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Epithelial cell dynamics can be difficult to study in intact animals or tissues. Here we use the medusa form of the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica, which is covered with a monolayer of epithelial cells, to test the efficacy of an orientation‐independent differential interference contrast microscope for in vivo imaging of wound healing. Orientation‐independent differential interference contrast provides an unprecedented resolution phase image of epithelial cells closing a wound in a live, nontransgenic animal model. In particular, the orientation‐independent differential interference contrast microscope equipped with a 40x/0.75NA objective lens and using the illumination light with wavelength 546 nm demonstrated a resolution of 460 nm. The repair of individual cells, the adhesion of cells to close a gap, and the concomitant contraction of these cells during closure is clearly visualized.  相似文献   

The enormous morphological diversity and heterogeneity of the vomeronasal system (VNS) in mammals--as well as its complete absence in some cases--complicates the extrapolation of data from one species to another, making any physiological and functional conclusions valid for the whole Mammalian Class difficult and risky to draw. Some highly-evolved macrosmatic mammals, like sheep, have been previously used in interesting behavioral studies concerning the main and accessory olfactory systems. However, in this species, certain crucial morphological peculiarities have not until now been considered. Following histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical procedures, we have studied the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of adult sheep. We have determined: (1) that all structures which classically define the VNO in mammals are present and well developed, providing the morphological basis for functional activity. (2) that, conversely, there is only a scant population of scattered mitral/tufted cells. One morphological consequence of both details is that the strata of the AOB in adult sheep are not as sharply defined as in other species; moreover, the small number of the mitral/tufted cells in the AOB may imply that the VNS of adult sheep is not capable of functioning in the way a well-developed VNS does in other species. (3) the zone to zone projection from the apical and basal sensory epithelium of the VNO to the anterior and posterior part of the AOB, respectively, typical in rodents, lagomorphs and marsupials, is not present in adult sheep.  相似文献   

The patterns of longitudinal and peripheral growth were analyzed in human autopod cartilage anlagen (fetal developmental stage 20th–22nd week) through morphometric assessment of chondrocyte parameter size, shape, alignment and orientation between peripheral and central sectors of the anlage transition zone defined by primary ossification center and the epiphyseal basis. The aim was to correlate the chondrocyte dynamics with the longitudinal and peripheral growth. A further comparison was carried out between the corresponding sectors of the postnatal (3–5 months old) growth plate cartilage documenting: (1) the different chondrocyte framework and the new peripheral mechanism; (2) the opposite direction of fetal periosteal ossification versus the Lacroix bone bark. Measurement of multiple parameters (% lac area, % total matrix area, total lac density and mean single lac area), which characterize the cartilage Anlage growth, suggested the following correlations with chondrocyte duplication rate: (a) slow duplication rate ≈ coupled, intralacunar chondrocytes (in central epiphysis); (b) repeated/frequent cell duplications ≈ clusters (in the basal epiphyseal layer); (c) clusters of chondrocytes before becoming hypertrophic were stacked up on the top of each other (both in the Anlage transition zone or in the columns of metaphyseal growth plate); (d) enhanced osteoclastic resorption of the Lacroix bone bark lower end, extended to the more external metaphyseal trabeculae counterbalancing the discrepancy between the epiphyseal and the diaphyseal circumferential growth.  相似文献   

Holmes JL  Bachus KN  Bloebaum RD 《Scanning》2000,22(4):243-248
Electron beam interactions with specimens in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) can lead to increased surface temperatures and damage. These changes may have significant consequences in the analysis of bone tissue. An investigation was performed to measure the surface temperature changes associated with the electron beam on a thermocouple with systematic variations in operating conditions. Probe currents, magnifications, and accelerating voltages were incrementally adjusted to measure the temperature changes and to make assessments for determining optimal operating conditions for the SEM in future analyses of bone tissue. Results from this study suggest that thermal effects were minimal at lower accelerating voltages (< 20 kV), lower probe currents (< 10 nA), and lower magnifications, but surface damage may still occur during the analysis of bone tissue.  相似文献   

The aim was to survey articular calcified cartilage (ACC) and subchondral bone in the palmar and dorsal regions of the condyles of the third metacarpal bone (Mc3) of young horses with minimal or no signs of musculo-skeletal abnormality. Back-scattered electron scanning electron microscopy (BSE SEM) was conducted on polymethyl methacrylate-embedded mediolateral slices and macerated wedges of the right distal Mc3 from seven each of trained and untrained 2-year-old Thoroughbred horses. Furrows or grooves visible to the naked eye in the mineralizing front (MF) of ACC are the commonest "lesion" and are most common in the palmar portions of the medial and lateral condylar grooves. Cracks running predominantly in the parasagittal plane that infill with hypercalcified matrix are found in the same domain. Common to all these defects are deficiencies or absence of the ACC MF. Other anomalies include local excrescences or depressed areas of the MF. More important condylar lesions show displaced fragmented hypermineralized ACC with underlying excess resorption in the bone domain, leaving a thin ACC layer with cavernous space beneath it. The fragments may dislodge and displace to the joint space. Obvious although small lesions are present in horses that have undertaken little or no training. The nature and sites of the lesions indicate that they are possibly the earliest morphological evidence of changes that may lead to specific joint abnormalities. The lesions appear unlikely to be solely due to functional traumatic forces, and developmental influences are likely to be important in their initiation.  相似文献   

The focus of this triple‐blind study was on evaluating the effect of chitosan combined with Dysphania ambrosioides (A) extract on the bone repair process in vivo. In total, 60 male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) weighing between 260 and 270 g were randomly selected for this study and distributed into four groups (n = 15). Group C (chitosan), Group CA5 (chitosan + 5% of D. ambrosioides), Group CA20 (chitosan + 20% of D. ambrosioides), and Group CO (Control‐Blood clot). In each animal, bone defects measuring 2 mm in diameter were performed in both tibias for placement of the substances. After 7, 15, and 30 days, the animals were sedated and sacrificed using the cervical dislocation technique and the tissues were analyzed under optical microscope relative to the following events: inflammatory infiltrate, necrosis, osteoclasts, osteoblasts, fibroblasts, periosteal, and endosteal bone formation. The data were evaluated to verify distribution using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and variance, using the Levene test; as distribution was not normal, data were subjected to the Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn nonparametric tests (p < .05). A significant inflammatory infiltrate was observed in Group CA5 (p = .008) in the time interval of 7 days, and in Group C at 15 (p = .009) and 30 (p = .017) days. Osteoblastic activity was more significant in Group CA20 (p = .027) compared with CA5 in the time interval of 7 days. Group CA20 demonstrated a significantly higher endosteal and periosteal bone formation value in the time interval of 7 (p = .013), 15 (p = .004), and 30 days (p = .008) compared with the other groups. The null hypothesis was refuted, bone regeneration was faster in spheres with an association of chitosan and 20% extract, and complete bone repair occurred clinically at 15 days and histologically at 30 days. The spheres proved to be a promising method for the biostimulation of alveolar bone repair and bone fractures.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis and cell proliferation in the retina of turbot (Psetta maxima, Pleuronectiformes: Teleostei) from embryo through metamorphosis have been examined by using proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)‐immunohistochemistry and general histological procedures. In the embryonic retina, cell proliferation and spatial cell reorganization form the anlage of the pigment epithelium and neural retina. Neurogenesis begins around hatching in the temporal retina, dorsal to the optic nerve exit, and then a wave of cell differentiation spreads to the nasal retina to yield a laminated retina by the end of the prolarval turbot stage. Germinal zones in the differentiated retina persist as a rim at the retinal margin, as well as surrounding the optic fissure in premetamorphic and metamorphic turbot larvae. In these zones, progenitor cells with different morphologies show a similar spatial arrangement, which suggests that they have a similar retinogenic potential. During metamorphosis, asymmetric proliferative activity in turbot germinal zones is associated with a marked expansion of the retinal tissue. Scattered stem cells in the laminated retina, related to the lineage of rod photoreceptors, were also observed both in large premetamorphic larvae and metamorphic turbots. The proliferative activity of these cells increases considerably during metamorphosis, when rod photoreceptors become morphologically differentiated. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:588–597, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C), a specific lymphangiogenic growth factor, raises new questions and perspectives in studying lymphatic development and regeneration. Wound healing skins in mice were processed for 5'-nucleotidase (5'-Nase) and VEGFR-3 (the receptor of VEGF-C) histochemical staining to distinguish lymphatics from blood capillaries and to analyze lymphangiogenesis. In the wounds of 3-5 days after injury, anti-VEGFR-3 immunopositive signals unevenly appeared in 5'-Nase-positive lymphatic vessels in the subcutaneous tissue. A few small circular and irregular lymphatic-like structures with VEGFR-3 expression scattered in the dermal and subcutaneous tissues. Between days 7 and 15 of the wounds, numerous accumulated vasculatures were stained for 5'-Nase and PECAM-1, extending irregularly along the wound edge. Von Willebrand factor was expressed in the endothelial cells of blood vessels and lymphatics in the subcutaneous tissue. Ultrastructural changes of lymphatic vessels developed at different stages, from lymphatic-like structures to newly formed lymphatic vessels with an extremely thin and indented wall. Endothelial cells of the lymphatic vessel were eventually featured by typical intercellular junctions, which deposited with reaction products of VEGFR-3 and 5'-Nase-cerium but lacked VEGF-C expression. The present findings indicate that VEGF-C-induced lymphangiogenesis occurs from the subcutaneous to the dermis along the wound healing edge, especially in the dermal-subcutaneous transitional area, favorable to growth of regenerating lymphatic vessels.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the gross anatomy, histochemistry, and immunohistochemistry of the stomach in the Caucasian squirrel. A total of five male squirrels were included. The obtained results showed that the shape of the stomach was acutely crescent and consisted of four regions namely; cardiac, fundus, body, and pylorus. The stomach glandular and its wall was consisted of four layers; serosa, muscularis, submucosa, and mucosa. All part of the mucosa was covered by a simple columnar epithelium. Furthermore, gastric glands were of the simple tubular type. The mucous cells of the fundic and body regions were PAS-positive. In the lower third of the gastric glands, parietal, and chief cells were identified. The number of chief cells was increased toward the pyloric area. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the fundus region contained many plicae and grooves and each plica carried numerous glands opening. In the body region, cells were polygonal and formed network-like structures. In the pyloric region, a mucosal ridge between the body and antrum and a thick mucosal crest on the lesser curvature were identified. Immunohistochemical staining showed that Sox9 was strongly expressed in the fundic region, however, its expression in the body and pylorus was moderate to weak. In conclusion, there are some similarities and differences between the stomach of the Caucasian squirrel and other mammals including rodents. The obtained results may enhance our basic knowledge regarding the feeding habits and digestive system histophysiology of this species.  相似文献   

Many pathogens require direct binding to mucosal cells to cause an infection. The mucosal epithelium of the digestive tract, which is covered by a mucin layer, fulfills several protective functions that are essential to maintaining the health of the digestive tract. Mucins are glycoproteins, which are found on membranes and in mucus gels and protect the underlying mucosal cells. Both membrane‐associated mucins and secreted mucins are critical components of mucosal defense. The aim of this study was to determine the localization and expression of mucin profile of the abomasum via histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. The abomasums of 20 bulls and 20 rams were evaluated. Histochemical examination showed that neutral and acidic mucins were present in the mucosa and the glands of the pars cardiaca, fundus, and pars pylorica of the abomasums of both bulls and rams. However, the expression of acidic mucins was weak in the superficial glands and strong in the deep glands of the abomasum of rams. In both bulls and rams, MUC1, MUC5AC, and MUC6 were expressed in the glandular epithelial cells in all regions of the abomasum. Interestingly, while MUC2 was not expressed in the pars cardiaca and fundus, it was weakly expressed in the parietal cells of the pars pylorica in both species. In conclusion, the presence of neutral and acidic mucins and MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC6 proteins in luminal epithelial and glandular cells of abomasum in the bulls and rams support the hypothesis that mucins play a key role in the protection of the abomasal mucosa against infectious agents.  相似文献   

Recent advances in gene technology have helped to identify novel proteins and allowed study of their distribution and functions in the mammalian brain. One class of these proteins is that of transporters, which exist in plasma and organellar membranes of neurons and other cells to move substances selectively across membranes. These transporters can be categorized further into subclasses by their structural property, substrate selectivity, and site of action. Some of them have been identified in the hypothalamus, which is the only brain site where a neural signal is converted to a humoral one, namely, a hormone for a target organ. This unique neural mechanism has long attracted attention as the neuroendocrine system, part of which has been extensively studied as the hypothalamic-neurohypophysial system involved in secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin. However, transporters in this system have been less well studied. A morphological examination of novel transporters would give us cues to a better understanding of the neuronal organization and function of the system. In this review, we first summarize recent findings on expression of transporter gene and immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus. In the second part, we explain our observations on two vesicular glutamate (inorganic phosphate) transporters (BNPI and DNPI) in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and neurohypophysis. Further study of these and other transporters will provide a basis on which to reevaluate the organization and function of the hypothalamic-neurohypophysial system.  相似文献   

This article describes the scanning transmission X-ray microscope operated at the National Synchroton Light Source. The application of the instrument to elemental analysis is detailed. In particular, qualitative results on the calcium distribution in human skull tissue are presented.  相似文献   

The zebrafish Danio rerio is an emerging model organism for understanding vertebrate development and genetics. One trait of both historical and recent interest is the pattern formed by neural crest-derived pigment cells, or chromatophores, which include black melanophores, yellow xanthophores, and iridescent iridophores. In zebrafish, an embryonic and early larval pigment pattern consists of several stripes of melanophores and iridophores, whereas xanthophores are scattered widely over the flank. During metamorphosis, however, this pattern is transformed into that of the adult, which comprises several dark stripes of melanophores and iridophores that alternate with light stripes of xanthophores and iridophores. In this review, we place zebrafish relative to other model and non-model species; we review what is known about the processes of chromatophore specification, differentiation, and morphogenesis during the development of embryonic and adult pigment patterns, and we address how future studies of zebrafish will likely aid our understanding of human disease and the evolution of form.  相似文献   

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - The modeling of greenhouse heating and cooling loads at the required operating conditions is important for greenhouse managers or planners. However,...  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones are key regulators of brain differentiation and function. They permeate strongly into lipid membranes. However, a substantial portion of thyroid hormone is retained in the intravascular/extracellular compartments by binding to plasma proteins. In the brain, transthyretin is the most important of these proteins. This transthyretin is synthesized in the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus and exclusively secreted towards the brain. A net movement of thyroid hormones from the blood to the brain ensues. During evolution, transthyretin synthesis in the choroid plexus and the beginnings of a neocortex first appeared at the stage of the stem reptiles. The affinity of transthyretin for thyroxine increased and that for triiodothyronine decreased during evolution. This could augment the importance of deiodination for regulation of metabolism and gene expression by thyroid hormones in the brain. Successive shifts of the splice site at the 5' end of exon 2 of transthyretin precursor mRNA in the 3' direction led to a shortening of the N-terminal sections and to an increase in hydrophilicity of the N-terminal regions of transthyretin. This shift can be explained by a sequence of single base mutations. It could be an example for a molecular mechanism of positive Darwinian evolution. The selection pressure, which led to the expression of the transthyretin gene in the choroid plexus during evolution, might have been the maintenance of thyroid hormone homeostasis in the extracellular compartment of the brain in the presence of the greatly increasing volume of the lipid phase.  相似文献   

Intercellular junctions are fundamental to the interactions between cells. By means of these junctions, the activities of the individual cells that make up tissues are co-ordinated, enabling each tissue system to function as an integrated whole. In this review, the work of the authors on one specific type of junction—the cardiac gap junction—is presented as a case model to illustrate how the application of a range of microscopical methods, as part of a multidisciplinary approach, can help extend our understanding of cell junctions and their functions. In the heart, gap junctions form the low-resistance pathways for rapid impulse conduction and propagation, enabling synchronous stimulation of myocyte contraction. Gap junctions also form pathways for direct intercellular communication, a function of particular importance for morphogenetic signalling during development. The work discussed demonstrates some of the applications of techniques in electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry and confocal scanning laser microscopy to the understanding of the structural basis of the function of gap junctions in the normal adult heart, the developing heart and the diseased heart. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of heart tissue prepared by rapid freezing techniques, in which excision-related structural damage to the cells is minimized or avoided, makes it possible to deduce the structure of the functioning gap junction in vivo. Gap junctions in hearts that are beating normally in the living animal until the very instant of freezing consist of connexons (transmembrane channels) organized in a quasicrystalline arrangement, not a ‘random’ arrangement as proposed in the original hypothesis on the structural correlates of gap junction function. Alterations in connexon arrangement occur in response to ischaemia and hypoxia, though the relationship of these to gap-junctional permeability is indirect. To obtain probes for mapping the distribution of gap junctions in cardiac tissue, polyclonal antisera to synthetic peptides matching portions of the sequence of connexin43, the major gap-junctional protein reported in the heart, were raised. The specificity of the antisera was confirmed by dot blotting, Western blotting and by immunogold labelling of isolated gap junctions. One antiserum (that raised to residues 131–142) was found to be particularly effective as a cytochemical probe. An immunofluorescence labelling procedure for use with confocal scanning laser microscopy was developed to enable the three-dimensional precision mapping of gap junctions through thick slices of cardiac tissue. By exploiting the serial optical sectioning ability of the confocal microscope, we have succeeded in (1) elucidating the organization of gap junctions at the intercalated disc, (2) establishing temporal and spatial patterns of gap-junctional protein expression in embryogenesis that correlate with functional differentiation in subsets of cardiac cells, and (3) demonstrating abnormalities of gap-junction distribution and quantity that may contribute to the genesis of arrhythmias in ischaemic heart disease.  相似文献   

Cultured rat fibroblasts were exposed to millimolar concentrations of forty-four non-cationic fluorescent probes, of very varied physico-chemical properties. Mitochondrial staining occurred with nineteen of these probes, nine of which were nominally anionic and ten nominally non-ionic. All nineteen were in fact lipophilic weak acids. Using structural parameters these could be specified numerically as follows: electric charge ≤ 0; log P(less-ionized form) < 0; and pKa ~ 7. In addition to these structural variables, dye concentration and the time of exposure of cells to probes were significant factors for the staining of mitochondria. Accumulation of these compounds can be understood in terms of ion-trapping of hydrophilic salts of lipophilic weak acids, due to the internal pH of respiring mitochondria being higher than the cytosolic pH. As a case example of the application of this approach, the mode of action of many inhibitors of mitochondrial anabolism is discussed in terms of the mechanisms introduced here.  相似文献   

The success of dental implants is related to the amount, quality, and composition of the alveolar bone. The placement of platelet‐rich fibrin (PRF) clot associated with a resorbable collagen membrane (RCM) in a postextraction alveolus is a technique used for ridge preservation. This case report study analyzed the ultrastructural characteristics of cross‐sectioned alveolar bone that received PRF and RCM using scanning electron microscopy and the inorganic composition using “energy dispersive X‐ray spectrometry,” in order to explore the feasibility of this method to clinical studies. Three alveolar bone samples from two male patients (37 and 58 years old), obtained in the procedure of placing the dental implant, were analyzed. Two bone samples previously received PRF and RCM (M37 and M58), the third sample represented a physiological bone formation without treatment (M37‐control). The bone sample M37 showed irregularly shaped islets of calcified material intermingled with connective tissue. The other samples, from the 58‐year‐old patient with PRF and RCM (M58); and the other untreated bone sample from the same 37‐year‐old patient (M37‐control) showed similar ultrastructural morphology with trabecular conformation without islets agglomerations. The inorganic composition analysis showed higher concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in both samples treated with PRF and RCM in comparison to the untreated bone sample. The Ca/P ratio was higher in the M37 sample compared to the others samples. The results showed morphology and inorganic composition differences among the treatments used, suggesting that this method is feasible to analyze parameters of the alveolar bone tissue.  相似文献   

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