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牛乳清蛋白的性质及其在食品工业中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、乳清及乳清蛋自 (一)乳清 乳清是乳经酸凝乳或凝乳酶凝固后剩余的液态部分,是生产干酪和干酪素的副产物,呈黄绿色,总固形物含量一般为6刀%-6.5%,它包含鲜乳中近一半的营养成分。乳清中含有的营养成分基本上都是可溶的,如乳清蛋白、磷脂、乳糖、矿物质以及维生素等。 (二)乳清蛋白 乳清蛋白是酪蛋白沉淀后(PH=4.6)存在于乳清中的蛋白质。约占乳总蛋白质的 18%-20%。主要的乳清蛋白有a一乳白蛋白、b一乳球蛋白、血清白蛋白、免疫球蛋白和乳铁蛋白。乳清蛋白质与血浆蛋白质相近似,属于全价蛋白质,含有组成蛋白质的全部20种氨基酸,除含硫氨基酸的含量稍低外,其它几种必需氨基酸的含量均较高。  相似文献   

乳清和乳清制品在冰淇淋中应用已有多年。其中甜性乳清粉、改性乳清、乳清浓缩蛋白(蛋白质含量为34-80%)和乳清分离蛋白(蛋白质含量大于90%)是最常用的几种乳清产品。低乳糖和脱盐乳清也可用于冰淇淋和冷冻甜食。应用乳清制品可降低最终产品的价格,改善产品的品质。另外,乳清制品的营养价值也是越来越多的生产厂家应用乳清制品的重要的因素。  相似文献   

乳清和乳清制品在冰湛淋中应用已有多年,其中甜性乳清粉,改性乳清,乳清浓缩蛋白(蛋白质含量为34-80%)和乳清分离蛋白(蛋白质含量大于90%)是最常用的几种乳清产品,低乳糖和脱盐乳清也可用于冰淇淋和冷冻甜食,应用乳清制品可降低最终产品的价格,改善产品的品质,另外,乳清制品的营养价值也是越来越多的生产厂家应用乳清制品的重要的因素。  相似文献   

<正> 作为一种优质配料,乳清及其制品应用于冷包装干酪、巴氏杀菌干酪及融化涂抹干酪中已经有很多年的历史。常用的乳清制品有甜乳清粉、乳清浓缩蛋白(蛋白质含量从34%至80%,WPC)、低乳糖乳清、改性乳清、脱盐乳清粉以及乳清分离蛋白(蛋白质含量90%以上,WPI)等。在再制干酪中使用乳清配料的最主要原因是可以节约成本。在普通配方中添加适量的乳清配料还能够增强风味,改善功能特性。新的乳清加工工艺使乳清配料的风味和功能特性得到极大改善,应用在再制干酪中可赋予产品优良的风味、质地和组织状态,并能提高延展性、切片性、切丝性、涂抹性以及融化  相似文献   

乳清制品在冰淇淋中的功能及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
裘正红  周金松 《食品科学》1997,18(12):22-24
乳清制品主要包括浓缩乳清蛋白(WPC),乳清粉和乳糖。它们是奶酪生产过程中的副产品,每10kg鲜奶可生产1kg奶酪和9kg乳清,新鲜乳清液中含有50%以上的鲜奶营养成份。鲜乳清经浓缩干燥形成甜乳清粉,在浓缩过程中脱去部分盐和矿物质可获得脱盐乳清粉,在鲜乳清液中移去非蛋白质成份,又可获得浓缩乳清蛋白。乳清制品和奶粉一样有很高的营养价值,它能提供足量的乳蛋白和人体必需氨基酸,含有许多可溶性矿物质和维生素,有非常清新的乳风味和良好的口感。其中乳清蛋白与酪蛋白有相近的功能特性。它们都有良好的表面活性作用,有较强的亲水、亲脂性,有较高的发泡性,有非常好的溶解性。l乳清制品主要的功能特性1.l乳清蛋白的营  相似文献   

豆奶的稳定性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
0 引言豆奶是一种保健饮料,营养价值很高。它的蛋白质含量丰富而且品质优良,含有人体所必需的八种氨基酸.豆乳脂肪中不饱和脂肪酸(亚油酸、亚麻酸等)含量充足;豆奶脂肪不含胆固醇。豆奶中能防止不饱和脂肪酸过氧化的维生素E的含量也较高,此外卵磷脂含量也很丰富.豆奶不含乳糖。正因为豆奶中不含胆固醇和乳糖,所以对于动脉硬化、肝硬化、肥胖病患者,对于  相似文献   

<正> 乳清和乳清蛋白产品在过去的60多年中已经被成功应用于冰淇淋和其他冷冻乳制品甜食中。甜乳清、乳清浓缩蛋白(蛋白质含量34~89%)和乳清分离蛋白(蛋白质含量≥90%)是最常用的乳清产品。其他的乳清配料,如脱乳糖乳清和脱盐乳清也是常用的配料。成本优势和提升产品质量是使用乳清产品的主要出发点,  相似文献   

<正> 在许多小食品如干酪卷、油炸马铃薯片等配方中,皆采用了乳配料,特别是乳清制品。由于乳清制品能增强小食品的风味和外观,故扮演着调味的角色。 除此之外,乳清蛋白富含支链氨基酸,被誉为高品质蛋白,乳清制品也是高生物活性乳钙、各种矿物质和维生素的来源;乳清浓缩蛋白和乳清分离蛋白是健康型和运动型小食品的首选配料。  相似文献   

正有些老年人,今天听说牛奶能补钙就来杯牛奶,明天听说豆浆对心血管好就来杯豆浆,心里却一直很困惑:到底喝牛奶还是喝豆浆好?牛奶和豆浆,营养各有所长从营养上来说,牛奶和豆浆各有优缺点。牛奶比豆浆含有更多的蛋白质和钙。研究表明,牛奶中的乳清蛋白对促进肌肉合成、预防肌肉衰减很有益处。同时,牛奶不仅钙含量高,而且钙磷比例比较合适,还含有维生素D、乳糖、氨基酸  相似文献   

<正> 过去几代焙烤师已逐渐认识到乳清粉的特性,并在传统的蛋糕、饼干和面包,以至现代的蛋羹、糖衣和华夫饼等食品中广泛使用。由于蛋白质与乳糖之间所发生的褐变和美拉德反应,会使产品的色泽和风味发生变化,而使用乳清粉的主要目的,就在于强化和改善食品的色泽和风味。乳清制品的加工与制造最近取得的重大进步,为焙烤师带来了喜讯。各种乳清制品的蛋白、乳糖、灰分和脂肪含量各  相似文献   

Whey protein ingredients are used in a wide variety of products and are added primarily for nutritional benefits or functionality, not for flavor. However, the processes used to further refine fluid whey produce and encourage development of off-flavors that carry through to the final product. From the milk source to spray drying, each step contributes to the oxidation of lipids, which negatively affects flavor. An understanding of the sources of these flavor constituents and volatile compounds, as well as how they are formed during processing and handling, are important to eliminate or reduce undesirable flavors and for understanding how to best incorporate these ingredients into high-quality finished products.  相似文献   

开发乳清产品 满足国内需要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 乳清是一种重要的食品原料,应用范围广、品种多、产量大。认识并了解它的各种性质,对于我国食品工业今后的发展和产品开发,有着强劲的推动作用。  相似文献   

Whey powder and Maillard reaction products (MRP) produced from whey suppressed the formation of hydroperoxides and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, and lowered oxygen uptake in the model system. The antioxidant activity of whey was dependent on concentration and preheating treatment. Unheated whey and whey heated for at 24 hr were most effective in retarding lipid oxidation. Whey solutions of 16% were most effective antioxidants followed by 10% and 3% solutions. As MRP indicators increased antioxidant activity increased. Whey may be useful as an antioxidant in some processed foods.  相似文献   

热加工可以有效杀灭生牛乳中的各种致病微生物,但也会对牛乳成分产生影响。随着热处理温度的升高,乳清蛋白变性和凝集、乳糖异构化和降解、美拉德反应等理化反应会依次发生,这些反应中活性成分(例如碱性磷酸酶和乳清蛋白)的减少或反应产物的生成(例如乳果糖和糠氨酸)都可作为热加工强度的标识。本文对牛乳的热加工条件、牛乳在受热情况出现的理化变化以及相应的热敏感成分的变化进行综述。  相似文献   

乳清蛋白作为一类高质量蛋白,为运动员或健身人群快速补充蛋白质的运动产品的首选成分。本文将从乳清蛋白组成成分、乳清蛋白在运动营养方面的功效、乳清蛋白在运动营养方面的产品开发三个方面来全面介绍了乳清蛋白在运动营养中的应用。  相似文献   

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is a high-quality dairy ingredient that is often included in formulated food products designed to stimulate muscle anabolism. Whey protein concentrate can be affected by UHT processing, and its sensory properties are not compatible with some formulated food products. Microparticulated WPC (mWPC) is a novel ingredient that is resistant to heat treatment and has enhanced sensory properties. When 16 healthy middle-aged men consumed 20 g of either WPC or mWPC, both proteins increased plasma essential AA and leucine concentrations with no detectable difference in curve kinetics. Myofibrillar protein synthesis was increased in both groups for 90 min after ingestion with no difference between groups. Ingestion of mWPC resulted in a muscle anabolic response that was equivalent to that of WPC over the full 210-min measurement period. Formulated products incorporating mWPC or standard WPC would provoke equivalent anabolic responses.  相似文献   

Whey has several environmental risks if disposed of as waste in watercourses. However, there are numerous valorisation techniques to convert it into valuable and highly nutritious products. Techniques such as membrane filtration may be utilised, but these are not applicable to all categories of whey. Novel methodologies that are agile enough to deal with whey variability can produce valorised products. This review assesses the capability of whey processing techniques, applications and methodologies, discussing pertinent research that can innovate product development further. It focuses on environmental impacts of whey as a waste and ways of minimising it.  相似文献   

Whey and its components are recognized as value-added ingredients in infant formulas, beverages, sports nutritious foods, and other food products. Whey offers opportunities for the food industrial sector to develop functional foods with potential health benefits due to its unique physiological and functional attributes. Despite all the above importance, the consumption of whey protein (WP) can trigger hypersensitive reactions and is a constant threat for sensitive individuals. Although avoiding such food products is the most successful approach, there is still a chance of incorrect labeling and cross-contamination during food processing. As whey allergens in food products are cross-reactive, the phenomenon of homologous milk proteins of various species may escalate to a more serious problem. In this review, nonthermal processing technologies used to prevent and eliminate WP allergies are presented and discussed in detail. These processing technologies can either enhance or mitigate the impact of potential allergenicity. Therefore, the development of highly precise analytical technologies to detect and quantify the existence of whey allergens is of considerable importance. The present review is an attempt to cover all the updated approaches used for the detection of whey allergens in processed food products. Immunological and DNA-based assays are generally used for detecting allergenic proteins in processed food products. In addition, mass spectrometry is also employed as a preliminary technique for detection. We also highlighted the latest improvements in allergen detection toward biosensing strategies particularly immunosensors and aptasensors.  相似文献   

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