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武汉城市圈农村生物质资源特点及综合利用建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武汉城市罔蕴藏丰富农村牛物质资源,这些生物质资源具有可供利用总量大;资源分布不均,富集程度西部高于东部;秸秆产出分为两季,资源种类以稻秆、油菜秆、棉秆为主;资源浪费严重,处理方式不环保等特点.针对这些特点提出3种综合利用系统模式:秸秆资源多元化利用系统、稻壳多联产气化发电系统和养殖小区废弃物全天候利用系统.建议在城市圈内选择适宜地区建设生物质资源综合利用示范项目,重点解决生物质资源综合利用中的共性和实用技术难题.  相似文献   

随着国家促进生物质资源利用政策的不断推出,农作物生物质资源直燃发电项目得到了快速发展,在实际操作中发现相当部分项目实施单位对生物质直燃发电资源调查工作未能给予足够的重视,未做深入细致的调研工作,使项目建成后由于燃料问题导致运营成本增加,投资风险加大。利用编制和审核调查报告经验总结,揭示农作物生物质资源直燃发电资源调研工作中需注意的问题,希望能对生物质资源利用工作有所促进。  相似文献   

高英  袁巧霞  陈汉平 《太阳能学报》2016,37(12):3226-3232
为了解生物质水热炭化过程中水热焦炭的形成机制及其理化结构的演变机理,通过选择不同的原料、反应温度、时间等影响因素,利用高温高压反应釜,对生物质水热过程中水热炭的形成和理化结构演变进行系统分析,揭示水热过程中生物质的热分解机理。研究发现:原料不同其水热炭特性明显不同;木材和秸秆类生物质得到的水热炭有较高的产率和热值;虽然水生植物水葫芦所得到的水热炭产率较低,但其形貌最好,可作为一种新型的生物质炭材料,从而提高生物质资源的利用价值。反应温度和停留时间对水热转化均有明显影响,温度对焦炭的化学特性具有明显影响;而停留时间对焦炭的物理特性有明显影响。  相似文献   

正生物质成型燃料虽然是一种清洁能源,具有节能减排的优势,但过去却一直没有得到大力发展,其主要原因是缺少政策的扶持。近日,国家能源局和环境保护部下发通知,组织开展生物质成型燃料锅炉供热示范项目建设,生物质成型燃料将有望"逆袭"得到大力发展。我国生物质能资源丰富生物质能利用在我国是朝阳产业。据统计,我国可作为能源利用的生物质资源总量每年约4.6亿吨标准煤,目前已利用量仅为2200万吨标准煤左右。  相似文献   

文章从农村地区生物质清洁供暖的角度,阐述了国内外生物质清洁供暖技术的研究现状,并对我国农村地区生物质清洁供暖技术路径、减排预期和经济性进行了分析。分析结果表明:在农村地区推广生物质清洁供暖,减排效果显著,到2060年,在基准情景和碳中和情境下,农村生物质供暖贡献的CO_(2)减排量分别约为7 100万t和1.7亿t,是2020年的2.5倍和6倍,且生物质的使用成本比其他清洁能源低;在生物质资源丰富的农村地区,应根据当地情况采用适宜的供暖模式,有序推进生物质清洁供暖,这将有助于我国实现碳中和目标和缓解全球气候变化。  相似文献   

1生物质能转化的技术途径各种生物质能在被利用时均须经过一定的转化过程,如图1所示。由于不同生物质资源在理化性质方面的差异,决定其转化途径各不相同,除人、畜粪便需厌氧处理及油料与含糖作物可直接提取外,多数生物质要经过热化学转化过程才能被加以利用。其中,生物质气化是热化学转化中最主要的一种方式。2生物质能转化技术的发展趋势虽然生物质资源的开发只是近10年来的事情,而且已成熟的技术(如生物质发电)尚需一定时期的检验,但由于环境的压力(如城市的环境污染),以及生物质资源本身所具有的特殊优点,人们对生物质资源…  相似文献   

天津市农村生物质能利用现状及发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红艳  徐亚辉 《节能》2012,31(1):9-12
在对天津市农村生物质能实地调研的基础上,对天津市生物质资源量及利用现状进行了分析,表明天津市发展生物质作为农村居民炊事燃料具有较大的发展空间;对当前天津的农村住宅生物质能源利用模式进行了归纳和总结,并对农村生物质能源在项目建设及管理等方面的存在问题进行了探讨。结合我国能源发展现状及天津市"十二五"发展规划,从新农村建设与能源规划的角度统筹考虑,对天津市农村生物质能的发展趋势、利用趋势及生物质发展与城乡规划布局的关系三个方面进行了分析和设想,表明生物质能在新农村建设中的积极作用。  相似文献   

水冷振动炉排锅炉在生物质直燃发电厂中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是一个农业大国,生物质资源丰富,有效地利用生物质能是我国能源政策的重要组成部分。生物质直燃发电是生物质利用效率最高也是技术较成熟的利用方式之一,对水冷振动炉排炉在生物质直燃发电厂的应用进行了总结,并对生物质直燃发电技术的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

新型高效低污染利用生物质燃料技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、前 言 在我国广大农村,生物质燃料资源相当丰富。据统计,全国每年所收集起来的农作物秸秆约2.3亿吨、柴草约1.8亿吨、稻壳约0.4亿吨,总计折合标准煤约2.3亿吨,占目前农村总能耗的61%。在常规能源短缺的今天,生物质能源的开发利用越来越引起人们的重视。以商品能源十分紧缺的浙江省农村为例,薪柴和秸秆等一直是其主要能源,但由于转换和利用技术落后,造成热效率低、资源浪费大,严重者还影响正常的生态环境。近几年来,随着农村商品经济的发展和农民生活水平的提高,传统的农村生物质用能方式已越来越不能满足广大农民的需要,农民的用能正在向方便、实用、清洁、高效的方向变化。同时,农村乡镇企业如碾米厂、酿造厂、棉麻制品厂和竹制品厂的不断发展,对生物质原料的后处理也提出了更加经济、合理的要求。农村能源的现状和发展对农村能源的科研工作提出了迫切的要求,所以我们要特别加强对将低品位的生物燃料向优质能源转化利用技术的研究,合理开发利用生物质能,以缓解常规能源的紧缺,防止农村能源问题给工农业生产和城市生活带来制约作用。  相似文献   

燃煤工业锅炉燃烧过程中产生大量的污染烟气,造成严重的雾霾问题,因此,必须对燃煤工业锅炉进行清洁能源替代。生物质作为清洁绿色的可再生能源,利用生物质替代煤炭进行燃烧利用,对生物质不同燃烧技术进行分析和探讨,研究出适合我国工业锅炉中生物质燃烧利用的方式,对生物质的开发利用具有重要意义,同时也为利用生物质替代燃煤工业锅炉提供了合理化建议。  相似文献   

针对广大农村沼气和太阳能利用率低的问题,提出了一种生物质能与太阳能互补综合利用的生态村分布式供能系统。该系统将太阳能光伏发电、太阳能光热转换、生物质气化与常规燃气发电整合,实现生物质能与太阳能的供电、供暖、制冷、供燃气和供热水五联产,可有效缓解新农村含碳能源利用带来的环境和安全性问题,有效解决生物质利用效率低和太阳能利用不稳定等技术瓶颈问题。以唐山市沙河驿镇唐庄子村为例,优化生态村分布式供能系统方案,其研究结果可为生态村的建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

农村生物质再生资源利用的构思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物质作为一种可再生的洁净能源,已经受到人们的高度重视,它不仅解决了能源的可持续性,而且对环境的改善起到了重要的作用.利用生物质,通过不同的转化处理体系可生产出有价值的燃料和上百种的化学物质.我国农村的生物质能源十分丰富,通过气化、快速热解和厌氧发酵技术的合理开发利用,不仅可以改善农民的生活状况,增加就业机会,而且能改善生态环境,促进农村经济可持续发展.  相似文献   

In future energy plans, adequate attention has not been paid to rural areas. We have chosen a most backward Silora Block in Rajasthan to carry out a thorough study to assess energy potential, energy requirements, and the local technical expertise available to fabricate and maintain energy gadgets. This block has 110 villages, a total population of 91,350, and a total area of about 117,030 hectares. An analysis of the total energy potentials including biomass, solar energy and wind energy available in the entire area has been worked out. It is found that this area has plenty of energy and only needs proper management for its utilization. The total energy requirements for cooking, lighting, irrigation, rural industries, drinking water, hospitals, entertainment, etc. have been estimated and suitable ways are suggested for the effective utilization of renewable resources to meet the energy demands. Fabrication of solar appliances by village carpenters will also serve to reduce rural underemployment to some extent.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes utilization of carbon-negative biofuels from low-input high-diversity grassland biomass on degraded lands (LIHD) for energy including energy equivalent to green house gases (GHG) capture and storage. The results show that the energy output of LIHD biomass on degraded soil is nearly equal to that of ethanol from conventional corn grain on fertile soil. It has also been shown that LIHD biofuel is far more economical than the conventional biofuels such as corn ethanol or soybean biodiesel.China is a large agriculturally developing country, with its rural area largely populated and vast land degraded. It is in this respect that we analyzed the utilization of LIHD. The potential of using energy from LIHD biomass on degraded lands in China is estimated. The results show that the potential energy production of LIHD biomass reaches 6350971.32 TJ year?1, accounting for about 15% of China’s energy consumption in 2002.  相似文献   

Current policies and strategies related to the utilization of densified biomass fuel (DBF) in China are mainly focused on medium- or large-scale manufacturing modes, which cannot provide feasible solutions to solve the household energy problems in China's rural areas. To simplify commercial processes related to the collection of DBF feedstock and the production and utilization of fuel, a novel village-scale DBF approach is proposed. Pilot demonstration projects have shown the feasibility and flexibility of this new approach in realizing sustainable development in rural China. Effective utilization of DBF in rural China will lead to gains for global, regional, and local energy savings, environmental protection, sustainable development, and related social benefits. It could also benefit other developing countries for better utilization of biomass as a viable household energy source. This proposal therefore delivers the possibility of reciprocal gains, and as such deserves the attention of policy makers and various stakeholders.  相似文献   

开发利用生物质能是我国农林业发展的重要领域   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
顾树华 《中国能源》2006,28(9):11-15
我国有丰富的生物质资源,开发潜力巨大。农林业部门要担当重任,充分利用土地资源,发展能源农业和能源林业,使生物质能成为我国立足国内开发的一个主要能源品种,为我国能源安全和全球环境保护做出贡献。同时,生物质能开发利用也将是建立以农村为上游的一个新型能源产业链,形成新的经济增长点,增加农民收入,成为新农村建设的一个重要领域。  相似文献   

户用型下吸式生物质气化炉性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于生物质能具有储量大、环境友好等特点,生物质气化技术尤其是户用型气化技术在我国农村应用值得研究。论文在建立下吸式户用型气化系统上,研究了不同生物质原料的气化性能,如对温度分布、气化效率、燃气热值、燃气产量等,并进行了焦油脱除效率的研究。结果表明,该炉型的气化效率可达70%,燃气热值达到6MJ/m3,燃气中焦油含量降低至20mg/m3。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to look into the actuality of rural residential energy consumption in Hunan province, China, to improve rural residential energy utilization structures, and to protect the environment. An investigation on rural residential energy consumption was carried out in the villages of Xintian and Jiangwan in the spring and summer of 2005. Biomass energy is used in Xintian while biogas is popularized in Jiangwan. A questionnaire survey covered basic information of residences in the two villages, and energy consumption data of each family in the spring and summer were also recorded continuously. The characteristics of energy utilization structures of the two villages, the one with biomass energy utilization structure and the other with the ecotype energy utilization structure, are contrasted, and seasonal variance characteristics of energy consumption in spring and summer are analyzed. Sequentially, influence factors of rural residential energy consumption are further discussed qualitatively and quantificationally. Environmental benefit is assessed finally when biogas substitutes biomass energy. Conclusions are summarized as follows: In Xintian, a complicated energy structure is still dominant, where biomass energy accounts for a significant proportion and manifold energy resources exist simultaneously; the energy consumption is high; categories of energy resources used by households vary between spring and summer. The energy structure is definitely better in Jiangwan, where the ratios of commercial energy and ecotype energy used are both higher than those in Xintian and the ratio of biomass energy is smaller. Categories of used energy resources are also more constant in spring and summer. The total energy use amount of each season in Xintian is larger than that in Jiangwan respectively, while there is little difference in the efficiency energy use amount of each season between the two villages. Qualitative and quantitative analyses show that the accessibility of local energy resources, the domestic economical level, governmental energy policies, and consumption conceptions of farmers affect energy utilization structures definitely, while the efficiency of cookers, the number of family members, and annual income have effect on energy consumption amounts. Environmental analysis shows that the usage of biogas makes a great contribution in optimizing the energy consumption structure, reducing energy consumption, discharging less harmful gases and keeping the ecosystem in balance. The comparison between biomass energy and ecotype energy provides instructions for future development of rural residential energy consumption in China.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2001,20(4):271-285
The potential of biomass gasification for the electrification of rural areas in developing countries is investigated, both technology oriented (the prospects for the technology) and user oriented (is the technology feasible for the situation?). The analysis is carried out by means of an annuity costing model, taking proper account of the time value of money. Care has been taken to create an equal basis of the differences in technical lifetime of certain components of the technical systems evaluated. The evaluation method distinguishes two types of parameters: technology parameters and site parameters. The analysis tool thus provided yields discriminating conclusions about the feasibility of biomass gasification under different circumstances. Part of the technology parameters is a coherent costing model provided here. The site parameters include prevailing fuel prices, which are provided for a number of potential target countries. The capacity range considered is covered by an investigation of three cases (10, 40 and 160 kW). Mass production of gasifier systems is identified as a prerequisite for further utilization of the technique in rural electrification. Target cost levels are indicated on the basis of allowable investment in view of applicable discount rates and equipment utilization rates under typical rural electrification circumstances. The evaluation methodology developed is also proposed as an assessment tool for quick scans of project feasibility.  相似文献   

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