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无核葡萄食用方便,深受消费者的欢迎,售价往往是红提等有核葡萄品种的2倍左右。可是无核葡萄品种果粒普偏较小,怎样选择优良品种及增大果粒成了葡萄种植者关注的问题。本文就无核葡萄主要品种及相应果粒增大技术作简要介绍。1 无核早红又名8611,系河北省昌黎果树所与昌黎县周立存合作以郑州  相似文献   

利用植物生长调节剂促进葡萄果粒增大及无核化的试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
大果粒葡萄是鲜食葡萄的主要发展方向之一。除育种途径之外,植物生长调节剂的应用则是另一个有效的途径。多年来,我们通过试验筛选出了几个优良的配方—3号,8号和15号。我们用它们对有核、无核葡萄的增大以及有核品种的无核化,进行了多次试验,取得了良好的效果。...  相似文献   

1993 ̄1996年,用GA3,KT30(CPPU)等激素对藤稔葡萄花后10日进行增大处理,以KT30的效果为好,GA3有增大作用,同时可提早上色。生产用KT30 5-10ppm+GA325ppm进行一次增大处理即可。  相似文献   

美国无核葡萄栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1 秋天皇家(Autumn Royal)Autumn Royal 是一个黑色、晚熟无核鲜食品种,由加州农业大学农业研究中心的David Ramming 和Ron Tarailo 育成。1996年发表,父母本为Autumn Black×C74-1,它的亲本包括Blackrose, Calmeria Flame seedless和Ribier。该品种果实大,深红至黑色,成熟期在9月底至10月中旬。作为商品,Autumn Royal的自然果实是目前有效栽培无核葡萄中最大的。(1)植株生长和根砧 依据土壤和生长条件,Autumn Rayal 自根苗生长势中、强,目前该品种还没有不用嫁接砧木的记载。(2)整形和修剪 短梢修剪,可获得优质果。…  相似文献   

新型大粒无核葡萄品种——桑姆森无核刘崇怀孔庆山陈继锋(中国农科院郑州果树研究所·郑州·450004)1品种来源欧亚种。是中国农科院郑州果树研究所国家果树(葡萄)品种资源圃收集的品种。来源于美国,其英文名字为Thompson,本为无核白,但栽植后与无核...  相似文献   

"紫香无核",又名新葡四号,1978年在本所葡萄园,用无核紫(父本)和玫瑰香(母本)进行杂交,当年采收种子109粒,79年育成杂交苗25株,定植于选种圃.83年选出优良单株,84年用无性繁殖的方法育苗5株,以无核白、无核紫为对照,定植在复选圃中.  相似文献   

无核葡萄品种的大粒化赤霉素处理   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
于1992-1994年连续三年对喜乐无核(Himrod)和布朗无核(BronxSeedless)葡萄品种进行了大粒化赤霉素处理,试验结果表明:盛花后2周左右用100ppm赤霉素速蘸果穗,可使果粒明显增大,而其它经济性状和商品性不受影响。这一结果同样可推广应用到其它无核品种上。  相似文献   

莱西万亩美国无核葡萄栽培技术总结   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
青岛加州无核葡萄发展有限公司是集科研、开发、生产、贮运为一体的中美合资企业。公司针对加入WTO后的市场准入规则和农业产业结构调整的迫切要求,经国家农业部批准,从美国加州批量引入八月皇家等8个无核葡萄新品种,以“订单农业”模式,发动千家万户建立了万亩葡萄基地。经过3年的运作,不但公司的万亩葡萄基地已成规模,在技术上也摸索出一套科学的管理经验,现总结如下:1 无核葡萄品种简介①八月皇家(AUTUMNROYAL)是美国最新推出的特大粒无核品种,欧亚种,树势中强,果实从开花到成熟100天左右,为中晚熟品种。果穗圆锥形…  相似文献   

激素处理对牛奶,龙眼葡萄果实的增大效应   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
采用GA、BA、KT-30S对牛奶、龙眼葡萄果穗盛花期后15天进行处理,结果显示:1.不同品种对激素种类敏感性不同。GA325ppm+BA5ppm+表面活化剂对牛奶果实的增大效应最为明显,而KT-30S20ppm对龙眼果实的增大效应最为明显。2.在激素处理下果实重量增加和可溶性固形物含量的增长并非同步。3.激素处理相应延迟了果实的成熟时期,生产上对此均应予重视。  相似文献   

随着人民生活的日益提高,要求市场有多样化水果品种的供应,在此形势下近年来江苏的葡萄面积也在逐年扩大。欧美杂交种巨峰因粒大诱人,对南方气候较能适应,在生产上很受欢迎,因此近年来发展很快,新栽葡萄几乎全为巨峰,栽培面积远远超过鲜食葡萄总面积50%以上,因品种单一成熟期集中对生产和销售造成不利的影响。葡萄成熟期配套品种问题是应考虑的一个问题。据国际市场信息,葡萄品种要求除大粒外,无核品种也深受欢迎,我们南方市场上基本上看不到无核品种。为了解决目前品种单一和  相似文献   

无核萄萄主要品种简介及果粒增大技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无核葡萄食用方便,深受消费者的欢迎,售价往往是红提等有核葡萄品种的2倍左右[1].可是无核葡萄品种果粒普偏较小,怎样选择优良品种及增大果粒成了葡萄种植者关注的问题.本文就无核葡萄主要品种及相应果粒增大技术作简要介绍.  相似文献   

胚挽救技术在葡萄无核、三倍体育种及获得远缘杂种,缩短育种周期和提高育种效率等方面具有重要的作用.本文对胚挽救技术及其在无核葡萄育种上的应用,以及影响胚挽救的因素进行了综述,并对其今后研究和应用提出展望.  相似文献   

提高无核白葡萄果品质量的技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
得天独厚的气候资源使新疆成为我国葡萄栽培面积最大的省区,无核白葡萄主要集中在哈密地区,规模化发展已成为本地区主要的农业支柱产业。但近年来,国内  相似文献   

The drying kinetics and the quality parameters of seedless grapes were evaluated in a screening test carried out to select the variety or varieties best suited to the production of dried grapes. Experiments were carried out on a pilot scale by sun drying and air convection drying under controlled conditions and with the grapes pretreated by ethyloleate dipping. The kinetics data, analysed according to a simplified form of Fick's law, allow the calculation of a rate constant, which we tried to correlate to the grapes' geometrical parameters: i.e., the berries' average radius and skin thickness. A systematic computing procedure showed that the following simple relationships were well correlated to the experimental values and could be used to forecast drying kinetics:
  • (a) 

    Sun drying: K = 0. 05–12.8X R 2XTh

  • (b) 

    Air drying: K = 0. 42–87.8X R 2XTh

K = rate constant, (per hr),
R = average berries; radius (cm),
Th = average skin thickness (cm × 10−3).
The following scale of drying speeds for the varieties was found:
Ruby > Emerald > Thompson > Delight > Rodi
with a two-fold decrease of the rate constant value from Ruby to Rodi, which are respectively the fastest and the slowest drying varieties. Composition and colour data show that experimental samples compare favourably with commercial samples of dried grapes, as a consequence of faster drying due to the dipping pretreatment and careful control of drying conditions.  相似文献   

Drying and color characteristics of ‘Sultana’ seedless grapes were investigated in a cabinet dryer under different air drying temperatures (55, 65, and 75°C) and constant air velocity (2 m/s). Results indicated that the moisture content and drying rate were influenced by the pre-treatment solution and dying air temperature. The increase in drying air temperature resulted in a decrease in drying time. The drying data were fitted to the different mathematical models such as Lewis, Henderson and Pabis, and Parabolic models. The Parabolic model was found as the best model having the highest determination of coefficient (R 2) and lowest reduced chi-square (χ 2) and root means square error (RMSE) values. Effective moisture diffusivities were calculated based on the diffusion equation for a spherical shape using Fick’s second law, and varied from 1.048 to 6.919×10−10 m2/s over the temperature range. The values of activation energy varied from 47.34 to 57.25 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

无核白鸡心又名森田尼无核,欧亚种,是美国用Goid-Q25-6杂交育成,1983年沈阳农业大学从美国引入.笔者于2000年引入哈密进行试验种植,2001年结果.试验结果表明,该品种适应性和抗逆性较强,树势生长旺盛,丰产性能和早产性能较好,容易早期丰产.据测定,定植第二年,单株产量1.5~2.3kg,定植第三年,单株产量3.6~4.2kg,出现了新葡萄园一年定植、二年结果、三年丰产的典型.2002年开始大面积推广,到2003年,无核白鸡心种植面积已达到1250亩,逐步发展成为哈密地区取代无核白葡萄的主要无核品种之一.  相似文献   

为了研究不同热风温度对葡萄品质的影响,以新疆吐鲁番无核白葡萄为材料,经促干剂处理后,分别在30,35,40,45℃条件下进行热风干燥。结果表明:在干燥无核白葡萄过程中,葡萄中的抗坏血酸、可滴定酸、总酚含量下降,而褐变度上升。综合比较可知,40℃热风干燥制得的葡萄干品质较好。  相似文献   

Flavonoids present in skin extracts of red seedless table grape varieties Summer Royal, Autumn Royal, and Crimson, and white seedless varieties Carati and Thompson were analyzed by HPLC-DAD-MS, in 3 y of study (2006 to 2008). The anthocyanins, delphinidin-3-O-glucoside, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, petunidin-3-O-glucoside (with their corresponding p-coumaroyl derivatives), peonidin-3-O-glucoside, and malvidin-3-O-glucoside (with their corresponding acetyl, caffeoyl, and p-coumaroyl derivatives) were found. In addition the flavonols quercetin-3-O-glucuronide, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, quercetin-3-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-galactoside, and the flavan-3-ols procyanidin B1, procyanidin B2, and catechin were also detected. Anthocyanins were the main flavonoids in red grapes ranging from 24 (Crimson) to 500 (Summer Royal) mg/kg fresh weight of grapes; consistent levels of flavonols and flavan-3-ols were also quantified in all varieties. To determine the effective climatic influence on flavonoids content in field conditions, viticultural practices have been developed, that could exclude the effects of direct solar radiation from confounding the assessment of those related to thermal conditions alone. A strong positive correlation was determined between flavonoids and temperature data that seem to be responsible for the difference of these metabolites along the years; furthermore, it has been possible to define a linear relationship (R(2) = 0.6871, P = 0.0057) between thermal amplitude and total flavonoids values in the red grapes. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Grapes are economically the most important fruit species in the world and approximately 30% of its production is used as fresh fruit. Because of the very important role of flavonoids in food quality as well as their health-promoting properties, and considering that our experiments were performed along 3 consecutive years, gathered results in this research are quite promising to give a useful information on the flavonoid contents and their evolution in 5 seedless table grapes that are widespread in Mediterranean regions but also in California and South America, and are grown in a viticultural climate (Apulia, South Italy) very close to some regions of Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, and Israel.  相似文献   

<正> 食品中所含的水分,是影响产品贮存期限的关键因素,对食品进行脱水使之变成干燥状态,一来能够延长产品的贮存及货架期;另一方面,相对于以其他形式出售的产品(如新鲜产品、罐头产品和冷冻产品等)而言,干燥产品的贮存及运输费用较低。再加上我国现今消费市场趋向于以方便、营养食品为主导,干燥食品的市场发展必将受到重视。本文以水果为例,对干燥加工工艺进行扼要的探  相似文献   

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