagger body; (3) jaw crusher better than pan grog; (4) sagger containing 30 per cent carborundum and lasting 20 or more fires is economical.  相似文献   

通过分析大件机压匣钵的旧工艺流程和使用情况,制定了新配方和新工艺流程,从而提高了产品质量和经济效益。  相似文献   

This paper is the first progress report of a comprehensive study of sagger clays. It includes the results of a preliminary study of clays representative of those used in sagger making throughout the United States. Chemical analyses, and a summary of physical tests, petrographic examinations, and the effect of repeated burns in pottery kilns are given. As a result of this work the clays have been classified into five groups characterized by properties in the fired state. The paper also contains an outline of a proposed intensive and fundamental study of a limited number of clays typical of each group.  相似文献   

The use of refractory castables as a material for the lining of runners of blast furnaces is considered. LC- and ULC-type castables are developed in conformance with modern technological requirements and environmental standards. Coal-tar resin as an environmentally friendly alternative to coal-tar pitch is proposed. SiC-containing regenerates (SiC-containing fireclay sagger scrap) are proposed as an ingredient for LC-type castables without detriment to their service properties.  相似文献   

This report presents the results obtained in a study of sagger bodies and represents an enlargement of a similar study of a preliminary nature, the results of which have been published. The clays and grogs are combined to give bodies having wide variations in body structure and in the several properties which were studied. Data are given on the modulus of elasticity, transverse breaking strength, plastic flow, thermal expansion, and resistance to failure due to heat shock of thirty-five laboratory prepared bodies and ten commercial bodies after firing at from one to three different temperatures. For comparative purposes data are given on two series of bodies, the one series containing coarse grog and the other fine grog. In addition body compositions were varied in order to compare the effect on sagger life of using open- and close-firing grogs.  相似文献   

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