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Renovation of the existing, worn-out network infrastructure in Polish towns is one of the basic elements necessary to make those towns conform to European standards. This problem has gained significance, especially in light of Poland's efforts to join the European Union. Rehabilitation of pipes is necessary as a result of the poor technical condition of pipes, their inefficiency, or the location of the pipes (e.g., in a location that interferes with planned development of underground space in towns). Trenchless technologies for renovation of underground network infrastructure are discussed, from technologies used for single pipes to multiconduit tunnels as a method for achieving complex modernization of infrastructure. Economic, technical, and legislative problems connected with the use of these solutions are also presented.  相似文献   

The spectral and temporal variations of aerosol optical depths (AOD) observed over Anantapur (a semi-arid region) located in the Southern part of India are investigated by analyzing the data obtained from a Multiwavelength Solar Radiometer (MWR) during January 2005-December 2006 (a total of 404 clear-sky observations) using the Langley technique. In this paper, we highlighted the studies on monthly, seasonal and spectral variations of aerosol optical depth and their implications. The results showed seasonal variation with higher values during pre-monsoon (March-May) and lower in the monsoon (June-November) season at all wavelengths. The pre-monsoon increase is found to be due to the high wind speed producing larger amounts of wind-driven dust particles. The post-monsoon (December-February) AOD values decrease more at higher wavelengths, indicating a general reduction in the number of bigger particles. Also during the post-monsoon, direction of winds in association with high or low pressure weather systems and the air brings more aerosol content to the region which is surrounded by a number of cement plants, lime kilns, slab polishing and brick making units. The quantity of AOD values in pre-monsoon is higher (low during post-monsoon) for wavelength, such as shortwave infrared (SWIR) or near infrared (NIR), which shows that coarse particles contribute more compare with the sub-micron particles. The composite aerosols near the surface follow suit with the share of the accumulation mode to the total mass concentration decreasing from ~ 70% to 30% from post-monsoon to pre-monsoon. Coarse mode particle loading observed to be high during pre-monsoon and accumulation mode particles observed to be high during post-monsoon. The backward trajectories at three representative altitudes with source point at the observing site indicate a possible transport from the outflow regions into Bay of Bengal, southern peninsular India and Arabian Sea. The temporal variations of AOD, Angstrom wavelength exponent and precipitable water content over Anantapur have also been compared with those reported from selected locations in India.  相似文献   

Melville C. Branch 《Cities》1983,1(2):146-149
All existing cities were new towns at some time in the past. Although there is a relative lack of interest in new towns in the USA today, they continue to be planned and constructed in other parts of the world. The common characteristics they exhibit constitute long-range goals for the gradual physical redevelopment of existing cities as well as shorter-range planning objectives for the superior new town.  相似文献   

小城镇建设四个方面的问题亟待注意   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
小城镇是一定区域内的政治、经济、文化中心,是经济社会发展到一定阶段的产物,也是实现农村现代化的重要载体。如何加快小城镇建设步伐,增强城市社会、经济、文化向农村的辐射功能,实现农村奔小康。还必须解决好四个方面问题: 一是规模问题。由于小城镇是一定区域内的政治、经济、文化中心,因  相似文献   

江南水乡古镇--乌镇的特色及保护   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
宋丽宏  华峰 《山西建筑》2005,31(14):12-13
阐述了江南水乡古镇——乌镇的历史文化特征,从民居、老街、廊棚、桥等多方面,介绍了乌镇的江南水乡风情,并对乌镇的社会文化特征作了分析,提出了古镇的保护措施。  相似文献   

一、城镇特色 城镇特色是指一座城镇的总体特征和风格,是城镇内在历史底蕴和外在特征等方面的综合表现。它是在城镇功能定位的基础上,将城镇的历史传统、城镇标志、经济支柱、文化底蕴、市民风范、生态环境等要素塑造出的独特个性。21世纪是知识经济时代,在这样的背景下,小城镇特色建设势在必行,并终将成为支撑城镇经济增长的重要支柱和驱动城镇发展的战略性资源。失去“特色”的小城镇是没有生命力的。  相似文献   

武陵山区地跨湘鄂渝黔四省市,是一个以土家族、苗族为主体的少数民族聚居地,这里有喀斯特地貌发育而成的独具特色的奇山异水,有源远流长、浓郁古朴的民族风情,有底蕴深厚、多元融合的文化形  相似文献   

大力发展小城镇,是有效解决“三农”问题,实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标根本途径。本文以欠发达地区——甘肃省高台县的总体规划为例,阐述了在总体规划中如何贯彻规划思路和原则,塑造小城镇的特色。  相似文献   

小城镇在我国城市化的过程中,起着越来越重要的作用,某种意义上说,这是我国城市体系结构的一大特色,同时也是今后新城市格局形成的一大途径。小城镇星罗棋布于广大乡村,以乡村整体经济发展作为区域城镇发展条件。在经济相对发达地区,随着城镇化水平的提高,城市规模的扩大,原来独立的相邻城镇将连成一体。如慈溪市的宗汉镇与城关镇;玉环县  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations in human blood from the U.K., measured by Hamilton et al., are found to be correlated to those of atmospheric aerosol from the U.K., or to an aerosol composition averaged over the globe. The correlation to aerosol is much stronger than to crustal rock or sea water. Elemental enrichment factors for blood are all equal to or greater than those for aerosol. Two possible reasons for the correlation are advanced: aerosol is probably a major source of the trace elements which enter the food chain, and aerosol samples the earth's surface where the food chain originates. The present finding suggests that aerosol plays a major role in the global cycling of the trace elements which enter the blood, with important implications for human health.  相似文献   

有些团场的场部已经或正在成为当地有影响的中心小城镇——屯垦戍边与西域城镇的发展 新疆古称西域。西域的开发一直与国家军垦事业紧密结合在一起。自西汉以来,历代中央政权都把屯垦戍边作为一个巩固边防的手段。汉武帝为抗击匈奴,首开在西域的大规模屯垦。唐代屯田范围包括  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会生产工业化程度的提高和经济的发展,小城镇在国家经济中的地位也越来越突出,小城镇空间规模在不断扩大,各地小城镇正以惊人的速度改变着面貌。北京市域内共有212个乡镇,其中有建制镇142个,从1995年开始,北京启动了试点小城镇建设工程,2001年市政府又确定了郊区33个条件较好的镇作为中心镇,进行重点建设。建制镇尤其是33个中心城镇成为了联系农村与城市发展中的关键一环。怎样结合目前城镇化的飞速发展,发掘京郊小城镇独特的乡土文化、地域特征、环境资源,对小城镇的整体形象和建筑风格进行设计,直接影响到京郊小城镇的风貌。…  相似文献   

一、步行街建设在我国大城市的应用 上海的南京路和北京的王府井大街便是最典型的例子。上海市南京路,具有100多年的历史,是上海市具有悠久历史文化传统的历史街区,改造后,不仅体现了购物功能,成为购物者的天堂;完善了旅游功能,成为上海市最重要的旅游资源之一,成为上海市的标志地段;也充分体现了其文化底蕴浓厚的文化功能,体现海派文化的精华、商业与文化结合、东西方文化的交融等。北京的王府井大  相似文献   

Urban and rural housing characteristics of Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The low availability of housing has increased in Poland since the 1960s, while other socialist nations of eastern Europe reduced their housing shortages. Housing is important irrespective of the economic system of the country, whether socialist or non-socialist. In a socialist economy housing is heavily subsidized to meet the minimal requirements for all the people. Although the expressed policy of a socialist country is to minimize the differences between the rural and urban areas, there are still basic socio-economic differences between rural and urban housing stock in Poland. This study found that there were distinct differences between rural and urban dwelling units in their age, condition, uses and composition. In rural areas more single-family units of a sub-standard nature, belonging to the building period of the 1980s, were usually found as opposed to multi-family dwelling units of a deficient nature, reconstructed and/or built during the post-World War II period in the urban areas. Further, it was found that dwelling units in rural areas use asbestos as roofing material, popular due to its low cost, and despite the hazard it poses to health.  相似文献   

云南特色小城镇产业类型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南目前拥有众多产业类型特色各异的小城镇。这些小城镇大致可分为六类:交通型、旅游型、商贸型、口岸型、水电型及工业型。每一类不同的城镇与所在地域的自然、资源、经济和社会体系建立了不同的耦合关系,也正是这些耦合关系的互动,决定了云南小城镇的发展必须走多样化与多元化的道路。  相似文献   

特色是小城镇的灵魂,能为小城镇创造特色的因素很多,植物是其中的主要因素之一。在小城镇中包括人工植被和自然植被。植物造景就是运用乔木、灌木、草本和藤本植物等植物类型,通过艺术手法充分发挥植物的形体、线条、色彩、气味等自然美  相似文献   

For each environmental poison the index of harmfulness was calculated on the basis of quantitative evaluation of the following properties: emission of the substance to the environment (Fi), toxicity (F2), the population exposed (F3), exposure (F4), persistence of the substance in the environment (F5), secondary substances and mixtures (F6), bioaccumulation and biomagnification (F7), and influence on the non-living components of the environment (F8). Increasing numerical values were applied for increasing range or activity of toxins. The numerical values were integrated according to the formula [formula: see text). It was decided that the first three factors possess prior significance for evaluation of harmful environmental effects, the remainder were considered as auxiliary. Substances having the highest indices of harmfulness were selected as priority environmental poisons: sulphur dioxide, dust, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, fluorine, lead, cadmium, nitrogenous fertilizers, pesticides, and carbon monoxide.  相似文献   

在保护生态环境中形成小城镇特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特色是此小城镇区别于彼小城镇的特征,是小城镇的灵魂。我们的祖先结合当地的山形水势、风俗习惯、气候物种、经济条件以及文化传承等,创造了各具特色、千姿百态的小城镇。当前,各地在小城镇规划建设中对“什么是小城镇特色”和如何形成“小城镇特色”进行了不少有益的探索。 我们认为,小城镇特色的形成,不仅仅靠房屋、街道、雕塑和产业、产品  相似文献   

苏南小城镇建设中“反规划”理论的实践探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许达  李清宇 《小城镇建设》2010,(1):61-64,85
"反规划"理论是相对于传统城市规划而言的一种新的规划设计手法,即城市规划与设计在自然生态评价的基础上,从非建设用地入手。文章以常州市武进区嘉泽镇为例介绍了"反规划"理论是如何在苏南小城镇总体规划的实践中加以应用的。  相似文献   

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