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消防救援机器人的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对消防救援机器人发展和应用分析 ,论述了消防救援机器人主要结构和采用的底盘型式 ,提出了消防救援机器人的电液遥控控制技术 ,同时提出了消防救援机器人机械手的自由度的有效途径 相似文献
《亚洲消防》:1997年中国开始对消防灭火机器人进行科研开发,2002年6月,由上海消防研究所研制、上海强师消防装备有限公司生产的中国第一台消防灭火机器人诞生,能否简要介绍一下当时的情况?[编者按] 相似文献
本刊技术与装备栏目从本期开始集中推出国内外最新消防装备信息,以全方位的视角,向读者介绍当前消防装备研制与发展的最新动态。 相似文献
为提高救援效率,降低消防救援人员直接进入火场的风险,设计了由无人机探测系统、履带式消防水炮和远程控制服务器组成的侦察与消防机器人系统。无人机通过数字摄像机实现火场外部环境探测,采用无线通信技术,实现图像的远程传输;设计了多自由度消防水炮机械机构,采用红外成像技术,结合烟雾、温度和陀螺仪等传感器,研制出具有火场内部环境侦测、火点自动探测和锁定功能的履带式消防水炮;采用VC++可视化和DLL(Dynamic Link Library)编程方法,开发了由火场内部信息显示和远程运动控制功能的服务器集成软件。试验表明:所设计的机器人系统可代替消防救援人员进入火场内部,完成火场内、外环境的全方位探测及可视化呈现,为快速制定消防策略提供了依据,提高了灭火效率,更好地保护了人民群众的生命财产安全。 相似文献
本文论述了在各类危险场合使用消防机器人进行灭火、侦察,洗消、破拆和救人等作业的必要性以及消防机器人应该具备的各种功能,并对消防机器人进行了分类;论述了国外消防机器人的发展历史和现状以及我国发展消防机器人已经具备的条件。 相似文献
Flreflghtlng Is a part of annual administration of the Australian gevernment, which Is run and managed In accordance vdth the Australian laws with regular investments and Inspectlens. Australia has a robust legal system with a relatively complete set of fire laws, regulatlens, codes and nerms and stern law enfercement. Flreflghtlng Is administrated In accerdance with law which Is a provislen legislated by the conntry. Therefere, lives and properties ef the Austalian peeple are all nnder the pretectlen ef the umbrella ef law when fire cemes. 相似文献
Fire Is a plaguing preblem fer develeplng natlens. Hew te aveld er reduce casualties In fire? Investlgatlen condncted in the USA slims that the ameunt of casualties Is related to the architectural fire cendltlen ef the hulldlng. This Investlgatlen shews a direct relatlen hetween the ameunt ef casualty and the disparity ef the heuseheld Inceme level. Rre Is less frequent In rich cemmunlty where architectural fire cendltlon is better hence lewer fire casualty is found. Whereas, fire Is mere frequent In poor cemmnnlty where architectural fire cenditlon is Inferler and thus the fire casualty there Is much higher. 相似文献
Tunnel is type of long and narrow underground building. Common tunnels are city metro tunnel, railway tunnel and motorway tunnel. These tunnels are for the commuting of vehicles. Some go through mountains, others go under the sea and many are over thousands meters long. In recent years, there have beeu many tunnel fires home and abroad. Based on the theory el tunnel fire smoke movement, the arlicle analyzes the features el tunnel fire and proposes directional lirelightiflg schemes in tunnel fire design. 相似文献
以某实业公司厂房仓库火灾为例,分析了该类建筑的火灾特点,并从接警调度、战术运用、跨战区增援、器材装备运用、战斗过程和其他相关方面探讨了扑救类似火灾应注意和加强的方面。 相似文献
对于世界贸易中心遭受恐怖袭击这样的灾害规模、建筑高度和破坏速度来说,现代的灭火能力还不能有效地做出响应。然而,现有技术能做到的只是在灾难性破坏发生前,快速部署设施和输送足够的灭火剂,以便对类似事故进行有效地控制。按照这种说法,部署灭火力量时,既不依据事故的情形,也不依据建筑基础的状况,其购置和运行费用依据财产价值的大小和受到威胁的人数多少确定,并控制在一个可以接受的范围内。图1扑灭高层建筑火灾1世界贸易中心:消防界的教训2001年9月11日的恐怖袭击事件,充分暴露出了高层建筑在上部楼层发生火灾时的弱点。虽然恐怖袭击… 相似文献
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the biodegradation susceptibility of seven different types of foam concentrates (four synthetic and three protein based) used in Europe. The biodegradation of 40 foam concentrates was measured according to OECD 301 F Guideline, based on the CO2 evolution by the activated sludge during 20 days at 20°C. The foam concentrates were applied at concentrations equivalent to COD = 1000 mg O2/l. Unexpectedly, the biodegradation rate of the synthetic foam concentrates was higher compared to the protein based ones. Although slight differences exist among the results, a rough order of the foam concentrates biodegradation susceptibility can be established as follows: S > AFFF > Class A > AFFF-AR > FFFP > FP > P. 相似文献
王晔 《消防技术与产品信息》2009,(2):72-74
每个燃烧物体都有六个面--四个显而易见的面和上、下两个面,有时这两个面更为重要.我们开往着火的建筑物时,绝不是为了去了解建筑物的翻新内容.建筑物会老化,旧房客会搬走,但新房客也会搬来,他们通常喜欢改变周围的东西.有时,建筑物被翻修仅仅是因为它们旧了.据纽约消防队已退休副队长文森特·杜恩说,建筑物的寿命周期通常为75年. 相似文献
A new method of calculating water flows for firefighting is developed. The method consists of determining fire flows for offensive operations (extinguishing the source) and defensive operations (protecting exposures).Fire flow for offensive operations is based on fire load densities for building occupancies and the area of the fire, which, combined with time to extinguishment, establish the heat release rate. When also combined with the cooling efficiency of water, a fire flow is determined. Fire flow for defensive operations uses the heat release rate and considers the view factors for the exterior walls coupled with unprotected openings in those walls. Total fire flow is the sum of the flows for offensive and defensive operations. 相似文献
根据GB 50116-2013《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》对消防设备的控制要求,结合风机、水泵控制电路图,研究消防工况下电源由市电转换为自备柴油发电机组供电后,不同类型消防总线联动信号在消防风机、水泵再启动过程中存在的问题,并提出解决方案. 相似文献
地下车库的火灾扑救 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王永西 《消防技术与产品信息》2009,(8):31-33
根据地下车库的建筑特点和使用特点,分析了地下车库的火灾特性,从火情侦察、人员和车辆疏散、火场排烟等方面提出了地下车库火灾扑救的对策措施及注意事项。 相似文献