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在X射线人体康普顿背散射(CBS)安检系统中,图像的清晰度对于识别隐匿在人体上的违禁品非常重要.根据人体CBS图像的特点,从人眼视觉感知的特点出发,提出了一种图像组合增强方法,明显改善了图像质量,获得了层次清晰、轮廓分明、背景均匀的CBS图像. 相似文献
随着机组的老化,秦山重水堆堆芯燃料冷却能力下降,需要定期对区域超功率保护(ROP)停堆整定值(TSP)进行完整分析,以确保反应堆运行安全。分析结果通过修正用于停堆系统ROP探测器校正的通道功率峰值因子(CPPF)进行应用,并实现对热工水力、压力管蠕变等参数的持续跟踪。本文重点分析CPPF的ROP相关参数修正方法,并通过1号机组实际运行数据,分析修正前后相关参数的对比,以及修正后对换料等机组运行产生的影响,最后总结可以采取的运行优化和应对措施。 相似文献
α能谱法是环境中222Rn/220Rn气体活度浓度测量的重要方法之一。吸收层及探测器能窗等导致的α能谱低能拖尾是影响222Rn/220Rn活度浓度准确测量的重要因素。为修正α能谱法对222Rn/220Rn气体活度浓度的测量结果,本文从原理上探讨了拖尾形成的原因及其对222Rn/220Rn气体活度浓度测量的影响。结合商用测氡仪,实验修正了222Rn/220Rn气体活度浓度的测量结果,对修正前后的结果进行了实验比对。研究表明,经准确刻度后的修正因子和刻度因子能很好地用于修正222Rn/220Rn气体活度浓度的测量结果,保证了测量结果的准确性。建议在对α能谱法测量222Rn/220Rn气体活度浓度的仪器进行刻度检定时,必要情况下需对拖尾修正因子和刻度因子进行适当刻度。 相似文献
蒙特卡罗方法在ADS屏蔽计算中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用蒙特卡罗方法计算了新一代核能系统加速器驱动系统(ADS)中质子束管内的中子归一化注量率分布以及通过质子束管入口和其它外表面逸出的归一化中子注量率,得出了一些对ADS系统的设计有重要意义的结论。 相似文献
为了鉴别不同品牌矿泉水标注水源地信息真伪,对11种不同品牌饮用水的氢氧稳定同位素(δD和δ18O)进行测定。结果表明,水平衡法(GasBench-IRMS)和高温转化法(TC/EA-IRMS)的测定结果一致性较好,两种方法测定6种不同饮用水的δD和δ18O的平均差异分别为(0.6±1.59)‰和(0.02±0.13)‰。水平衡法需要较长的制备和测定时间,但δD和δ18O的测定精度明显优于高温转化法。11种饮用水δD和δ18O变化范围较大,其δD和δ18O受不同品牌饮用水的水源地降水影响形成明显的地域性。虽然无法区分矿泉水是否由其他类别饮用水伪造,但δD和δ18O可以为特定区域(如高海拔与沿海地区)以及产地相近的矿泉水水源地鉴别提供依据。 相似文献
LI Liang CHEN Zhi-Qiang ZHANG Li KANG Ke-Jun 《核技术(英文版)》2006,17(2):113-117
In this article we introduce an exact backprojection filtered (BPF) type reconstruction algorithm for cone-beam scans based on Zou and Pan's work. The algorithm can reconstruct images using only the projection data passing through the parallel PI-line segments in reduced scans. Computer simulations and practical experiments are carded out to evaluate this algorithm. The BPF algorithm has a higher computational efficiency than the famous FDK algorithm. The BPF algorithm is evaluated using the practical CT projection data on a 450 keV X-ray CT system with a flat-panel detector (FPD). From the practical experiments, we get the spatial resolution of this CT system. The algorithm could achieve the spatial resolution of 2.4 lp/mm and satisfies the practical applications in industrial CT inspection. 相似文献
Christopher T. Angell 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(3):426-433
Pulse pileup correction is required for high count rate experiments. Spectral distortion due to pileup is strongly affected by the distribution of pulse heights. Methods used to limit the digitization rate – including energy thresholds and coincidence requirements – adversely affect attempts to correct the pileup-induced distortion. A simplified method for correcting the spectral distortion using a general pileup function can be used when the spectrum is dominated by a low-energy background. This method has particular relevance for nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments. 相似文献
The chemical composition of alloys directly determines their mechanical behaviors and application fields.Accurate and rapid analysis of both major and minor elements in alloys plays a key role in metallurgy quality control and material classification processes.A quantitative calibration-free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (CF-LIBS) analysis method,which carries out combined correction of plasma temperature and spectral intensity by using a secondorder iterative algorithm and two boundary standard samples,is proposed to realize accurate composition measurements.Experimental results show that,compared to conventional CF-LIBS analysis,the relative errors for major elements Cu and Zn and minor element Pb in the copperlead alloys has been reduced from 12%,26% and 32% to 1.8%,2.7% and 13.4%,respectively.The measurement accuracy for all elements has been improved substantially. 相似文献
ZHANG Quanhu HUI Weihua WANG Dong HE Bin GU Zhongmao LI Ze QIAN Shaojun 《核技术(英文版)》2010,21(3):177-181
<正>It is difficult to develop image reconstruction algorithms for tomographic gamma scanning based on drummed radioactive residues or wastes.In this paper,a novel reconstruction algorithm of transmission image for tomographic gamma scanning is proposed.It is based on the conventional transmission equation and equivalent gamma-ray track length modified by a Monte Carlo method.The algorithm is implemented by simulating the samples on the established platform.For the verification experiments of the algorithm,several cubic voxel samples were designed and manufactured.Experimental tests were conducted.The tomographic gamma scanning of transmission images is compared with the linear attenuation coefficients by the simulated values and experimental data with the algorithm and the reference values.The results show that the absolute relative errors of the reconstructed images are less than 5%. 相似文献
The China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) is scheduled to be operated in the autumn of 2008. In this paper, we report preparations for installing the neutron radiography instrument (NRI) and for utilizing it efficiently. The 2-D relative neutron intensity profiles for the water-vapor two-phase flow inside the tube were obtained using the MCNP code without influence of γ-ray and electronic-noise. The MCNP simulation of the 2-D neutron intensity profile for the water-vapor two-phase flow was demonstrated. The simulated 2-D neutron intensity profiles could be used as the benchmark data base by calibrating part of the data measured by the CARR-NRI. The 3-D objective images allow us to understand the flow pattern more clearly and it is reconstructed using the MATLAB through the threshold transformation techniques. And thus it is concluded that the MCNP code and the MATLAB are very useful for constructing the benchmark data base for the investigation of the water-vapor two-phase flow using the CARR-NRI. 相似文献
大型工业CT中X射线硬化校正的一种方案 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
介绍了大型工业CT的一种多色X射线硬化校正方法。该方法利用一个标准函数将多色投影值转化为单色投影值。定义了一些参数来证明该方法适用于大型工业CT的硬化校正,并对参数进行了优化。通过模拟实验,这种校正方法在不需要先验知识,使用单色重建算法的前提下,仍能大大减小CT重建图像的硬化伪像。 相似文献
Ikken Sato 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2019,56(5):394-411
Water columns were adopted in the pressure measurement system of Fukushima-Daiichi Unit 3 to compensate for evaporation/condensation during normal operation. Some of these water columns evaporated partially during the accident condition jeopardizing correct understanding on actual pressure. Through inter-comparison of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and suppression chamber (S/C) pressures with drywell (D/W) pressure, such water-column-change effect was evaluated. From this evaluation, correction for the specific effect was developed for RPV and S/C pressure data. With this corrected pressure, slight pressure difference among RPV, S/C, and D/W during the accident transient was evaluated. This information of pressure difference was then integrated with other available data, such as water level, containment atmosphere monitoring system, and environmental dose rate in the Fukushima-Daiichi site, into an interpretation of accident progression behavior focusing on RPV and primary containment vessel pressurization/depressurization and radioactive material release to environment. It is suggested that dryout of in-vessel and ex-vessel debris was likely causing pressure decrease on one hand, and S/C water poured into pedestal heated by relocated debris was a likely cause of pressurization on the other hand. Cyclic reflooding of pedestal debris and its dryout was likely leading to the cyclic pressure change lasting several times until the final debris reflooding. 相似文献