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刘速 《自动化博览》2003,20(1):48-50
介绍了横河电机株式会社(以下简称横河公司)为实现工控仪表的实时监视,数据采集等功能而开发的计算机软件包DAQLOGGER的特点及构成。  相似文献   

可编程逻辑控制品(PLC)发展迅速,控制性能更佳,尺寸越来越小,速度更快,功能更强,联网的数据采集装置能提供一种完整的合作策略;图表记录仪迄今仍是最普及,最经济的数据采集与贮存方法之一;同当今的集散控制系统(DCS)联用的新颖生产管理系统,则在可行性与规划研究,定义与设计,试验与鉴定,操作与保养方面呈现出种种优点。  相似文献   

用于卫星实时定时的计算机软件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文讨论了一种用于卫星实时定时的计算机软件采用的定时方法,以及该软件的基本结构和功能特点。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,计算机在各行各业都取得了巨大的应用,同时,计算机软件的维护也成了软件发展的一大问题,由于软件维护涉及的问题较多,所以在维护的过程中有较多需要我们注意的地方。而对于计算机软件的维护不仅关乎用户的使用,更与软件公司的开发成本息息相关,因此对于计算机软件维护的研究具有重要的意义。笔者从事计算机软件工作,对于其维护有着一定的经验及感触,本文结合笔者自身经验,对于计算机软件维护概念、它有怎样的特点、我们在维护过程中需要注意哪些问题等等进行了分析与探讨,旨在对于计算机软件的维护起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

如何对计算机软件这一智力成果给予合理的专利保护,始终受到计算机软件的产业界和法律界人士的关注和聚焦。着重介绍我国法律对计算机软件保护的规定,列举了一些是否符合专利法保护的客体,并结合代理实践案例来阐述如何进行涉及计算机软件的专利申请。同时提出了目前涉及计算机软件申请中法律规定所存在的问题和一些观点。  相似文献   

<正> 有关计算机软件保护,根据构思/表现二分法原则,主要受著作权及专利权的保护。著作权与专利权是从两个不同的侧面对计算机软件进行保护,专利保护在一定程度上弥补了著作权保护的不足,但实际上软件却难以得到专利权的有效保护。因此,计算机软件著作权保护已成为有关软件法律保护的最主要方式。 我们知道著作权保护构思的表现,而不保护构思本身。由于计算机软件本身也属于著作物的一种。因此,如何确定计算机软件的保护范围  相似文献   

随着计算机软件的不断发展,计算机软件的保护问题也越来越受到人们的关注.计算机软件究竟采取何种形式保护,一直是各国计算机界、法律界争论不休的问题,本文就如何更好地保护计算机软件做一探讨.  相似文献   

随着信息安全的飞跃发展,在计算机软件支持下的耗能安全监控检测需要融合耗能和计算机软件检测系统平台的联动使用,本文重点探讨了计算机软件在耗能安全监控检测中的应用研究,可以有效的处理计算机软件的耗能。计算机软件耗能监控检测需要进行数字化统计工作,以达到规范管理,提高耗能效率,赢得更好的生存和发展。  相似文献   

在信息时代,随着计算机的迅速发展和应用,掌握常用的计算机应用软件成为每个人工作学习中不可却少的课程.在该课程的教学过程中,教师应选择合适的版本,以培养学生的动手能力、自学能力和创新意识为出发点,综合运用实例教学法、任务驱动教学法等方法,同时给学生创造一个自主的学习环境,并建立灵活的评价体系,以增强教学效果.  相似文献   

系统软件是计算机组成中非常重要的部分,其维护工作量与费用大约占软件寿命周期的67%,因此,计算机软件维护工作就显得举足轻重。本文作者基于多年关于计算机软件维护的实践经验,就软件维护的方法及如何提高可维护性等方面进行浅谈,以期在实际工作中具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

R. G. Hamlet  R. M. Haralick 《Software》1980,10(12):1009-1027
Package programs allow people who are not computer experts to use the power of machine computation for specialized purposes. Because the designers of scientific packages are more often experts in their scientific field than in computing, they may ignore issues of transportability and ease-of-use until too late, and produce a package that is difficult to use, and difficult to move to a different computer. In this paper we suggest some techniques to aid the scientific package designer. We suggest a kernel of routines that interface to the peculiar operating system of each machine, providing sophisticated but standard operating system services. This kernel makes the operating system of each computer appear identical and does not pose a difficult implementation problem. Above this interface all code can be machine-independent, without sacrificing power and ease of use on any machine. We also suggest some novel organizations of processing routines designed to make the system easy to alter and extend. Complete independence of modules encourages centralization of tasks, which is both efficient and essential for easy extension. With this organization, the vast preponderance of package code can be written in machine-independent ANSI FORTRAN. We suggest the use of a preprocessor like RATFOR to make this more pleasant. The paper closes with an application to an image-processing package, in which a major problem is the flexible sequencing of processing routines.  相似文献   

工控软件中曲线显示优化算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前的工控软件大多要求用图形的方式将监控数据显示出来。由于工控软件要求实时性,需要对曲线的显示采用快速优化算法。介绍了适用于工业控制类软件中的3种曲线显示优化算法的特点和实现,对其各自适用情况进行了仿真、分析和比较,并在海尔冰箱测试系统中得到成功应用。  相似文献   

邹轩  黄义萍 《微计算机信息》2006,22(29):296-298
Softcar和SoftcarRT是某企业自行研发的测试平台专用软件包,其功能用于车辆内置控制器的性能测试。为了面向更多的用户,欲采用Python语句来操作控制Softcar及SoftcarRT测试软件包。设计、编译及构建其中的软件接口,以达到拓展专用测试软件包的功能及强化其适用性的目的。  相似文献   

文章结合一个实际工程系统,比较了两种不同的数据传输方案的各自特点,在此基础上确定了实施方案,并最终在工程上将其实现。  相似文献   

Little research has been done examining the role of errors in learning computer software. It is argued, though, that understanding the errors that people make while learning new software is important to improving instruction. The purpose of the current study was to (a) develop a meaningful and practical system for classifying computer software errors, (b) determine the relative effect of specific error types on learning, and (c) examine the impact of computer ability on error behaviour. Thirty-six adults (18 males, 18 females), representing three computer ability levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), volunteered to think out loud while they learned the rudimentary steps (moving the cursor, using a menu, entering data) required to use a spreadsheet software package. Classifying errors according to six basic categories (action, orientation, knowledge processing, seeking information, state, and style) proved to be useful. Errors related to knowledge processing, seeking information, and actions were observed most frequently, however, state, style, and orientation errors had the largest immediate negative impact on learning. A more detailed analysis revealed that subjects were most vulnerable when observing, trying to remember, and building mental models. The effect of errors was partially related to computer ability, however beginner, intermediate and advanced users were remarkably similar with respect to the prevalence of errors.  相似文献   

A computer software package has been developed to be used as a self-assessment tool to evaluate ergonomic improvement potential of production systems by engineers, managers and safety professionals. Production managers of manufacturing industries with no prior knowledge of ergonomics were able to identify ergonomic deficiencies successfully (81%) in the shop floors as a result of the application of the ergonomic assessment tool. This enabled them to formulate intervention strategies to improve ergonomic conditions in their industries. The software package is user friendly, self-explanatory and provides relevant information, data and guidelines. It is unique, as the users will have access to necessary ergonomics information, which is often lacking in the manufacturing industries, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

Shouki A. Ebad 《Software》2018,48(5):1056-1076
Software unavailability can lead to disastrous consequences ranging from delays and cancellation to a loss of millions of dollars of technology. However, research on the causes that can make systems unavailable is still little. The aim of this paper is to investigate such causes in an industrial context using 2 qualitative approaches ((a) interview and (b) retrospective analysis) using archival data and records from a student information system. As a result, connectivity, human, hardware, storage, and software were found to be the important categories of causes for the unavailability. Besides, the critical lessons to be learned that relate to activities of software management and software business are also discussed. This includes vendor support, systems documentation, health check process, licensing, and software updating or upgrading. To strengthen the claim that our findings are promising, we compare our main findings with those of a previous study. This study can generally assist software engineering people including engineers, developers, project managers, vendors. Additionally, this paper dis cusses the threats to the study's validity and suggests open problems for future research.  相似文献   

The data acquisition system (DAS) of the 125MW generating unit of Taizhou power piant is introduced in brief. The system hardware, e.g. the  selection of the measuring points;the selection of the equipment;the design of network configuration and retrofit in the field,as well as the application software,e.g.out of limit alarm; I/O fai lure judgment; system maintenance and management; the development of on line dis play grouping function are described in detail.  相似文献   

随着人们的生活水平不断提高,越来越多的患者需要足不出户的医疗护理。本文提供了一种基于虚拟仪器的生理信号检测系统。患者通过该系统,在家中就能实现人体温度、心电、血压、呼吸、心音、脉搏的数据采集,以便于把这些信息通过网络最终传输到医院,使得患者得到及时的治疗。  相似文献   

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