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双关作为一种有效的语言修辞手段已广泛应用于广告当中.以语用学中的语境为切入点,结合广告双关语,阐明其产生和解读过程.  相似文献   

处理好语篇翻译的关键在于把握语篇实体和语境三要素的关系,即上下文语境、情景语境和文化语境。文章把语境理论与语篇翻译结合起来,讨论语境分析对语篇翻译的作用。  相似文献   

艺术档案是指文化艺术单位和艺术工作者在艺术创作、艺术演出、艺术教育、艺术研究、文化交流、社会文化等工作和活动中形成的,对国家和社会有保存价值的各种文字、图表、声像、实物等不同形式的历史记录,是宝贵的文化遗产。  相似文献   

北美殖民时期不仅是美国文学的萌芽期,更是美国思想文化和民族性格的形成期.立足于殖民时期北美大陆特别是新英格兰地区主流作家创作的文学作品,将印第安人形象置于特定的历史、社会、文化语境下进行全面考察,不仅可以深化我们对这些作品的理解,而且有助于我们从一个全新的视角了解美利坚民族的思想文化体系和精神实质,从而更好地实现中西方文化的相互了解和共同繁荣.  相似文献   

在社会伦理上,哈代受达尔文进化论的影响,持"社会向善论"的观点.他认为,人类在不可改变的困境中要想生存就必须适应环境,通过自己的努力来改善人与社会的不协调关系,改善人的生存处境.其中在如何适应环境、实现人与环境的和谐关系的思想上,哈代则受到威塞克斯居民生活方式中体现出来的民间社会伦理观的启示,这种民间社会伦理完善了哈代的社会向善论.从这一意义上说,威塞克斯民间伦理在哈代小说伦理道德观念的建构中起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

翻译是一种语言活动,更是一种跨文化的交际活动.正确理解文化语境是翻译的关键.因此,译者应处理好文化、语言、翻译三者之间的关系.翻译要尽可能做到语境化,综合参考文化因素,使译文正确无误并且得体..  相似文献   

爱森斯坦的杂耍蒙太奇一直具有隐喻作用,从而使影片能够更好地传达导演的思想。然而在以拼凑和模仿为代表的后现代语境下,杂耍蒙太奇的使用在很多情况下已经丧失了其原有的隐喻性,逐渐由前后两组镜头的相似性而取代。  相似文献   

文化背景知识对交际双方理解语言和使用语言起着非常重要的作用。悠久的民族发展史赋予了其语言丰富的文化内容,其中直接影响交际的文化内容更是随处可见。宗教信仰深刻地影响着一个民族的文化,包括精神世界和生活方式。因此,在第二语言教学中教师对于目的语和学习者母语的文化背景的了解是必需的,并应注意到语言学习者的背景知识与目的语的背景知识之间的异同。这对于中高级水平的第二语言教学来说尤为重要。  相似文献   

语言的使用离不开环境.作为两套语言符号系统的对应,双语词典在其释义上必然受到语境的影响和制约.在语义类型五分说的基础上,本文认为双语词典的编纂应当与语境理论相结合,系统功能语言学和关联理论的语境观能够使语言意义变得精确、清晰、确定,从而保障释义全方位地反映源语与目的语的异同,在功能、语义、语用、文化和效应等方面实现动态等值.  相似文献   

云南锰矿资源累计探明储量达6000多万t,且具有低磷、低铁、易采、易选的特点,其中有相当数量的优质富矿石。十年来在冶金部“找富矿、贫变富、深加工”九字方针指引下,在地质找矿、科学试验、生产建设等方面取得了很大的成效,先后提交了4个矿区的勘探报告,完成13个科研课题,建成投产3个小型矿山,形成17万t生产能力,目前锰矿石和锰粉年产量近40万t。文章还提出了“八五”计划及10年规划的主要目标。  相似文献   

Excitation-contraction coupling is achieved by translocation of calcium from the extracellular space as well as by the release of calcium from intracellular stores. Thapsigargin has been shown to selectively block the sarcoplasmic Ca-ATPase, thereby preventing the reuptake of calcium into intracellular stores and the participation of these calcium storage sites in the contractile response to stimulation. The current study determined the effect of thapsigargin on the contractile response to field stimulation, bethanechol, and KCl in control rabbit bladders and bladders obtained from rabbits subjected to partial outlet obstruction. Partial bladder outlet obstruction resulted in a marked increase in bladder mass and in significant decreases in the contractile response to field stimulation, bethanechol, and KCl. Thapsigargin (5-40 microM) had no effect on the contractile responses of bladder strips isolated from control rabbits to field stimulation, bethanechol, or KCl. However, bladder strips isolated from obstructed rabbits showed a significant concentration-dependent decrease in the contractile response to field stimulation in the presence of thapsigargin. Thapsigargin had no effect on the contractile responses of bladder strips isolated from obstructed rabbits to either bethanechol or KCl. In general, the data described in this study support our current hypothesis: as smooth muscle cells enlarge (hypertrophy) and the cell volume increases, there is an increased dependence on the release of intracellular calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to mediate the contractile response to field stimulation.  相似文献   

Declines in the ability to process context information may represent a fundamental mechanism of age-related cognitive changes. Two components of context processing--activation/updating and maintenance--were examined in a sample of healthy younger and older adults, along with individuals suffering from early stage dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT). All older adult groups showed context activation/updating impairments, whereas context maintenance was only impaired in the oldest adults (age>75 years) and was further exacerbated in DAT individuals. The results suggest that context processing may be composed of functionally dissociable components and point to the utility of this construct in understanding the timecourse of cognitive decline in healthy and pathological aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vietnam's population policy since the 1980s had stipulated a limit on family size to two children, born 3-5 years apart, and recommends a minimum age of 19 for the mother of a first child. We analysed trends in the timing of marriages and births, and in fertility and abortion rates, among women born between 1945 and 1970, to assess the impact of these policies on reproductive patterns. METHODS: Reproductive histories were recorded in a random sample of 1432 married women aged 15-49 in a rural province in northern Vietnam. Mean age at marriage and at birth of the first child, birth intervals, fertility, and abortion rates were examined in relation to the woman's year of birth. FINDINGS: Later-born women married and had their first child at a younger age than women born earlier. Birth intervals had increased among later-born women but 25% still had only a 1-year interval between first and second child. Fertility had gradually decreased while abortion ratios had increased rapidly. Childbearing patterns had become "earlier, longer, and fewer" rather than "later, longer, and fewer" as stipulated by the policies. The results also show that women with more schooling married and had their first child later. Women involved in farming had shorter spacing between children. INTERPRETATION: There are signs that Vietnam's population policy has focused too strongly on contraception and abortion while ignoring the connection between fertility and women's opportunities for education and employment. In these respects, rural women are at particular risk.  相似文献   

张大平 《冶金设备》2007,23(2):58-61
介绍和分析了越南VINASHIN 3300mm中板生产线的工艺技术的先进性和特点,阐述了优化工艺设计和优化设备设计的内容,以及中厚板生产线上主要设备特别是四辊可逆轧机的先进特点,同时提出存在的问题和今后应进行的改进工作。  相似文献   

越南矿业投资分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从越南的政治形势、经济形势、基础设施建设、劳动力资源以及投资政策等方面分析了越南的矿业投资环境,介绍了现阶段越南的矿业情况以及矿业的投资情况,尤其是中国对越南的矿业投资方式及矿业战略,提出了中国在越南投资矿业的最佳方式,这对中国投资越南矿业具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Much research has indicated that aging is accompanied by decrements in memory performance across a wide variety of tasks and situations. A dominant perspective is that these age differences reflect normative changes in the integrity and efficiency of the information-processing system. Contextual perspectives of development, however, argue for consideration of a broader constellation of factors as determinants of both intraindividual change and interindividual variation in memory functioning. The validity of the contextual perspective in characterizing the relationship between aging and memory is examined through a review of studies exploring a variety of alternative mechanisms associated with age differences in performance. It is concluded that a more multidimensional approach to the study of aging and memory is warranted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the relative viability of the Inference-on-Input and Inference-Later hypotheses with regard to context inferences, using 16 university students. Ss were timed in their verification of sentences which either paraphrased part of an antecedent sentence or expressed one of its implications. When the test sentences followed the antecedents immediately, the latency difference between paraphrases and implications was negligible; but after a 9.5 sec delay, Ss needed almost 200 msec longer to verify implications than paraphrases. It is concluded that the memory representaion that results when a person encodes a sentence does not reliably include implications of the type examined here. (French summary) (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief chronology of the events that preceded the collapse of the walkways at the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel, including the prior failure that occurred during construction and the evolution of the detail that caused the catastrophe. Many of the facts surrounding the case were not publicized, due to the litigation. Some were not brought out during the litigation. No attempt will be made to affix responsibility, as these issues were resolved years ago. The chronology is followed by a discussion of the events that contributed to the collapse and of the changes that have been made in the industry toward preventing a similar occurrence.  相似文献   

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