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Experiments were conducted for pool boiling on the outside of 8 × 3 (eight rows and three columns) plain and coated tube (surface roughness = 8.279 μm) bundles for three different pitch distances with the distinct objective to study the behavior and the enhancement of boiling heat transfer in horizontal staggered tube bundles (of plain and coated tubes for different equilateral triangular arrangements) with heat flux values ranging from ~12 to 45 kW/m2. At higher heat fluxes, coated and plain tube bundles had almost similar bundle average heat transfer coefficients at a given pitch distance, while at lower heat fluxes, the coated tube bundles have higher bundle average heat transfer coefficients as compared to that of the plain tube bundle. The coated tube bundles with the minimum pitch to diameter ratio of 1.4 exhibited the maximum bundle average heat transfer coefficients. The present study concludes that the bundle factor needs to be considered in the design of flooded evaporators.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of the thermal physics of nanofluids on the critical heat flux (CHF) of nanofluids. Thermal physics tests of nanoparticle concentrations ranged from 0 to 1 g/L. Pool boiling experiments were performed using electrically heated NiCr metal wire under atmospheric pressure. The results show that there was no obvious change for viscosity and a maximum enhancement of about 5 to 7% for thermal conductivity and surface tension with the addition of nanoparticles into pure water. Consistently with other nanofluid studies, this study found that a significant enhancement in CHF could be achieved at modest nanoparticle concentrations (<0.1 g/L by Al2O3 nanoparticle concentration). Compared to the CHF of pure water, an enhancement of 113% over that of nanofluids was found. Scanning electron microscope photos showed there was a nanoparticle layer formed on the heating surface for nanofluid boiling. The bubble growth was photographed by a camera. The coating layer makes the nucleation of vapor bubbles easily formed. Thus, the addition of nanoparticles has active effects on the CHF.  相似文献   

This work reports fundamental experimental-theoretical research related to heat transfer enhancement in laminar channel flow with nanofluids, which are essentially modifications of the base fluid with the dispersion of metal oxide nanoparticles. The nanofluids were synthesized by a two-step approach, using a dispersant and an ultrasound probe or a ball mill for alumina nanoparticles dispersion within the aqueous media. The theoretical work involves the proposition of an extension of the thermally developing flow model that accounts for the temperature variation of all the thermophysical properties, including viscosity and the consequent variation of the velocity profiles along the thermal entry region. The simulation was performed by making use of mixed symbolic-numerical computation on the Mathematica 7.0 platform and a hybrid numerical-analytical methodology (generalized integral transform technique, GITT) in accurately handling the governing partial differential equations for the heat and fluid flow problem formulation with temperature dependency in the thermophysical properties. Experimental work was also undertaken based on a thermohydraulic circuit built for this purpose, and sample results are presented to verify the proposed model. The aim is to confirm that both the constant properties and temperature-dependent properties models, besides available correlations previously established for ordinary fluids, provide adequate prediction of the heat transfer enhancement observed in laminar forced convection with such nanofluids and within the experimented Reynolds number range.  相似文献   

CO2 utilization through the activation of ethane, the second largest component of natural and shale gas, to produce syngas, has garnered significant attention in recent years. This work provides a comparative study of Ni catalysts supported on alumina, alumina modified with CaO and MgO, as well as alumina modified with La2O3 for the reaction of dry ethane reforming. The calcined, reduced and spent catalysts were characterized employing XRD, N2 physisorption, H2-TPR, CO2-TPD, TEM, XPS and TPO. The modification of the alumina support with alkaline earth oxides (MgO and CaO) and lanthanide oxides (La2O3), as promoters, is found to improve the dispersion of Ni, enhance the catalyst's basicity and metal-support interaction, as well as influence the nature of carbon deposition. The Ni catalyst supported on modified alumina with La2O3 exhibits a relatively stable syngas yield during 8 h of operation, while H2 and CO yields decrease substantially for Ni/Al2O3.  相似文献   

NucleatePoolBoilingofPureLiquidsandBinaryMixtures:PartI-AnalyticalModelforBoilingHeatTransferofPureLiquidsonSmoothTubesGuoqin...  相似文献   

A mechanism is proposed for nucleate pool boiling heat transfer along with a general model for both pure liquids and binary mixtures. A combined physical model of bubble growth is also proposed along with a corresponding bubble growth model for pure liquids on smooth tubes. Using the general model and the bubble growth model for pure liquids, an analytical model for nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of pure liquids on smooth tubes is developed.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of numerical study of the mixed convection heat transfer of Al2O3–water nanofluid in a horizontal annuli are presented. Steady, laminar flows in symmetric configurations are considered. Single-phase fluid approach is adopted for nanofluid modeling. The governing equations are discretized using the finite-volume method. A SIMPLE-like algorithm has been applied for pressure–velocity coupling on the collocated arrangement. In order to validate the code performance, the numerical results are compared with those available in the literature and good agreement is achieved. The effects of some important parameters such as nanoparticle volume fraction, aspect ratio, Grashof number, and heat flux ratio are studied and discussed in detail. In general, it is observed that the local Nusselt number increases with increase in nanoparticle concentration, Grashof number, and radius ratio. However, when increasing the nanoparticle concentration there are considerable increments in pressure drop and pumping power, which are not desirable. On the other hand, changes in the skin friction coefficient are negligible.  相似文献   

Heat transfer coefficients in nucleate boiling on a smooth flat surface were measured for pure fluids of R-134a, propane, isobutane and their binary mixtures at different pressure from 0.1 to 0.6 MPa. Series of experiments with different heat flux and mixture concentrations were carried out. The influences of pressure and heat flux on the heat transfer coefficient for different pure fluids were studied. Isobutane and propane were used to make up binary mixtures. Compared to the pure components, binary mixtures show lower heat transfer coefficients. This reduction was more pronounced as the heat flux increasing. Several heat transfer correlations are obtained for different pure refrigerants and their binary mixtures.  相似文献   

In the process of heat transfer, the fluid type and external parameters have a significant impact on heat transfer performance. For this reason, the physical properties, pressure differences, and heat transfer rates of SiO2–water nanofluids have been experimentally investigated in a straight circular pipe. Experimental results revealed a great difference in physical properties between SiO2–water nanofluids and purified water. The friction factor of low-volume-concentration nanofluids was slightly increased for laminar flow and tended to be almost independent of the Reynolds number for turbulent flow. The heat transfer coefficient can be enhanced either by adding nanoparticles to purified water or by imposing a transverse vibration on the heat transfer surface. Using these two methods at the same time (compound heat transfer enhancement), heat transfer performance is much better than that with either method alone. The largest increase of about 182% was observed under conditions of compound heat transfer enhancement.  相似文献   

A special type of Pd–Al2O3 pellet, which included Pd in high weight percent as a hydrogen isotope separation material was prepared by a compression molding method. The pressure–composition isotherm and the plateau pressure of the Pd–Al2O3 hydrogen isotope system were determined by a volumetric method. The pellet has high hydrogen absorption ability even at 196 K, and the reaction rate is controlled by surface reaction. The hydrogen absorption capacity and the rate of the Pd–hydrogen system were unchanged by the addition of Al2O3. It was found that the Pd–Al2O3 pellet has high durability against repeated absorption–desorption cycles. There is no change in the absorption amount and the rate up to 1000 times of absorption–desorption cycles.  相似文献   

NucleatePoolBoilingofPureLiquidsandBinaryMixtures:PartII-AnalyticalModelforBoilingHeatTransferofBinaryMixturesonSmoothTubesan...  相似文献   

Enhancements in nucleate boiling heat removal with dielectric liquids, by increasing either the bubbles nucleation sites density and/or the wetted surface area, are desirable for immersion cooling of high-power computer chips. This article presents the results of recent investigations of nucleate boiling enhancement of FC-72, HFE-7100, and PF-5060 dielectric liquids on porous graphite, copper microporous surfaces, and copper surfaces with square corner pins, 3 mm × 3 mm in cross-section and 2, 3, and 5 mm tall. All surfaces have a footprint measuring 10 × 10 mm. These investigations examined the effects of liquid subcooling up to 30 K and surface inclination, from upward-facing to downward-facing, on nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux. Natural convection of dielectric liquids for cooling chips while in the stand-by mode, at a surface average heat flux <20 kW/m2, is also investigated for the different surfaces.  相似文献   

The aim of study is to investigate the mass and heat transfer phenomena in hybrid hydro-nanofluidic system involving Al2O3–Cu–H2O over the rotating disk in porous medium with viscous dissolution and Joule heating through the stochastic solver by way of Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation neural networks. The mathematical model in system of PDEs describes the physical phenomena of the hybrid hydro-nanofluid flow problem are converted into set of ODEs by means of scaling group transformations. The datasets are constructed by utilizing the power of explicit Runge-Kutta numerical method that help to the develop a continuous neural networks mapping. The validation, training and testing processes are utilized to learn the neural network mapping to estimate the solution of various scenarios with cases that are constructed by varying different values of physical constraints such as porosity factor, inertia coefficient, Prandtl number, Brinkman number, radiation parameter, mgnetic parameter, concentration of nanoparticles on the velocities and temperature profiles. Determination, convergence, verification and stability of Levenberg-Marquardt backpropogation neural network mappings are validated on the assessment of achieved accuracy through regression based statistical analysis, mean squared error and error histograms for hybrid hydro-nanofluidic model.  相似文献   

A combined physical model of bubble growth is proposed along with a corresponding bubble growth model for binary mixtures on smooth tubes. Using the general model of Wang et al.[1] and the bubble growth model for binary mixtures, an analytical model for nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of binary mixtures on smooth tubes is developed. In addition, nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of pure liquids and binary mixtures on a horizontal smooth tube was studied experimentally. The pure liquids and binary mixtures included water, methanol, ethanol, and their binary mixtures. The analytical models for both pure liquids and binary mixtures are in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The Methanation of CO2 to CH4 is a significant route to save energy and reduce CO2 emission. In this work, a series of Cr2O3–Al2O3 powders were synthesized by a novel and simple solid-state method and considered as the carrier for the nickel catalysts in CO2 methanation. The BET area and pore volume of the supports decreased with the decrease in Al2O3/Cr2O3 molar ratio. The results indicated that the increase in Cr2O3 content improved the catalytic performance and 15 wt%Ni/Cr2O3 catalyst exhibited the highest CO2 conversion of 80.51%, and 100% CH4 selectivity at 350 °C. The results indicated that the CO2 conversion improved with the increment in H2/CO2 molar ratio from 2 to 5. The improvement in CO2 conversion was also observed with decreasing GHSV due to the longer residence time of the reactants on the catalyst surface. Also, the results showed that increasing calcination temperature led to a decrease in CO2 conversion. The 15 wt%Ni/Cr2O3 catalyst exhibited high stability in carbon dioxide methanation reaction.  相似文献   

The current study focuses on the effect of obstacles and their positioning within the square cavity (L = H) on heat exchange. This work considers heating the cavity's bottom wall to a steady, high temperature. The top wall of the cavity is adiabatic, while the two vertical side walls are cooled. Four cases are explored under these conditions: the first case is a square-shaped cavity holding a square-shaped obstacle h = l = 0,15 L, while the other three cases, respectively, each include two, three, and four square obstacles. The cavity was filled with Cu–Al2O3/H2O hybrid nanofluid with a volume fraction φ = 0.03. Numerical results for laminar and stationary flow regimes with Rayleigh numbers 104Ra ≤ 106. The finite volume approach solves the governing equations numerically. The findings show that the number of square obstacles within the square-shaped cavity significantly impacts heat exchange and hybrid nanofluid flow. The second example, with two square obstacles, improves heat exchange more than other cases with one to four barriers. In the second example, the obstacle location at the plane Y = 0.25H is suitable and helps boost heat transmission of the hybrid nanofluid. The ideal obstacle position in the fourth scenario, which has four square barriers, is at the plane Y = 0.75H.  相似文献   

A series of hydrogen absorption–desorption processes using a pellet form of Pd–Al2O3 was repeated up to 1010 cycles. Variations in the amounts and rates of hydrogen absorption and desorption with cycles were determined by means of a constant-volume method. The amounts and rates of absorption and desorption were almost unchanged up to 1010 cycles. The Scanning Electron Microscope pictures and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy showed no microscopic change on the pellet surface after 1010 cycles. The experimental results assured a high tolerance of the Pd–Al2O3 pellet to repetitive absorption–desorption cycles.  相似文献   

In this study, the properties of BaO–Al2O3–SiO2 (SAB) glasses incorporated with CaO and V2O5 as the network modifier and additive, respectively, are evaluated. The electrical resistivities of the glasses decrease upon the addition of CaO but increase upon increasing their V2O5 content because the V5+ species lower the ionic mobility of the glasses. The addition of V2O5 improves the wettability of the glasses on the Crofer 22 APU substrate, and thus, increases the fracture strength at the glass–Crofer 22 APU couple. Among the glasses evaluated, the SAB glass with a CaO content of 20 wt% and V2O5 content of 2 wt% (SAB-Ca20V2) present excellent sealing properties because it adheres well to both the Zr0·92Y0·08O2-δ (YSZ) and Crofer 22 APU substrates; no pores, cracks, or interfacial phases are present at the interfaces, confirming the good chemical and thermal compatibility of the glass–substrate pairs at high temperatures. After SAB-Ca20V2 is sealed on the Crofer 22 APU substrate at 850 °C, the leakage rate of the glass is low (<0.015 sccm?cm?1 at 800 °C for 200 h), indicating negligible deterioration of its sealing efficiency and revealing its remarkable potential for use in solid oxide fuel cell applications.  相似文献   


In this study, the convection heat transfer and pressure drop of titanium dioxide–water nanofluids were modeled by applying the fuzzy C-means adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system approach for a completely developed turbulent flow based on experimentally obtained training and test datasets. Two models were proposed based on the effective parameters; one model was developed for the Nusselt number considering the effects of the Reynolds number, Prandtl number, nanofluid volume concentration and average nanoparticle diameter. Another model was suggested for the pressure drop of the nanofluid as a function of the Reynolds number, nanofluid volume concentration, and average nanoparticle diameter. The results of these two proposed models were compared with experimental data as well as the existing correlations in the literature. The validity of the proposed models was benchmarked by statistical criteria. Moreover, a modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm multiobjective optimization technique was applied to obtain the optimum design points, and the final result was shown in a Pareto front.  相似文献   

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