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The water balance inside a fuel cell was analysed and several equations were introduced as functions of fuel cell gas-stream inlet and outlet pressures, inlet relative humidities (RHs), temperature, pressure drops across flow channels, and reactant partial pressures. The effect of RH on PEM fuel cell performance was studied at elevated temperatures under ambient backpressure using Nafion®-based MEAs. The results showed that fuel cell performance could be depressed significantly by decreasing RH from 100 to 25%. AC impedance and cyclic voltammetry techniques were employed to diagnose the RH effect on fuel cell reaction kinetics. Reducing RH can result in slower electrode kinetics, including electrode reaction and mass diffusion rates, and higher membrane resistance.  相似文献   

An equation was developed to predict fracture toughness of green powder compacts. The model combines crack tip toughness predicted by Kendall's model with crack tip shielding due to bridging of moisture meniscuses across the crack. The model predicts that crack tip shielding due to moisture should be dominant. Fracture tests on ceria green pellets verified that storing pellets at a high relative humidity (98% RH) for an extended period of time led to fracture strength more than double those stored at lower RH. However, at lower RH there is no significant increase in fracture strength with increased RH as predicted by the model. The lower strength at low RH is due to insufficient capillary and surface forces but may also be related to the lack of sufficient adsorbed moisture to form bridging meniscuses. The high green strengths achieved by storing pellets at a high RH suggest a method of strengthening green parts without adding binder.  相似文献   

In order to increase the stability of Nafion conductivity at temperatures higher than 100 °C, composite membranes made of recast Nafion filled with different percentages of zirconium phosphate (ZrP) were investigated. The membrane preparation was carried out by a simple synthetic procedure based on the use of solutions of ZrP precursors in dimethylformamide. The formation of insoluble -type ZrP nanoparticles within the Nafion matrix was proved by 31P-MAS NMR and X-ray diffractometry. The membranes were characterized by TEM microscopy, ion-exchange capacity determinations, static stress–strain mechanical tests and conductivity measurements as a function of filler loading, at controlled relative humidity (r.h.) and temperature. An increasing filler loading results in enhanced membrane stiffness and in lower conductivity compared with pure recast Nafion. At 90% r.h. and 100 °C, the conductivity decreases from ≈0.07 S cm−1 for pure Nafion to ≈0.03 S cm−1 for the composite membrane containing 25 wt.% ZrP. Systematic conductivity measurements as a function of r.h. and temperature were carried out to draw a stability map for the conductivity of pure recast Nafion and of a composite membrane filled with 10 wt.% ZrP. These maps provide for each r.h. value the maximum temperature at which the conductivity remains stable for at least 150 h. The effect of zirconium phosphate is to increase the stability of conductivity at high temperature, with a gain up to 20 °C. This stability enhancement has been ascribed to the higher stiffness of the composite membrane.  相似文献   


Atmospheric Aerosols affect Earth’s climate directly by scattering and absorbing solar radiation. In order to study the optical properties of aerosols, we developed a broadband cavity-enhanced spectrometer that uses a supercontinuum laser source and a compact spectrometer, to measure simultaneously the extinction coefficient of aerosols over a broad wavelength region from 420 to 540?nm. The system employs a dual cavity approach with a reference and a sample cavity, accounting for changes in gases background and for laser spectral and intensity fluctuations. We tested the system with aerosolized salt particles and polystyrene latex spheres. We performed calculations using Mie theory and found good agreement with the measured extinction. We also found that the extinction coefficient of non-absorbing aerosol favorably compares with the scattering coefficient measured by a nephelometer. Finally, we generated soot particles and found an extinction Ångström exponent in good agreement with values reported in the literature. Wavelength dependent detection limits (1σ) for the instrument at 5?nm wavelength resolution and for an integration time of ~10?min were found to be in the range ~5?Mm?1 to 13?Mm?1. The broadband dual-cavity extinction spectrometer is simple and robust and might be particularly useful for laboratory measurements of the extinction coefficient of brown carbon aerosol. The laboratory tests suggest that the prototype is promising for future developments of a field-deployable instrument.

Copyright © 2020 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

A lattice gas model is used with Wang-Landau Monte Carlo sampling to predict the capillary force between a model of an atomic force microscopy (AFM) probe and a smooth surface as a function of separation, relative humidity (RH), and tip hydrophilicity. Completely wetting AFM tips exhibit a maximum in the capillary force as the RH increases, while the magnitude of the capillary force in the presence of partially wetting and partially drying tips is relatively independent of the RH. Capillary forces can also be significant in low RH environments and should not be discounted in AFM studies involving hydrophilic surfaces.  相似文献   

The formation of polymer films produced by the phase separation process occurring when a cast poly(etherimide)/N‐Methyl‐2‐Pyrrolidone solution was exposed to humid air was studied. It was found that above a relative humidity value of 27%, the films presented a cell‐like structure. The size of the cells was shown to decrease when the relative humidity increased. This effect was more pronounced at the film/substrate interface than near the surface. A cell‐size gradient from one face of the film to the other was also clearly observed. A phenomenological model has been proposed to explain the morphology obtained by a phase separation induced by the water vapor in the studied system, takin into account thermodynamics and kinetics considerations. In this model, the cell‐like structure setting up is shown to result from a nucleation and growth process accompanied by a coalescence coarsening. It was illustrated by a composition path on the ternary phase diagram. It was shown how the relative humidity influenced the film composition leading to the preferential nucleation compared to the growth and coalescence of the cells. Finally, it was found that the cell‐size anisotropy resulted in the solvent and non‐solvent mass transfers in the film, bringing to the fore the determining role of kinetics.  相似文献   

Adhesion reduction occurring after polymer coated glass was immersed in water was studied in a variety of UV-cured urethane acrylate coatings containing alkyloxysilane adhesion promoting additives. It was observed that water accumulated under the coating surface in drops and formed ‘blisters’ in the glass-polymer interface. A non-destructive imaging technique was developed to measure the average size of the water blisters. The size of the water blisters within the interface was correlated with the wet adhesion force measured by coating resistance to 180° peel. The force of coating resistance to 180° peel off glass surface decreased non-linearly with the increase of the average size of the water blisters. It was concluded that the decrease in adhesion between the coating and glass was a result of stretching and breaking of the silane bridging bonds and polymer fibrils by water condensing on the glass surface within the polymer-glass interface. The mathematical model relating coating wet peel resistance force with the size of the debonding produced by water accumulation was presented.  相似文献   

Doron Kaplan  Ido Nir  Liora Shmueli 《Carbon》2006,44(15):3247-3254
The effects of high relative humidity (RH) on the breakthrough of the nerve agent simulant dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) vapor in beds of ASC-impregnated, activated carbon were investigated. Maximum concentrations of DMMP at room temperature and RH > 60% were found to be lower by more than an order of magnitude than in dry air. The breakthrough time (tB) of 1.2 × 10−4 g l−1 DMMP in pre-humidified beds and humid air of RH = 90% was shortened by a factor of 1.6 relative to adsorption in dry beds and dry air. Analysis of the breakthrough curves according to the Wheeler–Jonas model indicated that the high RH lowered the dynamic adsorption capacity (WE) but had nearly no effect on the critical bed weight (WC). The reduction of WE by humidity correlates with the observed displacement of adsorbed water by DMMP. The use of DMMP for testing filter performance is limited to low and intermediate relative humidities. On the other hand, DMMP in dry air can be used to advantage for testing the capacity of new or used respirator filters and for the detection of filter channeling.  相似文献   

The transport properties of oxygen and water vapor through EVOH films as functions of relative humidity (RH) and temperature were studied. The results of oxygen and water vapor permeation demonstrated that temperature and RH markedly affected barrier properties of these films. In general, the EVOH films had minimal oxygen and water vapor permeabilities at a low RH, attributed to the reduced mobility of the polymer resulting from strong interactions between small water molecules and the polymeric matrix at low RH. Beyond 75% RH, the permeabilities increased considerably. In addition, the barrier performance of the EVOH films was found to be dependent on their ethylene content and orientation. From the experimental data, semiempirical equations describing oxygen transmission rates (O2TR) as functions of RH and temperature were developed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 82: 1866–1872, 2001  相似文献   

It has been observed that the hydration of cement paste stops when the relative humidity drops below about 80%. A thermodynamic analysis shows that the capillary pressure exerted at that RH shifts the solubility of tricalcium silicate, so that it is in equilibrium with water. This is a reflection of the chemical shrinkage in this system: according to Le Chatelier's principle, since the volume of the products is less than that of the reactants, a negative (capillary) pressure opposes the reaction.  相似文献   

The performance and stability of PTFE/Nafion/Silicate composite membranes (PNS membrane) were studied at low and medium operating temperatures with different humidity, and compared with the Nafion112 membrane at the same conditions. The PNS membrane was prepared by impregnation of PTFE/Nafion composite membrane via sol-gel process with TEOS (tetraethoxysilane). When operated cell at low temperature of 60 °C with 100% R.H. humidified H2/O2 gases, the PNS membrane performs better than Nafion112, with 1.0, and 0.4 W/cm2, respectively. When operated cell at 60 °C with 37% R.H. humidified gases, the discharge stability of PNS membrane is stable than that of Nafion112, this is due to that silicate could hold more water in the PNS membrane at low relative humidity. While the inlet of cell gases temperature keeps at 80 °C, the cell temperature varied 90, 100, and 110 °C, with 20 psig back pressure, their relative humidities were 67, 48 and 33%, respectively. The stability of discharge current remains constant except in the case of cell temperature being as high as 110 °C. It is believed that silicate could hold water except in the case of cell temperature at 110 °C, which is resulted as the membrane dehydration. On the other hand, the Nafion112 cannot operate at low humidity with cell temperature higher than 80 °C owing to membrane dehydration. The silica modified PTFE/Nafion membrane shows the improving cell performance at lower relative humidity due to adsorbed water inside the membrane and catalyst layer.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the effect of drying conditions on spaghetti properties, i.e., its color, surface structure, rupture strength, rehydration characteristics, texture, and sauce retention capacity. The effects of temperature and humidity were independently examined under constant drying conditions, which were compared to those applied industrially, where the temperature and relative humidity are changed stepwise with time. The knowledge obtained in this study is considered useful for reasonably determining the drying conditions for producing spaghetti with desired properties.  相似文献   

相对湿度对质子交换膜燃料电池性能影响的模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张亚  王兆斌  周华 《化工学报》2008,59(9):2302-2308
采用全电池催化层模型建立一个沿流道方向的燃料电池二维综合数值模型,研究不同供气湿度条件下膜内水迁移过程及其对输出性能的影响。计算结果显示:阴极进口相对湿度从100%变为10%,阴极侧膜失水导致电解质膜欧姆极化损失由0.15 V增大至0.36 V;随着相对湿度减小氧气浓度增大,阴极活化极化损失由0.45 V减小为0.22 V。模型预测的不同相对湿度条件下极化曲线和文献中实验数据吻合很好。  相似文献   

吴延鹏  赵薇  陈凤君 《化工学报》2020,71(z1):471-478
利用静电纺丝法制备了表面静态接触角为23.6°的具有亲水功能的PAN/PVP复合纳米纤维膜、接触角为81.2°的PAN纳米纤维膜、接触角为131.9°的具有疏水功能的PAN/PVDF复合纳米纤维膜。利用自行搭建的空气过滤实验台,在40%、55%、70%三种相对湿度下对三种纳米纤维膜进行空气过滤实验,对纳米纤维膜的过滤效率、阻力损失及品质因子进行分析。结果表明:三种纳米纤维膜的过滤效率随着相对湿度的增大而升高,PAN/PVP膜和PAN膜的阻力损失随着相对湿度的增大而增加,PAN/PVDF的阻力损失随着相对湿度的增大而减小;PAN/PVP膜和PAN膜的品质因子随着相对湿度的增大而减小,PAN/PVDF膜的品质因子随着相对湿度的增大而增大,湿度越大,PAN/PVDF纳米纤维膜的过滤性能越显著。  相似文献   

温度和相对湿度对褐煤干燥动力学特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
熊程程  向飞  吕清刚 《化工学报》2011,62(10):2898-2904
为确定褐煤干燥最佳工艺参数,在恒温恒湿热风干燥实验台上进行了温度为50~90℃,相对湿度为10%~30%条件下的褐煤颗粒热风干燥实验.将实验数据与9种经验、半经验模型进行拟合,利用相关系数、方差、均方根误差3种统计学参数对不同模型进行评价.结果表明:Page模型相比其他模型更适合用于描述干燥过程中褐煤颗粒水分随时间的变...  相似文献   

Conclusions From the results shown it may be concluded that the percent of extractable material which is obtained is highly dependent upon the atmospheric conditions under which the sample is analyzed. when soybean meals with moisture content from 4.35 to 16.8 percent are analyzed for oil content at 75–80 percent relative humidity, the amount of extractable material is not dependent upon the original moisture level. However, at lower relative humidities or lower moisture levels this is not true. Under conditions of relatively high humidity with meals of high moisture content, the short two-hour extraction gives results which check satisfactorily with the results obtained by the official four-hour method under like conditions. The data tend to emphasize the fact that the determination of oil in soybeans is empirical and that any analysis does not necessarily represent the total amount of lipids present in the sample. The data shows the necessity of control of moisture conditions under which seed is stored and under which it is analyzed if reproducible results are to be obtained. The U. S. Regional Soybean Laboratory is a cooperative organization participated in by the Bureau of Plant Industry. Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Research Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture; and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the North Central States of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.  相似文献   

Combustion of biomass for heat and power production is continuously growing in importance, because of incentives for replacing fossil energy resources with renewable ones. In biomass combustion, the moisture content of the fuel is an essential operation parameter, which often fluctuates for biomass fuels. Variation in moisture content complicates the operation of the furnaces and results in an uncertainty in the energy content of the fuel delivered to a plant. The fuel moisture-content in a furnace may be determined either by direct measurement on the entering fuel or by measuring the moisture and oxygen contents of the flue gases deriving the moisture content of the fuel. However, reliable methods of a motivated cost for the small to medium-scale furnaces are today not available. An exception is if the furnace is equipped with flue-gas condenser, which can be used to estimate the moisture content of the flue gases. A limitation of this method is, though, that not all furnaces have flue-gas condensers and that the measured signal has an inherent time delay.In this work, measurement of the relative humidity (RH) of the flue gases from a furnace is investigated as the central component in the on-line monitoring of the moisture content of the fuel in a furnace. The method was analysed with humid air in a laboratory environment and tested for accuracy and dynamical behaviour in two biomass-fired heat-production units, one circulating fluidised-bed boiler (CFB) and one grate furnace. The results show that the method, which is easy to calibrate on site, can be used to predict the moisture content of the biomass fuel in the grate furnace with very good precision (<4% error). Furthermore, the method detects variations in moisture content of the furnace flue gases due to changes in the moisture content of the combusted fuel within the order of seconds. Since the transport time of the flue gases from the furnace to the measurement position is of the same order of magnitude, the total time for detection of a change in the moisture content of the fuel is small enough for the signal to be used to control both the fuel feed and the combustion air in a grate furnace.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of water to cementitious material ratio (w/cm), silica fume (SF) and ground blast-furnace slag (GBFS) on autogenous relative humidity (RH) change and autogenous shrinkage (AS) of high-performance cement pastes were studied. The mechanism of self-desiccation caused by mineral admixture and reduction of w/cm were studied by the parameters of mineral admixture self-desiccation-effect coefficient k and efficient w/cm re proposed. Furthermore, the relationship between autogenous RH and AS of high-performance paste was established. The results indicate that w/cm is a chief factor that affects autogenous RH change and AS of cement pastes. The lower the w/cm of paste is, the more reduction the autogenous RH and the increment of AS are. SF increases autogenous RH reduction and AS increment of cement paste at early ages, and GBFS increases autogenous RH reduction and AS increment at later ages. The effect of mineral admixtures on autogenous RH change of paste resulting from self-desiccation can be reflected effectively by the nonlinear equation with the parameters of k and re. There exists a good linear correlation between autogenous RH change and AS of cement pastes.  相似文献   

Highly ordered honeycomb‐patterned polystyrene surfaces are efficiently prepared by static breath figure method. The structured arrays can be obtained by casting a dilute solution polymer on glass substrates under various conditions. Tetrahydrofuran and chloroform are used as solvent to form cavities of several micrometers. The analysis of the surfaces indicates nonlinear relation between concentration and pore size in this system. Voronoi tessellations of the polystyrene surfaces at different relative humidity (RH) are achieved, and each conformational entropy determined. Optimum parameters of concentration and RH are obtained for both solvents. Analysis of hole size distribution and conformational entropy demonstrates the high order of the films obtained. This is a promising method for the fabrication of homogeneous and highly porous films from polystyrene. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016 , 133, 44004.  相似文献   

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