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Type-II interband cascade lasers have been demonstrated at emission wavelengths longer than 5.1 /spl mu/m at temperatures up to 163 K and 240 K in continuous wave and pulsed modes, respectively. The emission wavelengths are the longest attained among III-V interband diode lasers. The threshold current density is as low as 36 A/cm/sup 2/ at 80 K.  相似文献   

We report continuous-wave (CW) operation of a 4.3-/spl mu/m quantum-cascade laser from 80 K to 313 K. For a high-reflectivity-coated 11-/spl mu/m-wide and 4-mm-long laser, CW output powers of 1.34 W at 80 K and 26 mW at 313 K are achieved. At 298 K, the CW threshold current density of 1.5 kA/cm/sup 2/ is observed with a CW output power of 166 mW and maximum wall-plug efficiency of 1.47%. The CW emission wavelength varies from 4.15 /spl mu/m at 80 K to 4.34 /spl mu/m at 298 K, corresponding to a temperature-tuning rate of 0.87 nm/K. The beam full-width at half-maximum values for the parallel and the perpendicular far-field patterns are 26/spl deg/ and 49/spl deg/ in CW mode, respectively.  相似文献   

InAs/AlSb quantum cascade lasers emitting at 3.5-3.65 mum are demonstrated. The lasers employ a plasmon enhanced waveguide consisting of heavily doped n-InAs cladding layers and low doped InAs spacers. The maximum operation temperature is 200 and 140 K for lasers emitting near 3.65 and 3.5 mum, respectively. The present lasers' performances are limited by interband absorption in narrow gap InAs spacers  相似文献   

Room-temperature continuous-wave operation of a singlemode GaInAsSb/GaSb/AlGaAsSb distributed feedback (DFB) laser is presented at a record long emission wavelength for this material system of 2.843 /spl mu/m. The threshold current at 20/spl deg/C is 75 mA. Mode selection was realised by metal gratings laterally patterned to a ridge waveguide. By varying the grating period, DFB emission from 2.738 up to 2.843 /spl mu/m is obtained.  相似文献   

Quantum cascade lasers based on the InAs/AlSb material system have been realised. The optical confinement is obtained using a plasmon waveguide with n/sup +/-InAs cladding layers. In pulse mode the lasers emit close to 6.7 /spl mu/m with a threshold current density of 5 kA/cm/sup 2/ at 90 K. The maximum operating temperature is 220 K.  相似文献   

Electrically pumped buried tunnel junction InGaAlAs-InP vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) with self-adjusted lateral current and optical confinement and record emission wavelengths beyond 2 /spl mu/m are presented. Front and back side mirrors are realized using 31.5 epitaxial layer pairs of alternating InGaAs-InAlAs and a dielectric 2.5 pair CaF/sub 2/-a-Si layer stack. The devices show single-mode continuous-wave operation up to heat sink temperatures over 80/spl deg/C. The maximum output power at 20/spl deg/C reaches 0.43 mW, threshold current and voltage are as low as 0.66 mA and 0.73 V, respectively. To reach the long emission wavelength, we use an optimized active region comprising heavily strained quantum wells. High-resolution X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence measurements reveal excellent material quality without relaxation in the quantum wells.  相似文献   

Quantum-cascade lasers based on a bound-to-continuum transition and emitting at /spl lambda//spl sim/106 /spl mu/m (2.8 THz) are reported. They produce peak output powers of a few milliwatt and can be operated up to a heatsink temperature of 65 K. The devices demonstrate the feasibility of this technology for frequencies below 3 THz.  相似文献   

Low-threshold GaInNAs single-quantum-well (SQW) lasers with emission wavelength over 1.3 mum are demonstrated. Epitaxial layers of the lasers are grown using an aluminium-free gas-source molecular-beam epitaxy (GS-MBE) to prevent any impurity or contamination related to aluminium that might be incorporated into the GaInNAs active layer. The fabricated laser is believed it exhibit the lowest threshold-current density (200 A/cm2) among GaInNAs-SQW lasers grown by MBE. Moreover, record low threshold current (5.2 mA) and long-wavelength (1.31 mum) emission were achieved in a ridge-waveguide laser at 25degC under continuous-wave operation  相似文献   

We present two different techniques for processing InP-based /spl lambda/=9 /spl mu/m quantum cascade lasers which improve the thermal dissipation in the device. The first process is based on hydrogen implantation creating an insulating layer to inject current selectively in one part of the active region. The second process uses a thick electroplated gold layer on the laser ridge to efficiently remove the heat produced in the active region. Each process is designed to improve heat evacuation leading to higher performances of the lasers and will be compared to a standard ridge structure from the same wafer. We give evidence that the process of proton implantation, efficient in GaAs based structures, is not directly applicable to InP based devices and we present a detailed analysis of the thermal properties of devices with an electroplated gold thick layer. With these lasers, an average power of 174 mW at a duty cycle of 40% has been measured at 10/spl deg/C.  相似文献   

Yeh  J.-Y. Tansu  N. Mawst  L.J. 《Electronics letters》2004,40(12):739-741
Low threshold InGaAsN QW lasers with lasing wavelength at 1.378 and 1.41 /spl mu/m were demonstrated by metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). The threshold current densities are 563 and 1930 A/cm/sup 2/ for the 1.378 and 1.41 /spl mu/m emitting lasers, respectively. The significant improvement of device performance is believed due to utilisation of high temperature annealing and introduction of GaAsN barriers to suppress the resulting wavelength blue shift. A comparable characteristic temperature coefficient of the external differential quantum efficiency, T/sub 1/, is observed for the InGaAsN-GaAsN QW laser compared to similar InGaAsN/GaAs structures.  相似文献   

We report the demonstration of high-power semiconductor slab-coupled optical waveguide lasers (SCOWLs) operating at a wavelength of 1.5 /spl mu/m. The lasers operate with large (4/spl times/8 /spl mu/m diameter) fundamental mode and produce output power in excess of 800 mW. These structures have very low loss (/spl sim/0.5 cm/sup -1/) enabling centimeter-long devices for efficient heat removal. The large fundamental mode allows 55% butt-coupling efficiency to standard optical fiber (SMF-28). Comparisons are made between SCOWL structures having nominal 4- and 5-/spl mu/m-thick waveguides.  相似文献   

Studied the gate finger number and gate length dependence on minimum noise figure (NF/sub min/) in deep submicrometer MOSFETs. A lowest NF/sub min/ of 0.93 dB is measured in 0.18-/spl mu/m MOSFET at 5.8 GHz as increasing finger number to 50 fingers, but increases abnormally when above 50. The scaling gate length to 0.13 /spl mu/m shows larger NFmin than the 0.18-/spl mu/m case at the same finger number. From the analysis of a well-calibrated device model, the abnormal finger number dependence is due to the combined effect of reducing gate resistance and increasing substrate loss as increasing finger number. The scaling to 0.13-/spl mu/m MOSFET gives higher NF/sub min/ due to the higher gate resistance and a modified T-gate structure proposed to optimize the NF/sub min/ for further scaling down of the MOSFET.  相似文献   

A report is presented on the continuous-wave operation of /spl lambda//spl sime/5 /spl mu/m GaInAs/AlInAs/InP-based quantum cascade lasers up to a heatsink temperature of 222 K (-51/spl deg/C). The devices are mounted epi-side down with high-reflection coated facets. The dissipated electrical power at threshold amounts to only 2.3 W at 222 K.  相似文献   

We use a 10-band k/spl middot/p Hamiltonian to investigate gain characteristics of 1.3- /spl mu/m InGaAsN-GaAs 7-nm quantum-well lasers as a function of indium and nitrogen content. The parameters used were obtained by comparison with experimental transition energy data and fitting to measured spontaneous-emission line broadening. We conclude that optimum device performance is obtained by including the minimum amount of nitrogen necessary to prevent strain relaxation at the given well thickness.  相似文献   

The onset of the coherence-collapse threshold is theoretically and experimentally studied for monomode 1.3-/spl mu/m antireflection/high reflection distributed-feedback lasers taking into account facet phase effects. The variation of the coherence collapse from chip to chip due to the facet phase is in the range of 7 dB and remains almost independent of the grating coefficient. Lasers that operate without coherence collapse under -15-dB optical feedback, while exhibiting an efficiency as high as 0.30 W/A, are demonstrated. Such lasers are adequate for 2.5 Gb/s isolator-free transmission without under the International Telecommunication Union recommended return loss.  相似文献   

1.27-/spl mu/m InGaAs: Sb-GaAs-GaAsP vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) were grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and exhibited excellent performance and temperature stability. The threshold current changes from 1.8 to 1.1 mA and the slope efficiency falls less than /spl sim/35% as the temperature raised from room temperature to 70/spl deg/C. With a bias current of only 5 mA, the 3-dB modulation frequency response was measured to be 8.36 GHz, which is appropriate for 10-Gb/s operation. The maximal bandwidth is measured to be 10.7 GHz with modulation current efficiency factor (MCEF) of /spl sim/5.25 GHz/(mA)/sup 1/2/. These VCSELs also demonstrate high-speed modulation up to 10 Gb/s from 25/spl deg/C to 70/spl deg/C.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling, based on rate equations, is used to estimate the theoretical limit of the emission efficiency of 3-/spl mu/m Er:YAG laser (laser transition /sup 4/I/sub 11/2//spl rarr//sup 4/I/sub 13/2/) in both continuous wave (CW) and free-generation regimes. This model exclusively uses spectroscopic data and includes upconversion from both initial and terminal laser levels as well as the cross relaxation from the "pump level" /sup 4/S/sub 3/2/. The recirculation of the excitation on the metastable levels of the Er/sup 3+/ ion - produced by the energy-transfer processes, very active at high erbium concentrations - leads to supraunitary quantum efficiency and high emission efficiency in the CW regime. In the Q-switch regime, in contrast with CW (or free generation) regime, the energy-transfer processes are "frozen" during the giant pulse generation, the access to the stored energy is limited and the laser efficiency is rather low. In this paper, we find simple analytic expressions for the emission efficiency in CW, free-generation, and Q-switch regimes. The same figures of merit are used for all these regimes. The predictions of our model are then compared with available experimental results. Some suggestions to improve the overall efficiency of the 3-/spl mu/m erbium lasers, working in the Q-switch regime, are given.  相似文献   

Fabry-Perot lasers still comprise the bulk of lasers used in optical fiber systems. The spectral envelope, of the Fabry-Perot modes, can be modulated either deliberately or as a consequence of processing stages. This can be beneficial, in the case of modal sculpturing where specific Fabry-Perot modes are suppressed, or a hindrance in the case of poor devices. A time-domain model is used to model 1.3-/spl mu/m Fabry-Perot lasers. Simulated power conserving reflective sites are introduced between sections in the model to simulate the effect of reflective sites from etch pits on the output characteristics of real lasers. Spectral modulation of the laser output is reported in agreement with previous experimental results and the strength of reflections required is investigated. We also report the use of the model to investigate the effect of fiber dispersion on the modulated laser output with different spectral mode modulation.  相似文献   

We present the first continuous-wave (CW) edge-emitting lasers at 1.5 /spl mu/m grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). These single quantum well (QW) devices show dramatic improvement in all areas of device performance as compared to previous reports. CW output powers as high as 140 mW (both facets) were obtained from 20 /spl mu/m /spl times/ 2450 /spl mu/m ridge-waveguide lasers possessing a threshold current density of 1.06 kA/cm/sup 2/, external quantum efficiency of 31%, and characteristic temperature T/sub 0/ of 139 K from 10/spl deg/C-60/spl deg/C. The lasing wavelength shifted 0.58 nm/K, resulting in CW laser action at 1.52 /spl mu/m at 70/spl deg/C. This is the first report of CW GaAs-based laser operation beyond 1.5 /spl mu/m. Evidence of Auger recombination and intervalence band absorption was found over the range of operation and prevented CW operation above 70/spl deg/C. Maximum CW output power was limited by insufficient thermal heatsinking; however, devices with a highly reflective (HR) coating applied to one facet produced 707 mW of pulsed output power limited by the laser driver. Similar CW output powers are expected with more sophisticated packaging and further optimization of the gain region. It is expected that such lasers will find application in next-generation optical networks as pump lasers for Raman amplifiers or doped fiber amplifiers, and could displace InP-based lasers for applications from 1.2 to 1.6 /spl mu/m.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a full-duplex, subcarrier-multiplexed, transmission system which employs 1.3-/spl mu/m Fabry-Perot strained layer MQW laser diode transmitters in both directions. Coherent effects are reduced by using lasers with different mode spacing.  相似文献   

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