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We propose a novel framework to generate a global texture atlas for a deforming geometry. Our approach distinguishes from prior arts in two aspects. First, instead of generating a texture map for each timestamp to color a dynamic scene, our framework reconstructs a global texture atlas that can be consistently mapped to a deforming object. Second, our approach is based on a single RGB‐D camera, without the need of a multiple‐camera setup surrounding a scene. In our framework, the input is a 3D template model with an RGB‐D image sequence, and geometric warping fields are found using a state‐of‐the‐art non‐rigid registration method [GXW*15] to align the template mesh to noisy and incomplete input depth images. With these warping fields, our multi‐scale approach for texture coordinate optimization generates a sharp and clear texture atlas that is consistent with multiple color observations over time. Our approach is accelerated by graphical hardware and provides a handy configuration to capture a dynamic geometry along with a clean texture atlas. We demonstrate our approach with practical scenarios, particularly human performance capture. We also show that our approach is resilient on misalignment issues caused by imperfect estimation of warping fields and inaccurate camera parameters.  相似文献   

鉴于现有的两步纹理映射技术对环形物体表面的纹理映射均不适用,为此提出了一种两步纹理映射方法,用于解决环形物体的纹理映射问题。该算法选择圆环表面为中介曲面,首先运用面积等比约束方法将两块相同类型的纹理分别映射到圆环的上下两侧表面,并通过对纹理拼接区域进行插值预处理来消除纹理接缝;然后采用中介表面法向法将圆环表面的纹理进一步映射至物体表面。实验结果表明,该算法可将平面纹理映射至多种环形物体表面,不仅纹理形变小,且保持连续,能够较好地满足虚拟现实与真实感绘制对环形物体表面的纹理映射要求。  相似文献   

Large 3D asset databases are critical for designing virtual worlds, and using them effectively requires techniques for efficient querying and navigation. One important form of query is search by style compatibility: given a query object, find others that would be visually compatible if used in the same scene. In this paper, we present a scalable, learning‐based approach for solving this problem which is designed for use with real‐world 3D asset databases; we conduct experiments on 121 3D asset packages containing around 4000 3D objects from the Unity Asset Store. By leveraging the structure of the object packages, we introduce a technique to synthesize training labels for metric learning that work as well as human labels. These labels can grow exponentially with the number of objects, allowing our approach to scale to large real‐world 3D asset databases without the need for expensive human training labels. We use these synthetic training labels in a metric learning model that analyzes the in‐engine rendered appearance of an object—combining geometry, material, and texture—whereas prior work considers only object geometry, or disjoint geometry and texture features. Through an ablation experiment, we find that using this representation yields better results than using renders which lack texture, materiality, or both.  相似文献   

We present a new technique to jointly MIP‐map BRDF and normal maps. Starting with generating an instant BRDF map, our technique builds its MIP‐mapped versions based on a highly efficient algorithm that interpolates von Mises‐Fisher (vMF) distributions. In our BRDF MIP‐maps, each pixel stores a vMF mixture approximating the average of all BRDF lobes from the finest level. Our method is capable of jointly MIP‐mapping BRDF and normal maps, even with high‐frequency variations, at real‐time while preserving high‐quality reflectance details. Further, it is very fast, easy to implement, and requires no precomputation.  相似文献   

We present a real‐time algorithm for rendering translucent objects of arbitrary shapes. We approximate the scattering of light inside the objects using the diffusion equation, which we solve on‐the‐fly using the GPU. Our algorithm is general enough to handle arbitrary geometry, heterogeneous materials, deformable objects and modifications of lighting, all in real‐time. In a pre‐processing step, we discretize the object into a regular 4‐connected structure (QuadGraph). Due to its regular connectivity, this structure is easily packed into a texture and stored on the GPU. At runtime, we use the QuadGraph stored on the GPU to solve the diffusion equation, in real‐time, taking into account the varying input conditions: Incoming light, object material and geometry. We handle deformable objects, provided the deformation does not change the topological structure of the objects.  相似文献   

The problem of texture mapping on real world objects has attracted attention11,8 recently. A work by Lensch et al. 9 addressed the problem of locating a camera position in the celestial sphere and then mapping the acquired pictures on a real world object. The entire process took a half hour to one hour to map 10 to 15 pictures. In this paper, we propose a new innovative algorithm to speed up the texture mapping or painting process in real-time. We built a PC-based system using a commonly available video card with a geometry engine. Mapping of a picture required about 20 seconds. It is successful in giving an illusion to the operator to paint a colorless real world object with a color texture brush.  相似文献   

This paper shows that an adequate use of vectorfields can solve most inconsistencies related to texture mapping that appear in current animation and rendering systems based on implicit objects. The method used is based on the concept of a virtual skin. A skin with its own texture mapping is spread over an implicit object and is constrained to stick to the deformation of the implicit object. A vectorfield is used to compute the relationship between the motion of the skin and the deformation of the object. Visual and implementation issues are discussed with respect to typical applications of implicit objects in computer graphics.  相似文献   

Because of its versatility, speed and robustness, shadow mapping has always been a popular algorithm for fast hard shadow generation since its introduction in 1978, first for offline film productions and later increasingly so in real‐time graphics. So it is not surprising that recent years have seen an explosion in the number of shadow map related publications. Because of the abundance of articles on the topic, it has become very hard for practitioners and researchers to select a suitable shadow algorithm, and therefore many applications miss out on the latest high‐quality shadow generation approaches. The goal of this survey is to rectify this situation by providing a detailed overview of this field. We show a detailed analysis of shadow mapping errors and derive a comprehensive classification of the existing methods. We discuss the most influential algorithms, consider their benefits and shortcomings and thereby provide the readers with the means to choose the shadow algorithm best suited to their needs.  相似文献   

Numerous algorithms have been researched in the area of texture synthesis. However, it remains difficult to design a low‐cost synthesis scheme capable of generating high quality results while simultaneously achieving real‐time performance. Additional challenges include making a scheme parallel and being able to partially render/synthesize high‐resolution textures. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for a synthesis scheme to be able to incorporate Texture Compression and minimize the bandwidth usage, especially on mobile devices. In this paper, we propose a practical method which has low computational complexity and produces textures with small storage requirements. Through use of an index table, random access of the texture is another essential advantage, with which parallel rendering becomes feasible including generation of mip‐map sequences. Integrating the index table with existing compression algorithms, for example ETC or PVRTC, the bandwidth is further reduced and avoids the need for a separate, computationally expensive pass to compress the synthesized output. It should be noted that our texture synthesis achieves real‐time performance and low power consumption even on mobile devices, for which texture synthesis has been traditionally considered too expensive.  相似文献   

A software framework taking advantage of parallel processing capabilities of CPUs and GPUs is designed for the real‐time interactive cutting simulation of deformable objects. Deformable objects are modelled as voxels connected by links. The voxels are embedded in an octree mesh used for deformation. Cutting is performed by disconnecting links swept by the cutting tool and then adaptively refining octree elements near the cutting tool trajectory. A surface mesh used for visual display is reconstructed from disconnected links using the dual contour method. Spatial hashing of the octree mesh and topology‐aware interpolation of distance field are used for collision. Our framework uses a novel GPU implementation for inter‐object collision and object self collision, while tool‐object collision, cutting and deformation are assigned to CPU, using multiple threads whenever possible. A novel method that splits cutting operations into four independent tasks running in parallel is designed. Our framework also performs data transfers between CPU and GPU simultaneously with other tasks to reduce their impact on performances. Simulation tests show that when compared to three‐threaded CPU implementations, our GPU accelerated collision is 53–160% faster; and the overall simulation frame rate is 47–98% faster.  相似文献   

Explicit parameterization of subdivision surfaces for texture mapping adds significant cost and complexity to film production. Most parameterization methods currently in use require setup effort, and none are completely general. We propose a new texture mapping method for Catmull‐Clark subdivision surfaces that requires no explicit parameterization. Our method, Ptex, stores a separate texture per quad face of the subdivision control mesh, along with a novel per‐face adjacency map, in a single texture file per surface. Ptex uses the adjacency data to perform seamless anisotropic filtering of multi‐resolution textures across surfaces of arbitrary topology. Just as importantly, Ptex requires no manual setup and scales to models of arbitrary mesh complexity and texture detail. Ptex has been successfully used to texture all of the models in an animated theatrical short and is currently being applied to an entire animated feature. Ptex has eliminated UV assignment from our studio and significantly increased the efficiency of our pipeline.  相似文献   

基于多幅实拍照片为真实景物模型添加纹理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘钢  彭群生  鲍虎军 《软件学报》2005,16(11):2014-2020
利用实拍照片为基于真实景物创建的几何模型添加纹理的方法正在受到广泛的关注,实拍照片与几何模型的配准是这项技术的关键.以往方法采用3D-2D特征点匹配或侧影轮廓线匹配的方法进行配准,因此对空间物体的表面特征或轮廓线形状有特殊的要求.提出了一种新的配准方法来解决这一问题,由于采用了基于图像重建的采样点模型与已知几何模型在空间中匹配的方法实现配准,因而充分利用了物体几何形状本身的拓扑和曲率等信息,并可以一次性地实现所有图像与空间物体的配准.实验结果表明,该方法可以解决一部分用以往的方法尚无法处理的实际问题,且在重建空间采样点分布较为合理的情形下,纹理映射效果非常理想.  相似文献   

Texture Mapping with Hard Constraints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We show how to continuously map a texture onto a 3D triangle mesh when some of the mesh vertices are constrained to have given ( u , v ) coordinates. This problem arises frequently in interactive texture mapping applications and, to the best of our knowledge, a complete and efficient solution is not available. Our techniques always guarantee a solution by introducing extra (Steiner) vertices in the triangulation if needed. We show how to apply our methods to texture mapping in multi-resolution scenarios and image warping and morphing.  相似文献   

We propose an analysis of numerical integration based on sampling theory, whereby the integration error caused by aliasing is suppressed by pre‐filtering. We derive a pre‐filter for evaluating the illumination integral yielding filtered importance sampling, a simple GPU‐based rendering algorithm for image‐based lighting. Furthermore, we extend the algorithm with real‐time visibility computation. Free from any pre‐computation, the algorithm supports fully dynamic scenes and, above all, is simple to implement.  相似文献   

We present a real‐time multi‐view facial capture system facilitated by synthetic training imagery. Our method is able to achieve high‐quality markerless facial performance capture in real‐time from multi‐view helmet camera data, employing an actor specific regressor. The regressor training is tailored to specified actor appearance and we further condition it for the expected illumination conditions and the physical capture rig by generating the training data synthetically. In order to leverage the information present in live imagery, which is typically provided by multiple cameras, we propose a novel multi‐view regression algorithm that uses multi‐dimensional random ferns. We show that higher quality can be achieved by regressing on multiple video streams than previous approaches that were designed to operate on only a single view. Furthermore, we evaluate possible camera placements and propose a novel camera configuration that allows to mount cameras outside the field of view of the actor, which is very beneficial as the cameras are then less of a distraction for the actor and allow for an unobstructed line of sight to the director and other actors. Our new real‐time facial capture approach has immediate application in on‐set virtual production, in particular with the ever‐growing demand for motion‐captured facial animation in visual effects and video games.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of structure‐aware shape deformation: We specifically consider deformations that preserve symmetries of the shape being edited. While this is an elegant approach for obtaining plausible shape variations from minimal assumptions, a straightforward optimization is numerically expensive and poorly conditioned. Our paper introduces an explicit construction of bases of linear spaces of shape deformations that exactly preserve symmetries for any user‐defined level of detail. This permits the construction of low‐dimensional spaces of low‐frequency deformations that preserve the symmetries. We obtain substantial speed‐ups over alternative approaches for symmetry‐preserving shape editing due to (i) the sub‐space approach, which permits low‐res editing, (ii) the removal of redundant, symmetric information, and (iii) the simplification of the numerical formulation due to hard‐coded symmetry preservation. We demonstrate the utility in practice by applying our framework to symmetry‐preserving co‐rotated iterative Laplace surface editing of models with complex symmetry structure, including partial and nested symmetry.  相似文献   

条纹理映射   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李奎宇  王文成  吴恩华 《软件学报》2004,15(Z1):179-189
提出一种新的基于图像绘制的方法,能高效地利用图形硬件进行加速,避免成像过程中烦人的空洞填补计算,高质量地反映物体表面的三雏凹凸细节及视差变化.该方法首先为源深度图像中每个像素生成一个条状的纹理(条纹理),即根据一个像素及其邻近像素的深度值,沿着深度方向为该像素插值生成多个具有不同深度值的点,它们一起构成谊像素的条纹理;然后,绘制时利用图形硬件的纹理映射直接处理这些条纹理.由于各个像素的条纹理的集合可以构成源场景的近似连续三维表示,从而大大增强了源深度图像表达三维模型细节的能力,而且成像时不必进行空洞填补的计算.与已有的同类方法相比,新方法的空间需求小,成像速度快,并且成像质量很高.  相似文献   

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