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We consider the model checking problem for Process Rewrite Systems (PRS), an infinite-state formalism (non Turing-powerful) which subsumes many common models such as Pushdown Processes and Petri Nets. PRS can be adopted as a formal model for programs with dynamic creation and synchronization of concurrent processes, and with recursive procedures. The model-checking problem of PRS against action-based linear temporal logic (ALTL) is undecidable. However, decidability for some interesting fragment of ALTL remains an open question. In this paper, we state decidability results concerning generalized acceptance properties about infinite derivations (infinite term rewriting) in PRS. As a consequence, we obtain decidability of the model-checking problem (restricted to infinite runs) of PRS against a meaningful fragment of ALTL.  相似文献   

交互时态逻辑已被广泛应用于开放系统的规范描述,交互时态逻辑的模型检测技术是一个比较重要的验证方法。为了形式化描述和验证具有模糊不确定性信息的开放系统的性质,提出了一种模糊交互时态逻辑,并讨论了它的模型检测问题。首先,引入了模糊交互时态逻辑的基于路径和基于不动点的两种语义,证明了其等价性。然后,基于其等价性,给出了模糊交互时态逻辑的模型检测算法和复杂性分析。  相似文献   

Model Checking for Combined Logics with an Application to Mobile Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we develop model checking procedures for three ways of combining (temporal) logics: temporalization, independent combination, and join. We prove that they are terminating, sound, and complete, we analyze their computational complexity, and we report on experiments with implementations. We take a close look at mobile systems and show how the proposed combined model checking framework can be successfully applied to the specification and verification of their properties.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, there has been an extensive study of logical formalisms on specifying and verifying real-time systems. Temporal logics have been an important research subject within this direction. Although numerous logics have been introduced for formal specification of real-time and complex systems, an up to date survey of these logics does not exist in the literature. In this paper we analyse various temporal formalisms introduced for specification, including propositional/first-order linear temporal logics, branching temporal logics, interval temporal logics, real-time temporal logics and probabilistic temporal logics. We give decidability, axiomatizability, expressiveness, model checking results for each logic analysed. We also provide a comparison of features of the temporal logics discussed.  相似文献   

基于UPPAAL的实时系统模型验证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
UPPAAL是一种使用时间自动机模型的实时系统验证工具,它可以避免时间自动机求积时状态空间的爆炸。介绍了时间自动机理论和工具UPPAAL,着重说明如何用UPPAAL进行模型检查,并给出了一个应用实例。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the problem of performing distributed CTL model checking by splitting the given state space into several partial state spaces. The partial state space is modelled as a Kripke structure with border states. Each computer involved in the distributed computation owns a partial state space and performs a model-checking algorithm on this incomplete structure. To be able to proceed, the border states are augmented by assumptions about truth values of formulas and the computers exchange assumptions about relevant states to compute more precise information.  相似文献   

模型检测作为一种形式化验证技术,已被广泛应用于各种并发系统的正确性验证。针对具有非确定性选择和广义可能性分布的并发系统,引入广义可能性决策过程作为此类系统的模型;给出描述其性质的规范语言广义可能性计算树逻辑的概念;研究此类系统的广义可能性计算树逻辑模型检测问题。结论表明,其模型检测算法的时间复杂度也为多项式时间。所获得的结果扩大了广义可能性测度在模型检测中的应用范围。  相似文献   

This paper shows the application of a type of formal software verification technique known as lightweight model checking to a domain model in healthcare informatics in general and public health surveillance systems in particular. One of the most complex use cases of such a system is checked using assertions to verify one important system property. This use case is one of the major justifications for the complexity of the domain model. Alloy Analyzer verification tool is utilized for this purpose. Such verification work is very effective in either uncovering design flaws or in providing guarantees on certain desirable system properties in the earlier phases of the development lifecycle of any critical project.  相似文献   

Bounded model checking (BMC) is an attractive alternative to symbolic model checking, since it often allows a more efficient verification. The idea of BMC is to reduce the model checking problem to a satisfiability problem of the underlying base logic, so that sophisticated decision procedures can be utilized to check the resulting formula. We present a new approach to BMC that extends current methods in three ways: First, instead of a reduction to propositional logic which restricts BMC to finite state systems, we focus on infinite state systems and therefore consider more powerful, yet decidable base logics. Second, instead of directly unwinding temporal logic formulas, we use special translations to ω-automata that take into account the temporal logic hierarchy and maintain safety and liveness properties. Third, we employ both global and local model checking procedures to take advantage of the different types of specifications that can be handled by these techniques. Based on three-valued logic, our bounded model checking procedures may either prove or disprove a specification, or they may explicitly state that no information has been obtained due to insufficient bounds.
Klaus SchneiderEmail:

Using probabilistic model checking for dynamic power management   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dynamic power management (DPM) refers to the use of runtime strategies in order to achieve a tradeoff between the performance and power consumption of a system and its components. We present an approach to analysing stochastic DPM strategies using probabilistic model checking as the formal framework. This is a novel application of probabilistic model checking to the area of system design. This approach allows us to obtain performance measures of strategies by automated analytical means without expensive simulations. Moreover, one can formally establish various probabilistically quantified properties pertaining to buffer sizes, delays, energy usage etc., for each derived strategy.Received November 2003Revised September 2004Accepted December 2004 by M. Leuschel and D. J. Cooke  相似文献   

In this paper, the applicability of model checking to C code for embedded systems is studied. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, 13 existing model checkers for C code are detailed and evaluated for their applicability in the verification of C code for embedded systems. A case study is presented that applied CBMC as one representative C code model checker to an exemplary microcontroller program. As a consequence of this case study, we decided to develop a new model checker for source code for microcontrollers, called [mc]square. It is described in the second part of this paper. We present the architecture and the peculiarities of [mc]square, and we successfully applied [mc]square to the same microcontroller program used in the case study.  相似文献   

Model Checking Data Consistency for Cache Coherence Protocols   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A method for automatic verification of cache coherence protocols is presented, in which cache coherence protocols are modeled as concurrent value-passing processes, and control and data consistency requirement are described as formulas in first-orderμ-calculus. A model checker is employed to check if the protocol under investigation satisfies the required properties. Using this method a data consistency error has been revealed in a well-known cache coherence protocol. The error has been corrected, and the revised protocol has been shown free from data consistency error for any data domain size, by appealing to data independence technique.  相似文献   

Classical logic cannot be used to effectively reason about concurrent systems with inconsistencies (inconsistencies often occur, especially in the early stage of the development, when large and complex concurrent systems are developed). In this paper, we propose the use of a paraconsistent temporal logic (QCTL) for supporting the verification of temporal properties of such systems even where the consistent model is not available. We introduce a novel notion of paraKripke models, which grasps the paraconsistent character of the entailment relation of QCTL. Furthermore, we explore the methodology of model checking over QCTL, and describe the detailed algorithm of implementing QCTL model checker. In the sequel, a simple example is presented, showing how to exploit the proposed model checking technique to verify the temporal properties of inconsistent concurrent systems.  相似文献   

为了避免飞机在着陆过程中出现事故,同时又能充分利用机场的跑道资源,对飞机数量多于跑道的情况进行了研究,采用了模型验证的方法.介绍了时间自动机的相关理论,以及基于该理论的验证工具uppaal,在此基础上使用uppaal工具对飞机着陆过程构造了模型,然后对模型的需求规范进行了验证,验证结果表明该模型不存在死锁问题,最终可以保证飞机安全和及时地着陆.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modelling approach suitable for formalizing fault tolerant systems, taking into account different fault scenarios. Verification of the properties of such systems is then performed using model checking. A general framework for the formal specification and verification of fault tolerant systems is defined starting from these principles, and experience with its application to two case studies is then presented. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在处理器从单核向多核演进的过程中,为了获得更好的性能和可扩展性,适用于多核处理器系统的Cache一致性协议变得越来越复杂。Cache一致性协议的验证一直是模型检测在工业界主要应用之一,被工业界和学术界关注。相对传统方法而言,微结构级的模型检测能够描述和验证更多的协议细节。利用NuSMV工具对Intel公司的MESIF Cache一致性协议进行模型检测在微结构层次上进行了建模,并对该协议进行模型检测,试验结果证明了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

研究了基于交互式马尔可夫链(IMC)的模型检验,IMC是集功能描述和性能刻画为一体的并发系统模型,模型检验是一种自动功能验证与性能评价技术。文中提出的模型检验算法结合了传统的功能验证与性能评价的功能,并且与现有的算法相一致。实验分析表明,该算法具有较高的性能,适用于大型复杂系统的验证和评价。  相似文献   

Certain behavioral properties of distributed systems are difficult to express in interleaving semantics, whereas they are naturally expressed in terms of partial orders of events or, equivalently, Mazurkiewicz traces. Two examples of such properties are serializability of a database and global snapshots of concurrent systems. Recently, a modest extension for LTL by an operator that expresses snapshots, has been proposed. It combines the ease of linear (interleaving) specification with this useful partial order concept. The new construct allows one to assert that a global snapshot appeared in the past, perhaps not in the observed execution sequence, but possibly in an equivalent one.  相似文献   

检查并发系统的性质变得日益困难。随着验证方法的发展,一些复杂系统并发性越来越高,越来越难以理解。偏序约简方法被提出以减少自动验证并发系统所需要的时间和内存。文中介绍了偏序约简技术的主要概念和基本算法,介绍了其在LTL中的应用,提出了改进方法。  相似文献   

Abstract. Abstract. The field of communicative action-based modelling of business processes and information systems has attracted more and more attention in recent years. Inspired by the seminal work of Winograd and Flores, researchers have proposed several modelling approaches. In this article we discuss communicative action-based modelling approaches in general and the DEMO (dynamic essential modelling of organizations) approach in particular. Besides establishing the theoretical foundations of this modelling approach, we also apply DEMO to a case study, and we discuss how the resulting models can be used for information systems design and business process optimization.  相似文献   

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