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Flow regimes and bubble growth are observed in a pin-fin micro-scale heat exchanger with R-11 as the working fluid. The heat exchanger is machined in silicon and derived from a DNA micro-array consisting of 150 μm-square fins separated by 50 μm-square passages. The fins are staggered and oriented 45 degrees to the flow direction such that approximately 750 channel intersections occur within the volume of the exchanger. The purpose of the study is to determine if this multiply-connected geometry produces the flow blockage, reversal, and other instabilities observed in single and parallel micro-channel configurations. The upper surface of the exchanger is a glass plate that provides optical access. High-speed digital photography and microscope optics are used to obtain real-time images of the flow at a framing rate of 5 kHz. The lower surface is electrically heated and instrumented with a heat flux gage. Inlet and outlet temperatures and pressures, heater and wall temperatures, and volumetric flow rate are monitored. Nucleation is observed near the entrance of the heat exchanger. In the central section, developed vapor regions are composed of broad slug-like vapor fronts immediately followed by a slowly growing bubbly flow. An annular regime dominates the downstream section of the exchanger with drop-like liquid structures appearing at the downstream edge of fins. The heat transfer coefficient decreases with exit quality as in other micro-scale exchangers; however, the flow instability present in parallel channel exchangers is not observed in this configuration.  相似文献   

Xu et al. have recently published a set of results for boiling heat transfer measurements in a multi-channel micro-scale evaporator for flow boiling of acetone in triangular cross-section channels (hydraulic diameter of 155.4 mm). In the present collaboration, we assess our current capability to predict this independent flow boiling data set with a fluid not in the original database and also much smaller in size using the phenomenological three-zone model of Thome, Dupont, and Jacobi. The method models boiling in small diameter channels in the elongated bubble/slug flow regime. The boiling data falling in this regime are identified here using a new micro-scale flow pattern map proposed by Revellin in order to utilize only test data corresponding to the elongated bubble flow mode. The decrease of the measured wall temperature due to the heat spread by longitudinal conduction through the heat sink was investigated through a finite differences analysis. In addition, a data reduction procedure different than that one used by Xu et al. was used and, consequently, some differences in the heat transfer behavior were found. Based on the present database, a new set of empirical parameters for the three-zone model was proposed. The conjugated effect of flow pattern and bubble/slug frequency on the heat transfer coefficient was also investigated.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation has been carried out to investigate the heat transfer enhancement in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger using a porous medium inside its shell and tubes, separately. A three-dimensional geometry with k-? turbulent model is used to predict the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the flow. The effects of porosity and dimensions of these media on the heat exchanger's thermal performance and pressure drop are analyzed. Inside the shell, the entire tube bundle is wrapped by the porous medium, whereas inside the tubes the porous media are located in two different ways: (1) at the center of the tubes, and (2) attached to the inner wall of the tubes. The results showed that this method can improve the heat transfer at the expense of higher pressure drop. Evaluating the method showed that using porous media inside the shell, with particular dimension and porosity can increase the heat transfer rate better than pressure drop. Using this method inside the tubes leads to two diverse results: In the first configuration, pressure loss prevails over the heat transfer augmentation and it causes energy loss, whereas in the second configuration a great performance enhancement is observed.  相似文献   

路慧霞  马晓建  赵凌 《节能技术》2008,26(2):168-171
介绍了脉动流动强化传热的机理、方法,分析了脉动频率、脉动振幅、雷诺数、管径、脉动型式、流体物理性质对传热特性的影响,概括了脉动流动强化传热的国内外研究现状,并提出了进一步研究的建议.  相似文献   

基于多孔介质具有吸收和贮存太阳能的特点,在双层玻璃幕墙通道内设置了多孔介质层,利用多孔介质充分收集与贮存太阳能用于建筑供暖,并采用数值模拟法研究了幕墙的传热与流动特性.结果表明,玻璃幕墙能充分利用太阳能加热新风供暖,集热效率高又节能,有推广价值.  相似文献   

Boiling heat transfer enhancement for a passive electronics cooling design is presented in this paper. A novel pool boiling enhancement technique is developed and characterized. A combination of surface modification by metallic coating and micro-machined porous channels attached to the modified surface is tested and reported. An experimental rig is set up using a standard BGA package with 12 mm × 12 mm thermal die as a test surface. The limiting heat flux for a horizontally oriented silicon chip with fluorocarbon liquid FC-72 is typically around 15 W/cm2. Boiling heat transfer with the designed enhancement techniques is investigated, and the factors influencing the enhancement are analyzed. The metallic coated surface at 10°C wall superheat has a heat flux six times larger than an untreated chip surface. Micro-machined porous channels with different pore sizes and pitches are tested in combination with the metallic coated surface. The boiling heat flux is seven times larger at lower wall superheat compared to the plain chip surface. Maximum critical heat flux (CHF) of 38 W/cm2 is obtained with 0.3 mm pore diameter and 1 mm pore pitch. A ratio of pore diameter and pore pitch is found to correlate well with the heat transfer enhancement obtained by experiments. Structures with smaller pore diameter to pitch ratio and larger pore opening are found to have higher heat transfer enhancement in the tested combination.  相似文献   

本文通过实验的方法对烧结的多孔微通道和铜基微通道的沸腾换热性能和流动不稳定进行研究.实验工质选用去离子水,采用的铜粉粒径分别为30μm、50μm、90 μm,烧结底厚为200 μm和400 μm.采取控制变量的方式,研究改变入口温度、铜粉粒径大小、入口流量对多孔微通道和铜基微通道换热性能的影响.研究表明:多孔微通道最优的厚度粒径比在2~5之间,在此区间的多孔微通道可以提高沸腾传热的性能.其中厚度粒径比为2和4的多孔微通道的最大换热系数是铜基微通道的换热系数的5倍.多孔微通道相对于铜基微通道有更好的换热能力,有着较低的壁面温度.  相似文献   

Flow inversion, transferring a liquid from the wall region toward the center of the pipe or from the axis toward the heat transfer surface, improves heat transfer in the laminar flow regime. While a fully developed velocity profile is quickly established, a thin thermal boundary layer is preserved for a considerable distance in the pipe behind the flow inverter for highly viscous liquids. Thus the pressure drop is increased only locally (by the inverter itself), while heat transfer enhancement is also seen in a long straight section of the pipe. Two original flow inverter designs were tested in a long pipe (3 m in length) heated by condensing steam, using starch molasses as a working medium. Experiments carried out in the range of Reynolds number 4–60 and Graetz number 150–700 resulted in an increase of 20–35% in the heat transfer coefficient, accompanied by a 30–40% increase in the pressure drop. The experimental results confirm the numerical model prediction (within an extended Reynolds number range starting from 0.1). Thus an almost 40% increase in heat transfer can be expected at the optimal Graetz number in the range 50–100, using only one flow inverter located in the middle of a sufficiently long pipe.  相似文献   


The present work uses a perturbation procedure to deduce the small perturbation differential equations for velocity, temperature, and the diffusion equation for nanoparticle volume concentration. Thermophysical variables are obtained from conventional means (e.g., mixture and field theory estimates) for nanofluids consisting of alumina nanoparticles dispersed in water (alumina–water nanofluid) and gold nanoparticles dispersed in water (gold–water nanofluid), and, in the case of gold–water nanofluid, molecular dynamics results are used to estimate such properties, including the transport coefficients. The very thin diffusion layer, at large Schmidt numbers, is found to have a great impact on the velocity and temperature profiles, owing to the transport property dependency and has a profound influence on surface conduction heat transfer rate enhancement and skin friction suppression for the case of nanofluid concentration withdrawal at the wall. In this case, the diffusional heat transfer rate is negligible, again, owing to the large Schmidt numbers encountered. Possible experiments directed at this interesting phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of smooth tube flattening on heat transfer enhancement in an evaporator. The tubes with internal diameter of 8.7 mm were flattened into an oblong shape with different inside heights. The test setup was basically a vapor compression refrigeration system equipped with all necessary measuring instruments. Refrigerant R-134a flowing inside the tube was heated by an electrical coil heater wrapped around it. The ranges of mass velocities were from 74 to 106 kg/m2-s and vapor quality varied from 25% to 95%. Analysis of the collected data indicated that the heat transfer coefficient elevates by increasing the mass velocity and vapor quality in flattened tubes just like the round tube. The flow boiling heat transfer coefficient increases when the flattened tube is used instead of the round tube. The highest heat transfer coefficient enhancement of 172% was achieved for the tube with the lowest inside height at mass velocity of 106 kg/m2-s and vapor quality of 85%. Finally, based on the present experimental results, a correlation was developed to predict the heat transfer coefficient in flattened tubes.  相似文献   


The behavior of air flows in complex Heat exchanger passages is reviewed with a focus on the heat transfer effects of boundary-layer development, turbulence, spanwise and streamwise vortices, and wake management. Each of these flow features is discussed for the plain, wavy, and interrupted passages found in contemporary compact Heat exchanger designs. Results from the literature are used to help explain the role of these mechanisms in Heat transfer enhancement strategies.  相似文献   

Drag and heat transfer reduction were examined in a fully developed two-dimensional drag-reducing flow with different concentrations of surfactant additives. A row of low-profile mixers was used to enhance heat transfer in the flow. The effect of the low-profile mixers on heat transfer enhancement was examined in terms of the local Nusselt number for the surfactant concentration of 90 ppm. A comparison of the cases with and without low-profile mixers show that the average Nusselt number is enhanced by about 170% for Reynolds numbers of 7000, 12000, and 16200 with only a small pressure drop penalty. This increase in heat transfer performance might be related to the longitudinal vortices generated by the low-profile mixers, resulting in the enhancement of the bulk exchange of fluid between the main flow and the near-wall region. It was found that the enhancement of the low-profile mixers to the heat transfer rate starts to deteriorate in the streamwise direction at a certain location downstream of the mixers. The location of the onset of the deterioration shifts downstream with an increase in the Reynolds number.  相似文献   

Flow boiling in microchannels promises high heat transfer due to the combined effect of latent heat of vaporization and forced convection in confined spaces. However, flow boiling based miniaturized thermal management devices are limited due to instability induced dryout. While several efforts have been made to delay instabilities via advanced surface modification techniques, there is a need to expand the scope of applications by developing low-cost and scalable fabrication technologies for commonly used heat exchanger materials. In this paper, we use a facile and self-limiting chemical oxidation technique for fabricating sharp needle-like superhydrophilic CuO nanostructures within six parallel 500 × 250 µm2 microchannels spread uniformly over a 1 × 1 cm2 area in a copper heat sink. We demonstrate heat transfer enhancement with nanostructured microchannels (NSM) without any appreciable change either in the average pressure drop or the fluctuations in comparison to baseline plain wall microchannels (PWM). Analysis of the high-speed images was performed to attribute the enhancement with NSM to the presence of a capillarity-fed thin-film evaporation regime, which otherwise was absent in PWM. We believe that these results are encouraging and suggest that the heat sink geometry can be optimized to investigate the true potential of nanostructured microchannels.  相似文献   

The turbulence kinetic energy and heat transfer performance of air in spirally fluted tube were numerically studied at a constant wall temperature with Reynolds...  相似文献   

In this article, natural convection in a porous triangular cavity has been analyzed. Bejan's heatlines concept has been used for visualization of heat transfer. Penalty finite-element method with biquadratic elements is used to solve the nondimensional governing equations for the triangular cavity involving hot inclined walls and cold top wall. The numerical solutions are studied in terms of isotherms, streamlines, heatlines, and local and average Nusselt numbers for a wide range of parameters Da (10?5–10?3), Pr (0.015–1000), and Ra (Ra = 103–5 × 105). For low Darcy number (Da = 10?5), the heat transfer occurs due to conduction as the heatlines are smooth and orthogonal to the isotherms. As the Rayleigh number increases, conduction dominant mode changes into convection dominant mode for Da = 10?3, and the critical Rayleigh number corresponding to the on-set of convection is obtained. Distribution of heatlines illustrate that most of the heat transport for a low Darcy number (Da = 10?5) occurs from the top region of hot inclined walls to the cold top wall, whereas heat transfer is more from the bottom region of hot inclined walls to the cold top wall for a high Darcy number (Da = 10?3). Interesting features of streamlines and heatlines are discussed for lower and higher Prandtl numbers. Heat transfer analysis is obtained in terms of local and average Nusselt numbers (Nu l , Nu t ) and the local and average Nusselt numbers are found to be correlated with heatline patterns within the cavity.  相似文献   

In recent years, porous or solid insert has been used in a duct for enhancing heat transfer in high temperature thermal equipment, where both convective and radiative heat transfer play a major role. In the present work, the study of heat transfer enhancement is carried out for flow through a square duct with a porous or a solid insert. Most of the analyses are carried out for a porous insert. The hydrodynamically developing flow field is solved using the Navier–Stokes equation and the Darcy–Brinkman model is considered for solving the flow in the porous region. The radiative heat transfer is included in the analysis by coupling the radiative transfer equation to the energy equation. The fluid considered is CO2 with temperature dependent thermophysical properties. Both the fluid and the porous medium are considered as gray participating medium. The increase in heat transfer is analyzed by comparing the bulk mean temperature, Nusselt number, and radiative heat flux for different porous size and orientation, Reyonlds number, and Darcy number.  相似文献   

Local heat transfer coefficients and flow parameters were measured for air-water flow in a pipe in the horizontal and slightly upward inclined (2°, 5°, and 7°) positions. The test section was a 27.9 mm stainless steel pipe with a length to diameter ratio of 100. For this systematic experimental study, a total of 758 data points were taken for horizontal and slightly upward inclined (2°, 5°, and 7°) positions by carefully coordinating the liquid and gas superficial Reynolds number combinations. These superficial Reynolds numbers were duplicated for each inclination angle. The heat transfer data points were collected under a uniform wall heat flux boundary condition ranging from about 1,800–10,900 W/m2. The superficial Reynolds numbers ranged from about 740 to 26,000 for water and about 560 to 48,000 for air. A comparison of heat transfer data and flow visualization revealed that the heat transfer results were significantly dependent on the superficial liquid and gas Reynolds numbers, inclination angle, and flow pattern. The experimental data indicated that even in a slightly upward inclined pipe, there is a significant effect on the two-phase heat transfer of air-water flow. Flow pattern maps and flow visualization results for different inclination angles are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

采用圆管中心层流充分发展段中心流等截面分层填充金属多孔介质以实现强化传热,建立了流动与传热数学模型,并着重分析了三种新型强化传热管的速度、温度分布及传热综合性能.结果表明,与光管相比,填充金属多孔介质后,管中心流体温度更均匀,壁面附近流体的温度梯度更大,圆管中心流体速度分布趋于平坦,壁面附近流体速度梯度增大,壁面与流体间的换热显著增强;对三种强化传热管,在两区域内填充孔隙率相同的多孔介质,可望得到较高的综合性能指标值.  相似文献   

The evaluation of heat transfer and pressure drop in a water flow inside an annulus of a double concentric-tube heat exchanger with spiral wires inserts was carried out. Three spiral wires with a constant pitch and different wire diameter were tested for a Reynolds number from 1500 to 5500 and a Prandtl number from 5 to 8. The results obtained showed that the spiral wires increased the heat transfer and the pressure drop in comparison with a fluid flow inside a smooth annulus. From the heat transfer point of view, this increase was proportional to the wire diameter but the effect decreases when the Reynolds number increases. General empirical correlations based on dimensionless parameters to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient and friction factor were developed with an uncertainty of ±6.1% and ±7.6%, respectively, when these estimates were compared against experimental data. The empirical correlations developed were also compared with the estimates calculated by empirical correlations proposed by other researchers, resulting in a good agreement with these values. After the validation analysis, it was demonstrated that the new equations developed provide a good and reliable tool for the design of double concentric-tube heat exchangers with spiral wires inserted inside annulus.  相似文献   

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