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The Msx1 homeobox gene is expressed at diverse sites of epithelial-mesenchymal interaction during vertebrate embryogenesis, and has been implicated in signalling processes between tissue layers. To determine the phenotypic consequences of its deficiency, we prepared mice lacking Msx1 function. All Msx1- homozygotes manifest a cleft secondary palate, a deficiency of alveolar mandible and maxilla and a failure of tooth development. These mice also exhibit abnormalities of the nasal, frontal and parietal bones, and of the malleus in the middle ear. Msx1 thus has a critical role in mediating epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during craniofacial bone and tooth development. The Msx1-/Msx1- phenotype is similar to human cleft palate, and provides a genetic model for cleft palate and oligodontia in which the defective gene is known.  相似文献   

The authors studied the relation between human central dopamine (DA) metabolism and the clinical effects of neuroleptics. The neuroleptic-induced increase in central DA turnover (an indicator for the degree of DA receptor blocking) was found to be positively correlated with the therapeutic effect of neuroleptics and the development of hypokinetic-rigid symptoms. This supplies a direct argument in support of the contention that DA antagonism is related to the occurrence of clinical effects. The authors also found indications that neuroleptics of different chemical types do not significantly differ in their intrinsic ability to provoke hypokinetic-rigid symptoms, that development of these symptoms depends on the patient's individual susceptibility, and that individual susceptibility is based on relatively low DA turnover.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The palatal aponeurosis is a controversial structure, both in terms of its anatomy and its function. This article points out a pathologic finding in the cleft palate condition that has not been previously described. DESIGN AND METHOD: By means of surgical dissections, this study demonstrates in detail that the palatal aponeurosis exists even in cleft palates, but it is disrupted, malpositioned, and folded in two layers. PATIENTS: This dissection method has been performed on more than 150 patients with cleft of the hard and soft palate, with or without cleft of the lip and alveolus. At the time of operation, the children were between 6 and 8 months of age. RESULTS: It is possible to dissect the two layers of the palatal aponeurosis, to unfold the aponeurosis, and to form a tough tendinous plane. CONCLUSION: For a functional physiologic reconstruction of the cleft palate, it is necessary not only to reconstruct the levator veli palatini and palatopharyngeus muscle slings, but also to approximate and suture the fibers of the palatal aponeurosis to the corresponding fibers of the opposite side after unfolding them in a medio-dorso-cranial direction. In this manner, a continuous palatal aponeurosis can be created, which subsequently can serve as a transmitter of the muscle forces.  相似文献   

Automatic long-term vigilance analysis systems require information about the occurrence and type of eye movements, in addition to information about other physiological signals. This paper presents a method to detect different types of eye movements in ambulatory recordings. The method is based on the application of a weighted FIR-median-hybrid filter in the preprocessing of the signal and on the novel use of linear correlation between two EOG signals which are obtained using a new, improved electrode montage. The evaluation of the method showed that it performed well in detecting isolated unambiguous eye movements, but differences were observed in comparison to visual scoring in borderline cases. The method was found to be suitable for use as part of a signal analysis system for drowsiness studies.  相似文献   

The potential oncogenic effects of isopropanol, a widely used solvent, were investigated. Four groups of animals, each consisting of 75 CD-1 mice/sex and 75 Fischer 344 rats/sex, were exposed to isopropanol vapor (CAS No. 67-63-0) at target concentrations of 0 (filtered air control), 500, 2500, or 5000 ppm. Animals assigned to the core group (55 mice/sex/group and 65 rats/sex/group) were exposed for 6 hr/day, 5 consecutive days/week for at least 78 weeks for the mice or 104 weeks for the rats. Ten mice/sex/group and 10 rats/sex/group were assigned to an interim euthanasia group and were terminated during Weeks 54 and 73, respectively. In addition, 10 mice/sex/group were assigned to a recovery group and did not receive any further exposure following Week 53 but were retained until the core group of animals was euthanized. Transient signs of narcosis were observed for both mice and rats during exposure to 2500 and 5000 ppm and following exposure for mice from the 5000-ppm group. Increased mortality (100% versus 82% for controls) and a decreased mean survival time (577 days versus 631 days for controls) were noted for male rats from the 5000-ppm group. Increases in body weight and/or body weight gain were typically observed for both sexes of mice and rats from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups throughout the study. Urinalysis and urine chemistry changes indicative of impaired kidney function (i.e., decreased osmolality and increased total protein, volume, and glucose) were noted for male rats from the 2500-ppm group as well as for male and female rats from the 5000-ppm group. At the interim euthanasia, a concentration-related increase in testes weight (absolute and relative as a percentage of body and brain weight) was observed for male rats. Concentration-related increases in absolute and relative liver weight (as a percentage of body weight) were observed for male and female mice. In addition, increased absolute and/or relative (as a percentage of body and brain weight) liver and kidney weights were observed for male and/or female rats from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups. At necropsy, an increased incidence of seminal vesicle enlargement was observed grossly for male mice from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups. Microscopically, some of the nonneoplastic lesions noted for mice included an increased incidence of ectasia of the seminal vesicles for male mice from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups, minimal renal tubular proteinosis for male and female mice from all isopropanol groups, and renal tubular dilation for female mice from the 5000-ppm group. A number of nonneoplastic lesions were observed for male and female rats from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups, with the most significant lesions being observed in the kidney and associated with chronic renal disease. The lesions noted with increased severity and/or frequency included mineralization, tubular dilation, glomerulosclerosis, interstitial nephritis, interstitial fibrosis, hydronephrosis, and transitional cell hyperplasia. The only tumor type increased in incidence during the study was interstitial cell adenomas of the testes in male rats. However, the increase in these adenomas was not believed to be exposure-related due to an unusually low incidence observed for the control group. There were no increased frequencies of neoplastic lesions noted for male or female mice or for female rats from any isopropanol exposure group. Chronic renal disease was attributed to be the main cause of death for male and female rats from the 5000-ppm group and was also considered to account for much of the mortality observed for male rats from the 2500-ppm group. In conclusion, the no-observed-effect level (NOEL) for toxic effects for both rats and mice was 500 ppm. The NOEL for oncogenicity effects for both mice and rats was determined to be greater than 5000 ppm.  相似文献   

The A/J mouse has been used to study the teratogenic affects of phenytoin. The developmental abnormalities produced in offspring of this model are similar to some of the malformations observed in cases of human "fetal hydantoin syndrome." Placing pregnant A/J mice in a hyperoxic chamber after phenytoin injection greatly reduces the incidence of phenytoin-induced cleft lip and palate. These results suggest that phenytoin may affect embryonic development indirectly by altering maternal physiology. This maternally mediated mechanism, and the protection against it afforded by hyperoxia, has general implications for the effects of maternal toxicity on teratogenesis.  相似文献   

Deposition of amyoid-beta peptide in the central nervous system is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease and a possible cause of neurodegeneration. The factors that initiate or promote deposition of amyloid-beta peptide are not known. The transforming growth factor TGF-beta1 plays a central role in the response of the brain to injury, and increased TGF-beta1 has been found in the central nervous system of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Here we report that TGF-beta1 induces amyloid-beta deposition in cerebral blood vessels and meninges of aged transgenic mice overexpressing this cytokine from astrocytes. Co-expression of TGF-beta1 in transgenic mice overexpressing amyloid-precursor protein, which develop Alzheimer's like pathology, accelerated the deposition of amyloid-beta peptide. More TGF-beta1 messenger RNA was present in post-mortem brain tissue of Alzheimer's patients than in controls, the levels correlating strongly with amyloid-beta deposition in the damaged cerebral blood vessels of patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. These results indicate that overexpression of TGF-beta1 may initiate or promote amyloidogenesis in Alzheimer's disease and in experimental models and so may be a risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta-1 (TGF-beta 1) null mutant mice have no gross developmental abnormalities at birth but succumb to multifocal inflammatory lesions that lead to organ failure and death about 20 days after birth. Treatment with anti-inflammatory and immune suppressive agents, such as rapamycin, reduces the severity and extent of inflammatory infiltrates in the liver and can prolong the life of knockout (KO) mice compared to untreated null mice. To determine whether there is an associated hepatic phenotype, livers of "young" (< 3 weeks), "old" (> 3 weeks), and age-matched wild-type (WT) mice were studied using light and electronmicroscopy. On light microscopy, old KO mice had foci of mononuclear cells in liver parenchyma in addition to scattered foci of megalocytosis. Intracytoplasmic vacuoles, some of which were juxtanuclear in location, were also seen but these were most prominent in the oldest (10 weeks) rapamycin-treated mouse. In the untreated young KO mice, there were only foci of mononuclear cells in the liver parenchyma and portal tracts and variable numbers of binucleated hepatocytes. Ultrastructurally, there was a significant increase in the number of mitochondria in livers of the old KO mice, when compared either to the age-matched wild-type or to the young KO mice (p > .001). Hepatocytes from all KO mice showed increased numbers of hypertrophied or enlarged Golgi complexes compared to age-matched wild-type mice. Intracytoplasmic canaliculi lined with microvilli were seen in livers of old KO mice, but were absent in the young KO and wild-type mice. Primary cultures of hepatocytes, derived from livers of both young and old KO mice, showed similar changes on phase contrast and electronmicroscopy. These included juxtanuclear vacuoles, intracytoplasmic canaliculi, enlarged Golgi vesicles, and increased numbers of autolysosomes. Phenotypic abnormalities of mitochondria were either minimal or absent in cultured KO hepatocytes. The findings demonstrate, for the first time, that targeted disruption of the TGF-beta 1 gene in mice results in an altered ultrastructural phenotype of hepatocytes. The data suggest that TGF-beta 1 may be required for normal development and regulation of subcellular organelles in hepatocytes and may be essential for physiological functions involving mitochondria and Golgi complex.  相似文献   

The ori region of an Erwinia stewartii plasmid, pSW1200 (106 kb), has been cloned and sequenced. This region consists of a gene encoding a protein which has 91% similarity and 73% identity with the RepA protein of bacteriophage P1. The ori region also consists of eight copies of 19-bp iterons which are highly homologous to the iterons of P1. Similar to plasmid P1, pSW1200 replicon has a copy number of approximately 1. On the other hand, the copy number increases about ninefold if three of the iterons located downstream from repA gene are deleted. We also demonstrate that pGEM-5Z consisting of a copy of P1 iteron is incompatible with a pSW1200 derivative, pSW1201, suggesting that pSW1200 and P1 DNA are incompatible and both belong to the IncY group.  相似文献   

Six adult patients with cleft palate, ranging in age from 47 to 78 years, were treated with self-tapping titanium implants. Twenty-three implants, 7 to 15 mm in length, were placed. Of these, one (4%) was 7 mm, eight (35%) were 10 mm, nine (39%) were 13 mm, and five (22%) were 15 mm. Time between stage I and stage II implant surgeries was 5 to 14 months, averaging 8.3 months. Time from stage II surgery to the present is 1.5 to 5 years, averaging 3 years. Of the 23 implants placed, 21 (91%) achieved osseointegration. One (4%) implant was not used prosthetically. Two (9%) 10 mm implants failed to integrate in one patient. All patients were treated with a maxillary complete denture or overdenture. Five (83%) required the addition of a pharyngeal section for speech enhancement.  相似文献   

Two potent inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), namely, NG-nitro-L-arginine (NNA) and NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMMA) were administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) in morphine-dependent mice to investigate their effects on abrupt withdrawal and naltrexone-precipitated abstinence signs. Male Swiss-Webster mice were rendered dependent on morphine by subcutaneous implantation of a morphine pellet containing 75 mg of morphine base. Mice implanted with placebo pellets served as controls. NMMA or NNA administered i.c.v. had minimal effects on body weight loss and hypothermia that occur during abrupt withdrawal of morphine. When administered i.c.v., both NNA or NMMA (0.1, 1 and 10 micrograms/mouse) dose-dependently inhibited naltrexone-induced stereotyped jumping behavior in mice. I.c.v. administration of NMMA also attenuated withdrawal induced fecal pellet formation. This effect, however, was not dose-dependent. In conclusion, these results suggest that brain NO plays an important role in the expression of behavioral signs of morphine withdrawal syndrome. In addition, these results support the idea that NOS inhibitors may be potentially useful in the treatment of opioid withdrawal syndrome.  相似文献   

Mice homozygous for a nonfunctional transforming growth factor-beta 1 gene develop rampant inflammation in vital organs that contributes to a shortened life span. The presence of circulating anti-nuclear anti-bodies, immune deposits in tissues, leukocyte infiltration, and increased major histocompatibility complex antigen expression resembles an autoimmune-like syndrome. One of the overt symptoms that appears in these mice lacking transforming growth factor-beta 1 is the development of dry crusty eyes that close persistently as their health declines. Histologically, the eyes appear normal with little or no inflammation. However, inflammatory lesions, predominantly lymphocytic, develop in the lacrimal glands, disrupting their structure and function and severely limiting their ability to generate tears. This histopathology and aberrant function mimic that of Sj?gren's syndrome, a human autoimmune disease characterized by dry eyes and dry mouth. Impeding the leukocyte infiltration into the glands with synthetic fibronectin peptides, which block adhesion, not only prevents the inflammatory pathology but also prevents the persistent eye closure characteristic of these mice.  相似文献   

A preliminary report of an "all-in-one' one-staged closure of all forms of cleft lip and palate during the first year of life. The one-stage repair of complete uni- and bilateral clefts includes the anatomical reconstruction of soft palate, hard palate closure in two layers, alveoloplasty with bone grafting and lip repair. This surgical technique is described and early results presented.  相似文献   

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