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Fluoride concentrations in amniotic fluid as well as in venous and arterial cord blood serum were determined in 20 women during the perinatal period. The mean concentrations of fluoride from amniotic fluid, venous cord blood serum and arterial cord blood serum were 1,6 +/- 0,18 mumol/l, 3,2 +/- 0,28 mumol/l and 2,9 +/- 0,39 mumol/l respectively. Amniotic fluid fluoride concentrations were significantly higher in the older age group of pregnancies (39-42 weeks) in comparison with the younger age group of pregnancies (34-38 weeks) p < 0,01. The reasons for mentioned relations were discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium antagonists are widely used in therapy of hypertension and angina pectoris. Their advantage is good efficacy, relatively few and not dangerous side effects and first of all lack of bad metabolic effects (hypokalemia, hyperuricemia, hyperinsulinemia and hyperlipoproteinemia). In contrast to beta-blockers and diuretics, which decline mortality from myocardial infarctions and strokes there are not similar information concerning calcium antagonists. Two meta-analysis from 1995 unexpectedly suggest, that some preparations of calcium antagonists increase mortality from myocardial infarctions and strokes. In our paper we discuss possible pathogenetic (harmful) mechanisms, pay attention to each class of calcium antagonists and time of action of the particular drugs. Short acting nifedipine formulation should be withdrawn from chronic hypertension and angina pectoris therapy. Ongoing multicenter trials in several European countries and in USA will decide the usefulness of other calcium antagonists preparations.  相似文献   

Use of the serotonin uptake antidepressants is growing. These agents are thought to be safer than the tricyclic antidepressants, but clinicians should be aware that with overdoses, seizure activity and cardiac dysrhythmias have been reported in the medical literature. Physicians should be prepared to recognize and manage these overdosages. An illustrative case and a review of the literature are presented.  相似文献   

本文介绍了湖南锑矿资源的优势,分析其开发中存在的问题,提出了改变我省锑工业现状应采取的措施。  相似文献   

分析了我国铝资源性产品的供需状况,指出:铝资源性产品的供应已经处于高度紧张状态,必须广泛开源来满足国内的消费需求,并探讨了与之相关的政策选择。  相似文献   

孙海波 《山东冶金》2007,29(6):67-69
针对现阶段钢铁企业人力资源的开发与管理存在的结构不合理、专业技术人才匮乏,开发投资少、培训体系落后,考核制度不严格及缺乏有效的激励机制等问题,分析认为主要是人力资源管理的体制改革及认识观念落后,缺乏相应的管理知识造成的。提出了通过建立健全和完善用人机制、加强规划优化人力资源结构、加大资金投入提高系统开发能力等强化人力资源的开发与管理。  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that knowledge about breast cancer may influence secondary prevention, care-seeking behavior, and participation in treatment decision-making. Yet few standardized measures of breast cancer knowledge are in existence. Using factor analysis, this paper describes the structure of women's knowledge about breast cancer and uses that structure to develop a measurement scale. Principal axis factoring and varimax rotation yielded a nine factor solution, which accounted for 59.3% of the common variance. Interpretation of the conceptual structure of these factors suggests that knowledge is organized around breast cancer treatment, misconceptions, risk factors, symptoms, menstruation, and prevalence. Considering only those items with factor loadings of .35 and greater, and including only those factors containing three or more items, a 16-item scale, which included four factor-based subscales covering knowledge about breast cancer treatment, misconceptions, risks, and symptoms was developed. Internal consistency reliability of the total scale and of the four subscales was high (alphas = .76-.95). Using chi square analysis, it was found that levels of knowledge on the total scale and on the treatment and symptom subscales are associated with age, education, income, and history of breast cancer. Knowledge on the misconceptions subscale was associated with age, education, and income. Knowledge on the risks subscale was associated with age and education. Issues of reliability and validity of the scale as well as directions for future research in this area are discussed.  相似文献   

Integrated Hydrologic Modeling and GIS in Water Resources Management   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The integration of a physically-based distributed model with a geographic information system (GIS) in watershed-based water resources management is presented, and an example watershed is chosen to demonstrate the spatial database and modeling system developed in this study. The spatial data is first processed by GIS. The model is then used to simulate runoff hydrographs. It operates at a daily time step on 1 × 1 km grid squares and simulates important hydrologic processes including evapotranspiration, snowmelt, infiltration, aquifer recharge, ground-water flow, and overland and channel runoff. Finally, the model result is displayed by using GIS. This study demonstrates that the integration of a physically based distributed model and GIS may successfully and efficiently implement the watershed-based water resources management. Not only does this process facilitate examination of a wider range of alternatives that would be impossible by using conventional methods, but it also provides a living management that could be modified and updated by water managers once the watershed condition is changed.  相似文献   

根据重庆市山地地形水资源实际情况,针对水资源景观的开发利用,提出相应的设计措施,以促进城市景观建设、提高重庆城市景观形象.  相似文献   

侯克  魏紫 《山东冶金》2006,28(6):74-76
济钢注重营造企业文化理念,构建了和谐的济钢文化,通过实施人才培养、人才引进、人才开发工程,开展技能人才培养开发工作,建立职业资格证书准入、高级技能人才考核竞聘上岗、先进操作法命名及重点技能岗位特贴四项制度,实施技能人才素质提升、“十百千”技能人才开发、技能人才“1 1”培养、技能人才“订单”培养和高级技能人才评选五大工程,全面提升了人力资源管理工作,为济钢的发展提供了强有力的人力资源保证。  相似文献   

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) plays a leading role in health services research. Research efforts to develop practice guidelines, outcomes research, and computer applications have led to improvements in the delivery of care and reduced health care costs. These efforts aid consumers, providers, purchasers, and policy makers in health care decision making. This article cites numerous examples of AHCPR's efforts to increase quality of care and reduce costs.  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Psychology and Medicine: Psychobiological Dimensions by Donald Bakal (1979). Bakal believes that psychology "is rapidly becoming an integral part of modern health care delivery systems" and directs his book toward developing this interest by showing the theoretical and practical relevance of psychological concepts to major health problems. In the first section, which has the inclusive title "Medicine: Mind and Body", he describes a "paradigm shift" in medicine, away from an emphasis on the physiological and biochemical systems as basic to understanding disease toward a "psychobiological" approach to illness which focuses on the inter-relationships between the social, psychological, and physiological determinants of health and disease. He amplifies this point by discussing such matters as personality-disease relationships, psychomatic medicine, a cross-cultural variation in models of health and illness and the implications of the split brain research for states of consciousness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

图书馆的人力资源是现代图书馆管理工作中的重要内容,高校图书馆在人力资源管理中存在多方面的问题,应该从管理理念、管理模式、激励机制、业务培训等方面入手,才能真正发挥高校图书馆在人才培养、科学研究和社会服务中的作用.  相似文献   

我国钨矿资源政策与管理对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了我国钨矿资源开发利用现状及政策导向,分析了控制性的钨矿政策在实施中取得扩张性效果的原因,提出了对钨矿资源的管理对策。  相似文献   

<正>In the past two years,due to weak global economic recovery and manufacturing downturn,the world mineral market continued to slump.As a result,scarce minerals have also been seriously affected.On one hand,the  相似文献   

张新  宫俊莹 《山东冶金》2009,31(3):26-28
江苏沙钢集团宏发炼铁厂高炉煤气洗涤水管道长期存在黏泥沉积、通径变窄现象。分析认为,煤气洗涤水中锌离子和悬浮物偏高以及粉煤灰吸附是主要原因。通过采取加碱降锌、增加混凝剂降低悬浮物等措施,水中锌离子和悬浮物明显降低,管道中原有黏泥厚度从4~5cm下降到0.5cm,黏泥沉积问题基本得到解决。  相似文献   

跨界水资源管理关系区域和全球经济社会发展及和平安全等问题,已成为国内外理论和实践面临的重大课题.学界关于跨界水资源管理的论述可谓不少,都有一定的理论和实践意义,但也存在管理核心问题界定不明等缺陷.文章通过对跨界水资源管理的实证分析,初步探讨了当前跨界水资源管理在核心问题界定和相关制度安排上存在的问题,提出跨界水资源管理应围绕"水质"保障和保全、"水量"评估和分配以及流域"生态养护"问题展开制度构建和原则设计.  相似文献   

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