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Prediction of surface heating rates is of prime importance for the hypersonic flow regime. Experimental and conventional computational efforts overlook the heat transfer phenomenon in the solid due to the rigid assumptions involved in the solution methodologies. In order to address this fact, conjugate heat transfer (CHT) studies are carried out using various coupling techniques to examine their implementation abilities. Three types of solution methodologies are adopted, namely, decoupled, strongly coupled, and loosely coupled analysis. This study is also focused on looking into the effect of a hypersonic flow field on wall heat flux for a finite thickness insulating cylinder at moderately large time scales. Increase in wall temperature and decrease in surface heat flux have been noticed using strong and loose coupling techniques with an increase in simulation time. Decoupled fluid and solid domain analysis is found to be useful for typical shock tunnel test durations (~1 ms) while investigations with loose coupling techniques are advisable for time scales corresponding to flight testing (~1 s). Efforts are also made to reason the discrimination in prediction of stagnation point heat flux using conventional computational and experimental analysis. 相似文献
Conjugate heat transfer calculations are performed on cambered converged channels with and without pin fins, simulating the trailing region internal cooling passages of a gas turbine vane. Simulations are carried out for an engine representative Reynolds number of 20,000, based on the hydraulic diameter at the entry of coolant channel. The effect of conjugation is brought out by varying the solid to fluid thermal conductivity ratio from 7 to 16,016. The interaction between the complex flow pattern and conjugate heat transfer is highlighted. The local values of pressure, wall and fluid temperature, area-averaged values of friction factor, and Nusselt number of the smooth and pinned channels are compared. 相似文献
For the conjugate heat transfer simulation, two-equation turbulence models will predict an anomalously large growth of turbulent kinetic energy in high strain rate flows, and then the flow and heat transfer will be unreasonable. The current study improved the low Reynolds number Chien k-? two-equation model using the “realizability” based C μ limiter and the production term P k limiter. This study was conducted based on a developed preconditioned density-based conjugate heat transfer algorithm. Calculations are presented for the flat plate turbulence flow and the conjugate heat transfer of the MarkII cooling turbine blade using the improved model. The results were analyzed and compared with semi-empirical formula and experimental data. Significant improvement in the turbulent kinetic energy anomaly was obtained using both limiters. The prediction accuracy of the Chien k-? model for the flow and heat transfer in the conjugate heat transfer simulation was significantly enhanced. The changes in the model are guaranteed to not have unfavorable influence on the simulation of low strain rate flows. 相似文献
文章对混合动力电动汽车进行了分类,介绍了串联式、并联式和混联式混合动力电动汽车结构与控制策略,指出采用小功率电机和小容量蓄电池组的并联式混合动力电动汽车具有广阔的市场前景,同时对控制策略的研究,是今后的一个工作重点和难点。 相似文献
Flow inversion, transferring a liquid from the wall region toward the center of the pipe or from the axis toward the heat transfer surface, improves heat transfer in the laminar flow regime. While a fully developed velocity profile is quickly established, a thin thermal boundary layer is preserved for a considerable distance in the pipe behind the flow inverter for highly viscous liquids. Thus the pressure drop is increased only locally (by the inverter itself), while heat transfer enhancement is also seen in a long straight section of the pipe. Two original flow inverter designs were tested in a long pipe (3 m in length) heated by condensing steam, using starch molasses as a working medium. Experiments carried out in the range of Reynolds number 4–60 and Graetz number 150–700 resulted in an increase of 20–35% in the heat transfer coefficient, accompanied by a 30–40% increase in the pressure drop. The experimental results confirm the numerical model prediction (within an extended Reynolds number range starting from 0.1). Thus an almost 40% increase in heat transfer can be expected at the optimal Graetz number in the range 50–100, using only one flow inverter located in the middle of a sufficiently long pipe. 相似文献
混合动力电动汽车结构与控制策略分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
葛郢汉 《内燃机与动力装置》2011,(1):54-57
文章对混合动力电动汽车进行了分类,介绍了串联式、并联式和混联式混合动力电动汽车结构与控制策略,指出采用小功率电机和小容量蓄电池组的并联式混合动力电动汽车具有广阔的市场前景,同时对控制策略的研究,是今后的一个工作重点和难点。 相似文献
Jean F. B. Machado Cezar O. R. Negrão Silvio L. M. Junqueira Rigoberto E. M. Morales 《Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals》2013,63(1):18-33
This work presents a new, simplified and yet efficient model for studying the transient conjugate heat transfer process in pipelines. The simplified model consists of assuming the thermal transport by fluid flow in bulk form and the pipe–wall heat conduction as two-dimensional. The scale analysis of the dimensionless equations resulting from the simplified model allows for the identification of two predicting parameters useful in determining when axial diffusion in the pipe wall is important, ψ = Pe Γ/ξ < 1 and λ = 4 Nu E 2/ξ < 1, and when radial diffusion is important, ψ > 1 and λ > 1. When these criteria are satisfied, in which case the existing analytical solution becomes invalid, the simplified model proposed here becomes an efficient alternative to the full-scale numerical simulations required for solving the problem. The scale analysis predictions and the hybrid analytical-numerical solutions of the simplified model, involving the Laplace transform and the finite-volume method, are validated first by comparison against the existing analytical solution, and then by comparison against experimental results of turbulent flow, showing excellent agreement in both cases. 相似文献
P. Rajesh Kanna Jan Taler V. Anbumalar A. V. Santhosh Kumar Allwyn Pushparaj David Santosh Christopher 《Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications》2013,63(1):75-99
Conjugate heat transfer from sudden expansion using nanofluid is studied numerically. The governing equations are solved using unsteady stream function-vorticity formulation method. Results are compared with zero nanoparticle fluid to exhibit the role of nanoparticle. The effect of volume fraction of nanoparticles and type of nanoparticles on heat transfer are examined and found to have a significant impact. Local Nusselt number and average Nusselt number are reported in connection with various nanoparticle, volume fraction, and Reynolds number for expansion ratio 2. Two dimensionality is more pronounced in the solid wall up to recirculation length. Local Nusselt number reaches peak values near the reattachment point and reaches asymptotic value in the downstream. Bottom wall eddy and volume fraction show significant impact on average Nusselt number. The wall thickness causes larger temperature gradient at the conjugate interface boundary, which leads to larger average Nusselt number. 相似文献
Kai-Long Hsiao 《热科学学报(英文版)》2010,19(4):337-345
<正>In this study,a new and effective improved Semi-Analytic and Semi-Empirical formula f(Pr)= (0.749999437Pr~(1/2))/((0.609+1.221Pr~(1/2)+1.238Pr)~(1/4))has been proposed to solve a conjugate problem with free convection in the incompressible laminar boundary layer flow and heat conduction in a solid wall for the flow passing a flat plate fin. A combination of flat-plate flow and flat-plate fin heat conduction has been considered in the present study.Finite -difference solutions for the interface temperature profiles and the heat transfer rates have been presented over the entire thermo-fluid-dynamic field for Prandtl numbers from 0.001 to 10000.First,the similar flow field has been solved by the Runge-Kutta method and the shooting methods,then the correlation equation of the local heat transfer coefficient have been obtained.Finally,the empirical formula has been substituted into the fin temperature heat conduction calculation processes to obtain the iterative solutions of the conjugate problems. 相似文献
提出了一种新的混合动力电动汽车的设计方案,并对系统的主要部件进行了选型和参数设计,建立了整车、制动控制策略和永磁同步电动机Simulink模型,并在CYC_UDDS循环工况下进行了仿真研究.结果表明:燃油经济性和排放性能明显改善,设计方案合理. 相似文献
Conjugate heat transfer to supercritical CO2 in a vertical tube-in-tube heat exchanger was numerically investigated. The results demonstrate that most models considered are able to reproduce the heat transfer processes qualitatively, and the Abe, Kondoh, and Nagano model shows optimal agreement with the experimental data. The influences of hot fluid mass flux and temperature of the shell side, supercritical fluid mass flux of the tube side, flow direction, and pipe diameter on conjugate heat transfer were investigated based on velocity and turbulence fields. It is concluded that hot fluid mass flux and temperature of the shell side significantly affect heat transfer of the tube side. Mixed convection is the main heat transfer mechanism for the supercritical CO2 conjugate heat transfer process when the inner diameter of the tube is greater than 1 mm. In addition, density variation is highly significant for heat transfer of supercritical CO2 while high viscosity hinders the distortion of the flow field and reduces deterioration in heat transfer. 相似文献
建立单体电池生热模型,编写用户自定义函数(user defined function, UDF)模拟单体电池的生热,并通过试验验证生热模型的准确性。通过模拟真实工况下单体电池生热量以及测点温度变化分析单体电池生热与冷却空气流速、环境温度的关系,分析不同冷却空气流速与环境温度对电池散热性能的影响。结果表明:电池生热与放电电流基本呈正相关关系;电池中部温度在电池生热时温度较高,在设计冷却通道时应重点考虑;冷却风速越大,电池降温效果越好,但随风速增大降低幅度变小,应根据经济性与实用性选择降温风速;环境温度对电池散热影响很大,在高温时,电池性能大幅度下降,在高温环境使用时应加强电池的散热处理。 相似文献
为评估透平叶片的蒸汽冷却效果,以Mark II叶片为对象,采用热流固耦合的数值计算方法,通过与实验数据进行比较考察了不同湍流模型对计算结果的影响,对比分析了空气、过热蒸汽和湿蒸汽冷却效果的差异,研究了冷却蒸汽质量流量、进口湍动度和叶片表面粗糙度对蒸汽冷却效率的影响.结果表明:SST转捩湍流模型对于流动换热计算有较高的精度;与空气冷却相比,过热蒸汽冷却的效率更高,叶片壁面温度更低;与过热蒸汽冷却相比,湿蒸汽的冷却效率更高,叶片壁面温度更低,且随着蒸汽湿度的增加,冷却效率提高,叶片壁面温度降低;增加冷却蒸汽的质量流量可使冷却效率提高,但冷却蒸汽的温升减小;当湍流强度小于3%时,冷却效率随冷却蒸汽进口湍流强度的增大而提高;增加叶片粗糙度使得叶片冷却效率显著提高. 相似文献
The film cooling effectiveness of a two-dimensional gas turbine endwall is compared for the cases of conjugate heat transfer and an adiabatic wall condition using five common turbulence models. The turbulence models employed in this study are: the RNG k–ε model, the realizable k–ε model, the standard k–ω model, the SST k–ω model, and the RSM model. The computed flow field and surface temperature profiles along with the film effectiveness for one and two cooling slots at different injection angles are presented. The results show the strong effect of conjugate heat transfer on the film effectiveness compared to the adiabatic case and also compared to the effectiveness values obtained from analytically solvable models. 相似文献
The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is utilized to investigate conjugate heat transfer. Hot and cold streams enter the computational domain, and heat transfer takes place between the two streams through a finite thickness and finite thermal conductivity wall. The main objective of the work is to demonstrate that LBM can solve conjugate heat transfer by using one energy equation for solid and fluid phases. The flux continuity insures automatically. Furthermore, the effects of extended surfaces were investigated on the rate of heat transfer and pressure drop. 相似文献