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靳晖 《建筑细部》2007,5(5):934-935
20世纪60年代,人们的想法不同.因而建造的建筑也不同。在德国达姆施塔特,情况正是如此.这里的戏剧艺术中心是按照一颗宝石的形状建造的.并于1972年向公众开放。30年后,这座宝石形建筑开始被正式翻新。之后剧院将安装最新的科技设备,最后成为城市的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

山东富达设计院隶属于山东富达装饰工程有限公司,具有建筑装饰装修工程甲级资质、建筑幕墙工程甲级资质,是中国建筑绿色环保设计五十强企业、中国建筑装饰行业AAA信用企业、山东省勘察设计协会装饰工程设计专业委员会常务理事会理事单位,设计院院长姜昆为副理事长、中国建筑装饰协会专家、高级工程师。 目前设计院具有专业资格设计人员100余人,设计院自成立以来,先后承接数百项从项目规划、初步设计、施工图设计到后期现场跟踪全过程的工程项目,涵盖办公、场站、酒店、医院、商业、船舶装饰、学校、公寓、住宅、别墅以及集多功能于一体的城市综合体建设项目。 设计院以先进的理念、丰富的设计经验、杰出的设计作品、出色的设计质量和优异的成本控制措施、良好的设计服务信誉和口碑,在业内赢得了一致好评。  相似文献   

为纪念炎帝神农氏,湖南省株洲市重点打造了一个的集文化、旅游、商业于一体大型城市综合体——"神农城"。项目包括神农塔、神农湖、神农大剧院、神农艺术中心、神农坛等标志性建筑和景观、形成了一个新型的城市开放空间。神农大剧院和神农艺术中心分别位于神农城的西南角和西北角,中间隔神农湖相望,是神农城最重要的两个文化建筑。  相似文献   

20世纪的西方现代建筑是由产业革命以来的机械所支撑的。它们成为世界共通的内容,以至从阿拉斯加到赤道都建起同样的钢铁和玻璃的建筑。这些对冷暖气依赖性很强的建筑,需要极大的能源消费。全球气候变暖和环境破坏,也与它们脱不了干系。我们的祖先为了在严峻的自然中生存下来,创造出许多充满智慧的建筑。它们是以风、光、水、地、神、材等作为关键词、不需要消费能源的建筑。这些智慧,在依赖机械、习惯于生活在人工环境中的20世纪里几乎被遗失殆尽。为了让几乎被破坏掉的地球重生,我们要尽可能地抑制能源浪费,即使改变生活方式也必须和自然共存下去。建筑史总是在时代的要求中被发现。把世界上各个乡土的智慧和我们所拥有的高科技相融合,就可以治愈我们宝贵的地球。这是时代的要求,新的21世纪建筑设计将从这里诞生。  相似文献   

中国工程院院士邹德慈在大会开幕式上,对当前极受关注的低碳、生态、宜居——三个关键概念进行了解读。同时,邹院士结合国内外先进理念,从城市发展规划、城市建设理念、城市发展方向等方面,对我国未来理想城市建设提出了意见和看法。  相似文献   

正(一)在新的文化模式与经济模式下,法国和中国如何重新创造未来的美术馆?费保罗今天,我们将从文化、经济和建筑三个维度来讨论未来美术馆的发展,文化项目和建筑间的关系。观众的转型和文化消费的剧变给文化建筑的发展带来了契机;同时,私人业主的商业开发逻辑、私人开发商与建筑师之间的合作关系也值得我们进行讨论。在这里,我们主要讨论创新型美术馆,包括其经济模式和建筑模式的创新。  相似文献   

(记者肖莉)近年来,我国环境保护虽然取得了积极进展,但环境形势依然十分严峻。主要污染物排放量超过环境承载能力,流经城市的河段普遍受到污染。据统计,全国还有3亿农村人口喝不上符合标准的饮用水。水质性缺水和水源性缺水并存,严  相似文献   

里院住宅是现代青岛城市发展的建筑背景,也是"青岛特色"的物质载体和孕育者。在历史地段改造中,它们受到严重的威胁和破坏,要运用重构并复兴的新思维来对待里院住宅的改造,保护和创造有青岛特色的空间环境。  相似文献   

真实报道是新闻从业者的职业底线,也是道德底线,突破这条底线,新闻的真实性就无法保证,新闻的价值将无从谈起。然而现在有些网络媒体在利益的驱使下,丧失职业道德,收取"保护费","有偿不闻",严重违背了新闻职业道德要求,对于这种现象我们应通过如下措施坚决制止:加强行业自律、强化媒体工作者的道德考核、层层把关、加大惩罚力度等。  相似文献   


While the city as a place has been examined to a certain extent through the lens of social media platforms such as Instagram, the connection between museum visitors posting to Instagram and placemaking is an under-explored area. Yet as more of the world’s population now lives in cities and placemaking has become an urgent part of city development, new knowledge is needed to understand how these components contribute to a sense of place. Drawing on data from two case studies, this article argues that museum visitor posts to Instagram are creative and productive acts that generate a dynamic evolving ecology of the city as place.  相似文献   

每一幅图都形象地表达一种看世界以及与世界联系的方式。在种现象被发现.学习以及理解以前.我们都有必要去“看“并察觉这种现象。这与某些视觉艺术作品令人着迷地类似,同时又要不失自己独特的魅力。所有这些作品都是二维以及三维建模与合成的结合。  相似文献   


This essay examines the testimony presented in a court action that took place in Utrecht, Holland in 1542. It uses the trial as a case study that illustrates and elaborates the significant issues that emerge when the basis of any professional expertise is challenged and tested. It suggests that the case presents us with a model for understanding one way in which the professions make use of specialized definitions of their expertise to circumscribe and defend the privileged domains of their beliefs and practices. It also provides us with a documented example of the way in which the new, platonic view of the architect framed by both Vitruvius and Alberti was rapidly received, adopted, and diffused in postmedieval Europe.  相似文献   

文章关注的是BAU这家澳大利亚 中国的建筑、城市设计与景观设计公司的作品。这些作品反映了这家从事各种规模设计,关注不同环境因素的公司对研究的重视。4个刊登的项目显示了在现代城市环境中如何拓展建筑的语汇,建筑的复杂性反射出文化的多元交汇性;可持续的理念在功能与形式等各个层面的实践;以及对建筑设计流于形态设计机器的抵制。  相似文献   

This paper examines planning diffusion by considering the role of a model city upon the design of two Brazilian new-town layouts. Maringá, designed along garden-city lines, informed the planning of Ivaiporã and Sinop, but in spite of certain similarities with the common model, the two new towns could not appear more diverse. This paper will thus show that a model town can be perceived differently from person to person, from situation to situation and from one period to another, which can result in quite different outcomes. A set of borrowings, emulations, and adaptations are illustrated, as planning history is understood as a narrative of the dissemination and transformation of planning ideas.  相似文献   

This essay examines the testimony presented in a court action that took place in Utrecht, Holland in 1542. It uses the trial as a case study that illustrates and elaborates the significant issues that emerge when the basis of any professional expertise is challenged and tested. It suggests that the case presents us with a model for understanding one way in which the professions make use of specialized definitions of their expertise to circumscribe and defend the privileged domains of their beliefs and practices. It also provides us with a documented example of the way in which the new, platonic view of the architect framed by both Vitruvius and Alberti was rapidly received, adopted, and diffused in postmedieval Europe.  相似文献   

Urban waterfront regeneration is one of the largest changes to the structure of Australian and many world cities over the last two decades. There is no comparative research which evaluates their governing with particular attention to the relationship and responsibility of quasi-public agencies and local government. This study advances the competitive-city paradigm from a focus on global cities to an examination of inter-city urban competition between differently located cities in the urban hierarchy by comparing waterfront renewal projects located in Adelaide, Darwin and Melbourne. Through interview, policy and document analysis, the article offers preliminary insights on current and emergent governance arrangements involved in urban waterfront renewal. In an era of increasing inter-urban competition, the study reveals hybrid forms of urban governance are driving the planning and delivery of these three waterfront renewal projects. Further, there exists a ‘knotty’ tension between these models of urban governance and the capacity for meaningful consultation and participation between governments.  相似文献   

全球生态环境问题及其城市规划的应对   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球生态环境问题对人类和城市的发展带来了深刻的影响 ,城市的发展也对全球生态环境问题的形成和演化具有重要的作用。本文论述了全球生态环境问题的表现及特点 ,从思想理念方面讨论了城市规划对全球生态环境问题的应对策略  相似文献   

介绍了球面轴承与轴承座之间产生干涉的机理,阐述了消除轴承干涉的有关方法。  相似文献   

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