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Crude oil fouling in a laboratory fouling unit was investigated. The study focused on the preheat-train heat exchangers located just before the crude unit furnace and operating at temperatures in excess of 200C. A fouling rate model developed using laboratory data from crude blends was used to predict the threshold conditions where negligible fouling was expected under refinery conditions. The results from the model were compared to actual data from a fouling unit located at a refinery. The article discusses factors that may explain the performance of the model and the observed discrepancies between fouling data obtained in the laboratory and the field.  相似文献   


Of all heat transfer research arenas, few have the investment return potential of crude oil fouling mitigation. However, crude oil fouling is a very complex phenomenon that occurs via the simultaneous activity of multiple mechanisms. Advances in this field of research are complicated further by the lack of standardized procedures, which would permit unequivocal comparisons of non-proprietary data. As a result, Heat Transfer Research, Inc. formed the Crude Oil Fouling Task Force (COFTF), which is composed of heat transfer experts from many of the world's leading energy companies. The principle endeavor of the COFTF is to ensure that crude oil fouling research is both standardized and industrially relevant. The COFTF recommendations are detailed in this paper.  相似文献   

For 20 years, Heat Transfer Research, Inc. (HTRI), has conducted dedicated, ongoing research into crude oil fouling behavior, specifically on developing test methods to measure fouling resistance over time and comparing fouling tendencies of different crude oils. More than 250 test runs with nineteen crude oils have been conducted. While current methods are sufficient for comparative fouling studies, general methods to predict fouling tendency remain elusive. Recent initiatives have focused our efforts on chemical characterization to screen crude oils and blends for fouling tendency, as well as on identifying thresholds for low fouling. Increasing the shear stress on the heat transfer surface as much as possible can mitigate heat exchanger fouling. Long-term success in controlling fouling depends upon a deeper understanding of the chemical characteristics of an individual crude oil and sound heat exchanger design practices. Current predictive fouling models are limited in their application, but improvements based on chemical characterization look promising.  相似文献   

Fouling in crude oil preheat trains is a significant industrial problem which has restricted the application of process integration techniques such as "pinch technology" in this sector. A semiempirical fouling model for crude oil fouling developed by Panchal and co-workers allows the effects of fouling to be considered at the design stage for such networks. Application of this model at three levels--(1) design of new networks; (2) retrofitting of existing systems; and (3) identification of robust specifications for individual heat exchanger units--is discussed. The design issues are discussed using case studies illustrated by a graphical construction, the temperature field plot. Rigorous optimization of the final designs is not reported. The specification discussion describes how the crude fouling model can be incorporated into existing heat exchanger design software to identify exchanger configurations which are less likely to experience significant fouling over a range of operating conditions. This article concentrates on shell-and-tube designs, but the concepts will be applicable to other exchanger types once a suitable fouling model becomes available.  相似文献   

Maya crude oil fouling reveals a seemingly straightforward dependency of initial fouling rate on surface temperature, but a maximum is found in the initial fouling rate–velocity relationship, which mirrors that found in a model chemical system of styrene polymerization. The linear dependency of the logarithm of the pre-exponential factor on apparent activation energy for the crude oil is also found in the styrene system. The apparent activation energy for the crude oil ranged from 26.4 kJ/mol at 1.0 m/s to 245 kJ/mol at 4.0 m/s. Such strong dependencies of apparent activation energy on velocity, even at high velocity, are consistent with Epstein's mass transfer reaction attachment model. Surface temperatures at which the fouling rate becomes velocity independent are 274°C and 77°C for Maya crude oil and styrene, respectively. For surface temperatures in excess of this isokinetic temperature, an increase in velocity would lead to an increase in the rate of fouling.  相似文献   

A major cause of refinery energy inefficiency is fouling in preheat trains. This has been a most challenging problem for decades, due to limited fundamental understanding of its causes, deposition mechanisms, deposit composition, and impacts on design/operations. Current heat exchanger design methodologies mostly just allow for fouling, rather than fundamentally preventing it. To address this problem in a systematic way, a large-scale interdisciplinary research project, CROF (crude oil fouling), brought together leading experts from the University of Bath, University of Cambridge, and Imperial College London and, through IHS ESDU, industry. The research, coordinated in eight subprojects blending theory, experiments, and modeling work, tackles fouling issues across all scales, from molecular to the process unit to the overall heat exchanger network, in an integrated way. To make the outcomes of the project relevant and transferable to industry, the research team is working closely with experts from many world leading oil companies. The systematic approach of the CROF project is presented. Individual subprojects are outlined, together with how they work together. Initial results are presented, indicating that a quantum progress can be achieved from such a fundamental, integrated approach. Some preliminary indications with respect to impact on industrial practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Crude oil fouling rates are strongly affected by both local surface temperature and local surface shear stress. The use of in-tube inserts (such as hiTRAN) in heat exchangers has been shown to be effective in mitigating crude oil fouling while at the same time enhancing heat transfer. However, the introduction of inserts means that there will be axial and radial distributions of both local shear stress and local heat transfer coefficient between the repeating insert–wall contact points, which could mean that there will be local variations in fouling rate. While estimation of local shear stresses and film heat transfer coefficients is facile for bare round tubes, this is no longer the case for tubes fitted with inserts. Accordingly, this article describes a possible solution to the design challenge using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, the output of which is the temperature and velocity distributions in a three-dimensional geometry of the fluid flow in a tube fitted, for example, with a hiTRAN insert. A simple algorithm is then described for calculating the overall heat transfer coefficient based on the resulting temperature distribution along the wall of the tube. Simulated values of the overall heat transfer coefficient are then compared with those obtained by experiment, showing that there is good agreement, thereby indicating that predicted local values are accurate. Use of CFD in fouling applications now allows the prediction of local conditions when inserts are used and hence can be used to predict whether, and where, fouling might occur.  相似文献   

Heat exchanger network (HEN) fouling is an endemic operational challenge prevalent in many process industries. Its impact on both plant operating cost and productivity is significant and can be compounded by aging effects of the foulant. In this paper, we model and simulate the effect of aging on tube-side fouling and cleaning dynamics in a crude oil refinery preheat train (PHT) comprising a 14-unit HEN. A prescient, HEN modeling and dynamic simulation were performed wherein the transients of fouling and aging as well as the interactions between individual units were captured. To assess the temporal effects, different crude oil deposit (gel) aging scenarios (no aging vs. slow, medial, and fast aging) in the downstream units were considered for the PHTs’ overall heat recovery, cleaning options, and operability. The results show that the deleterious impact of fouling and concomitant aging, quantified in terms of thermal resistances, was significantly reduced by fast aging as opposed to medial, slow, or no aging of the gel deposit. Faster aging rate reflected improved heat recovery and a lesser demand for and lower cost of PHT cleaning. The concomitant higher growth of coke deposit due to aging, however, resulted in greater hydraulic resistance, which is inimical to operability.  相似文献   

Given models linking flow resistance and fouling resistance, it becomes possible to simulate the effects of fouling on the hydraulic performance of a refinery preheat train. Such a simulation has been used here to identify when plant throughput will be limited by pressure drop; how throughput can be improved through the cleaning of individual exchangers and groups of exchangers; and how much production can be maintained when individual exchangers are taken off-line. Determination of better operating strategy requires a simulation of both hydraulic and thermal performance. In this article we implement a pragmatic linked model and consider the results from a set of simulations.  相似文献   


The impacts of nucleate boiling and pressure on crude oil fouling are factors that have not been heavily investigated in previous research. Variables such as wall temperature and fluid velocity/shear are often a main focus, as they are key variables for predictive fouling models, which provide insight to fouling thresholds. Research detailed in this report shows that nucleate boiling and pressure greatly impact the measured fouling rate of a crude oil tested using the Heat Transfer Research, Inc., rotating fouling unit. When nucleate boiling is occurring, the use of fouling resistance plots to measure fouling rates is not a reliable method due to the impact boiling has on the heat transfer coefficient. Visual inspection of fouling deposits to validate fouling resistance data has also been found to be critical. Images of fouling deposits are included. Fouling under nonboiling conditions was shown to increase with increasing pressure.  相似文献   


A thermal fouling study was undertaken using three sour Canadian crude oils. Experiments were carried out in a re-circulation fouling loop equipped with an annular (HTRI) electrically heated probe. Fluids at pressures of about 1000–1340 kPa under a nitrogen atmosphere were re-circulated at a velocity of 0.75 m/s for periods of 48 hours, and the decline in heat transfer coefficient followed under conditions of constant heat flux. Bulk temperatures were varied over a range of 200–285?C, and initial surface temperatures ranged from 300–380?C. Heat fluxes were in a range of 265–485 kW/m2.

Surface temperature effects on fouling of the three oils were compared, and fouling activation energies were estimated. For the lightest oil, a more detailed study of velocity and bulk and surface temperature effects was carried out. The fouling rate decreased slightly with increasing velocity but increased with both surface and bulk temperatures; a rough correlation was developed using a modified film temperature weighted more heavily on the surface temperature. Deposits showed high concentrations of sulfur and minerals, indicating the importance of iron sulfide deposition.  相似文献   


The use of fouling factors in heat exchanger design and the lack of appreciation of fouling in traditional pinch approaches have often resulted in crude preheat networks that are subject to extensive fouling. The development of thermal and pressure drop models for crude oil fouling has allowed its effects to be quantified so that techno-economic analyses can be performed and design options compared. The application of these fouling models is described here on two levels: the assessment of increasing heat recovery in stream matches (e.g., by adding extra area to exchangers) and the design of a complete network using the Modified Temperature Field Plot. Application to a refinery case study showed that, at both the exchanger and network levels, designing for maximum heat recovery (e.g., using traditional pinch approaches) results in a less efficient system over time due to fouling effects.  相似文献   

We will not, however, be too flattered by our victories over nature. Each such victory takes revenge on us. Each of these victories has, true, at the first turn, those consequences which were considered, but, at the second and third turn, quite different unexpected consequences that often destroy the importance of the first consequences.  相似文献   

Crude oil refinery preheat trains are designed to reduce energy consumption, but their operation can be hampered by fouling. Fouling behaviors vary from one refinery to the next. Effective management of preheat train operation requires inspection of historical plant performance data to determine fouling behaviors, and the exploitation of that knowledge in turn to predict future performance. Scenarios of interest can include performance based on current operating conditions, modifications such as heat exchanger retrofits, flow split control, and scheduling of cleaning actions. Historical plant monitoring data are frequently inconsistent and usually need to be subject to data reconciliation. Inadequate data reconciliation results in misleading information on fouling behavior. This article describes an approach to crude preheat train management from data reconciliation to analysis and scenario planning based around a preheat train simulator, smartPM, developed at Cambridge and IHS. The proposed methodology is illustrated through a case study that could be used as a management guideline for preheat train operations.  相似文献   

Several fouling mitigation techniques depend on the capacity of predicting fouling rates. Therefore, the identification of accurate fouling rate models is an important task. Crude fouling rates are usually evaluated through empirical or semiempirical models. In both alternatives, there are parameters that must be determined through laboratory or process data. In this context, the article presents an analysis of the parameter estimation problem involving fouling rate models. A proposed procedure for addressing this problem is described through the development of a computational routine called HEATMODEL. An important aspect of this study is focused on the obstacles associated to the search for the optimal set of parameters of the Ebert and Panchal models and its variants. This optimization problem may present some particularities that complicate the utilization of traditional algorithms. In the article, the performance of a conventional optimization algorithm (Simplex) is compared with a more modern numerical technique (a hybrid genetic algorithm) using real data from a Brazilian refinery. The results indicated that, due to the complexity of the parameter estimation problem, the Simplex method may be trapped in poor local optima, thus indicating the importance of the utilization of global optimization techniques for this problem.  相似文献   

Occurrences of the compensation effect in published studies on the initial rate of heat exchanger fouling are discussed. When fouling-rate experiments are performed on a series of related fluids, it is shown that random errors in the measurements can create an apparent compensation effect. This explains some reported occurrences in the literature. Other reported instances of the compensation effect show a systematic variation in apparent activation energy with fluid flow rate. It is shown that these may be the result of analyzing the temperature dependence of the overall rate of reaction. The conditions under which the compensation effect is expected when flow rate is varied are explored using synthetic data generated by a model for chemical reaction fouling.  相似文献   

JH6011环境友好型原油脱硫剂是一种油溶性-水中分散的复合有机化合物,其作用于原油中硫化物的脱硫条件为反应时间6~12h,脱硫温度50~70℃,脱硫剂与硫化物质量比为1∶1~2∶1。利用碘量法测定脱硫剂在模拟油(柴油)、原油中的脱硫率,结果显示其在模拟油中的脱硫率高于85%,在原油中的脱硫率高于80%。利用能量色散X-射线荧光光谱法测定其对原油中有机硫的脱除效果,平均脱除率为21.73%(主要为噻吩类)。现场应用时,总脱硫率也可达到80%以上,但需要根据原油硫含量、酸值、运动黏度等因素确定合适的添加量、脱硫温度和反应时间。硫含量较高或酸值较大时,可适当加大添加量,黏度较大时可适当提高脱硫温度或延长反应时间。  相似文献   

刘公召  丛澜波 《节能》1999,(8):9-12
通过对辽河减粘渣油在高温下形成的积垢物进行分析和测试,查明了渣油高温换热器结垢的原因。建立了渣油高温换热实验室模拟装置,研究了渣油化学组成、加工温度及在设备内停留时间等因素对形成积垢的影响。研制的多功能渣油防垢剂,经实验室模拟装置性能评价,防垢效果良好。  相似文献   

掌握原油资源与贸易信息 优化原油采购与原油加工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张德义 《中外能源》2010,15(1):73-85
世界一次能源消费不断增长,据国际能源署(IEA)预测,2030年世界一次能源需求量为165×108t油当量,2050为215×108t油当量。2030年能源消费中化石能源仍占主导地位。世界石油探明储量中,中东地区约占60%,欧佩克约占76%。世界主要国家原油储量、产量和加工能力分布不平衡。世界原油重质化劣质化趋势明显。世界炼油厂逐年减少,平均规模越来越大,炼油企业和装置结构发生明显变化,炼油工艺装置结构调整步伐加快,加氢裂化、加氢处理与焦化的加工能力还将有较大幅度增长。石油输出国大力发展炼油和石化工业。中国交通运输业和汽车工业的迅速发展推动了炼油工业的发展,但中国炼油工业面临着石油资源短缺和原油对外依存度越来越高的挑战。据IEA预测,中国2015年石油需求量为5.0×108~5.3×108t,2020年将达到5.9×108~6.4×108t,对外依存度将达到70%。  相似文献   

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