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基于COMSOL软件建立了一种非对称翅片管换热器的三维模型,对空气侧的流动和传热特性进行了数值研究,与平直翅片管换热器进行对比,并进一步分析了不同雷诺数下交错角β对非对称翅片管换热器性能的影响.结果表明:在Re为3 239~9 700内,与平直翅片管换热器相比,非对称翅片管换热器的传热因子增大,平均增大量为13.95%,阻力因子减小,且随着Re增大其减小效果更加明显,平均减小量为4.80%;以MJF作为评价标准,且其他结构参数不变时,β=30°时MJF最大,换热器的综合性能最好.  相似文献   

所研制的全自动翅片管单管的传热性能试验系统可测试翅片管单管的传热系统、双金属翅片管的品质系数。测试数据的采集、测试过程的控制、数据的计算和报告的整理全部由计算机完成。介绍了该系统及其部分设备的构成,说明了部分参数的计算方法,分析了系统的精度。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用于余热锅炉等传热部件的翅片管设计准则和翅片管结构型式和连接方法,分析了不同翅片管结构尺寸及型式对传热特性的影响,提出改善传热特性的途径。  相似文献   

H型鳍片管传热过程的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛天况  王振滨 《锅炉技术》2007,38(4):6-10,14
采用MATLAB程序对于描述H型鳍片中传热过程的偏微分方程求解,对于影响传热过程的各个结构因素和热力参数进行了分析,得出优化鳍片管性能的途径.  相似文献   

不同排列方式下三角翼波纹翅片管换热器的换热性能比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用三维数值模拟的方法对加装三角翼涡发生器的波纹翅片管换热器的流动换热特性进行了研究.3排换热圆管按顺排和叉排2种方式排列.结果表明:三角翼产生的纵向涡包括1个主涡和1个角涡.顺排布置时,纵向涡不但改善了尾迹区的换热,同时还大大强化了三角翼下游管排壁面的换热;叉排布置时,纵向涡在遇到后一个波谷时很快被抑制,换热的强化主要作用于尾迹区.ReD=3000时,与无三角翼的波纹翅片相比,三角翼波纹翅片的j、f,因子在顺排和叉排布置中分别增加了15.4%、10.5%和13.1%、7.0%.在不同排列方式下,三角翼产生的纵向涡均提高了波纹翅片管换热器的换热性能.  相似文献   

波纹内翅片管内空气强化传热特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了一种波纹内翅片管的换热特性,得出了所测参数范围内沿程温度及换热系数分布特点,并比较了相同管径的内翅片波纹管和光管的综合换热效果,结果表明:高Re数时管子与翅片间的接触热阻对传热性能有较大影响;波纹内翅片管的综合换热效果强于光管,而且在低流速下换热强化效果更加明显。  相似文献   

采用有限元数值求解鳍片传热和传统相似理论计算方法相结合,得到符合经验数值的合理结果;对于工程实践具有参考价值.  相似文献   

对13个不同翅片间距、翅片高度、横向管间距、纵向管间距的螺旋翅片管束换热器在不同雷诺数条件下的传热和阻力特性进行了试验研究,得出了翅片间距、翅片高度、横向管间距、纵向管间距及雷诺数与换热特性Nu和阻力特性Eu的准则关系式,并对准则关系式进行了分析.结果表明:随着横向管间距和翅片间距的增大,螺旋翅片管的传热得到强化,但随着纵向管间距和翅片高度的增加,螺旋翅片管的传热有所减弱;随着横向管间距、纵向管间距和翅片间距的增大,螺旋翅片管的阻力减少,但随着翅片高度的增加,螺旋翅片管的阻力增加.  相似文献   

基于Fluent平台,建立起H型鳍片管的三维物理模型。利用Realizable k-ε湍流模型对单根H型鳍片管的稳态传热过程进行模拟。通过单一变量变化模型的建立,找出其高度、厚度、宽度、基管直径以及入口烟气流速变化对H型鳍片管传热与阻力特性的影响规律。鳍片效率随着高度、宽度的增加而降低,随鳍片厚度增加而上升;鳍片传热性能随着高度、宽度、厚度、管径的增加分别上升;鳍片阻力随着烟气流速的增加呈上升趋势。通过对模拟所得数据进行分析,得出基管直径为36 mm时,H型鳍片管综合能力为最佳。  相似文献   

Vie objective of the research reported in this article was to measure the rate of heat transfer between a transverse finned tube and a slowly moving bed of particles. Linear velocities of the moving bed of solids ranged from 0.0004 to 0.025 m/s. Three different particulate materials of various sizes were investigated, namely, polyethylene, silica sand, and copper. The experiments were conducted under steady-state conditions.

The following empirical equation for prediction of the heat transfer coefficient between the moving bed of particles and the transverse finned tube was developed employing dimensional analysis and nonlinear regression: This equation should be applied only within the range of the parameters for which it is derived.  相似文献   

对椭圆钎焊翅片管和双金属轧制翅片管换热器的传热及阻力性能进行试验对比研究,试验得到了一系列工况下的传热数据与管外空气流动阻力数据,给出了相应的传热系数、流动阻力曲线。从总传热系数中分离出管外空气侧的对流换热系数,得到了具有一定应用价值的管外换热的计算关联式;拟合得到了管外阻力计算关联式。结果表明:椭圆钎焊翅片管比双金属轧制翅片管的传热系数约高9%,管外换热系数约高17%,且管外空气流动阻力约低11%。  相似文献   

采用数值模拟的方法,对新型整体式轴对称不等高内展翅片换热管的管内流动、换热及阻力特性进行了研究,并将模拟结果分别与实验测量值和光管经验公式计算值进行了比较,结果表明:数值模拟结果与实验测量结果和经验公式计算结果符合得较好;新型内翅片管的强化换热效果最好,其换热系数约为光管的1.67~2.27倍,为中心对称翅片管的1.17~1.35倍;内翅片管的阻力系数是光管的1.44~2.20倍,中心对称和新型内翅片管具有基本相同的阻力系数;8翅和10翅新型内翅片管的综合性能参数较优.  相似文献   

主要研究了纵向翅片管的传热计算流程及工程应用.根据纵向翅片管的基本传热机理,系统深入地总结了纵向翅片管在不同传热条件下换热系数的计算方法,提出了纵向翅片管换热器的设计流程;通过具体工程实例,纵向翅片管换热器的设计理论得到验证,同时计算结果表明,与传统的光管相比,纵向翅片管传热系数高,设备传热性能好,是一种行之有效的节能...  相似文献   

对一台用于烟气余热回收的圆形翅片管换热器进行结构分析,在实测数据的基础上,采用数值仿真模型对该换热器翅片间流体进行三维模拟研究,分析换热器的流场特性,包括翅片间气体流速、温度分布、压力损失、传热负荷等。结果表明在Re为8 300时,模拟的压差与理论计算基本吻合,且有翅片截面的烟气压力损失比不含翅片截面压力损失大7.7%,同时对不同高度的翅片对换热特性的影响做了模拟,为圆形翅片管换热器在余热回收的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Air cooled steam condensers (ACSC) consist of finned-tube arrays bundled in an A-frame structure. Inefficient performance under extreme temperature operating conditions is a common problem in ACSCs. The purpose of this study was to improve the heat transfer characteristics of an annular finned-tube system for better performance in extreme climatic conditions. Perforations were created on the surface of the annular fins to increase heat transfer coefficient (h). Mesh generation and finite volume analyses were performed using Gambit 2.4.6 and Fluent 6.3 with an RNG k? turbulent model to calculate pressure drop (ΔP), heat flux (q), and heat transfer coefficient (h). Solid (no perforations) finned-tubes were simulated with free stream velocity ranging between 1 m/s–5 m/s and validated with the published data. Computations were performed for perforations at 30° interval starting at ±60°, ±90°, ±120°, ±150°, and ±180° from the stagnation point. Five cases with single perforation and three cases with multiple perforations were evaluated for determining the maximum q and h, as well as minimum ΔP. For the perforated case (perforations starting from 60° at interval of 30°), the fin q and h performance ratios increased by 5.96% and 7.07%, respectively. Consequently, the fin ΔP performance ratio increased by 11.87%. Thus, increased q and h is accompanied with a penalty of higher ΔP. In contrast, a single perforation location at 120° provided favorable results with a 1.70% and 2.23% increase in q and h performance ratios, respectively, while there was a relatively smaller increase (only 1.39%) of ΔP performance ratio. Perforations in the downstream region at ±120°, ±150°, and ±180° also resulted in a similar favorable outcome. Furthermore, the spacing of the fins along the arms of an A-frame ACSC was altered to decrease ΔP across the finned-tube array. Fin spacing in the A-frame structure with sparsely spaced fins in the center resulted in a 1.80% reduction in ΔP. Thus, penalty in ΔP for a perforated fin can possibly be offset by changing the fin spacing along the arms of an A-frame structure.  相似文献   

联合循环余热锅炉螺旋鳍片管烟气放热系数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东南大学建造了1座IGCC余热锅炉鳍片管受热面流动和传热热态试验装置,并先后在其上进行了2个不同螺旋鳍片管组的传热特性研究,通过分析比较实测的烟气侧对流放热系数与无量纲准则式计算的结果,得出了完全热模拟公式更为准确的结论。  相似文献   

H型鳍片管是一种新型高效强化传热管。对一定结构的H型鳍片管与螺旋翅片管换热器进行了比较性半工业试验研究,得到了H型鳍片管换热与阻力准则关系式,并与相同结构参数的螺旋翅片管进行比较。根据实验结果得出:H型鳍片管换热与阻力特性均优于同结构参数的螺旋翅片管。  相似文献   

简述某燃机电站余热锅炉过热器的结构布置及其主要参数,结合过热器的运行工况分析过热器鳍片管变形的可能原因,并对可能产生变形的原因进行现场结构检查、鳍片管壁厚检测、金相力学性能分析和性能强度的校核计算,得出过热器鳍片管变形分析后的最终结果。  相似文献   

Babak Lotfi 《传热工程》2020,41(13):1117-1142

As a new type of fin structure in finned tube heat exchangers, dimple turbulators exhibit excellent potential for thermo-hydraulic performance enhancement. A three-dimensional numerical simulation study was conducted to investigate the influences of five kinds of innovative concave dimple turbulators (CDTs), namely – elliptical dimple, conical frustum dimple, trapezoidal prism dimple, leeward triangular dimple and upward triangular dimple (UwTD) on the thermo-hydraulic performance enhancement in a plate fin-and-elliptical tube (PFET) heat exchanger, where CDTs are textured on the fin surface transversely between the elliptical tubes. The computational results are analyzed by considering the performance evaluation criterion for the PFET heat exchangers with different types of CDT shapes. The present investigation demonstrates that the heat transfer enhancement is intimately pertained to ejection with longitudinal counter-rotating flow, strengthened secondary flow and vortex structures at the downstream rim of CDT. A parametric study on the CDTs indicated that the UwTD vortex turbulators give better thermo-hydraulic performance under the present conditions. The numerical simulation results illustrated different secondary flow structures and heat transfer characteristics of the CDTs with various shapes, which disclosed the influential mechanisms of differently shaped dimple turbulators on the heat transfer augmentation in PFET heat exchangers.  相似文献   

根据大型电站锅炉省煤器的运行工况,对单H形和双H形翅片管束气侧的传热与阻力特性进行了模化试验研究,并利用Fluent软件对H形翅片管束的流场和温度场进行了数值模拟,得到单H形和双H形翅片管束的传热与阻力特性变化规律.结果表明:H形翅片管束的传热和阻力特性与气体的Re有关,随着气体Re的增大,气侧Nu不断增大,传热性能提高,而Eu则逐渐减小,并趋于定值;在相同Re下,单H形翅片管束气侧Nu大于双H形翅片管束气侧Nu,而气侧Eu则小于双H形翅片管束气侧Eu;数值计算结果与试验结果误差较小,采用数值计算方法能比较准确地分析H形翅片管束的流动与传热特性.  相似文献   

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