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Geographic and socioeconomic characteristics of rural zones in Chile have made schools located in these areas present inefficiencies such long travel times and multi-degree courses1 that affect the academic performance of their students. In this paper, a model of location and modification of school capacity is presented as an alternative to reduce these inequalities. In Chile a student school choice is a process that depends not only on the time and income constraints but also on the decisions made by other students (segregation). This behavior is modeled using a microeconomic approach; thereby a constrained multinomial logit discrete choice model is derived. By incorporating the student’s school choice in an optimization model, it becomes nonlinear. A Tabu Search metaheuristic is proposed, which unlike other implementations requires solving a fixed point system of equations to evaluate each solution. A computing experience for instances of 10 and 45 zones is developed; in the first the quality of the solution is evaluated compared to the optimum obtained by enumeration and in the second different scenarios are analyzed.  相似文献   

Considering multi difficulties that determine the labor of rural teachers who perform their teaching practices in semi-isolated contexts, it is necessary to provide them a supportive system which favors their pedagogical performances to benefit rural students’ education. The aim of this phenomenological study is to describe and analyze how e-mentoring can strengthen pedagogical performances of primary rural teachers with complex geographical accesses in Chile, exploring the subjective experiences of four couples of teachers and mentors that take place in this process by e-mail relationship. Results show the necessity of considering the accompaniment as a horizontal pedagogical assistance which can be influenced by the technological resources availability, identifying an adequate profile of e-mentor to influence teacher adherence to the process, such as his communicative style, empathy, pedagogical and cognitive skills. Finally, this investigation allows projecting a viable model to be applied as support for rural education with access to Internet resource.  相似文献   

Internet addiction has been a subject of research since 1996. In step with this trend, this study aims to illuminate Internet addiction in Lebanon based on research evidence. The timing of this study coincides with the growing rate of penetration of Internet service across the country and with current plans to improve this service. This study investigates Internet usage among adolescents, who are the most vulnerable to Internet addiction in the population. Permission to access schools to conduct this research was obtained from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. A web-based questionnaire was completed by 833 intermediate and secondary students from public and private schools. The questionnaire included items on demographic information and Internet usage and an Arabic version of Young’s Internet Addiction Test (YIAT). The results showed that 4.2% of the sample had significant problems. Furthermore, the more problematic Internet use (PIU) was, the less the Internet was used for information and research, and the more it was used for entertainment. PIU is driven by deficiency needs fuelled by the use of interactive applications. The more deficient the need, the greater the obsession with top-notch interactive applications, and the less frequent the usage of non-interactive applications.  相似文献   

The amount of investment that has been made in interactive whiteboards (IWB) in the Turkish educational system during the past several years is quite striking. This investment is part of a plan to integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) into the Turkish educational system, with the goal of increasing the qualitative and quantitative aspects of schooling. Prior to IWB investments, hundreds of thousands of computers, projectors, and printers were distributed to schools in efforts to raise a generation able to respond to the demands of the 21st century. In addition, 98% of secondary school students and 93% of primary school students were provided with Internet access via ADSL. The aim of this study is to analyze the emerging trend of smart board investment in Turkish primary and secondary schools, with consideration of problems that hinder the effective use of IWBs in classrooms as compared to previous ICT integration efforts by the Ministry of National Education. The research is designed as an evaluative case study. The required data are collected through online questionnaires, teacher and pupil interviews, and document searches from teachers and students from various Turkish primary and secondary schools. It is not surprising that the factors hindering the use of IWBs in education are similar to the inhibiting factors in previous ICT integration projects. The findings show that when the needs for in-service training, digital education materials, support, maintenance, and administration are not addressed, educational ICT is unlikely to deliver the expected results.  相似文献   

In Japanese schools, from elementary to college levels, digital technologies are not widely used for writing education. It sounds paradoxical that computer use in writing education is not flourishing in a country where ordinary people, especially the youth, actively use the Internet and cellular phones to exchange written (or typed) messages, where schools are well-equipped with computer technologies, and where the government shows guidelines and rationales for using information and communication technologies in teaching and learning at schools. This article analyzes the background behind this paradoxical situation. After analyzing how much research on and the practice of digital writing education has been made in the country, this paper discusses the nature of writing education and digital discourse in the Japanese culture and its possible relations to the lack of computerized writing education in Japanese schools.  相似文献   

2019年12月,教育部正式公布中国特色高水平高职学校和专业建设计划首批建设单位名单,这是国家在职业教育领域的一项重大决策建设工程。高水平的办学能力就需要高水平的管理能力,这就对高职院校信息化建设及行政管理工作提出了更高的要求。本文将主要探究高职院校行政管理中存在的问题,并提出相应的策略。  相似文献   

农村职业教育一直是党和国家高度关注的话题,国家“三通两平台”项目建设的普及,为农村职业教育的开展提供了设备和平台,也为现代教育技术手段的开展打下了基础。文章根据目前农村职业教育出现的问题,提出政府需要将“政策法规双落实”,相关职业教育人员要“理论实践双结合”,开创产学研一体化办学模式,改革职业教育人才评价体系,旨在以现代教育技术为基础,开辟出一条新的农村职业教育发展的教育教学路径。以达到“城乡双发展”“企农双营利”“学校、社会双认可”,实现“科技强村”“人才兴村”“产业建村”的目标,助力精准脱贫。  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的发展,教育部开始大力实施教育信息化建设工程,各中小学及高校开始普及多媒体教学。多媒体教学彻底改变了传统的教学方式,以图像、动画及视频等为载体,代表着信息科技的发展;加强多媒体教学设备的安全运行管理则显得尤为重要,本文首先对一种基于非接触式IC卡的智能安全管理系统进行了研究,对具体的设计方法进行了分析,随后对多媒体教学设备的安全管理与维护进行了阐述,以期给相关人员参考。  相似文献   

With the technological improvements of innovative portable recording gadgets, augmented researchers' interest in exploring students' visual attention in their natural and normal occurring classrooms. The purpose of this study was to gauge students' visual attention in their Mathematics and English classrooms. This article reports on a study conducted in three schools in Santiago, Chile, where a sample of 113 randomly selected students wore a mini-video camera mounted on eyeglass in their Mathematics and English lessons. Using Google images, we automatically and objectively examined 723,600 frames from the recordings where the classroom teacher appeared in the students' visual field. The results show that students' visual attention varies depending on four factors: (a) gender of the student, (b) age of the students, whether students are low/high attainers and (d) whether students are in English or Mathematics lessons. Surprisingly, students significantly paid more visual attention in their Mathematics than in English lessons. High attainers were more visually engaged than their low attainers counterparts. Students appeared to be visually engaged differently at different stages in their education. Furthermore, girls were more visually engaged than boys. The results of this study can have enormous practical implications for teachers and teacher education, in order to be better visually engaged with students during teaching.  相似文献   

李凤  钟安婷  刘曼 《软件》2020,(3):162-164
受教育权是每个人的基本权利,教育部门应及时为残疾程度过重,无法到校就读的学龄儿童提供送教上门服务,从而保障残疾学生的受教育权,避免残疾儿童错过最佳发展时机。本文梳理了特殊教育学校开展送教管理的实际需求,给出了送教管理系统的设计方案和系统实现方法,为学校更好的开展送教上门工作提供了技术解决方案。  相似文献   

现阶段信息技术课程在高中学校的现状不容乐观,在很多学校以及教育主管部门都不被重视,学生把这门课当成了“休闲课”,而高中信息技术教师更是戏谑地把自己称作“多员化”教师。如何充分展现学科设置的意义,实现教师们的职业价值?一直是悬在所有信息技术教师心头的一片疑云!2003年,教育部颁布了《高中信息技术标准》,提出了提高信息素养,培养信息时代的合格公民等五个基本理念,而信息素养的培养在其中尤为重要。结合现在的教学形势,信息技术的教学除了要配合学业水平考试完成既定的知识教授以外,本学科的核心价值还是要定位于对学生的信息素养的培养上,通过教师不断提高自身的综合素质,彰显学科魅力,帮助学生树立正确的信息意识,提升学生的信息应用能力。  相似文献   

当前,应用型高校计算机专业的学生培养始终存在着课程标准不明确、课程设置失衡、知识和职业技能脱节、实践环节薄弱等问题,教育部在2019年也明确提出课程建设质量需要全面提高,课程是人才培养的核心要素,课程质量直接决定人才培养的质量。全国本科教育必须深化教育改革,必须把教学改革成果落实到课程建设上。  相似文献   

随着我国信息化建设的不断深入,信息技术教育在全国中小学日益普及,越来越多的学校和家庭都接入互联网。一位高素质的教育工作者应具有现代化的教育观念,掌握现代化的管理方法和教学手段,对信息和网络积极认同,能熟练运用现代信息工具对信息资源进行有效的收集、组织、管理、运用,实现最优化的教育效果。作为班主任,如果仅凭传统的说教,教育常常会表现得苍白无力。笔者在近年的班主任实践中,尝试用网络环境下管理班级,将班级主页、QQ聊天、电子邮件等网络工具发挥的淋漓尽致,教育学生、影响学生,把网络对学生的诱惑变成了网络对学生的教育,起到了令人意想不到的教育效果。  相似文献   

计算机基础“五位一体”教学模式探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据教育部教指委关于加强计算机基础教育的"白皮书"精神,针对目前高等院校在计算机基础教学中存在的普遍问题和我校的计算机基础教学现状,提出"五位一体"的计算机基础教学改革模式。力争在计算机基础教学的课程结构、教学内容、教学方法、教材建设、师资队伍建设上探索出新的切实可行的途径。  相似文献   

《Location Science #》1997,5(2):119-130
Many simple location models involve optimization through minimizing an objective function that determines mean travel distance. Such problems often involve locating a single service unit at the median of a demand variable. This paper considers the role of the mean of a demand variable. We investigate situations in which the demand mean and demand median are substantially separated and show that such separation is accompanied by large travel expected travel distances and large travel variances. Expected travel distances and expected travel variances are connected in a natural way to expected mean square travel distances. Optimal location with respect to mean square is considered in a general setting and such locating is shown to have interesting properties with respect to mean travel distance and mean travel variance. The use of multiple service units is assumed.  相似文献   

IPv6 over DVB在远程教育中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李茹  王素苹  魏艳桥  卢慧  王豆 《计算机工程》2008,34(18):248-250
构建IPv6 over DVB体系框架,可以在下一代互联网中利用卫星等广播信道实施远程教育。该体系框架包括“支持IPv6的教育资源管理与发布系统”、“IPv6 over DVB传输系统”以及“IPv6 over DVB在远程教育中的应用示范”3个部分。实现了将IPv6互联网中的教育资源通过卫星链路发布到目前尚无网络覆盖的1 000所农牧村中小学。给出了设计方案和部署策略。  相似文献   

教育软件包括课程类软件和学习类软件。目前的教育软件市场存在的问题是:品种少,适用面窄。教育软件作为一种特殊的商品,它的开发和销售也应该与普通商品一样,首先是在市场调查的基础上进行市场细分,确定目标市场,然后根据不同的目标市场制定不同的营销策略。教育软件市场应细分为学龄前儿童市场、中小学生市场、大学生市场、成年人市场和老年人市场,并提出了教育软件的营销策略。  相似文献   

国家教委目前特别重视远程教育在我国的发展。文章根据我国高校校园网的发展状况,探讨了基于校园网的远程多媒体教学系统的若干相关问题,分析了目前我国远程教学系统所存在的主要问题,提出了多媒体远程教学系统需解决教学系统的交互性和多媒体数据的传输,介绍了基于点的远程教学系统的设计方法。  相似文献   

While critics offer concerns that cyber charter schools under-enroll special education students, such schools may offer advantages for these students, and some cyber schools have identified this market niche. Little is known about such schools. We surveyed parents (n = 232; 48.7% response rate) and students (n = 269; 53.7% response rate) at a cyber charter school that we will call SunTech, where special education students account for 26% of the student body. Findings indicate that special education students and their parents were more likely than general education peers to mention behavioral issues as influencing their decision to choose SunTech. Compared to general education counterparts, special education students and parents reported somewhat higher levels of satisfaction in the school and somewhat lower levels of satisfaction in their prior schools. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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