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Dropwise cooling is a subject of interest for numerous industrial applications, which fosters fundamental research on the related mechanisms. The present work is focused on studying the cooling effect of 2 water droplets gently released onto a heated solid surface. The nominal initial temperature of the substrate was lower than 100 °C, thereby referring to evaporation regime. Heat-transfer phenomena were analyzed by an experimental and numerical approach at the solid/liquid interface and over non-wetted regions, thus evaluating mutual interaction between droplets. Infrared thermography was employed in a facility built to measure surface temperature from below through a fully non-intrusive approach. An infrared-transparent disk served as the substrate; its black-painted upper surface allowed heating and droplet deposition to occur on a blackbody. A numerical code was developed to model heat transfer within all bodies and at all interfaces by the finite-volume discretization method. Numerical results showed very good agreement with experimental temperature profiles and heat-flux distribution was predicted over the whole sampling region. Cooling effect was determined quantitatively together with the extent of the mutual-interaction region, where the influence of 2 sequentially-released droplets was proved higher and longer than that of a single-droplet configuration with the same amount of deposited water.  相似文献   

喷雾过程液滴碰撞模型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对喷雾过程重要环节之一液滴碰撞现象进行了理论研究,在O'Rourke随机碰撞模型的基础上,建立了一个新液滴碰撞模型.模型全面考虑了液滴碰撞反弹、聚合、反射分离和摩擦分离4种情况,并引入粒子球半径概念,根据粒子运动的动量守恒关系求解粒子液滴数密度.将模型用于KIVA程序计算了定容室内的喷雾过程,结果表明新碰撞模型修正了原KIVA模型计算的喷雾前端液滴由于聚合而导致半径较大的误差,并表现出较好的网格独立性.  相似文献   

在常压定容室内,应用ND:YAG激光阴影法、高分辨率CCD照相机和粒径分析软件,对不同含水量的柴油乳化液雾油滴的闪急沸腾与微爆现象以及油滴粒径分布进行了试验测量与变参数对比分析,探讨了在130℃温度条件下,乳化油含水量对乳化油喷雾液滴闪急沸腾和微爆的影响,揭示了微爆效应在喷雾雾化和液滴碎化中的作用机理.试验结果表明,包覆于油中的水相颗粒受热闪急沸腾所形成的高压蒸气团冲破无水边界层是导致油滴发生微爆和进一步破碎分裂的首要原因;微爆现象随乳化油含水量的增高而趋强;喷雾索特平均直径(SMD)的细化率随乳化油含水量和喷雾贯穿距的增加而增大,且乳化油含水量对喷雾SMD细化率的影响程度也随喷雾贯穿距的增加更加显著.  相似文献   

气泡雾化喷嘴雾化特性实验   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用Malvern2600/3600型激光散射粒度仪对三种不同结构的气泡雾化喷嘴的雾化特性进行了实验研究,并进行了理论分析。实验发现影响喷嘴雾化特性的主要因素有空气注入压力、空气注入截面积、气液质量流量比、出口截面积和液体流量。提高空气注入压力和气液质量流量比、增大空气注入截面积可改善雾化效果,出口截面积和液体流量的增大则降低雾化质量。三种喷嘴中,A型更适合于工业应用。  相似文献   

在理论分析湿化器内部传热传质机理的基础上,进行了湿化器总体热力性能试验,得出了在不同实验工况下,各测量参数对湿化器热力性能的影响规律,同时计算了冷却数,得出了其变化规律。结果表明:随水气质量比的增大,湿化器出口湿空气的温度、温升和出口水温都增大,而冷却数减少。在同一水气质量比下,随进口水温升高,出口湿空气温度、温升和出口水温都增大,冷却数减少。在各实验工况下,湿化器的出口湿空气都具有很高的相对湿度,达到或接近饱和状态。冷却数降低对系统有利,但不是越低越好,应该优化选择最佳值。  相似文献   

为了解决传统空气冷却系统散热效率不足的问题,通过实验方法将喷雾蒸发过程与强制空气冷却相结合,强化电池热管理系统的散热效率。建立了基于热管阵列/喷雾冷却复合结构的电池组散热系统,对比了不同冷却措施的散热性能,研究了入口风速、喷雾频率及喷雾占空比对系统散热性能的影响规律。结果表明:复合温控结构在1 C倍率下可完全抑制电池组升温,在3 C倍率下可将电池组平均温度维持在41℃左右;采用10 s喷雾周期进行冷却可将电池组平均温度降低2℃,喷雾频率的增加可显著降低电池温度波动。  相似文献   

纳米流以射流冲击方式对柴油机缸盖的冷却研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用纳米流射流冲击技术提升柴油机缸盖中进排气门鼻梁处的高热密度区域的传热系数,通过搭建研发的试验操作平台,对比了以不同体积分数的Cu-水纳米流作为冷却工质时,用射流技术对柴油机缸盖高热密度区域的传热效果。分析了射流冲击速率、射流冲击高度、射流冲击角度、纳米流体积分数及射流初始温度对缸盖高热密度区域传热系数的影响。研究结果表明:采用纳米流射流技术可实现良好的柴油机高热密度区域的传热效果,但不同的射流参数及纳米流体积分数会对传热效果产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

Achieving the increasingly fast mixing requirements posed by the chemical, biological, and life science community for confined microchannel droplet flows remains an engineering challenge. The viscous and surface tension forces that often dominate microflows undermine fast, efficient mixing. A novel mixing arrangement based on droplet collisions has been developed that significantly improves mixing rates by utilizing inertia to rapidly rearrange fluid contents. This article experimentally investigates inertial droplet mixing in micro-flows following high-speed droplet pair collisions. The technique utilizes a gaseous flow for liquid droplet generation and transport with collisions occurring in Y-junction microchannel geometries. Mixing rates are quantified using differential fluorescent optical diagnostics, custom image processing algorithms, and statistical analysis. Measured droplet mixing times are compared to the characteristic time scales for mass and viscous diffusion and bulk convective transport. Results show that mixing times are decreased as the droplet pair collision inertia is increased, indicating the potential benefit for inertial collision mixing.  相似文献   

直接空冷机组喷淋冷却系统的数值模拟和性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国产某300 MW直接空冷机组为例,建立了空冷单元喷淋冷却系统的数值分析模型,设计了3种不同型式的喷淋冷却系统,并采用Fluent软件对喷淋冷却系统的性能进行了数值模拟,得到了空冷单元内部及出口的温度场.结果表明:喷淋后空冷单元的出口空气平均温度比喷淋前降低了2~5 K,其中加装喷淋系统C后的空冷单元出口空气平均温度降低了5 K,排汽压力降低了6.7 kPa;喷淋系统的喷雾越均匀,雾滴覆盖范围越大,喷淋冷却系统的性能越好,排汽压力的降幅越大,经济性越好;对于国产某300 MW机组,当除盐水量充足时,采用喷淋系统C是最佳方案,如除盐水量有限,则应选择喷淋系统B.  相似文献   

In this work,the effects of fuel temperatures and pressure drops on the flow field and spray characteristics of a pressure-swirl atomizer were discussed using t...  相似文献   


Numerical study of double jet impingement cooling of an isothermal surface with Al2O3-water nanofluid under the influence of magnetic field was performed. Galerkin-weighted residual finite element method was utilized for the solution of the governing equations. The numerical simulations were performed for various values of Reynolds number (between 100 and 400), solid particle volume fraction (between 0 and 4%), and Hartmann number (between 0 and 2.5). The ratio of the slot-to-plate distance was varied between 4 and 16 whereas ratio of the distance between the slots to slot width was varied between 5 and 22.5. It was observed that magnetic field retarded the fluid flow and reduced the local and average heat transfer. At the highest value of the Hartmann number, the fluid cannot reach the stagnation point. Depending on the distance between the slots and slots to plate distance, average heat transfer enhances by about 46% and its value increases linearly with nanoparticle volume fraction. This study is particularly important where magnetic field is present and weakens the convective heat transfer characteristics in jet impingement cooling whereas it is possible to enhance its thermal performance by utilization of nanoparticles.  相似文献   

将孔隙率0.85的泡沫陶瓷简化为由128个正方形格栅等间距排列构成的区域,在二维计算区域中,用反弹模型模拟液滴与泡沫陶瓷及边界壁面碰撞后液滴运动轨迹的变化.在不同的栅格壁面温度、喷雾锥角及燃料喷雾速度时,在常压及层流状态下,研究喷雾液滴在泡沫陶瓷中的蒸发特性.计算结果表明,泡沫陶瓷温度是决定燃油蒸发速率的关键因素;大喷雾锥角时,燃油蒸气分布较均匀;减小喷雾速度会使燃油蒸气分布不均匀.  相似文献   

应用双脉中激光全息术对柴油机喷雾运动的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
董尧清 《内燃机学报》1993,11(4):292-297
本文介绍利用双脉冲激光全息术研究柴油机喷雾油束的宏观运动瞬时速度和喷雾粒子的微观运动速度。得到了节流轴针式油嘴雾油束在喷射开始1ms内宏观速度分布规律的新认识,并给出了喷雾粒子微观运动轨迹照片,讨论了喷雾粒子场的微观速度分布规律。  相似文献   

Carbon nanotube nanofluids have wide application prospects due to their unique structure and excellent properties. In this study, the thermal conductivity properties of carbon nanotube nanofluids and SiO2/water nanofluids were compared and analyzed experimentally using different preparation methods. The physical properties of nanofluids were tested using a Malvern Zetasizer Nano Instrument and a Hot Disk Thermal Constant Analyzer. Combined with field synergy theory analysis of the hea...  相似文献   

The evaporation and motion of atomized droplets have an essential effect on the safe and efficient long-term operation of the desulphurization tower. Therefore, the two-phase flow model is established and solved by three-dimensional steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations; the droplets are tracked by Eulerian-Lagrangian method. The three factors, including inlet swirling flow of flue gas, initial droplet diameter, and inlet flue gas temperature, are analyzed to show the effects on the e...  相似文献   

The detailed three-dimensional local interaction model developed previously for spray units is used here to predict the cooling performance of both a pass of sprays coaxially aligned with the wind, and a multipass spray system. Since the model predicts the local changes in temperature and humidity of the air-vapor phase as well as droplet trajectories and temperatures, it is capable of determining the degree of interference between adjacent spray units as a function of upwind conditions and spray spacing without recourse to empirical interference factors. Model predictions are compared with droplet cooling and wet-bulb temperature data for spray passes consisting of units of the Power Spray Module. The thermal efficiency of a pass of sprays is examined by use of a theoretically generated dimensionless performance chart.. Such charts are utilized in a computer model of a multipass spray canal system. The model shows excellent agreement with system data. System design and performance charts are presented for industrial use.  相似文献   

Yaqing Wang  Minghou Liu  Dong Liu  Kan Xu 《传热工程》2013,34(11-12):1075-1081
An experimental facility was developed to investigate the nonboiling heat transfer performance of water spray cooling. The effects of mass flux and wall temperature on heat transfer coefficient and heat flux were experimentally studied. It was found that heat transfer coefficient increased with the increasing of mass flux and wall temperature. Generalized correlations were developed for the Nusselt number related to wall temperature and the average Nusselt number as a function of the spray Reynolds number and the nondimensional temperature with an absolute error of 4% and 15% when the Reynolds number is more than 440. Compared with the data of Oliphant et al., it was observed that the usage field of the correlations could be extended to Reynolds number greater than 240.  相似文献   

流固耦合研究纳米流体在内燃机冷却水腔中的传热   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在发动机的冷却系统内用纳米流体代替传统的冷却工质水,对六缸柴油机采用整体耦合的方法,将冷却系统与内燃机固体部件当作一个耦合体,使流固边界成为内部实时边界,对纳米流体在整机冷却系统中的流动与传热特性进行研究,考察不同种类、不同体积分数、不同粒径的纳米流体对内燃机冷却系统传热的影响规律,给出了整机冷却水套内冷却液的流场、换热系数、压力场以及准确的温度场分布,为内燃机热应力的计算以及纳米流体在柴油机冷却水腔的应用奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

循环冷却水塔快速喷雾结冰技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了循环冷却水塔快速喷雾结冰技术的产生背景、基本原理、组成部分及优点,以在辽宁东方发电有限公司1号机组循环冷却水塔上的成功应用为例,与常规悬挂挡风板防冻法进行了对比,论证了其在优化调整循环水温度及循环水塔防寒防冻方面的明显优势,并对该项技术的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

实验测量了爆震室内不同轴向位置的压力和离子信号的演变过程,并利用高速阴影系统直接观察了透明方形管道内汽油/空气两相混合物动态填充过程中,弱火花点火后火焰加速传播、火焰与障碍物的相互作用、激波的出现、热点形成、爆燃向爆震转变、爆震波在障碍物管道中和光滑管道中的传播过程,分析影响爆震波传播速度的关键因素,用烟膜板记录了起爆区的胞格结构.  相似文献   

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