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压电陶瓷的组合结构对直梁弯曲模态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ANSYS软件分析了压电陶瓷的组合结构对梁的固有频率的影响,给出了数值计算结果。结果表明:压电陶瓷极化方向对固有频率的影响很小,可以忽略不计;陶瓷片粘贴误差、电极空间相对位置对梁的固有频率有一定的影响;压电陶瓷电极间距离对梁的固有频率有较大的影响。  相似文献   

提出了一种直线型驻波超声电机振子,该振子通过改变振子激振频率,利用双面驱动,可以实现双向直线运动。推导出超声电机振子运动的动力学模型的解析式,对振子工作模态和工作频率进行实验分析并对理论分析结果与样机的实验结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

针对直线超声电机的小型化问题,提出一种新型U形直线超声电机,该电机由U形定子和导轨组成,压电陶瓷片采用粘贴的方式固定在定子上.研究了电机的激振方式与位置,设计并加工了直线超声电机样机和测试装置.将柔性铰链结构应用到直线超声电机夹持中.通过实验确定了电机的最佳工作频率、预压力.研究了输出力和空载速度随工作频率、预压力和电压的变化规律.实验表明,电机在电压值400 Vpp,预压力25N条件下,最大空载速度470 mm/s,最大输出力9N,定子质量25 g,推重比达36;柔性夹持能提高电机的模态一致性和效率,同时简化了电机结构.该研究为电机小型化发展奠定基础.  相似文献   

在一般“电器学”文献中,对E型磁路进行分析时,除了必须考虑气隙磁阻之外,对铁磁阻和窗口漏磁这两个因素,常常根据具体情况选择其一;在求解电磁力时又常常把电流的时间函数作为已知量。本文在E型磁路的分析中,除了考虑气隙磁阻之外,对上述的后两个因素则同时予以考虑;在求解电磁力时则把电压的时间函数作为已知量。结果表明:这些改进能够满足电机设计的需要。  相似文献   

直线自校正超声步进电机转子受恢复力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对直线自校正超声步进电机改进的转子肖块所受恢复力进行研究。按线性理论在自校正阶段,转子偏离平衡λ/8时,具有最大的恢复力,但实验结果表明,在笔者所叙述的实验条件下,最大恢复力的位置小于λ/8。  相似文献   

基于纵扭型超声电机与行波型超声电机发展存在的问题,笔者分别从超声电机的驱动机理、压电陶瓷逆压电效应的能量转换以及定、转子之间的接触形式三个方面对两种电机进行了详细的分析比较,指出了纵扭型超声电机比行波型超声电机对提高超声电机的性能更具有潜在的优势;同时指明当前阻碍纵扭型超声电机发展的几点不利因素.最后,从发展的角度说明了纵扭型超声电机的发展前景是非常美好的.  相似文献   

本文推导出单边型直线感应电机法向推斥力的极限值和最大吸引力的表达式,给出悬浮发生条件的数学表达式,并通过实例说明其应用  相似文献   

快速响应圆筒状直线电机的研究曾令全,侯勇沈英林王靖(东北电力学院电力工程系,吉林132012)(吉化动力厂,吉林132011)(省家电质检站,吉林132011)1前言考察以往数控机床的刀具进给机构和高精度的直线位置控制装置等,都是由传统的伺服电动机:...  相似文献   

针对双直线伺服系统的两个位置环间的动态同步进给控制问题,子系统的速度和位置控制器的设计采用具有较强鲁棒性和跟踪特性的积分-比例(IP)方法。并在分析双直线电动机同步进给伺服系统产生不同步现象原因的基础上,基于变结构控制理论设计了滑模同步控制器,以解决双位置环系统输出端机械耦合、电机参数变化和其它扰动等不确定性因素对同步精度的影响。仿真结果表明该控制方案具有很强的鲁棒性,在不对称负载的条件下能实现动态同步进给。  相似文献   

为了实现快速、短行程直线往复运动的高效率及高可靠性,提出一种具有两个定子铁芯的双定子直线振荡电机结构,双定子直线振荡电机由单相电源驱动,机械振动频率与电源频率相同,铁芯叠装方式与常规旋转电机叠装方式相同.针对双定子直线振荡电机的结构特点,采用磁阻模型及有限元方法分析、推导出电机设计依据.实验结果与理论分析结果一致,电机推力与绕组电流成正比,在绕组电流恒定的情况下,推力 位移曲线平滑.  相似文献   

A new hybrid piezoelectric ultrasonic motor with two stators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new hybrid piezoelectric ultrasonic motor, which consists of one rotor and two stators, was proposed in this paper. In order to match the resonance frequencies of longitudinal vibration and torsional vibration excited in the stators, a symmetrical structure was adopted in design of the motor. A so-called mass matching method, namely adding two rings to the outside circumference of the two stators respectively, was used to adjust the resonance frequencies of these two vibrations. A finite element model was developed using ANSYS software for the purpose of analyzing the resonance frequencies of longitudinal vibration and torsional vibration as well as the function of the adjusting rings. The results show that the resonance frequency of torsional vibration varies with the position of the ring, but the resonance frequency of longitudinal vibration changes little. By means of adjusting the mass and the position of the rings, the first order resonance frequency of longitudinal vibration is coincided with that of torsional vibration and the value is 20.75kHz. An experimental prototype motor was fabricated according to the analytical results and its performance is in agreement with the theoretical predictions. The speed of motor reaches the maximum 92r/min at the working frequency 19.0kHz.  相似文献   

从复合型超声马达的结构形式入手,分析了复合型超声马达的工作原理,研究了压电振子的微观振动与超声马达宏观运动之间的关系,阐述了扭转振子的速度波形特性,提出了理想的驱动波形。  相似文献   

A new method for optimizing a butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor was proposed to maximize its mechanical output. The finite element analysis technology and response surface methodology were combined together to realize the optimal design of the butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor. First, the operation principle of the motor was introduced. Second, the finite element parameterized model of the stator of the motor was built using ANSYS parametric design language and some structure parameters of the stator were selected as design variables. Third, the sample points were selected in design variable space using latin hypercube Design. Through modal analysis and harmonic response analysis of the stator based on these sample points, the target responses were obtained. These sample points and response values were combined together to build a response surface model. Finally, the simplex method was used to find the optimal solution. The experimental results showed that many aspects of the design requirements of the butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor have been fulfilled. The prototype motor fabricated based on the optimal design result exhibited considerably high dynamic performance, such as no-load speed of 873 mm/s, maximal thrust of 27.5 N, maximal efficiency of 43%, and thrust-weight ratio of 45.8.  相似文献   

To take advantage of merits of higher output-power and efficiency of bolt-clamped transducer,a T-type linear ultrasonic motor was proposed in this paper.The proposed motor contained a horizontal transducer and a vertical transducer.The horizontal transducer included two exponential shape horns,and the vertical transducer contained one exponential shape horn.And the horns intersected at tip ends where a driving foot was located.The longitudinal vibrations of transducers were excited by the stretching vibration of PZT ceramics.Longitudinal vibrations were superimposed in the motor and generated elliptical trajectory at the driving foot.The actuating mechanism of the proposed motor was analyzed.The two working modals of the motor were gained with FEM.The resonant frequencies of two working modals were degenerated by adjusting the structural parameters.The motion trajectory of nodes on the driving foot was gained by transient analysis.The vibration amplitude of node on the driving foot indicates that the proposed motor has potential good output characteristics.The results verify the feasibility of the proposed design and provide instructions for the development of the new ultrasonic motor.  相似文献   

提出了一种由压电薄膜泵和液压缸构成的新型直线马达(简称压电液压马达)。介绍了其结构和工作原理,并进行了性能分析与测试。利用尺寸为35 mm×1 mm的薄膜型压电振子制作了两腔体串联压电泵,并与直径15 mm、有效行程100 mm的液压缸进行了联机试验。研究结果表明,在驱动频率一定,驱动电压超过100 V时,驱动力与速度随电压的提高线性增加。在驱动电压为140 V、工作频率为70 Hz的条件下,获得压电液压马达的最大速度和推力分别为14.5 mm/s和17.8 N,最大输出功率为63.5 mW。  相似文献   

A contact model for describing the contact mechanics between the stator and slider of the standing wave linear ultrasonic motor was presented. The proposed model starts from the assumption that the vibration characteristics of the stator is not affected by the contact process. A modified friction models was used to analyze the contact problems. Firstly, the dynamic normal contact force, interface friction force, and steady-state characteristics were analyzed. Secondly, the influences of the contact layer material, the dynamic characteristics of the stator, and the pre-load on motor performance were simulated. Finally, to validate the contact model, a linear ultrasonic motor based on in-plane modes was used as an example. The corresponding results show that a set of simulation of motor performances based on the proposed contact mechanism is in good agreement with experimental results. This model is helpful to understanding the operation principle of the standing wave linear motor and thus contributes to the design of these types of motor.  相似文献   

For the aim of miniaturization, this work chooses the third bending mode of beam as the piezoelectric actuator's vibration mode. By using the finite element method, the proposed motor is designed and analyzed. By modal analysis, the parameters of structure are designed. By harmonic analysis, the mechanic quality factor and electromechanical coupling factor of the proposed actuator are obtained. Based on theory and simulation, a prototype of the proposed piezoelectric actuator is fabricated. Impedance analyses are executed by the Agilent precision impedance analyzer. Mechanical output characteristics of the prototype are obtained experimentally. The maximal no-load velocity of the proposed motor is 735mm/s and the maximal output force is 1.1N.  相似文献   

超声波悬浮推力轴承承载能力及减摩性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在对超声悬浮及减摩理论进行分析和研究的基础上,提出了一种新型的轴承———超声波悬浮轴承,将超声振动用于轴颈的悬浮支承与动压润滑以构造滑动轴承。本文对压电换能器辐射端面与其上被悬浮物体之间的悬浮间隙的测量以及超声波轴承的减摩性能进行了研究,并与普通的滑动轴承和滚动轴承进行了对比。结果表明,超声振动具有悬浮能力,转速一定的条件下幅射端振动幅越大,悬浮间隙越大。超声波轴承减摩性能优于其他轴承。  相似文献   

动磁式横向磁通直线振荡电机设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现具有高可靠性的短行程高频往复运动,提出一种动磁式横向磁通直线振荡电机.该电机由单相电源驱动,铁芯叠装方式与普通旋转电机相同,具有结构简单紧凑,动子质量轻,加工难度小,力特性好等优点,适合用于人工心脏、泵、压缩机等领域.针对该电机运行特点,建立电机等效数学模型,推导电磁推力的计算公式与系统的谐振频率,采用三维有限元模型确定电机内外定子和永磁体的设计依据,提出测试方法,并测得样机的静态电磁推力与谐振频率特性.结果表明,电机在等效机械谐振点运行时获得较高的效率且推力与绕组电流成正比.  相似文献   

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