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Choices of urban, suburban or rural residential environments have often been studied from a life-course perspective. In this paper, an examination is made of the influence of childhood experiences and of residential environment choices of family members outside the household. It is argued that socialisation, location-specific capital and the wish to maintain close family ties may result in living in a similar residential environment later in life and in similar environments to siblings and parents. Results of multinomial logistic regression analyses of data from the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study show that the residential environment during childhood is indeed strongly associated with the current residential environment. Moreover, individuals show a strong similarity to their parents and siblings in their residential environment, even after accounting for residential inertia and return migration.  相似文献   

The prevailing research into suburbanisation in former centrally planned countries explains suburban change by referring to macro-level factors that are evident in the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy. Findings show that in a neo-liberal environment, the public sector plays only a modest role in residential planning; the key players are developers and banks. This study takes a different approach by focusing on the micro-level factors that lead households to move from the city to new, post-Soviet suburban settlements, specifically in the Tallinn urban region of Estonia. A sample of data from the University of Tartu’s 2006 New Residential Areas Survey is herein analysed in order to ascertain the reasons for moving, the criteria used in the selection of a particular suburban settlement, and the subsequent levels of residential satisfaction. The results show that, for the period in question, housing adjustment moves were more prevalent than induced moves triggered by life-course changes. In addition, it was found that, generally, new suburbanites were satisfied with their housing and neighbourhoods. However, they were less satisfied with the provision of local services, especially when their new settlements lay at a distance from pre-transition settlements.  相似文献   

The decision to move is preceded by thinking about moving and then planning the move. Previous work has used varying measures of the intention to move to estimate models of what lies underneath the intention to move. That work has shown how family contexts, life course events, and economic resources play roles in forming the intention to move. This paper extends previous research in four ways. We use logistic regression models of moves conditional on an intention to move, we include measures of family structure specifically in the model, we estimate the role of satisfaction in the decision to move or stay, given an intention to move and we use a eleven-year panel data-set rather than cross-sectional data as in many studies. We confirm some of the findings of previous studies including the strong effects for life course events, but neither education nor income are predictors. We also show the role of a strong intention to move in the model. There are modest effects of higher levels of satisfaction with housing and community for those who did not intend to move. It is important to emphasize that this study while confirming some of the previous results reiterates that we need replication to complete and extend our understanding of these social processes.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether Macedonian SMEs plan for the implementation of ERP projects and studies the effect of project planning practices on project success. Four project planning measures were taken into consideration: business case development, scope planning, baseline plan development and risk planning along with three measures of project success; customer satisfaction, perceived quality of the project and success of the implementation process. The study was based on a survey that was conducted on 30 SMEs in the Republic of Macedonia. Data dimensionality was reduced through factor analysis and relationships between the two sets of variables were analyzed by correlation and regression analyses. The findings demonstrated that Macedonian SMEs implemented general project planning practices, even though they did not consider the planning process as a separate phase of the ERP implementation. However, they did not use any particular project planning tools, such as the Gantt chart or WBS. Of the project planning practices that were surveyed, the most practiced were the development of a business case, project scope and baseline plan. The least practiced were risk planning practices. Considering the success of the ERP implementations, this study demonstrated that most of the companies' representatives perceive this undertaking as successful in terms of client satisfaction and perceived quality measures. A higher percentage of respondents found their ERP implementations unsuccessful in terms of implementation process measures, when compared to the previous two success parameters.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that opportunity costs associated with foregone alternatives in moving from region i to region j significantly affect the migration decision has been proposed by Levy and Wadycki in the context of a regression model of migration. Their results for Venezuela were highly successful and additional evidence reported by Wadycki with United States data for 1955–60 also substantiated the basic hypothesis.These previous attempts at including the concept of intervening opportunities into the regression model of migration employed definitions similar to Stouffer's seminal 1940 article on the subject of intervening opportunities. The present paper presents two alternative formulations for intervening opportunities and tests them with 1955–60 United States interstate migration data. In all cases we find that both the explanatory power of distance and its estimated elasticity fall substantially when we include the proxy variables for intervening opportunities. Furthermore, including these proxies increases the explanatory power of the migration model substantially. Proxy variables which employ Stouffer's 1960 reformulation of the concept of intervening opportunities prove superior in our empirical tests.  相似文献   

This paper examines planning diffusion by considering the role of a model city upon the design of two Brazilian new-town layouts. Maringá, designed along garden-city lines, informed the planning of Ivaiporã and Sinop, but in spite of certain similarities with the common model, the two new towns could not appear more diverse. This paper will thus show that a model town can be perceived differently from person to person, from situation to situation and from one period to another, which can result in quite different outcomes. A set of borrowings, emulations, and adaptations are illustrated, as planning history is understood as a narrative of the dissemination and transformation of planning ideas.  相似文献   

This is the second of two special issues in Progress in Planning exploring emerging research agendas in planning. It brings together scholars from diverse schools working on new areas of research and application in urban design and planning. Emergent research agendas include both novel areas of research and important shifts in the direction of a research area. The challenge for planning schools is to reflect critically on these changes and develop long-term research agendas that can better position our field in society and academia, and provide a basis from which to assess our academic programmes. The chapters in this issue display the different scales and fields of planning, including planning for: disaster recovery; climate change, especially opportunities for mitigation; shrinking cities in the First World; and rapidly urbanising informal and impoverished cities in the global South. At the same time, the chapters identify research areas that respond to major social and environmental changes. Olshansky and Chang highlight the increasing losses from catastrophic disasters, and address the need for disaster recovery planning. Wheeler, Randolph and London focus on climate change, and, noting the urgency of action now, their research agenda emphasises opportunities for planners to develop research and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hollander, Pallagst, Schwarz and Popper look at increasing economic and population trends in many First World cities that result in city ‘shrinkage’. They present new opportunities for improving cities’ green space networks and natural features, and for research. The trebling of urban population in African cities by 2050, in conditions of poverty and informality, is the major trend driving Parnell, Pietriese and Watson's chapter. They present an agenda for new planning theories and for supporting empirical research to address the actual conditions of African cities.  相似文献   

This study investigates public preferences toward design and environmental aesthetic attributes of an automated transportation system—Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) in an urban setting. The goal of the study was to understand the perceived visual aesthetic quality of the PRT within diverse architectural and natural elements composing the town's main spatial and visual structure and to separate the various components that determine a cumulative visual experience. We utilized human perceptual judgments as indicators of visual aesthetic quality, and referred to a psychophysical method to assess the perceived visual aesthetic quality of the scenes. Perceptions were captured using a rank ordering process of most and least preferred scenes on presented panels and responses were analyzed using correlation and regression statistical techniques. Results indicate that specific design attributes such as pillar shape or size, and type of fascia, did not emerge as significantly influencing public perception, while the relationship between automated structure and vehicular infrastructure, and the position of the observer are particularly important. Overall findings indicate that studies conducted on automated transportation should consider the effect of context on the perception of the system. The findings improve our understanding of visual strengths and weaknesses of automated transportation structures within the urban environment and can be useful in the planning for similar transportation systems.  相似文献   

We investigate determinants of the pattern of recent migration of Alaska Natives between rural homelands and urban areas. A review of the literature on moving in the North American North suggests that economic opportunities draw migrants, although such opportunities must be viewed in the context of the mixed subsistence-cash economy prevailing in rural areas of the region. Consequently, we model Native migration as a simultaneous decision with labor market participation in a mixed economy. Estimated equations explaining individual Alaska Native migration choices using the U.S. Census Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) are consistent with the model, and also suggest that perceived opportunities differ between women and men.The authors acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation, grant OPP-9521459. An earlier version of this paper was presented to the 1998 annual meeting of the Western Regional Science Association  相似文献   

文章以城市规划学科的发展为时代语境,着重论述其在荷兰的城市实践历程,以此贯穿重要事件,解析关键人物,论述主要思潮,特别是以当代视角再度聚焦建筑师亨德里克·维杰德维德的理论和实践,揭示了他在城市规划学科诞生初期的贡献和作用.  相似文献   

当前我国处于经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期,城市空间结构调整面临较大变化,因此城市总体规划的地位和作用尤为重要,但目前的城市总体规划的编制和审批方法在很多方面难以适应快速城镇化时期调控城乡空间资源的要求。根据《城市总体规划编制办法改革与创新》课题研究过程中的一些思考,系统性地整理了当前我国城市总体规划面临的问题,并提出了未来城市总体规划的改革创新方向,为下一步《城市总体规划编制审查办法》的研究工作打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

The Intergenerational Report recently released by the Commonwealth Government contains some of the elements of a national long-range plan. Because the Report comes from the Treasury it lacks some important themes such as the impact of the envisaged population growth on natural resources. However, it is linked with the major cities which it recognises as the major drivers and arenas in the changes it foreshadows. This link is cemented in the recent COAG agreement to produce new metropolitan strategies by the beginning of 2012, using an agreed and enriched planning process. The opportunities in this new situation are canvassed.


This paper examines the spatial patterns and determinants of China's interprovincial skilled migration by using data from 2005 one per cent population sample survey. While the coastal region benefits from the influx of skilled labour, the rest of China suffers from severe brain drain. Estimates from zero‐inflated negative binomial gravity models indicate that employment opportunities, especially interregional wage differentials, play a dominant role in attracting skilled labour, and that the impact of amenities on skilled migration turns out to be small and less clear. Findings suggest that China's skilled people prioritize their career prospects over the quality of life in the migration decision‐making process.  相似文献   

This article explores housing choices and trajectories of women in their 30s during a period of new risks and opportunities in Japan's post-growth urban context. Due to the economic recession and the broader context of neoliberal globalization, there has been an observed delay among post-youth adults in their progression through the life-course. Many of the life-course transitions including leaving parental home, family formation and purchasing home, which used to occur earlier in people's 20s, now often occur in their 30s. Thus the 30-somethings are a transitional cohort and women in particular are more likely to experience a profound impact in the context of economic deflation and deregulation. Drawing on qualitative data obtained through fieldwork, this article examines how women's diversified life-courses are shaping their housing choices; and how their housing opportunities are shaped by the wider structures of housing markets and institutions. It explores such processes of interplay between housing choices, opportunities and constraints of the ‘lost’ generation in Japan.  相似文献   

The argument that a successful housing career plays an important role in the immigrant integration process has been well established in the literature. Most studies on immigrant housing career do so without reference to the housing situation of immigrants in their homeland. Since housing career relates to sequence of dwellings people occupy throughout their life-course, an analysis of immigrants housing career should also begin with immigrants housing situation in the homeland. Unless we understand the sequence of dwellings that immigrants occupy throughout their life course in both the country of origin and host society, we will fail to fully comprehend dynamics of their housing career over their life-course. Using mixed method, this study illustrates the role of housing career in the integration process of Ghanaians in Toronto in the Canadian society. The study adds to the housing career literature by capturing the sequence of dwelling that immigrants occupy throughout their life course in both the country of origin and destination country.  相似文献   

在规划绿道之前,设计师需要从优秀的规划师前辈学习成功经验并吸取失败的教训,并需要制定明确的策略、采取适宜的手法,思考联系人与绿色空间的创新方法。绿道通过演绎重要文化特征、保护和改善生态功能以及为社区居民提供休闲娱乐,来体现场所的本质。回顾早期绿道规划者的一些重要经验,概述绿道规划的4个关键策略原则,强调新荚格兰绿道网络规划中提出的多功能规划方法,着眼于一些在美圈逐渐发展成熟的创新型绿道。一个稳固的绿道是多用途的,使人愉悦并结合生态功能。  相似文献   

金珊  李云  伍惠婷 《建筑师》2018,(4):69-75
以废弃工业铁路改建而成的纽约高线公园三期于2014年正式面向市民全面开放,标志着这场持续了15年之久的城市公共空间复兴运动取得了阶段性的成果,高线铁路向高线公园的转型基本完成。该项目引起世界各地的广泛关注,在城市公共空间复兴的历史上留下浓重一笔。本文回溯了纽约西切尔西区铁路线设立到向高线公园的转型与复兴过程中所产生的多次矛盾与应对措施,对其在转型过程中所确定的可持续性的规划思想与转型后高线公园的运营管理模式。公共空间中文化事件的插入等展开阅读。探讨城市公共空间在复兴与转型过程中的重要影响因素,提出推进城市公共空间的发展是解决城市快速发展过程中出现的文化自信减弱、城市活力不足等问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

This article analyses how urban authorities manage goals of sustainable development in decentralized planning contexts when faced with economic growth opportunities offered by a powerful development actor. This challenge is described and analysed in a comparative case study of how two Swedish cities handled the issue of new IKEA stores in decision-making and planning. The analysis centres on how power relations affected planning and decision-making, and is complemented by an evaluation of the choices and actions of the two municipalities in sustainable mobility terms, and an indication of the potential environmental consequences of the decisions. The results show how the two municipalities locked their cities into car-dependent development paths by accepting IKEA's retail concept, due to perceived fierce competition for retail trade between neighbouring cities, and a belief that IKEA development would boost economic growth. The municipalities conducted considerable parts of the planning processes under secrecy, which constrained criticism of the IKEA developments, and left environmental and traffic impacts not fully assessed or debated. The cases show how, while attempting to put in place strategies for sustainable urban development, the municipalities handled difficult choices in ways which compromised their own and wider environmental goals for economic gains.  相似文献   

建筑设计入门阶段是重要的设计学习阶段,通过对建筑设计入门阶段的教学定位,形成对设计入门阶段的教学模式特点和要求的认知。在此基础上,以"基础设计"为教学目标,"基本建筑"为教学内容,以分步设计流程为教学模式共同架构从部分到整体的设计入门阶段课程教学框架,并通过设计教学实践的检验,使这一课程体系得到进一步完善和改进。  相似文献   

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