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The present study aims to investigate the residual stresses and surface hardening in ground components caused by the coupled effect of thermo-plasticity and phase transformation. A feasible numerical method was developed to accommodate appropriately the phase transformation in a workpiece experiencing critical temperature variation during grinding. The change of material properties was modelled as a function of temperature history. It found that if material properties are temperature-independent, the residual stresses in both the grinding direction and that perpendicular to it are tensile. The maximum residual stress in this case does not vary with the further increment of grinding heat. When material properties are temperature-dependent, however, the rise of grinding temperature promotes surface hardening and increases the maximum residual stress. The study showed that the volume growth associated with phase change plays an important role in the formation and nature transition of residual stresses. Nevertheless, residual stresses in the no-martensite zone is nearly unaffected by surface hardening and volume change. This paper offers insight into the understanding of surface hardening mechanism introduced by grinding. 相似文献
《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》2014,214(2):229-237
Welding residual stresses, Vickers hardness and microstructure of welded high-strength low-allow steel, known for high strength and low carbon content, were studied under the following conditions: as-received high-strength low-alloy steel, welded high-strength low-alloy steel without a buffering layer, and welded high-strength low-allow steel with various thickness buffering layer. A soft buffering layer with a modest thickness between the parent metal and the weld metal could be incorporated to welded high-strength low-alloy steel to effectively reduce the widths of tensile residual stress zone and welding softening zone, to change the residual stress (in y-direction) nature at the weld root from tensile to compressive, and to refine the grains of the welded high-strength low-alloy steel. The width of the tensile residual stress (in x-direction) zone was approximately equivalently to that of the welding softening zone for those welded high-strength low-alloy steel with and without buffering layers. 相似文献
M. Multigner S. Ferreira-Barragáns M. Jaafar P. Marín G. González-Doncel J.L. González-Carrasco 《Surface & coatings technology》2010,205(7):1830-1837
The microstructure and mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steel 316 LVM (Low Vacuum Melting) blasted with either small and rounded ZrO2 particles or larger and angular shaped Al2O3 particles are analysed through magnetic force microscopy, synchrotron radiation diffraction and ultramicroindentation techniques. It is shown that blasting causes a severe plastic deformation that roughens the surface and produces a significant subsurface grain refinement and work hardening. The gradient in the plastic deformation and the volume increase associated with the deformation induced α′-martensite account for the development of compressive residual stresses with a maximum value close to the surface. All these features yield a gradient in hardness with a maximum value beneath the surface. Compared with the Al2O3 particles, the ZrO2 particles cause a higher value of compressive residual stress and a lower increase in hardness. Also, the Al2O3 particles lead to more α′-martensite formation at deeper regions from the surface than the ZrO2 particles. The different results are related with the specific morphology of the particles and their specific role in the blasting process. 相似文献
《International Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering》2013,7(1):31-35
AbstractThe performance of steel parts is heavily dependent on the heat treatment process applied. The alloy content of the steel establishes the steel hardenability. The severity of the quenching establishes the local temperature history throughout the body of the part. In combination, the steel hardenability and the quenching process determine the final microstructure, mechanical properties, residual stress state and the performance of the part. The residual stress state, especially the surface stress state, is a significant factor in affecting fatigue life of the part. The steel hardenability and quenching practice can be adjusted to enhance residual surface compression and improve the fatigue life of a component. Computer simulation of the heat treatment process that includes calculation of the metallurgical phase transformations during the heating and cooling processes offers a method for scientifically designing the heat treatment process and selecting the steel alloy to optimise the performance of a particular product. In this paper, the DANTE heat treatment simulation software will be used to demonstrate this design methodology for a spur gear. 相似文献
Cubic AlCrN coatings were epitaxially grown onto Al2O3(00.1) substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering at 500°C from Al/Cr targets with an atomic ratio of 70/30. The coatings were vacuum annealed at 1000°C for 2 hours in order to induce formation of wurtzite-type AlN. The as-deposited and annealed coatings were characterized using X-ray diffraction techniques. Pole figure measurements revealed orientation relationships of the cubic AlCrN phase with respect to the substrate. Residual stress characterization indicated compressive stresses of -1246 MPa in the as-deposited cubic AlCrN phase. After annealing, the residual stresses in the hexagonal wurtzite-type Al(Cr)N and the Al-depleted cubic Cr(Al)N phase are -132 and 346 MPa, respectively. The stress changes can be interpreted as a consequence of point defect recovery at temperatures above deposition temperature and Al(Cr)N formation in the annealed coating. 相似文献
Valery I. Levitas 《Acta Materialia》2013,61(12):4305-4319
Thermodynamically consistent phase field theory for multivariant martensitic transformations is developed with the main focus on introducing correct interface stresses (tension). The nontrivial point is that the interface tension (physical phenomenon) is introduced with the help of some geometric nonlinearities, even when strains are infinitesimal. Total stress at the diffuse interface consists of elastic and dissipative parts which are determined by the solution of the coupled system of phase field and viscoelasticity equations and the introduced interface stresses. An explicit expression for the free energy is derived that results in the desired expression for the interface stresses consistent with the sharp interface for the propagating nonequilibrium interface. Analytical expressions for nonequilibrium interface energy, width, entropy excess, as well as distribution of the interface tension are derived and parametrically studied. Interface stress tensor distribution is also obtained and analyzed for a critical martensitic nucleus. The possibility of extending the developed approach to other phenomena and more general models is discussed. 相似文献
This paper reports the effects of adding from 2 to 8 at.% tin on the oxidation behaviour of Nb/Nb5Si3 composites at 815 °C and at higher temperatures (1100 and 1200 °C). The role of tin in the elimination of pesting and in the oxidation process at high temperatures was established. The consumption of elements with a higher affinity for oxygen than Sn induces the accumulation of tin at the oxide/internal oxidation zone boundary. Low melting point phases (NbSn2 and/or pure Sn) form at 815 °C, whereas a layer of M5Si3 and Nb5SiSn2 forms at 1100 and 1200 °C. Once these products are formed, they generate an oxygen diffusion barrier and allow the elimination of pesting. However, for long oxidation processes at 1100 °C, the oxidation rate of Nb/Nb5Si3 composites containing tin should be higher than that for tin-free composites. Moreover, some oxidation results have suggested that the presence of A15-(Nb,Ti)3(Sn,Ti) in the microstructure of composites with at.%Sn > 2 can severely impact the low temperature fracture toughness of these composites. 相似文献
以FePO4、Li2CO3和葡萄糖为原料,用液氮急速淬火法制备单一橄榄石结构的锂离子电池正极材料LiFePO4/C。结果表明:淬火使得LiFePO4晶格中产生Li空位,有利于提高其电子导电性。淬火样品的一次颗粒细小(100~500 nm),无明显团聚,并形成多孔结构;该样品在1C、2C和4C倍率下的首次放电比容量分别为151.4、138.0和116.7 mA.h/g,循环100次后的容量保持率高达99.3%、98.6%和94.5%。 相似文献
Limin Zhang Bangwu Liu Hongying Yu Dongbai Sun 《Surface & coatings technology》2007,201(12):5931-5936
The rapidly solidified microstructural and compositional features, the precipitation and transformation of carbides during aging of Fe-based alloy coating prepared by plasma cladding have been investigated. The clad coating materials, whose powder mixture of Fe, Cr, Ni, B, Si and C with a weight ratio of 54.5:35:5:1:2:2.5, is processed using a non-transferred plasma arc. The clad coating adheres with low carbon steel in a good metallurgical bonding and the rate of dilution is 15-20%. Microstructural studies demonstrate that the coating possesses the metastable microstructure comprising the primary dendritic γ-austenite which is a non-equilibrium phase with an extended solid solution of alloying elements and interdendritic eutectic consisting of γ-austenite and (Cr,Fe)7C3 carbides. During the high temperature aging at 1253 K for 2 h, the fine spherical (Cr,Fe)23C6 carbide nucleates within (Cr,Fe)7C3 carbide and austenite matrix, and some martensite (α) also forms during cooling. The solidification and evolution sequence of the phase can be represented as follows: L → γ + L → γ + (γ + (Cr,Fe)7C3) → (γ + (Cr,Fe)23C6 + α). Due to the precipitation of (Cr,Fe)23C6 carbide and uniform distribution of carbide in the as-aged coating, the average hardness becomes higher than that of the as-clad coating. 相似文献
Hot deformation behavior and processing maps of Ni45Ti50Cu5 (at.%) shape memory alloy (SMA), which possesses acicular martensite phase at room temperature, were investigated systematically based on isothermal compression tests at the temperatures ranging from 600 to 1000 °C and the strain rates ranging from 0.0005 to 0.5 s−1. The flow stresses of the studied alloy were found to be dependent on the strain rate as well as the temperature. Processing maps at strains of 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 were constructed on the basis of dynamic material model (DMM) theory by using the flow stresses obtained from compression tests. According to the processing maps, flow instability was found to mainly occur in the region with high strain rate and the scope of instability region was found to increase with the increase in the true strain. Based on the combination of processing map and microstructural observations, microstructural defects were found in the alloy samples deformed in the instability regions and the parameters suitable for hot working of the studied alloy were determined as the temperatures ranging from 750 to 850 °C and the strain rates ranging from 0.0005 to 0.001s−1. 相似文献
Fatigue specimens with four types of designed surface (EDM plane-sited, EDM notched, shot peened, electropolished) were assessed under three exposure conditions (no exposure, block exposure, individual exposure-oxidation at 700 °C for 10000 h) to quantify the effects of surface roughness, stress concentration, oxidation and inner microstructural embrittlement on fatigue behaviour of a grain refined TiAl alloy Ti-44Al-5Nb-1W-1B. With the yield strength of 568 MPa, fatigue is found to occur under a loading condition of σmax<σ0.1. Local plastic deformation is difficult to occur. The alloy becomes sensitive to surface damages but not to V-notch because the small surface area sampling the highest stress significantly reduces the EDM impact. Electropolishing rather than shot peening is found to be more effective in improving fatigue strength for the high strength alloy. When subjected to block exposure, both annealing effect (beneficial) and microstructural embrittlement (detrimental) occurred on all the surfaces, and the latter was dominant in governing fatigue behaviour except for EDM surfaces. After individual exposure-oxidation, fatigue performance deteriorated significantly for the shot peened and moderately for the electropolished but not for EDM surfaces. The mechanism for specific fatigue behaviour is discussed individually based upon whether or not the beneficial effects outweigh the detrimental effects. 相似文献
M. Bartosik R. Daniel Z. Zhang M. Deluca W. Ecker M. Stefenelli M. Klaus C. Genzel C. Mitterer J. Keckes 《Surface & coatings technology》2012,206(22):4502-4510
The influence of a local thermal treatment on the properties of Ti–Al–N coatings is not understood. In the present work, a Ti0.52Al0.48N coating on a WC–Co substrate was heated with a diode laser up to 900 °C for 30 s and radially symmetric lateral gradients of phases, residual stress and hardness were characterized ex-situ using position-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and nanoindentation. The results reveal (i) a residual stress relaxation at the edge of the irradiated area and (ii) a compressive stress increase of few GPa in the irradiated area center due to the Ti–Al–N decomposition, in particular due to the formation of small wurtzite (w) AlN domains. The coating hardness increased from 35 to 47 GPa towards the center of the heated spot. In the underlying heated substrate, a residual stress change from about − 200 to 500 MPa down to a depth of 6 μm is observed. Complementary, in-situ high-temperature X-ray diffraction analysis of stresses in a homogeneously heated Ti0.52Al0.48N coating on a WC–Co substrate was performed in the range of 25–1003 °C. The in-situ experiment revealed the origin of the observed thermally-activated residual stress oscillation across the laser heated spot. Finally, it is demonstrated that the coupling of laser heating to produce lateral thermal gradients and position-resolved experimental techniques opens the possibility to perform fast screening of structure–property relationships in complex materials. 相似文献
The oxidation behavior of a cast polycrystalline Ni-base superalloy was studied at 900 and 1000 °C and analyzed by thermogravimetric
analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and SEM. The results indicate that the cast Ni-base superalloy exhibits subparabolic
oxidation kinetics, which are controlled by the growth of the inner Al-rich layer. A mixed scale forms on the alloy after
prolonged oxidation. The oxide scale formed on the γ matrix is composed of an outer layer of spinel and a uniform inner, compact
Al-rich layer. The oxidation behavior on the region overlying MC carbide precipitates is slightly different from that in the
γ matrix. The difference is explained by the big difference in composition between MC carbide and γ matrix. 相似文献
Residual stress and surface roughness when facing age hardened Inconel 718 with CBN and ceramic cutting tools 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
R. M. Arunachalam M. A. Mannan A. C. Spowage 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2004,44(9):879-887
The demand for increasing productivity when machining heat resistant super alloys has resulted in the use of advanced cutting tools such as ceramics and cubic boron nitride (CBN). However, the effects of these tools on the surface integrity, especially the residual stresses created, in the high speed facing operation of Inconel 718 has not been dealt with. In this paper, the residual stresses and the surface roughness when facing age hardened Inconel 718 using CBN and mixed ceramic cutting tools at their respective optimum performance based on productivity has been investigated. The residual stress and surface finish generated during facing with CBN cutting tools have been investigated as a function of speed, depth of cut, coolant, tool geometry and nature of the tool coating. In addition, mixed ceramic cutting tools have been investigated for comparison. The results show that mixed ceramic cutting tools induce tensile residual stresses with a much higher magnitude than CBN cutting tools. The residual stresses and the surface roughness generated by CBN cutting tools are more sensitive to cutting speeds than depth of cut. The use of coolant results in either compressive residual stresses or lowers the magnitude of the tensile residual stresses, whereas dry cutting always resulted in tensile residual stresses. From this investigation, it is suggested that round CBN cutting tools should be used at slow cutting speeds (150 m/min) and small depths of cut (0.05 mm) and with the use of coolant to achieve compressive or minimal tensile residual stresses and good surface finish. 相似文献
Y. Salehi Yegaie A. KermanpurM. Shamanian 《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》2010,210(13):1690-1701
A 3D thermo-mechanical simulation model was developed to predict distributions of temperature and residual stresses during the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with a heat sink for Monel 400 plates using finite element method. The model was validated against the experimental measurements of both temperature and released strain in the welded plates. Effects of heat input, pipe diameter and water flow rate in the heat sink welding process were investigated. The results showed that in the GTAW process with a heat sink, the high temperature region was only limited to the vicinity of heat source and the maximum temperature of the sample was much lower than that of conventional GTAW process. This resulted in a lower residual stresses and even compressive stresses near the weld zone. 相似文献
The development of depth gradients of texture, morphology and stresses in thin nanocrystalline films was experimentally demonstrated for a nanocrystalline CrN film by means of position-resolved synchrotron X-ray nanodiffraction and explained by atomistic processes at the growing film surface and the effect of interfaces, both controlled by the deposition conditions. Controllable changes in the energy of incident particles adjusted by bias voltages ranging from ?40 to ?120 V affect the competitive growth of grains with different orientations, induce disruption of grain growth and thus give rise to structural variations across the film thickness. Subsequent changes in the volume fraction of grain boundaries and film texture were found to be responsible for changes in the residual stress state as defect generation proceeds to different extents in the interior of differently oriented grains and in the interfacial area. While the defect density predominantly affects the development of intrinsic stress, the variation in the number of weakly bonded atoms of grain boundaries determines the thermal stress component. The structural dependence of both stress components thus contributes to the characteristic development of stress gradients in thin nanocrystalline films. 相似文献
Interface of components with large ratio of altitude to diameter formed by laminated pouring and accumulated liquid forging technology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1 INTRODUCTIONLiquidforgingtechnologywasdevelopedintheFormerSovietUnionin 1937[1] .Fromthenon ,thistechnologyhasbeenappliedintoformingmetalcom ponentsinthefieldsofmilitaryindustryinsomede velopedcountries ,whichbenefitshighlyandshowsstrongvitality .Liquidforgingisakindoftechnologyinwhichmechanicalpressureisappliedwhiletheliq uidmetalispouredintodiecavityandcomponentscanbeobtainedbysolidificationandplasticdeforma tion[13] .Mechanicalpropertiesofliquidforgingcom ponentshavealmostapproache… 相似文献
Neutron diffraction spectra have been recorded in situ during tensile testing of polycrystalline Fe–30.5 at % Pd at a range of temperatures, in order to investigate stress-induced martensitic transformation and variant changes. The selective transformation of preferentially oriented austenite grains and martensite variants is identified and related to elasticity-based theory. Rietveld refinement is applied to determine the variation of elastic stiffness with temperature, revealing a significant increase in stiffness upon transformation to the martensite phase, in contrast to macroscopic measurements. 相似文献
为了研究高温超导电流引线结构对交流损耗的影响,制作了2种不同结构的高温超导电流引线。基于Clem模型,把外部磁场对交流损耗的影响加以考虑。在电流引线截面上建立了坐标系统,通过采取坐标平移和坐标旋转,可以得到高温超导电流引线内部磁场分布。在以上基础上,建立矩形骨架(RSCL)和十二边形骨架(DSCL)两种不同结构的高温超导电流引线的交流损耗计算模型。运用MATLAB编写计算模型,计算两种不同结构的高温超导电流引线的交流损耗。最后,在液氮环境中采用电气方法进行两种不同结构电流引线交流损耗的实验测量。在不同的电流和不同频率下测量两种不同结构的电流引线的交流损耗,将理论结果和测量数据进行比较,并就结构对交流损耗的影响进行了分析。交流损耗计算结果表明,坐标转换模型比Norris模型更准确,十二边形骨架(DSCL)的交流损耗比矩形骨架(RSCL)小。 相似文献